Recent Content by Liquix

  1. Liquix
    I have been trying to use carey's speed mods (game speed, glide speed, etc...) but none of them ever work. I am using the master code, I have a codebreaker that is version 9.7 I think, and I have double and triple checked the codes. Has anyone been having the same problem and/or knows a remedy?
    Post by: Liquix, Feb 23, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Liquix
    they're US or whatever it is
    Post by: Liquix, Feb 17, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Liquix

    1000 Heartless Battle (R2)
    E002FDFF 0035BA5C
    2033ED30 42001104
    2033ED34 00004242

    Xaldin (Boss!) replaces Donald
    11CFAC7E 000003E5

    Auron replaces Goofy (Might freeze in some world Soz)
    11CFAC80 00000065

    Sora (Final Moveset Hold L2 while entering New area)
    D035B55C 0000FEFF
    01CB9C36 00000005

    Play as Mickey
    11C95618 00000318

    Axel(partner!) replaces Donald
    11C9561A 000004DC

    Mickey replaces Donald
    11C9561A 00000318

    Shan-Yu Replaces Donald
    11C9561A 00000015

    Dark Thorn Replaces Donald
    11C9561A 00000162

    Shadow Stalker Replaces Donald
    11C9561A 00000163

    Storm Rider Replaces Donald
    11C9561A 00000165

    Full Party
    40340C9C 00130001
    03020100 00000000

    Riku replace Donald
    11CFAC7E 00000819

    Donald -> Cloud (Ally)
    11CFAC7E 00000688

    Donald -> Tifa (Ally)
    11CFAC7E 000006BA

    Donald -> Yuffie (Ally)
    11CFAC7E 000006B0

    Donald -> Leon (Ally)
    11CFAC7E 0000061C

    Xemnas battle shortcut menu press []
    10341364 00000231
    11CFAC7E 00000646

    Sephiroth replaces Donald
    11CFAC7E 000008B6

    Sephiroth Theme
    1035539C 00000031
    103553AC 000000BC

    Riku (Boss!) Replaces Goofy
    11CFAC80 0000063C

    Final Xemnas replaces Donald
    11CFAC7E 0000081F

    Station of Awakening (R1)
    D035BA5C 0000F7FF
    1033ED30 00002202

    Memorys contortion (where you fight Xemnas 1) (R1)
    D035BA5C 0000F7FF
    1033ED30 00001312

    Twilight Thorn - Donald
    11CFAC7E 00000133

    there you go
    Post by: Liquix, Feb 17, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Liquix
    Well the only place I have posted is in one of the main topics in the Code Vault.
    Post by: Liquix, Feb 15, 2008 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  5. Liquix
    I am a newer member to kh-vids so I only have around 5 or six posts, but in my profile I still says that I only have 1 total post. I don't know what to do???

    EDIT: Sorry now it says 2, but the number is still wrong.
    Thread by: Liquix, Feb 15, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  6. Liquix
    Thats ok though. it would be cool if it was.

    Ok now I have another question. I have been trying to use khkid's speed mods (game speed, glide speed, etc...) but none of them ever work. I am using the master code, I have a codebreaker that is version 9.7 I think, and I have double and triple checked the codes. Has anyone been having the same problem and/or knows a remedy?
    Post by: Liquix, Feb 15, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Liquix
    Has anyone even found out if it would be remotely possible?
    Post by: Liquix, Feb 15, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Liquix
    Ok. Any progress with a soft-reset code?
    Post by: Liquix, Feb 14, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Liquix
    *cough* any progress with a soft reset code??? *cough*
    Post by: Liquix, Feb 14, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Liquix
    Hey, has anyone figured out if a soft-reset code is remotely possible yet?
    Post by: Liquix, Feb 11, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Liquix
    Now when you say black screen of death, is that where the screen is black(obviously) and there is music playing, but you can't do anything?
    Post by: Liquix, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Liquix
    Ok I have 2 questions. 1(kinda off topic) What does BSOD mean? and 2(back on topic) Does anyone have a code that makes it where you will never turn into Anti-Sora that works or know where one is? Mine just gives me a black screen when I load my game.

    Actually I have one more question. If there isn't a working Never Anti-Sora code, could I get the 1 in 500 chance of turning into Anti-Sora code instead?
    Post by: Liquix, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Liquix
    I'd play it if my disc wasn't so scratched up.
    Post by: Liquix, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  14. Liquix
    Thnak You SOO much Ansem The Wise. You just brought me one step closer to getting all of khkids codes.
    Post by: Liquix, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Code Vault