Recent Content by Meshari Maestro

  1. Meshari Maestro
    My PS2 model number is SCPH-90001
    Post by: Meshari Maestro, Nov 12, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Meshari Maestro
    Yes, I'm using a blank disc in which I burned KH2 FM on it from my computer. After that, I started codebreaker and then after i putted the codes, I replaced the codebreaker disc with KH2 FM disc in the disc tray of my Non-japanese PS2. From that point, the codes didn't work at all. Do i need the original KH2 FM disc in order to use these codes from Codebreaker, or i can use these FM codes with a burned disc? And do i need swapmagic in order for my codes to work on my burned disc?
    Post by: Meshari Maestro, Nov 10, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Meshari Maestro
    yes I'm using a Non-Japanese PS2, but i didn't ever use Swap Magic. I only used Codebreaker V10 disc.
    Post by: Meshari Maestro, Nov 9, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Meshari Maestro
    I need help. After i put my codes on codebreaker, I started kh2 fm on my PS2 and none of the codes worked at all. NONE OF THEM! I even tried putting the mastercode and enabled it, then once i started KH2 FM, the screen was black and it stayed black. It never showed the logo screen main menu.
    These are the mastercodes I used which triggered the black screen of death:
    903088E0 0C0C21E0

    F02F5EF8 002F5EFB

    What should i do to make the codes work?
    Codebreaker I'm using is Codebreaker V10
    Post by: Meshari Maestro, Nov 9, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Meshari Maestro
    Hello everyone! I need help.
    You see, In the Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix code thread, they added one more role mod code that wasn't added here (that code is bolded in yellow).

    KH2FM Role Mod
    Player is: 2036C3DC XXXXXXXX
    Party Members are: 2036C3E0 XXXXXXXX
    NPCs are: 2036C3E4 XXXXXXXX
    Bosses are: 2036C3E8 XXXXXXXX
    Enemies are: 2036C3EC XXXXXXXX
    Weapons are: 2036C3F0 XXXXXXXX
    Partners are: 2036C400 XXXXXXXX
    Large Bosses are: 2036C40C XXXXXXXX
    Summons are: 2036C428 XXXXXXXX
    Tough Enemies are: 2036C430 XXXXXXXX

    0016F154- Player
    0016F164- Party Member
    0016F298- Neutral
    0016F17C- Boss
    0016F1A4- Enemy
    0016F1F4- Partner
    0016F244- Large Boss
    0016F350- Summon
    0016F3A0- Tough Enemy

    Can anyone port this yellow code from KH2FM to KH2 NTSC?
    Post by: Meshari Maestro, Sep 18, 2015 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Meshari Maestro
    Sorry for the bump, but I need help of a code that caught my attention.
    Can anyone port this JPN code to USA, please?

    cannot be hurt
    20224D00 08030000
    200c0000 24050005
    200c0004 9e240014
    200c0008 08089343

    I'm guessing it is an invincibility code for this game.
    Post by: Meshari Maestro, Dec 30, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Meshari Maestro
    Can anyone port the PAL Boss Relocation codes to NTSC? Please, I can't find it anywhere on this topic. I only found it in the PAL version.
    I love Kurt Zisa and Parasite Cage and also Darkside, so only these three bosses I want ported. However, If you can port all of the bosses, that would be great too. I only have the NTSC version of KH.
    Thank You!
    Post by: Meshari Maestro, Dec 29, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Meshari Maestro
    In Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix, they added one more role mod code that I would like to request in KH2 (that code is bolded in yellow).
    KH2FM Role Mod
    Player is: 2036C3DC XXXXXXXX
    Party Members are: 2036C3E0 XXXXXXXX
    NPCs are: 2036C3E4 XXXXXXXX
    Bosses are: 2036C3E8 XXXXXXXX
    Enemies are: 2036C3EC XXXXXXXX
    Weapons are: 2036C3F0 XXXXXXXX
    Partners are: 2036C400 XXXXXXXX
    Large Bosses are: 2036C40C XXXXXXXX
    Summons are: 2036C428 XXXXXXXX
    Tough Enemies are: 2036C430 XXXXXXXX

    0016F154- Player
    0016F164- Party Member
    0016F298- Neutral
    0016F17C- Boss
    0016F1A4- Enemy
    0016F1F4- Partner
    0016F244- Large Boss
    0016F350- Summon
    0016F3A0- Tough Enemy

    Can anyone port this yellow code from KH2FM to KH2 NTSC?
    Post by: Meshari Maestro, Sep 21, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Meshari Maestro
    Maybe you misunderstood me, when an enemy or boss hits you, you just stay in place, in other words, you don't automatically flinch back when you get damage from an enemy.
    That's the invincibility code I'm requesting for.
    The Infinite HP code will have to do for now.
    Post by: Meshari Maestro, Jul 25, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Meshari Maestro
    Is it possible to make an invincibility code for sora, if it is possible, I wanted to request the code.
    Also, can you make a heartless/heartless boss size modifier code?
    I would be really appreciated, thank you.
    Post by: Meshari Maestro, Jul 24, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Meshari Maestro
    Hello, My name is Meshari Al-Mohaisen and I am 16 years old. I always play Bemani Music Games and DJMAX.
    I read comic books such as Archie, Garfield and Sonic the Hedgehog.
    My favorite subjects in school are Math and Spelling (English).
    That's all I have to give you on my introduction.
    Thread by: Meshari Maestro, Jul 24, 2013, 8 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures