I'm gonna text her and see if next weekend is okay. D| It's her last weekend here.
You'll have to come over sometime soooon~ We also need to have you, Kym, and Louise over for a goodbye-ish party thing for Louise. 8|
YES. I got my acceptance letter today. B| I'm an official Hogwarts student; Ravenclaw, actually. 6th year.
I SEE HOW IT IS. I SEE. YEAH. I SEE HOW IT IS. obtw; I got accepted into Hogwarts, so if I'm afk all summer, I'm probably there. 8)
Glad to hear you're okay. |D
Just checking to see how well you guys are holding up over there. Weather's pretty crazy today, and there's a definite tornado warning for all of...
I got lots a secksy pictures of Gav~~
I'mma get off the comp. and go outside to take some pictures of Gav before it rains and while I still have my gramma's camera. c: I'll ttyl, dahling~
HELLS TO THE YES. 8D I like this idea~~ *skips off to the other forum to set it up?*
|D Ohh, Gavin. I'm getting him a new wig~ It's gonna be shortish and black. Not as fluffy. It'll be used for his more human-esque self. o: The...
xD I just think it fits him. Alcohol, sex, and drugs. SOOO Gavin.
YOU. The song, Comin' in Hot by Hollywood Undead. Gavin's song, I is thinking? o: Either that, or Gangster Sexy.
Thanks. <3
Hey, you. Can I use your email to make one of the backup forums?
Fff. I don't love you. NO LOVE. *HAS NO LOVE* .... <<