Recent Content by peovici

  1. peovici
    Once you beat final Xemnas and save the clear game data and continue playing the game to complete it, is the Door to Kingdom Hearts still on the Altar of Naught
    and if it is, can you open it again?
    Thread by: peovici, May 7, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. peovici
    Crazimigit, where did you get that game cover?:confused:
    Post by: peovici, May 4, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. peovici
    In which game is this the final boss????
    Post by: peovici, May 3, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. peovici
    Anyone have an idea on why Baldy and the Dark Soldier have the same symbol of an eye on their keyblade just like Riku`s Souleater and Way to Dawn?
    Post by: peovici, Apr 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. peovici
    Ok, thx for the info.
    Post by: peovici, Apr 15, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. peovici
    It doesn`t matter if the keyblades have keychains or not.
    If it was all about the keychains, then the keyblades would
    be called chainblades.:o

    P.S.Everyone has keychains on their keyblades except
    the E.S. and the Roxas look-alike.
    Post by: peovici, Apr 15, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. peovici
    This is what he says when you fight him the first time:
    “Aqua… Ven… Keyblade… who are you? I can feel it… we have met before… it was when… No… it isn’t you… It isn’t you that I have chosen… Why is it not him… Xe… ha… nort… is that you? Xeha… nort… Xehanort!â€

    This is what he says when you defeat him:
    Enigmatic Soldier: I see. Your strength is… What I sensed in you is…

    This is what he says when you re-fight him:
    Enigmatic Soldier: So you have returned, young Keyblade user. I have no further power to give you. All I have is my hatred towards Xehanort. Will you allow me to engrave that into your heart?

    P.S. I think you get Limit Form after you defeat him. :)
    Post by: peovici, Apr 15, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. peovici
    Does anyone find it strange that the big Heartless that attacked Sora in the begining of KH1 looks just like the big Nobody that attacked Roxas in the begining of KH2 at the Station of Memories? Also they both made a gigantic ball of power and they summoned lower-class Heartless or Nobodies.:cool:
    Thread by: peovici, Feb 7, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. peovici
    Yes, it would be cool and both chaotic just like the scene with Riku.But after a try or two you would get the hang of it and it would rock!!!
    Post by: peovici, Jan 27, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. peovici
    Is there any way to beat Xaldin without him using his dragon ray?Has anyone managed to avoid or evade it? Im just curious.:)
    Thread by: peovici, Jan 27, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. peovici
    I heard that the stage where you fight Roxas will become playable,Castle Oblivion and the castle in Hollow Bastion from KH1.Whats up with that?
    Also,Castle Oblivion is the stage where you get to fight the Org. members from KH:CoM which you can later on fight in the Colliseum.:)
    Thread by: peovici, Jan 27, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX