Recent Content by Limex
just pointing ou that kh 3 will use the same Engien as 13 VS
so that means, it wont take as long to make as 13 vs will do.
just saying. -
KH 1 secret ending = kh 2. kh 2 secret ending = kh Birth by sleep , BBS secret ending = "most likely an other game"
also all across the net , he said he had a "mystory" game that would be reviled this said game was bbs volume 2.
as it being the last kh game before kh 3, i can actually not back that up, all i remember that i got it from a realiable soruce "suposivly" but then again that bit seems to be just rumours...un-forsently. -
bbs volume 2 just saying we will see more of at least aqua and ven probebly terra too also numora have said bbs volume 2 will be the last kh game before kh3 so there is only drop distance and bbs volume 2 left for em to set a stage for kh3 and i think we will learn all about what will happen to the trio in volume 2
Shatterd worlds.
OCC thread:
Name Limex
Age 22
Type: Human
Nationallity: Swedish.
Power : Seashells and sea pearls. and also posses teleporting (throw a black portal, no instant teleportation)
weapon: Moon Blade.
personality: Limex is a happy good going guy, he is very optemistic, and enjoys to have fun. but as much as there is a silly side of him there is an equally big serious side, he often wanderns of to his own to think, and would one catch him at one of these moments they would most likley come in on the subject on what makes a person real.
he also from time to time wears his hood up so no one can see his face. he is always very serious in battles though, but often tries to talk his way out of them.
Spechial Personality Note: often found by himself thinking, hates kids,is a real team player, values his friends and familys life over his own,
Predicement: having been told he has no heart, and know it to be true, Limex serches for a way to get a heart of his own and thus being able to feel real emotions and not rely on his memories for this task
Story: A party of OC people are summoned to a house/world that none of them seem to come from, confused and potantioally memories scrambeld, they try to make due of the situation,
a young figure slowly wakes up, dressed in a black robe that covers his whole body, made out of leather and chain orniments, the oversized hoddie slowly nodded abit as the person in itself seem to came to.
" Ounhgg...."
as he came to he saw that he was sitting comfterbully in a chair, a very comfterbul one at that, as he finnely came to fully he jerked his head up and looked around.
What?, where am i?! whos there?
he continud to spourt out quesntions of confusion before he rose up and looked around.
the room itself looked very casual, it almost looked like an activist room, all around one found ping pong tables, sofas,and other activites to be had, he looked around and suddenly noticed that there where people around, but no one seem to have taken a spechial notice to him.
What is this?...
he mumbeld to himself.
Limex continued to explore the area he was in, and soon enough he estableshed that he was in a Mansion of sorts, whatever it was it was huge, he didnt try to make contact with anyone yet, but silently walked around scouting ,exploring and gathering information, and the more he gatherd the more and more this place started to look like a collage, or huge dorm, or a club house, something that would attract young people at least.
Man where am i....
Limex finnely sigh to himself, before he sat down in a hallway on a lonley wodden chair that seem to have his name written all over it. his black hood covering his face and white hair.
just make a post at arraving at the netrual ground, and we take it from there! -
i agree with OP i hate the kh 1 kiddie, look i mean they are older now KEEP THEM OLDER!..
so yeah this anger me to no end aswel >.> -
thats Scanedinavia for ya.
if someone could help me chance the title that would be nice.
Edit: jikes it was this un-appealing to people no ones intressting in this? "sad face" -
ok i honestly cant decide, so im just making it like this xP
is anyone out there hungry for an Ultimate crossover RP but that features ONLY Original Charecters?.
simple question and if there is one, please direct me to that thread i must have missed it then.
but yeah, as said if anyone is , let it be heard here and we will see what we can cook up.
OK so what im after is an OC roleplay, but your charecter can be from any world they would like to be.
Setting: Any and everyone, there are portals leading to other worlds.
Story: depending on the OCs invovled, you will make your own quest. i was thinking if i would use Limex for example, when the party is in "his" world, they would strive after helping to obtain his goal, like any nobody it would be "to obtain a heart" ones this is fulfield, (or failed) we move on to the next world, and next story, aka the next charecter of the party, and follows that persons story.
for example, we are finnished with Limex, now we move to someones OC, who is from..lets say Fullmetal Alchemist, and that persons OCs history, makes the OC want to go and save thier friend or brother, and we follow that "ark" until its done and so on to the next.
working this way makes it very open, for story and direction, but some rules will obviesly be have to laid down.
1. no god modding.
2. no "story" high jacking, if you want something particular to happen (like a nemesis appearing) but your are not in "your" world, that is okay, just dont let it high jack the story to much.
3. stay on topic. this will be a serious rp, fun and silly things might appear, but dont make a charecters home land to be made out of pancakes.
4. that said the homeland have to be an excisting anime/game/movie/ etc etc.
5. be open to losing. you can exchance and make plans between pms, but when we are in someone elses world, we will abide that the person beloning to that world, is the "spechial charecter/main charecter" at that point, so if an argument in the group would occour and a fight would happen, the one who decides who wins or losses is the one owning the homeworld we are in
We are in the kh universe, someone in the group for whatever reason wants to pick a fight within the party, i decide who win or lose.
we are in an Naruto universe, and I want to pick a fight, then the OC comming from the Naruto universe decides who wins or losses.
these are stricktly between the party members, any charecter can engage any enemy and win over it (as long as that enemy is not a plot device for the main charecter,) then the owner of the world decides if the nemesis get whiped by the other party member or if said party member gets whiped.
i would like it to have as little OCC as possibale, like saying (OCC , ok guys you cant beat this guy, he is my nemisis so ya know) i will strangle your throats if you say that,
but instead when the Nemisis appear, make it clear in your post that this is a very intimidating, and dangerus charecter and would one attack him, let the person know they got thier ass handed to them.
