Recent Content by Ol'Sephy

  1. Ol'Sephy

    Oh my god!

    ...And this is what I come back to KHV to? Why am I surprised? This is Mike and Maggy we're talking about, so I have no idea why I'm surprised...

    Oh, and by the way... I'M BACK, FOOLS!

    - 2br02b
    Post by: Ol'Sephy, Mar 16, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Ol'Sephy
  3. Ol'Sephy
  4. Ol'Sephy
    Hello, all. None of you may remember me as Ol'Sephy, the lurking, lazy, inactive fool who hasn't been on here in years.

    Well that's about to change.

    All of my friends on here, (Tummer, Atiragrame, CGNet), are famous now. They all do awesome stuff. I kinda stand in the background, constantly annoying them, and blaming everything on Maggy. That much isn't going to change. However, what will change is that I will be posting on here more regularly, prolly to just further the agenda of my YouTube channel, ZackCopyNumber8. (Subscribe. You know you don't want to...) I've pretty much stopped writing fan-fictions and started playing a LOT of Minecraft and various MMOs. (By the way, screw MapleStory; Dragon Nest is better!) But I have been making videos. None of them KH related, but that might soon change. I'm not sure yet. *grin*

    So, for now, this is my official return to KHV... Until I disappear again. *gigglesnort*


    - 2br02b
    Thread by: Ol'Sephy, Feb 14, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  5. Ol'Sephy
    Well, thanks! I'll try 63 as the value when I get a chance. Maybe the max value for party members is set differently than for bosses...?

    Also, Sephiroth&Cloud, I apologize for being a COMPLETE moron in my last post. It turns out that I was pressing the animation Joker BEFORE the model joker. So, it would freeze/BSOD on me. I got the Final Xemnas code working, but his attacks suck, (as in he only ever hits out of sheer luck), and he's a mushball. I'll retry the Cloud and Axel ones, ASAP and get back to you...

    - 2br02b
    Post by: Ol'Sephy, Jun 8, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Ol'Sephy
    Oh! I didn't realize that someone had replied! xD

    Yeah, I know hex, (well, not memorized, but I can figure it out easily enough). I put in the suggested maximum value for Current/Max HP, and FF for Strength and Defense. Is it that you can't use that high of a value for them? I know that you can only put in a maximum of 3,400 HP, (D48 in hex)... Maybe you can only put in a certain amount for Strength and Defense...? It kinda doesn't make sense, though, as I know for a fact that you can have 255, (or FF), in both of those stats: Donald has 255 Magic and Goofy has 255 Strength and Sora has 255 in BOTH, all on one file. I tried using no other codes but that one to make the fight with Axel in the Mansion REALLY hard, (aka instant death upon entering), and he did the same amount of damage and had the same amount of health as he normally would. Am I doing something wrong here?

    While I wait for a reply, I'm gonna try some other values to see if I can get it to work...

    - 2br02b

    EDIT: You might be glad that I put this in Spoiler tags...

    Sephiroth&Cloud, did you make these codes? If so, did you test them out before posting them? I'm not trying to point fingers or be rude, but it annoys me to no end when people say "Here's that code that everyone's been wanting to be released!" and then everyone finds out that they're duds.

    This part's for any of you who like making codes and like releasing stuff... If you're going to release a code, PLEASE make sure that it works on a PS2, not JUST the emulator.

    Also, if anyone thinks I'm mini-modding, please, don't look at it that way. I'm just a little annoyed and wishing EVERYONE tested their codes before releasing them. At least ask someone ELSE to test them, if you can't...

    Okay, enough of the wanna-be mini-modding. That is all. =)

    - 2br02b
    Post by: Ol'Sephy, Jun 7, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Ol'Sephy
    NOTE: I updated Chapter One, (first post), to be more accurate to the following chapter's section with Zack...

    Chapter Three: Land of Departure...
    Countdown to the Connecting of Worlds: 14 years

    A young, black-haired boy ran through the gardens toward the Masters' Studies. He wore a tan and black robe with silver fastenings. He was a studier of the versatility of the Keyblade. Master Eraqus stood in front of the large, castle-like building with arms folded over his chest. The sever-year-old ran right up to him and stopped, panting. Then, after a moment, stood straight and saluted.

    "Master! Forgive me for being late!" The boy stopped saluting and stood at attention. The Master laughed.

