Recent Content by Naminé_

  1. Naminé_

    The Broken

    OOC: GAH! My User CP isn't working properly or something because it doesn't show when this thread is updated like it's supposed to! ._. I didn't know anyone had replied, so sorry for my lateness! *bows* And also..I have not talked to Nijimono for a month! ._.; And it's my birthday..I want to see him! By the way Rexyggor, Roxas is simply Sora spelled the Nobody way. =P Sorreh. In Japanese it's pronounced more like Rokkusasu "Rocks ***" HAH. Sorry..had to put that in there because it always cracks me up.

    The blonde girl cast her head to the side for a moment, taking note of what the hand signal looked like. It made sense in a way, that the sign for her name would be a wave, but she did admit it looked a little funny. At least when she attempted to do it. " this..?" She blushed as she wiggled her hand, to be truthful, it was a pretty pathetic try..
    Post by: Naminé_, May 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Naminé_

    The Broken

    OOC: Actually, yeah. Like Rexyggor I don't know about Kairi's. I haven't bothered to look it up. XD *pokes at her Almighty Japanese - English dictionary*
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 30, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Naminé_
    I'll agree with the whole "I don't like yaoi unless it's actually two gay men playing it". Not to be mean or rude or anything..but I don't really like it when fangirls pick up a male character just to play him as gay. I understand the fact that everyone should be able to play however they like in roleplay, especially for the sake of fanfiction, but then most of those yaoi fangirls end up dissing me when I do a yuri. YES, I like girls in real. I also like men. Yaoi is fun to look at, I'll admit, but I'm not a fangirl for the same reason that Sou isn't so into yuri.

    Why like a guy who won't like me?

    Anyways, I'm not biased about roleplay. Even if I don't like it, I won't go against someone who decides to let yaoi into any of the roleplays I'm in.

    As long as I get my yuri demmit >D
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Naminé_
    OOC: Um, you can go ahead and delete me too. If anyone would like to know why I'm quiting this thread you may PM me. ^^; Arigatou and good luck in your continuation.
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Naminé_

    The Broken

    Naminé watched the movements of her fingers with interest, then looked down to read the word that had been written. "Lilly.." She smiled, then mimiced the motions that had just been done. "This, right? It's a nice name. A flower. My name comes from the wavering tides." She then turned to glance back at the freezer room, contemplating the question. "I'm not sure, but if you'd like. It's not really a bother to me..since.. I have nothing else to do now.. Perhaps we could work here together, since the summer is coming."
    The owner of the shop wouldn't be around until closing time, but maybe Lilly would stick around until then. "Hm, hey, can you teach me my name with those hand movements too?"

    OOC: Yay! Thanks Raye, it's been a while since I've done Sign Language.
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Naminé_
    Well everyone, my time here draws to a close, I have to finish up my nightly paperwork so I can get home and get some sleep. Zzzz.. #_#
    *bows, then waves* Goodnight everyone! We might be around again tomorrow. Nami's taken medicine that makes her drowsy is all.
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 25, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  7. Naminé_
    Eeep! @ neverending dhoom

    *hides beneath a white umbrella*
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 25, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  8. Naminé_
    Poor thing! How did you get cut? xx; Was it a knife?!
    *'borrows' Riku's blindfold and ties up Tidus' eyes*
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 25, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Naminé_
    Wow, I've never seen this evil side of Mr. Ned before..

    Are you wireless, Eastercat?
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 25, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  10. Naminé_
    Staring isn't very nice Tidus..

    *unclings from DPWolf and pounces No-no!* G'day! Well actually..buenas noches! I'm alright, I was sick for a bit yesterday. ._.; Sore throat.
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 25, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Naminé_
    O.M.G.!!! *squeal, clings to DPWolf* Yes! I love Danny Phantom. It's a very original and funny show! Sam is awesome. XD Can you PM me the site you're downloading the episodes from? I don't really need them to be uploaded for me. <333
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 25, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Naminé_
    *gasp* Send me! Wait..what's DP? *just walked in a little lost*
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 25, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  13. Naminé_
    XD!! Now you're just spamming. *sticks tongue*
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 25, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  14. Naminé_
    ^ correct!

    < doesn't have homework, but IS at work right now ._.

    V will do my job for me? <3
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 25, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Naminé_

    PC Flyff

    I'm on this game, however my two characters are on the LaWolf server =/ And it seems like you're all on Mia. Oh well! I've got a level 47 Mage and 23 Assist. XD I used to play this game a lot but I sorta stopped back in October. Just got back into it yesterday thanks to my boyfriend. Look for me if you'd like: TabithaBlume or Entina. I give free buffs! =D
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 25, 2007 in forum: Gaming