Hey. It's been forever since i've been on here, sorry. But, i've finally gotten my phones internet back up, so VM me when you're on.
Sorry for the late reply. I've been watching anime for a while and its occupying my time. What about you?
Welcome. ^^
Im like totally loving your avys! Both of them.
Yeah, it does, doesnt it.
Hah, it really upsets my mom too. But, oh well. I be soooo bored.
Exactly. And then it'd be like only half an hour after my mom leaves and i'll start calling her to bug her because im so bored.
Hah, i know what you mean. Its like as soon as my mom leaves i want to throw a party, but then like 30 minutes later im bored and lonely. T_T
Hey, sorry for the wait. I havent been on in so long. I was banned from the computer, and im only on now, cuz im home alone. It's been so long,...
Hey. Sorry about the wait. I havent been on in a while. Got in trouble and was banned from the computer. Im only on know, cuz im home alone.