    "There is nothing to forgive, young one." He turned around and went to the doors into the Studies. He stopped with the door held open. "Come this way."

    The boy nodded and followed the Master into the Studies. Along the walls were pictures of old Masters, long gone. At the end of the hall was a portrait that was easily twice the size of the others. On it was the likeness of the Master who had recently died, Master Ador. He had been the youngest Master ever to become so. Eraqus stopped in front of it. After a short pause, he spoke.

    "He was your age," he said, "when he first graced these halls with his power. He was a wonder. Only 16, and he became a Master." He paused. "Passed the Master's Exam with the highest score on record... Damn Unversed..." He stared off into space at the smiling, young face of Master Ador's portrait. Then, he turned back to the boy, smiling. "If you become as good as him, make sure you don't get over-confident."

    The boy nodded promptly, always one to please the superiors. Eraqus laughed.

    "Come on. I have someone you should meet."

    They continued walking until they made it to Eraqus' Study. When he opened the door, they both saw a young boy of about 10 years old standing at the window, looking out at all the beautiful scenery. He wore the same kind of robe that the younger boy wore, and had spiky, blond hair. He turned when they entered. He smiled at the younger boy and sized him up. Apparently approving of what he saw, he came over to them and held out his hand. The younger boy took it.

    "Hi. I'm Adrian." He said, smiling. The blond-haired boy smiled and let go of Adrian's hand.

    "Hey there. My name's Ventus. But you can call me Ven."

    Meanwhile, in Midgar's Sector 8 Plaza...


    The young SOLDIER turned as a he heard his buddy, Kunsel, call out his name. He smiled.

    "'Sup, Kunsel? You got some time off?"

    "No time for chatting, man. You gotta get back to HQ, ASAP!" He seemed frantic. Almost... Scared.

    "Kunsel, come on! Pull yourself together! You're SOLDIER, aren't you?" Zack started jogging back to the Shin-Ra Building with him. They spoke on the way. "What's goin' on? Something wrong?"

    "There's NO WAY I'll be able to describe it right. You just gotta see if for yourself." As Zack looked at him, he saw that Kunsel was sweating and his eyes were dilated, like he'd been staring into a black hole, or something.

    They made it back and took the elevator to the SOLDIER floor. A couple 1st Class SOLDIERS, namely Genesis and Sephiroth, were standing near the front of a crowd, which was separated into 2nd's and 3rd's. Zack and Kunsel got with the 3rd's. Sephiroth spoke.

    "We have a situation in the Training Room." His cool, collected voice was a real contrast against the way that Kunsel had been acting earlier and the terrified faces of the SOLDIERs around them. "Many of you have seen it already, but the Director has sealed off the room. We need one or two of you to go in with helmet cams to investigate. You will be paid extra overtime wages as well as get a bonus on your next paycheck. Do any of you want to volunteer?"

    The whole room went silent. It literally looked like the whole crowd shrunk away from the word "volunteer." Zack shrugged.

    "I'll do it."

    As if he'd just said that he'd stop a meteor from destroying the planet, everyone in the whole room slowly looked over to him and stared. He shrugged again.

    "It can't be THAT bad, can it? We're SOLDIER..." He faltered after looking around. "R-right...?"

    Genesis stepped forward. "You have no idea what's in there. What if it was, say, a black vortex that we can't see anything in?"

    Zack regained his composure.

    "It's nothing I can't handle!"

    "If you're sure..." Genesis and Sephiroth made their way to Zack as the crowd parted for them. The three of them walked toward the Training Room amidst whispers and murmurs from the SOLDIER operatives around them. When they were in front of the door, Sephiroth turned to Zack.

    "We can't go in with you. The more people there are in there, the more violent the vortex gets."

    "So you weren't kidding about that, huh?" Zack muttered.

    "Why would I be?" Genesis went over to the door's control and started putting in the access code.

    "Just go in and investigate." Sephiroth handed Zack a headset that had a camera attached to it. "Don't go too near the vortex if you can help it. We'll monitor your progress from the Briefing Room."

    "Roger!" Zack pulled his sword off his back and faced the door after putting on the headset camera. Genesis opened the door and Zack entered.

    The door slid closed behind him and he was plunged into the red glow of the emergency lights. A voice crackled in his ear from the ear-piece that was attached to the headset.

