Last Activity:
Jan 16, 2019
Nov 12, 2008
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Sep 26, 1991 (Age: 33)
Home Page:


Moogle Assistant, 33

Don't think twice Jan 16, 2019

mojxar was last seen:
Jan 16, 2019
    1. The Mender
      The Mender
      no worries m8 that is what i am here for lol
    2. The Mender
      The Mender
      thanks m8 feel free to use that one lol
    3. The Mender
      The Mender
      thanks she was in my collage clase we had talked for a while but i never saw her as more in till my 18 bday party i thort i would ask her and she .... well the way i asked her she could not say no lol i am achaly quite prowed of myself with this one, i heled her chin turned her face kissed her on the lips and asked her out and she said yes and we spent the rest of the night watching howl's moveing chasle
    4. The Mender
      The Mender
      not bad m8 moved in with my gf and been spending time with my m8s life is good at the mo how are you then m8
    5. The Mender
      The Mender
      to be fair m8 13 is the shitist ff yet besides the ones on the computer wich are terrible i have not played it properly yet but all i have seen and been told about it just adds to my thinking that is is rubbish so to be fair i am not realy looking forwould to the next one because that one dose not sound that much better buecause all u are is lightings sister witch the first one is about saving her
    6. The Mender
      The Mender
      i have from my twin i will proberly get it lol (when it comes out)
    7. The Mender
      The Mender
      I haven't yet, and merry christmas to you to (bah humbug)
    8. sephiroth256
      i have seen up to the fight with bakuya against ichigo and i will have a look for fullmetal alchemist. by the way have you seen strait jacket the film
    9. The Mender
      The Mender
      lol i like oogie boogie (i can even do his laff) 'i feel like a million bugs'
    10. sephiroth256
      i watch some mainly bleach u?
    11. The Mender
      The Mender
      no can't stand twinkal twincal holidays bring back public hangings on crismas i say lol what can i say i don't like everyone being happy lol i prefer chaos and destruchion but throwing ice from the freezer at singers is also good lol how about you any plains
    12. sephiroth256
      cool i might have to as well
    13. The Mender
      The Mender
      lol he never did it is just in the way he speakes i made it up lol and cool thanks lol (guess you want to start a rpg well game oh)
    14. The Mender
      The Mender
      well to put it a way that Leon "it is but time that slips through your finger or a wind in your hair but so long as you traval the path that you are ment to and meet people that will travel that path with you the you can say that you lived life so in short life is a game and a path lol (or i could just say is that you isaaru?)
    15. sephiroth256
      yeah true it might be better
    16. sephiroth256
      it looks good but the sounds are really bad and i think the music makes a game
    17. sephiroth256
      yeah i am also looking forward to ffxiii-2
    18. sephiroth256
      anything really lol
    19. sephiroth256
      yeah but not online why?
    20. The Mender
      The Mender
      wow you have some free time on your hands lol what was that about lol
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    Sep 26, 1991 (Age: 33)
    Home Page: