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Apr 10, 2022
Jan 2, 2008
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May 9
Home Page:
GFX Specialist


Merlin's Housekeeper, Male, from MI

LeKeyBoi was last seen:
Apr 10, 2022
    1. Korra
      It's fine haha. I've been busy too. >>

      Energon was the series that took place between Armada and Cybertron; it was the first to incorporate the CGI bots but traditionally drawn everything else.
      The games have been pretty disappointing, both games based off of the recent movies were awful and I've yet to play War on Cybertron but I've heard it's good.
      Honestly I'm just hoping Dark of the Moon ends the Bayformers series on a good note. :/

      I'm going to AnimeNEXT this summer, really excited for that. I'm planning to go as Oki for one day and then Advent Children Tifa for another, which I know I'll have fun with. xD
      I assume you're on the west coast then?

      I've been...kinda bad, to be honest, lot of stuff going on in my life that I really just don't want to deal with. It's finally starting to settle down but eh. It's keeping me stressed and exhausted.
    2. Korra
      I'll be waiting. B|

      I really liked Armada, it was the last good TF series IMO. :/ Energon and Cybertron were both pretty ******. Hell, Armada wasn't even that great, but it did justice to Unicron and had a decent plot so I give it credit for that.
      Oh god so am I, I grew up on G1 and Beast Wars. xD Then Beast Machines happened and erg. More network fail.

      I went to the NY ComiCon as Holo from Spice & Wolf, and I was gonna go to the one last week as Oki from Okami, haha.
    3. Korra
      Haha awesome. xD
      And yeah I do, I'm always up for a challenge, lol.

      Shame that CartoonNetwork's gone totally insane. Most good networks from back in the day are **** now. >>
      I never really watched after they took Transformers Armada off the block, I'm not a huge fan of dubs and the anime they aired didn't really appeal to me. xD

      Yeah, I've been to one con so far (was going to go to another last week but got super sick) and it was a hell of an experience. Especially because people actually recognized the character I was. xD
    4. Korra
      Yeah, it'll probably take a day or two to fully get used to everything, but if you have any questions feel free to ask me or another staff member. :]

      Yep, I was a Toonami kid too. xD Watched it at the launch and watched the final transmission, haha.
      My all time favorite from that era was definitely Ronin Warriors though, as was Blue Sub Number 6. Those were the days. ;_;

      Yeah, I started recently but I love it. xD
    5. Korra
      You can reply directly in conversations like this by clicking "View conversation with [username]". It's a bit confusing at first. xD

      Ah, that's cool, I've always meant to get into Gundam but never have. >> It's on my to do list.
      And awesome, I grew up with Tenchi too. 8D
      Did you watch it on Toonami back in the day?
    6. LeKeyBoi
      I think I reply through here XD...Umm usually I cosplay as Hero from Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, it's the only show of the Gundam series that I liked. I practically grew up watching it and when I grow out my hair I could look like him more. Boy I need to look through and find some pictures lol. Other than that, I'd pose as Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakusho or Tenchi from Tenchi Muyo (old classic animes I know, I grew up with them ^_^)
    7. Korra
      Lol, not to sound stalkerish, but you said in your intro you cosplay a lot?
      Who do you usually cosplay as?
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    May 9
    Home Page:
    GFX Specialist
    I'm pretty odd. Audiovisual pioneer.


    We the willing, lead by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful.
    We have done so much, for so long, with so little, that we are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