    "Activating overhead lighting..." A moment later, the lights in the room flickered on. Zack gasped at what he saw.

    The room was thrashed: computers were ripped apart; the lights were hanging from the ceiling. But the strangest things were the glass of the Training Room's simulator and the strange strands that were flowing from various points around the room. The glass wasn't broken. Despite the obvious damage to the rest of the room, the glass was intact. Also, the flowing strands were light-green in color and seemed to be flowing THROUGH the glass into the simulator. And, inside the simulator, the most shocking part of the picture was swirling and flickering in a dark, shadowy vortex. It looked like the green strands were being pulled into it...

    Then, Zack saw something that scared him more than anything else in the room. A girl with brown hair with a pink bow in it wearing brown boots and a pink dress was standing, back to him, staring into the tempest. The edges of her figure were blurring and most of the green strands were flowing out of her into the tempest. He stepped forward and tried calling out. But his voice made no noise. It was as if all sound had been canceled out. Suddenly, as if she'd heard him, the girl turned to him. Then, he saw her eyes...

    They were deep black. And as empty as the vortex that flowed behind her.

    He heard Sephiroth's voice yelling, but as if it was miles away. Then, a deep ringing filled his ears as he felt himself fall forward, a black abyss of emptiness enveloping him until he felt nothing, at all.

    End of Chapter Three...
    Post by: Ol'Sephy, Jun 3, 2010 in forum: Archives
  8. Ol'Sephy
    Thank you so much! I appreciate your support.

    Also, if at all possible, I would like some constuctive criticism about my style, grammar, or inaccuracies in the story. I'm trying to keep it accurate for Part One, so...

    I'll update sometime in the next week.

    - 2br02b
    Post by: Ol'Sephy, Jun 1, 2010 in forum: Archives
  9. Ol'Sephy
    Wow. Almost half of the members who have posted in this thread have been banned... >.<


    Has anyone had a problem with the Moveset Mod not working? I've gotten a few of the Weaponset Mods working on my R4, (like Axel dual-wielding Saix's Claymores -- he back-wields one of them!), but the moveset always stays the same. For instance, with Axel, he'll do his own attacks, blocks, movements, and Limit, but he'll be dual-wielding Saix's weapon. It looks cool, but it glitches, making me take damage every time I attack, until I only have 1 HP left. One hit = dead.

    So, if anyone could test this on an R4, I'd appreciate it! I just put in a Joker for Select and then two separate codes that made the player's weaponset and moveset be Saix's. The weaponset works really well with Axel, for reference.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who helps. If I get helped at all...

    - 2br02b
    Post by: Ol'Sephy, Jun 1, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Ol'Sephy
    Chapter Two: Destiny Islands...
    Countdown to the Connecting of Worlds: 15 years

    "What do you mean, 'he's special?' He's only six years old! How can you know ANYTHING about him?!"

    "I assure you, he has power held within him that would be beneficial to the ends I wish to achieve. I give you my word that he will come to no harm."

    It was a warm evening on Destiny Islands' world. A woman held her son close to her as an elderly-looking, silver-haired man stood before her, hands clasped behind his back. His sharp, beady eyes bored into her's, almost as if they were trying to see into her soul...

    "He will be treated with the utmost of care. He will be trained to harness the power held within him and he will save many lives... How can you turn down this opportunity for your son?"

    The woman wavered. The man smiled: he had her.

    "How about this? You think about it. All you have to do is be on the beach in one week," he held out one finger to emphasize this particular point, "and, if you have him, I will take him with me. I will bring him back every year on the anniversary of the day I took him. You can also come with me... Then, you need not miss a single moment with him."

    The woman's eyes went vacant for a moment as she considered this. This man spoke of other worlds, far from home. But, what would her husband say? She was still pregnant with her second child...

    As if he had already thought of this and knew that she was thinking about it, the man said, "Your husband is welcome to come along, as well..."

    That was all it took. The woman's eyes came back into focus and she nodded.

    "You have a deal, mister...?"

    The man held out his hand.

    "Just call me Xehanort."

    Meanwhile, in the Land of Departure...


    The young, blue-haired girl turned at the sound of her friend's voice. The boy who ran at her had spiky, brown hair and wore tan and gold clothes - the signature of one who studied the power of the Keyblade.

