Recent Content by Lunaraia

  1. Lunaraia
    umm... still hoping for a no T-stance antiform playset (animations) the code i made works a bit too perfectly (as in attempt to do anything anti-form can not, like high Jump and such, then it T-stances due to not having the data needed
    Post by: Lunaraia, Aug 3, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Lunaraia
    Hi, I am have been a long time lurker here in the forums and have been taking advantage of the codes offered here for a long time now, without really saying thank you when they worked (and more then once complained when they didn't)

    However recent changes when i finally got my hands on a translated Final Mix version of kingdom hearts 2 has made it so that I wished to share a little code I modified with you all, the reason for this modification was that the code in question had a few issues. However, having extremly limited knowledge about code making myself I would have gotten absolutely nowhere if not for the codes original maker Red, who has been a member here fo a loong time, this is the code he made that I modified.

    This code kinda worked, but had, as mentioned, some issues, namely T-stancing (which it turns out was not the codes fault, see my warning later) and that you'd randomly just drive into the form instead of just getting the move set, well I fixed that, with the help of alot of experimentation and by sheer dum luck.

    Here is the modified version for your perusal, posted in ready Pnach and normal RAW format.

    //Anti Form w/ Normal Commands and Reactions (alternate)

    11CE0B68 00000059
    03020109 00000000
    0032F054 00000006

    WARNING: DO NOT USE Aerial Dodge, High Jump, Dodge Roll, Glide or Quick Run or attempt to use Magic or Items when using this code, due to the perfect replication of Anti Sora's movement you cannot use these abilities, because their effects does not normally carry over to Anti-Sora when you normally Drive into that form, due to this when these abilities trigger, it conflicts with Anti-Soras animations or unique movement ability Anti-Glide, resulting in a T-stance, whith only a hard reset or Load State will get you out of.

    Note that the code is otherwise just a reskin and animation change, Drive, enter the menu talk and all the other important stuff as you normally could, the T-Stancing from using those abilities or items are an unfortunate side effect that would require flat out animation modding to fix, so this code works to the best possible extent.

    I wish to once again thank Red, who helped me out more then he can immagine (even more so cuss he actually made the original code)

    P.S when you attempt to drive you will notice that Sora goes into a T-Stance, this is nothing to worry about, the Drive will still take place.


    To make the code work, just save state, input the code code in the cheats pnach area save load state then just enter a new area, for those of you using a playstation 2, no idea no way for me to test it there.


    If you drive into a form you can use magic and items all you want as the forms still support the animations required, as of such I would reccomend using the infinite drive code with this one so that you can drive into another form when you need a heal.

    EDIT: seeing just how many reaction commands actually work when using this cheat I will just post those I find NOT to work, else I will have to stop playing every 5 minutes

    Known Bugs:

    if you drive into another form you will unfortunetly start to drive willy wally into Anti form upon entering a new area again, no idea why it does that, FIX: nothing on my end, you simply have to wait for the drive gauge to empty out on it's own when the big happens and you will be back to how it was, seems like driving is what triggers it, for some strange reason, gonna test it with the no antipoint code later and see if that helps.

    Halloween Town (and potensially any other world that uses the non standatd Sora and Anti-Sora Form) will not be able to turn you into Anti sora permanently because those worlds does not have sora as the normal sprite, looking into a possible fix, but i doubt I'll find one, help would be appreciated.


    Would really appreciate it if someone could boil up a code that would allow you to use Anti-Soras attack animations and movement animations (ala the Play as Sephiroth code) as using those with a simple reskin would most likely allow you to use items and magic without T-stancing, most likely.
    Post by: Lunaraia, Jul 20, 2013 in forum: Code Vault