Recent Content by Krowley

  1. Krowley
    Serpent Jafar
    R O U N D 3

    HP - 32,647/50,000

    Karina (2) > Kel (3) > 221 > Beuce (2) > AJ (3) > Maui > Luna (1) > Serpent Jafar

    Karina used Powerline! Dealt 745 Damage!
    Karina used Fire Strike! RESISTED! Dealt 262 Damage!
    Karina used Devil Deal! (2nd Attempt)
    Rolled a 1!
    Karina caught Scurvy! Received 10 Damage.
    Karina took 20 Poison Damage!

    Kel used Powerline. CIRTICAL! Dealt 1,056 Damage!
    Kel used Thunderbell and Combo'd. CRITICAL! Dealt 864 Damage! Dealt 704 Damage!
    Kel used Fox Taser and Combo'd. CRITICAL! Dealt 864 Damage! Dealt 704 Damage!
    Kel used Vorpal Blitz! Dealt 448 Damage!

    Beuce used Strike Raid! CRITICAL! Dealt 934 Damage!
    Beuce used Zantetsuken! CRITICAL! Dealt 1,201 Damage!
    Beuce activated Blade Charge!
    Beuce used Powerline! Dealt 1268 Damage!

    Maui used Shark Bite! Dealt 400 Damage!
    AJ cast Thundaga! CRITICAL! Dealt 567 Damage!
    AJ used Mystic Shot! Dealt 432 Damage!
    AJ cast Thundaza x2! Dealt 567 Damage! Dealt 567 Damage!
    Aj used Mystic Shot! CRITICAL! Dealt 648 Damage!
    AJ took 20 Poison damage!

    Luna cast Curaga on Karina! Back to full HP! MAx HP increased! Poison cured!
    Luna used Faith! Dealt 410 Damage!
    Aeroza faded!

    Jafar used Viper Strike x3!
    Hit Luna! Dealt 49 Damage! Luna is Poisoned!
    Hit Beuce! Dealt 60 Damage! Beuce is poisoned!
    Maximus countered! Dealt 400 Damage

    Karina's turn!

    • 61/170 (+100) HP
      2/13 (+2) MP
      220% CG

      Ground Combo - 400% MAG - 45 CG
      Air Combo - 400% MAG - 45 CG

      Maui - 3 Cycles

      (MASTER - 3 turns)
      +30 Magic +30 Strength
      Extra turn

      Dodge chance: 55%
      Crit chance 30%
      Projectile commands x2
      Crit chance +50%
      Aerial Cannot miss
      Restore MP on taking damage
      Restore CG on taking damage​


      Thunder Bell
      Howling Winds
      Fox Taser

      Headshot (Ranger)

    • 75/135 (+150) HP
      4/10 MP
      45% CG

      Ground Combo - 450% - 40 CG
      Air Combo - 450% - 40 CG
      Blade Bonus: 550%
      +1 STRENGTH

      Maximus - 3 Cycles

      Dodge Chance: 55%
      Crit Chance: 55%
      Blade Commands: +300%
      Cooldowns: -1
      Damage increases at 25%
      Restore CG on taking damage

      Strike Raid
      Vorpal Blitz
      Grave Digger


      Banishing Blade (Samurai)

    • 143/143 HP
      7/7 MP
      205% CG

      Ground Combo - 400% - 50 CG
      Air Combo - 400% - 50 CG

      Dodge Chance: 65%
      Crit Chance: 30%
      Total damage increased by 40%
      Takes an additional 20% damage
      Fire commands +100%
      Darkness Commands +100%
      Cooldowns -1
      Increased Damage at 25% HP
      Restore CG on taking damage​

      Fire Strike - 1/3
      Sliding Dash - 3/3
      Strike Raid
      Zantesuken - 5/5
      Powerline - 2/4
      Dolphin Kick
      Grave Digger

      August Heat

      Treasure Island (Pirate)

    • 135/180 HP
      8/11 MP
      110% CG

      Ground Combo - 550% - 40 CG
      Air Combo - 550% - 40 CG

      (MASTER - 3 turns)
      +30 Magic +30 Strength
      Extra turn
      221- 3 Cycles Left

      Dodge chance: 65%
      Crit Chance: 30%
      Damage increase on 25% HP
      Cooldowns -1
      Ice commands +100%
      Darkness Commands +100%
      Thunder Commands: +100%
      Physical commands +50%
      Magic commands: +50%
      Combo after projectile automatically
      Restore MP on taking damage
      Restore CG on taking damage​

      Strike Raid - 3/3
      Zantetsuken - 5/5
      Vorpal Blitz - 3/4
      Powerline - 3/3

      Fox Taser - 1/4
      Thunder Bell - 3/3

      Red Slash (Red Mage)

    • 154/203 HP
      8/14 MP
      123% CG

      Ground Combo - 150% - 15 CG
      Air Combo - 150% - 15 CG

      Dodge Chance: 45%
      Crit Chance: 15%
      Item effectiveness +100%
      Combo after Guard automatically
      Heal 10 HP on guard
      Cooldown -1
      Cure gives 3 Max HP to target
      Cure Heals status ailments and grants immunity
      Light commands +200%
      Restore MP on taking damage
      Restore CG on taking damage​


      Barrier Surge


      Faith - 0/4


    The Shadow Man
    R O U N D 3

    Dr. Facilier + Dark Guardian - 3,667/10,000
    Left Demon Tide - 6,548/10,000
    Right Demon Tide - 6,548/10,000

    Kaida (2) > Faust (2) > Marshmallow > Aux (3) > Facilier > Demon Tides

    Kaida's turn!
    Tinkerbell Healed Kaida!
    Kaida activated Ghost Drive!
    Kaida cast Firaga and Combo'd. CRITICAL HIT! Dealt 432 Damage! CRITICAL HIT! Dealt 240 Damage!
    Kaida cast Firaga and Combo'd. CRITICAL HIT! Dealt 432 Damage. Dealt 240 Damage!
    Kaida cast Meteor and Combo'd. CRITICAL! CRITICAL! Dealt 446 Damage! Dealt 360 Damage!

    Marshamallow cast Blizzard Breath! Dealt 300 Damage to all enemies!

    HP HALT!
    Dark Guardian used Rage on Aux! Halved to 42
    Dark Guardian used Rage on Aux! Halved to 42
    Missed Aux!
    Missed Kaida!
    Missed Kaida!

    Tinkerbell healed Faust!

    Faust cast Blizzaga! CRITICAL HIT! Dealt 575 Damage!
    Faust cast Blizzaga! CRITICAL HIT! Dealt 575 Damage!
    Faust cast Blizzaga! Dealt 384 Damage!

    Mama Odie cast Voodoo shot x2! Dealt 1,000 Damage to the left and Right Demon Tides!

    Aeroza faded!
    Tinkerbell healed Aux!

    Aux cast Aeroza!
    Aux cast Curaga on Faust! HEaled to full!
    Everyone gains halve physical damage for 1 cycle!
    Aux used Zantetsuken! CRITICAL HIT! Dealt 576 Damage!
    Aux used a combo and went into guard CRITICAL! RESISTED Dealt 365 Damage!

    Left Demon Tide attacked the party!
    Hit Aux! Dealt
    Hit Faust! Halved to 35 Damage!
    Missed Kaida!

    Right Demon tide attacked the party!
    Hit Aux! Halved to 22 Damage!
    Hit Faust! Halved to 35 Damage!
    Hit Kaida! Halved to 28 Damage!

    Facilier used Dark Cure! Healed 1,000 HP!

    Dark Guardian used Rage on Aux! Halved to 42

    Kaida's turn!

    • 19/194 HP
      6/13 MP
      105% CG

      Ground Combo - 275% ( +200%) - 35 CG
      Air Combo - 275%( +200%) - 35 CG

      (MASTER - 2 turns)
      +30 Magic +30 Strength
      Extra turn

      Tinkerbell - 3 Cycles!

      Dodge Chance: 55%
      Crit Chance: 30%
      Total Damage +40%
      Damage taken +20%
      Increase damage on 25% HP
      Restore CG on taking damage
      Combo automatically on guard
      Darkness commands +100%
      Cooldowns -1​


      Strike Raid
      Fist Bump
      Hyper Jump
      Zantetsuken - 1/5

      Treasure Island (Pirate)

    • 90/125 (+300) HP
      5/12 MP
      120% CG

      Ground Combo - 400% - 50 CG
      Air Combo - 25% - 40 CG

      Marshmallow - 3 Cycles

      Dodge Chance: 55%
      Crit Chance: 30%
      Magic commands and spells: +200%
      Restore MP on taking damage
      Restore CG on taking damage
      Cooldowns -1
      Magic cooldowns -1
      Chance of inflicting status ailments doubled
      Burn and paralysis inflicts extra damage​


      Fox Taser
      Thunder Bell

      April Showers

      Osmose (Black Mage)

    • 113/141HP
      13/18 MP
      245% CG

      Ground Combo - 375% - 35 CG
      Air Combo - 375% - 35 CG

      Physical commands +50%
      Magic commands: +50%
      Combo after projectile automatically

      Dodge Chance: 65% + 20%
      Crit Chance: 30%
      Physical Commands +50%
      Magical Commands +50%
      Combo After Projectile Automatically
      Time Commands +250%
      Darkness Commands +100%
      Restore MP on taking damage
      Restore CG on taking damage
      Cooldown -1​

      Grave Digger
      Meteor - 1/3
      Strike Raid - 3/3


    Post by: Krowley, Jan 12, 2025 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Krowley
    Serpent Jafar
    R O U N D 1

    HP - 45,743/50,000

    Karina (2) > Kel (3) > 221 > Beuce (2) > AJ (3) > Maui > Luna (1) > Serpent Jafar

    Karina used Zantetsuken! CRITICAL HIT! Dealt 826 Damage!
    Karina used Sliding Dash! Dealt 418 Damage!
    Karina used Devil Deal!
    Rolled a 4!
    All players gain an extra turn on their next cycle!

    Kel used Strike Raid! CRITICAL! Dealt 652 Damage!
    Kel used Zantetsuken! Dealt 691 Damage!
    Kel summoned Experiment 221!

    Beuce Cast Balloonga! CRITICAL! Dealt 239 Damage!
    Beuce summoned Maximus!

    AJ Summoned Maui!
    AJ cast Thunder Bell twice! Dealt 432+432 Damage!
    AJ cast Thundaga! CRITICAL HIT! Dealt 567 Damage!

    Luna cast Aeroza!
    Everyone gains halve physical damage for 1 cycle!

    Jafar user Tail Swipe!
    Karina dodged automatically!
    Hit AJ! Halved to 52 Damage!
    Missed Beuce!
    Hit Kel! Halved to 45 Damage!
    Hit Luna!

    Jafar used Viper Strike x3!
    Missed Karina!
    Hit Karina! Halved to 43 Damage!
    Karina is poisoned!
    Hit AJ! Halved to 37 Damage!
    AJ is poisoned!

    • 81/170 (+100) HP
      5/13 MP
      110% CG

      Ground Combo - 400% MAG - 45 CG
      Air Combo - 400% MAG - 45 CG

      Maui - 3 Cycles

      (MASTER - 7 turns)
      +30 Magic +30 Strength
      Extra turn

      Dodge chance: 55%
      Crit chance 30%
      Projectile commands x2
      Crit chance +50%
      Aerial Cannot miss
      Restore MP on taking damage
      Restore CG on taking damage​


      Thunder Bell
      Howling Winds
      Fox Taser

      Headshot (Ranger)

    • 135/135 (+150) HP
      4/10 MP
      35% CG

      Ground Combo - 350% - 40 CG
      Air Combo - 350% - 40 CG

      Maximus - 3 Cycles

      Dodge Chance: 55%
      Crit Chance: 55%
      Blade Commands: +300%
      Cooldowns: -1
      Damage increases at 25%
      Restore CG on taking damage

      Strike Raid
      Vorpal Blitz
      Grave Digger


      Banishing Blade (Samurai)

    • 97/140 HP
      7/7 MP
      95% CG

      Ground Combo - 400% - 50 CG
      Air Combo - 400% - 50 CG

      Dodge Chance: 65%
      Crit Chance: 30%
      Total damage increased by 40%
      Takes an additional 20% damage
      Fire commands +100%
      Darkness Commands +100%
      Cooldowns -1
      Increased Damage at 25% HP
      Restore CG on taking damage​

      Fire Strike
      Sliding Dash - 1/3
      Strike Raid
      Zantesuken - 2/5
      Dolphin Kick
      Grave Digger

      August Heat

      Treasure Island (Pirate)

    • 135/180 HP
      8/11 MP
      110% CG

      Ground Combo - 550% - 40 CG
      Air Combo - 550% - 40 CG

      (MASTER - 7 turns)
      +30 Magic +30 Strength
      Extra turn
      221- 3 Cycles Left

      Dodge chance: 65%
      Crit Chance: 30%
      Damage increase on 25% HP
      Cooldowns -1
      Ice commands +100%
      Darkness Commands +100%
      Thunder Commands: +100%
      Physical commands +50%
      Magic commands: +50%
      Combo after projectile automatically
      Restore MP on taking damage
      Restore CG on taking damage​

      Strike Raid - 2/3
      Zantetsuken - 2/5
      Vorpal Blitz

      Fox Taser
      Thunder Bell

      Red Slash (Red Mage)

    • 203/203 HP
      11/14 MP
      0% CG

      Ground Combo - 150% - 15 CG
      Air Combo - 150% - 15 CG

      Dodge Chance: 45%
      Crit Chance: 15%
      Item effectiveness +100%
      Combo after Guard automatically
      Heal 10 HP on guard
      Cooldown -1
      Cure gives 5 Max HP to target
      Cure Heals status ailments and grants immunity
      Light commands +200%
      Restore MP on taking damage
      Restore CG on taking damage​


      Barrier Surge




    The Shadow Man
    R O U N D 1

    Dr. Facilier + Dark Guardian - 7,593/10,000
    Left Demon Tide - 8,424/10,000
    Right Demon Tide - 8,424/10,000

    Kaida (2) > Faust (2) > Marshmallow > Aux (3) > Facilier > Demon Tides

    Kaida's turn!
    Kaida used Strike Raid and Combo'd. CRITICAL HIT! Dealt 384 Damage! CRITICAL HIT! Dealt 264 Damage!
    Kaida casts Firaga and Combo'd. CRITICAL HIT! Dealt 432 Damage. Dealt 176 Damage!

    Faust Summoned Marshmallow!
    Faust cast Blizzaga! CRITICAL HIT! Dealt 575 Damage!

    Mama Odie cast Voodoo shot x2! Dealt 1,000 Damage to the left and Right Demon Tides!

    Aux summoned Tinkerbell!
    Aux used Zantetsuken! CRITICAL HIT! Dealt 576 Damage!
    Aux cast Aeroza!
    Everyone gains halve physical damage for 1 cycle!
    Aux used Devil Deal!
    Rolled a 4!
    All players gain an extra turn on the next cycle!

    Left Demon Tide attacked the party!
    Aux dodged automatically!
    Hit Faust! Halved to 35 Damage!
    Missed Kaida!

    Right Demon tide attacked the party!
    Missed Aux!
    Hit Faust! Halved to 35 Damage!
    Hit Kaida!

    Facilier drained empowered Dark Guardian!
    Dark Guardian's attack increased!

    Dark Guardian used Rage on Aux! Halved to 42

    Kaida's turn!

    • 152/194 HP
      10/13 MP
      40% CG

      Ground Combo - 275% ( +200%) - 35 CG
      Air Combo - 275%( +200%) - 35 CG

      (MASTER - 6 turns)
      +30 Magic +30 Strength
      Extra turn

      Tinkerbell - 3 Cycles!

      Dodge Chance: 55%
      Crit Chance: 30%
      Total Damage +40%
      Damage taken +20%
      Increase damage on 25% HP
      Restore CG on taking damage
      Combo automatically on guard
      Darkness commands +100%
      Cooldowns -1​


      Strike Raid
      Fist Bump
      Hyper Jump
      Zantetsuken - 2/5

      Treasure Island (Pirate)

    • 60/125 (+300) HP
      6/12 MP
      30% CG

      Ground Combo - 400% - 50 CG
      Air Combo - 25% - 40 CG

      Marshmallow - 3 Cycles

      Dodge Chance: 55%
      Crit Chance: 30%
      Magic commands and spells: +200%
      Restore MP on taking damage
      Restore CG on taking damage
      Cooldowns -1
      Magic cooldowns -1
      Chance of inflicting status ailments doubled
      Burn and paralysis inflicts extra damage​


      Fox Taser
      Thunder Bell

      April Showers

      Osmose (Black Mage)

    • 141/141HP
      17/18 MP
      165% CG

      Ground Combo - 275% - 35 CG
      Air Combo - 275% - 35 CG

      Physical commands +50%
      Magic commands: +50%
      Combo after projectile automatically

      Dodge Chance: 65%
      Crit Chance: 30%
      Physical Commands +50%
      Magical Commands +50%
      Combo After Projectile Automatically
      Time Commands +100%
      Darkness Commands +100%
      Restore MP on taking damage
      Restore CG on taking damage
      Cooldown -1​

      Grave Digger
      Strike Raid - 1/3


    Post by: Krowley, Jan 10, 2025 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Krowley
    Serpent Jafar
    R O U N D 1

    HP - 50,000/50,000

    Karina (2) > Kel (3) > Beuce (2) > AJ (3) > Luna (1) > Serpent Jafar
    Karina's turn!​

    • 170/170 HP
      13/13 MP
      0% CG

      Ground Combo - 400% MAG - 45 CG
      Air Combo - 400% MAG - 45 CG

      (MASTER - 10 turns)
      +30 Magic +30 Strength
      Extra turn

      Dodge chance: 55%
      Crit chance 30%
      Projectile commands x2
      Crit chance +50%
      Aerial Cannot miss
      Restore MP on taking damage
      Restore CG on taking damage​


      Thunder Bell
      Howling Winds
      Fox Taser

      Headshot (Ranger)

    • 135/135 HP
      10/10 MP
      0% CG

      Ground Combo - 350% - 40 CG
      Air Combo - 350% - 40 CG

      Dodge Chance: 55%
      Crit Chance: 55%
      Blade Commands: +300%
      Cooldowns: -1
      Damage increases at 25%
      Restore CG on taking damage

      Strike Raid
      Vorpal Blitz
      Grave Digger


      Banishing Blade (Samurai)

    • 140/140 HP
      7/7 MP
      0% CG

      Ground Combo - 400% - 50 CG
      Air Combo - 400% - 50 CG

      Dodge Chance: 65% (100% against the first hit)
      Crit Chance: 55% (30% after 3 turns)
      Extra turn in the first cycle
      Total damage increased by 40%
      Takes an additional 20% damage
      Fire commands +100%
      Darkness Commands +100%
      Cooldowns -1
      Increased Damage at 25%
      Restore CG on taking damage​

