Recent Content by Oathkeeper618

  1. Oathkeeper618
    Name: Allegretto
    Age: 16
    Race: unknown (thinks i'm a nobody demons/angel maybe human)
    Powers: Hydro/Cyrokensis sees "Things"
    Wepon: Rapier, Bow&Arrows, Sword, Gauntlets, Keybalde like weapon
    Appearance: 5'7 and skinny tan-ish skin (more to the brownish side) white-ish gray hair thats spiked in six big spikes going to the front to cover my left eye and always wears some shirt that has to do with music. (my actual real life apperance)
    Bio: My name is Allegretto and I am 16 in th 10 grade I drive a Red '66 Mustang (when my older brother was killed it was the only thing I had left of him.) I live with my dog but beside that I live alone I don't dye my hair (even though most people seem to thinks so) I was born with a discolouration pigment so it's naturally white-gray. I also live in what I call the Death District because of all the souls and Nobodys, Demons, Vampires, Werewolfs, Soul Eaters, ETC that attack that area. I have been alone since i was in the sixth grade when both my parents were killed in a tragic "accident" ever sice then I lived with my brother who shared some of my ability in seeing souls/spirts.
    Grade: Sophomore
    Other Info: Lives in apartment wit his pet dog, Wishbone very active outside of school he does Fencing, Achery, Tae Kwon Do, ETC. I knows where every pressure piont in the body is. I can also read the souls the those around alive or dead.
    Post by: Oathkeeper618, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  2. Oathkeeper618
    username: Oathkeeper618
    Character Name: Allegretto
    Apperance: see above (or next) <----
    Wepons: whatever i get my hands on turns into one!
    The Side I'm On: good?
    Post by: Oathkeeper618, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)