Ouch, that sucks, you feeling better? Oh I'm not doing too much, just working and filling out mountains of paperwork for the mission. >_>;
Lol, sorry I kinda spaced and forgot to check my messages. When you come to a site to talked to one person, I dunno, it's easy to overlook. SORRY...
Then dance! xD
Lol my bad wasn't trying to compete. But yeah, I hate when that happens, after it rains it should be sunny darnit.
Lol, I live in Houston, Texas, I feel your pain when it comes to humidity and stickiness. D;
Lol, yeah I had today off and I pretty much did the exact same thing. Sleep. xD
Make sure to just sit there and do nothing all weekend. xD
Well did you end up getting to enjoy any of it at all? D;
That's good make sure to enjoy every minute of it. xD
Lol thanks. And remember to relax sometimes, it makes the work a little better. ;D
I don't have to go. But I really do feel like it's a good thing to do. And thanks, I hope it's a good experience too. ^-^ So whatcha been up to?
Yeah but after summer I am going on a two year religious missionary trip. ;-;
Hanging in there, college kicking my butt. D; Thanks for asking.
Oh huh, so you still remember me? Was kinda cool to see you commented on my profile just two months ago. xD How ya been?
lol yeah I know exactly what you mean. D;