    "Hey, Terra." Aqua kept walking as Terra caught up to her. "How do you think you did on your Initiation Exam?"

    "Oh, not to bad. It was pretty easy for the most part. But that part about magic...?" He made a sound of disgust.

    "You REALLY don't like magic, do you?" Aqua said, laughing.

    "Nah, it's not that. I'm just not GOOD at it! It ticks me off how Eraqus wants us to study ALL aspects of fighting. Magic, power, finesse... I can get power good. No problem! And finesse is okay, I guess. I can move around faster than most of the other students. But magic? I can't even cast Cure without setting something on fire!"

    "You'll get used to it." Aqua patted him on the shoulder.

    They walked back to the dorms and went their separate ways. Later that night, Terra lay awake, suddenly unable to sleep. He felt a strange feeling creeping up on him. Like some kind of monster was lurking toward him in the distance. He could see it, but it was out of focus. Blurry. He shook his head. He'd deal with it in the morning. Maybe, if Xehanort came back tomorrow, he'd be able to help...

    One week later, on Destiny Islands...

    It was late, and a cool wind was blowing in off the ocean. The mother and father of the black-haired boy stood on the beach, waiting for that mysterious man to return. The mother looked at her husband and saw that he had his face turned up to the star-lit sky, eyes closed. She followed suit and enjoyed the breeze.

    The young boy stared out at the ocean. There was little island in the distance, with the moon setting over it. He looked closer and saw that there was a flickering light on it. Then, a pillar of shadow flashed across the moon. The boy tugged on his mother's pant leg.

    "Mommy. He's here."

    "Who's here? The silver-haired man?" The mother looked around. She frowned. "Hun, there's nobody here..."

    The boy simply pointed out to sea. Way out in the distance between the small island and the one they were on, there was a boat. It was speeding faster than any boat that they'd ever seen go before. On it, lit from behind by the pale moonlight, was Xehanort. The three people on the beach couldn't see it, but he had a wicked smile on his face. A smile that, if the parents had seen it, would have deterred this deal from EVER being set up.

    And so, the story of Adrian begins.

    End of Chapter Two...
    Post by: Ol'Sephy, Jun 1, 2010 in forum: Archives
  11. Ol'Sephy
    @Marushi: Wait, it's a GAME? If it is, then what program are you using to make it? Depending on what you're using, I could help...

    Also, I have a couple KH prequel/alternate stories, if you're interested. Just search "Final Master" and "At the Chaotic Brink of Insanity" in whatever section fan-fics would be in, (I haven't worked on them in almost a year, so I wouldn't know)...
    Post by: Ol'Sephy, Jun 1, 2010 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  12. Ol'Sephy
    *casts Arise on this group*

    That is all. xD
    Post by: Ol'Sephy, Jun 1, 2010 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  13. Ol'Sephy
    @Coyote Starrk: I didn't call Zack... But why wouldn't I be able to, in the first place? He's from FFVII, isn't he? Or did I miss something?

    And, if y'all didn't know, I'm pretty sure that I was actually in the Advent Members thread... I'm a lurker. xD
    Post by: Ol'Sephy, Jun 1, 2010 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  14. Ol'Sephy
    Sorry to say, but none of these seem to work. I went to the Hall of the Cornerstone to do the Play as Cloud code, it transitioned from the Disney Castle BGM to Hollow Bastion, then BSOD'd. When I tried the Xemnas code, (which, apparently, has worked for people in the past, or else it wouldn't be on the front page), it loaded the scene, then showed me as a T-stanced Xemnas at the 1st Xemnas fight. Then, before the fight actually started, it froze.

    On a side note, while the Play as Cloud code is active, replacing Donald and Goofy with Tifa and Yuffie, for some odd reason, replaced them with T-stanced Valor and Wisdom Form allies who didn't un-T-stance, even when hit. O.o

    Any advice?

    Also, I can't seem to get the Boss Stat Mod(s) to work at all. People keep having problems with the bosses having maxed out stats, only. I can't get it to do anything, at all.

    Once again... Any advice?

    Thanks in advance... If I don't get ignored this time. xD

    - 2br02b

    Quick Edit: I just realized that the Play as Xemnas code is for Final Xemnas. O.o I wonder why it made me pop up as "normal" Xemnas, then...?
    Post by: Ol'Sephy, Jun 1, 2010 in forum: Code Vault