(NOTE) this dont mean you cant follow your charecters personality, one cant simply say " All get scared shitless" but one can say " An incredebul strong dark and scary arua washed over the group who would intimidate even the strongest of fighters" then of course depening on your OCs personality, a reaction would occour. aka no controlling other peoples charecters beyonde the point that they eather win or lose a battle with the main charecters enemy.
7. dont drag it out.
we all want to go to our charecters world, and ones there do not drag the story out with fillers or meaningless shambeling, that said, if everyone in the party enjoys the current world/story alot, you can always ask for opinions wether to leangthen it or shorten it. becouse there is nothing wrong but some people are better at making a belivable story then others.
8. there will be a Netrual world, "our own made one" that will serve as a netrual world, where the charecters discuss where we should go next, or do next. etc etc. also known as home world , alot of time could be spent here, or very little up to the group, but think of it as our "safe house" or collage.
here alot of "talking" could take place, of course they can everywhere, but we dont have to wait to we get to YOUR home world to do some "people getting to know eachother" feel free to do whatever ya like in this area, everything from uber serious talking, to fighting to right down baking cakes.
9. if your charecter for whatever reason decides not to stay in the group, that is ok, but you will also have to deal with the consiqunses that something bad might happen to him,( or good) depending on what the OCs current homeworld decides to throw at you.
10. though the world we are currently in is decided by one person what happens majorly, its not 100% controled by him, do you feel you know enough about the world to perhaps just throw random encounters about, (random battles) do so, just make sure its un-related to the main story and ones again DONT HIGH JACK the story. or make a random encounter that perhaps just needs talking to or that you find a girl, WHATEVER you can think off, the main part is that it will be resovled quickly. so this little (side quiest) wont take up to much space.
11. the use of original charecters IS ALLOWED!, but be sure to be true to thier personalities, and they can only be used as NPCs
its also thrown in so not one person controlls what happens to a 100% might be abit boring.
ok this is the idea that just poped up in my head now, thanks to Britishism (lol what a name) anyone feel on board with this? i feel quite fired up actually.
"reffs" will be up later im. worn out from typing all this.
NOTE: when i rp i will NOT spell this bad, i will use a spell checker so your eyes wont bleed to death. just a note. -
"Nods" i can buy that.
still i dunno how it works but lets say , killing an other person would result in you getting killed yourself by karma, then hitler would be dead 100 times over.
but all im doing now is nit picking and complaning, so il stop with the "but ,and this and what ifs" cuse im just dragging out the disscussion without really contributing
so peace and war, thanks for the disscussion, it was very intressting, and ones again if i have sounded offensive i do appolgise. -
but there are a fiew "holes" with
lets say we go with the whole "grunt have a choice " thing
and your latest statment.
""But if we are all judeged by it, then imagine how a warlord or manipulator such as you described would be judged.""
Apparently very good, sense this was the reply i got from the topic of hitler.
""Just because Hitler directly and, in latter cases, indirectly ordered the killing of millions does not necessarily mean that those actions would cause him karmic repercussions""
what im trying to say here is no , we do not know how Karma works your right on that its a mystery for all of us.
but to say a grunt soldier would feel the effects of karma for "choosing" to kill someone (in my eyes forced) , while Hitler who without a forcing hand killed as you say directly and indirectly millions, but would not feel the effects of Karma dont make any sense. -
Then what on earth is Karma? , thats like saying " Karma is what goes around comes around BUT it has spechial cases" it dont quite work like that.
and the killers themselfs? thats a very ridecelus thing to say, i mean no offence but it is, the ordinary german grunt soldier is as innocent as the ordinary allied grunt soldier, what where they supose to do? say "no i wont pull the trigger" fine then we will throw you in the gas chambers with the rest of the jews.
the soldiers in wars have no choise, i mean look at the Russians, they got to choose from being shot down by german bullets or thier own, becouse if they would retreat they would be shot on sight, tell me what would the "right karma " choise have been there?.
""Just because Hitler directly and, in latter cases, indirectly ordered the killing of millions does not necessarily mean that those actions would cause him karmic repercussions.""
really? i become a warlord and lets say...ehh...orderd all gamers in the world out there to be killed, and they would be, i woldent suffer "bad karma" ?.
or if i manipulated my friend in to killing himself so i could get his girl friend, i mean he killed himself, but acording to your logic that wouldent cause me bad karma?
ones again, not trying to be offensive, im just trying to make you see how silly that statment sounds. -
stop watching the news, USA, is using Fear to market whatever they want to sell.
live your life, by the neccecary protection for your house "locks alarms etc" dont walk around with a gun, and just live your life, its way to short to live in fear.
i live in sweden and i dont lock my hosue 50% of the time i go out. then again sweden is safer so. -
i mean honestly if Karma existed Hitler wouldent be able to kill millions MILLIONS of jews before he died.
and dont say" yes it works cuse he died in the end" cuse thats bugos, you say that about a person who kills ONE other person and then dies, or whatever Hitler killed Millions and then he bit the dust.
Karmas not real.