Oct 18, 2006
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Mar 6, 1992 (Age: 32)


The dude that does the thing, Male, 32

    1. Love
      Hey, hows it going? Long time no see. :) I would have hit you up on skype but I have made the switch from skype to discord because I could no longer take the lag.
    2. Amaury
      Can you use the Find and Replace feature in Excel to replace text only in a certain column or row? (I'm not seeing anything in the advanced options for Find and Replace.) For example, if I want to apply the color blue to cells that contain the word "blue," I can obviously use the Find and Replace dialogue box to do that. However, if I only want it to be done to, say, row three, how would I do that?
      1. Mixt
        I'm not sure one way or another on that. I've never needed to before and while it seems reasonable I'm not sure how I would actually try to tell the program what I wanted. Although your example falls more in the domain of conditional formatting.
        Apr 17, 2017
        Jack S likes this.
      2. Amaury
        Yeah, that'd work, too, of course. A better example would be wanting to change the text "blue" to "red" only in row three.
        Apr 18, 2017
    3. Amaury
      About time!
      1. Mixt
        I mean, I'm always happy to teach what I know but time is a very broad and complicated topic.
        Mar 31, 2017
    4. Amaury
      I recently changed to Outlook 2016. Any idea why you can't use domain names for message rules in Outlook 2016? Using domain names, you can cover an entire domain rather than having to add a rule via an individual email message and hope it covers everything (http://i.imgur.com/o9UHS3L.png), which it doesn't always, or add multiple rules, such as one for verify@example.com, one for notify@example.com...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Amaury
        However, that method doesn't seem to work with Outlook 2016, at least not using the "from public or public group" rule, the one that makes the most sense to use.
        Mar 15, 2017
      3. Amaury
        I mean, I suppose I could use the "with specific words in the sender's address" method, and then I could do what I want. It would get the job done, I guess, but it's still strange.
        Mar 15, 2017
      4. Mixt
        I'm not experienced in outlook, but that should work fine. I can't think of a situation where that would lead to a false positive or anything. Really as far as I can tell the two options even seem to function in the same manner under the hood (find string in address), they were probably just separate in an attempt to make the user think of different use cases.
        Mar 15, 2017
        Jack S likes this.
    5. Amaury
      One thing I like about Excel is that even with the large workbook I have for the activity log, it opens instantly, whereas in OpenOffice Calc, it has to load the document, which takes at least a minute, I think. The only waiting with Excel is the starting logo before the spreadsheet opens, which isn't even a second.
    6. Amaury
      Why you no have avatar!?
      1. Mixt
        When setting it back from the joke one I wanted to update it to be a higher resolution. But I've been lazy.
        Jan 12, 2017
        Jack S likes this.
      2. Amaury
        Stop being lazy and hop to it! ;)
        Feb 13, 2017
    7. Amaury
      Can you answer in Technology? You're an expert.
    8. Amaury
      You're naked.
      1. Mixt
        The breeze feels nice.
        Nov 12, 2016
        Zelda, . : tale_wind and Jack S like this.
    9. Amaury
      Yeah, from what I know, discussion is fine, and in this case, I own the games. It's just when it gets to the "how to" part that it becomes a problem, but there can sometimes be gray areas there, so...

      I may give that try if it comes to it, and if I do, I will hit you up on Skype for any additional questions.
    10. Iskandar
      You see the Kingsglaive film yet?
      1. Mixt
        Not yet. showtime is about 5 hours out still.
        Aug 21, 2016
      2. Iskandar
        wow, you've got a late showing
        Aug 21, 2016
    11. Iskandar
      Make sure you stay all the way through the credits when you go see the movie tomorrow. There's a second or two where the screen stays black, but then it plays the credit scene. And those credits are deceptively long. About halfway through it looks like it's going to end when they show all the logos and company names, but then it goes on again. You'll know when it's done because it'll say SQUARE ENIX at the end.
    12. Amaury
      I use M/D/YYYY (eg, 2/5/2016) for my spreadsheet dates. For some reason when I input 1/2 or 1/4 and press enter, which will automatically add the current year, or type the next slash and the year, it automatically changes to the small 1/2 and 1/4 (as in measurements).

      I could type Jan 2 or 4 as a workaround, but is there any way to not have it do that?
      1. Mixt
        You could go to "Tools > AutoCorrect Options" and remove the conflicts. Or a leading zero will stop it from matching the autocorrect list (such as 01/2)
        Feb 20, 2016
        Jack S likes this.
    13. Love
      *whisper, whisper* Hey Mixt this is the voice at the back of your mind, it's telling you to get on skype !! *whisper, whisper*
    14. Amaury
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Amaury
        I can't tell the latter, anyway, since you're being sneaky.
        Apr 28, 2015
      3. Mixt

        Don't worry, I left on good terms and I will probably try and get the position back later.
        Apr 28, 2015
      4. Amaury
        Hectic life right now?
        Apr 28, 2015
    15. Amaury
      Welp, fun while it lasted! :D
    16. Amaury
      Don't forget your user title.

      Back to the oldie, eh?
      1. Mixt
        What can I say, souls of the damned are yummy. (I'm due for a replacement, but I lack the inspiration to make a suitable replacement at the moment)
        Jan 17, 2015
    17. Amaury
      Guess who has to have their CPU replaced again? This guy.

      Fan died God knows how long ago. It's part of the whole unit, though, and someone from another forum thinks that the fan dying and causing the CPU to overheat when doing intensive tasks, like rendering a video, could possibly have damaged it, so the whole thing will need to be replaced again.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Amaury
        Thank you. :)

        Already got that done. See the update notes in my Stupid Computer thread.
        Jan 5, 2015
      3. Amaury
        I'm still in shock. I mean, it would seem like common sense that an hour video would take an hour or more to process due to the length, but I guess not.
        Jan 5, 2015
      4. Amaury
        Thank you, by the way! Your awesome technical responses when it comes to stuff like this are always appreciated.
        Jan 6, 2015
    18. Amaury
      Fact: I like you.
      Fact: You're cool.

      And I just realized your username is your real name twisted around like Roxam as well as the Organization XIII members. /lateonrealizing
      1. Amaury
        Help me brainstorm anagrams for Amaury that sound best, as you put it. :D
        Dec 28, 2014
    19. Amaury
      Nights and I got everything, except BF5: Honest Opinions.

      We can't figure out what the hint is. Any help, please? T_T
      1. Amaury
        After spending about an hour, we of course get it figured out... -_- *cries*
        Dec 26, 2014
      2. Mixt
        And now begins what I consider to be the hardest move in the castle, though like all puzzles difficulty will vary by who is solving it.
        Dec 26, 2014
    20. Amaury
      Who you gonna be for this year's CO event?
      1. Mixt
        Wait and see. Muwahahaha. (I totally didn't procrastinate on picking one. What are you talking about.)
        Dec 24, 2014
      2. Amaury
        Oh, Mixt... -_-
        Dec 24, 2014
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  • About

    Mar 6, 1992 (Age: 32)


    There are some friends, some that I hardly know, but we've had some times I wouldn't trade for the world.
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