8!! Hope this will work...
I haven't played the game, but I think this film is very good!!>w< Dastan's cute lol Tamina is cute too lol XD Seso too, Anita too!!XDDDD
Hmm..prince of persia and just watched 10000 BC (I got the dvd lol)
Hoo it is? XDD
Hi, thanks for the request! ^_^
Nice to meet you too, Edgar! ^_^
I hate using Ziggy and Vexen, coz it's like playing such lame, error-ed game. Zigbar is really weak and it delt nothing.. nothing. :p
Hi! Welcome to KH vids!! Hope you enjoy your stay here!!:D
I'm in senior high school too!:D My lil sis is the one you're talking to since "Well, some of the places in Indonesia are beautiful but the big...
This is a great movie.. O_O I really like this one but I don't really like Liam Neeson as Zeus... :( He just don't really fit being Zeus... :(
Piano and Violin all the way!! XDD
I can't.. It's againts the "laws" lol
So far I think XP is the best ^^
I never knew you but I guess all people are weirder as we grow attached to them. :)
1. I got 98, the highest score for Civils Final exam!! 2. I got 10 reputations in a day in another forum~! 3. I laughed so much today! 4. I ate my favorite food today! 5. I talked some interesting things today! It was really fun~!