xerozide walked 2 steps back, but fellt at the ground.he saw at the ground.."a little bug??!!!" he said, and shooted it. then he walked for more ammo.."need more..ammo." he said..he got the ammo, walked passed he`s friends that lied on the ground, "hi guys..why are you lying on the ground?" he asked..
xerozide heared some noise from behind "oh well.." he said and started the shooting again he saw some birds and a hangglider falling burning to the ground.."whoa! that was awesome!"
Xerozide takes hes supah dupah blastah and starts shooting in the air without aby reason wile yelling: "weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*inhale*eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
User name:organization_XIII
Name (for character:xerozide (xero for short)
Weapon:supah dupah blastah from down there
Power: darkness
Aperence;long haired boy named xerozide...he is kinda wierd..no one atually understand`s him..he came from norway for some time ago..he have no friends...just himself
crush;no one
Other: i`m not that good in english, because i`m from norway. hope you understand..