      Fire Strike
      Sliding Dash
      Strike Raid
      Dolphin Kick
      Grave Digger

      August Heat

      Treasure Island (Pirate)

    • 180/180 HP
      11/11 MP
      0% CG

      Ground Combo - 550% - 40 CG
      Air Combo - 550% - 40 CG

      (MASTER - 10 turns)
      +30 Magic +30 Strength
      Extra turn

      Dodge chance: 65%
      Crit Chance: 30%
      Damage increase on 25% HP
      Cooldowns -1
      Ice commands +100%
      Darkness Commands +100%
      Thunder Commands: +100%
      Physical commands +50%
      Magic commands: +50%
      Combo after projectile automatically
      Restore MP on taking damage
      Restore CG on taking damage​

      Strike Raid
      Vorpal Blitz

      Fox Taser
      Thunder Bell

      Red Slash (Red Mage)

    • 203/203 HP
      14/14 MP
      0% CG

      Ground Combo - 150% - 15 CG
      Air Combo - 150% - 15 CG

      Dodge Chance: 45%
      Crit Chance: 15%
      Item effectiveness +100%
      Combo after Guard automatically
      Heal 10 HP on guard
      Cooldown -1
      Cure gives 5 Max HP to target
      Cure Heals status ailments and grants immunity
      Light commands +200%
      Restore MP on taking damage
      Restore CG on taking damage​


      Barrier Surge




    The Shadow Man
    R O U N D 1

    Dr. Facilier + Dark Guardian - 10,000/10,000
    Left Demon Tide - 10,000/10,000
    Right Demon Tide - 10,000/10,000

    Kaida (2) > Faust (2) > Aux (3) > Facilier > Demon Tides
    Kaida's turn!​

    • 194/194 HP
      13/13 MP
      0% CG

      Ground Combo - 275% ( +200%) - 35 CG
      Air Combo - 275%( +200%) - 35 CG

      (MASTER - 10 turns)
      +30 Magic +30 Strength
      Extra turn

      Dodge Chance: 55%
      Crit Chance: 30%
      Total Damage +40%
      Damage taken +20%
      Extra turn on the first cycle
      Increase damage on 25% HP
      Restore CG on taking damage
      Combo automatically on guard
      First Summon Free
      Darkness commands +100%
      Cooldowns -1​


      Strike Raid
      Fist Bump
      Hyper Jump

      Treasure Island (Pirate)

    • 125/125 HP
      12/12 MP
      0% CG

      Ground Combo - 400% - 50 CG
      Air Combo - 25% - 40 CG

      Dodge Chance: 55%
      Crit Chance: 30%
      Magic commands and spells: +200%
      Restore MP on taking damage
      Restore CG on taking damage
      Cooldowns -1
      Magic cooldowns -1
      Chance of inflicting status ailments doubled
      Burn and paralysis inflicts extra damage​


      Fox Taser
      Thunder Bell

      April Showers

      Osmose (Black Mage)

    • 141/141HP
      18/18 MP
      0% CG

      Ground Combo - 275% - 35 CG
      Air Combo - 275% - 35 CG

      Physical commands +50%
      Magic commands: +50%
      Combo after projectile automatically

      Dodge Chance: 65%
      Crit Chance: 30%
      Physical Commands +50%
      Magical Commands +50%
      Combo After Projectile Automatically
      Time Commands +100%
      Darkness Commands +100%
      Restore MP on taking damage
      Restore CG on taking damage
      Cooldown -1​

      Grave Digger
      Strike Raid


    Post by: Krowley, Jan 7, 2025 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Krowley
    Jafar cackled as the party taunted him.
    "Now children, I'm afraid your taunts fall on deaf ears! The princess is gone, The lamp is mine, AGRABAH IS MINE! And the keyhole to this world will soon be in my reach. I'd relish more in it if it wasn't so easy.
    "Are you afraid to fight us yourself, you cowardly snake?
    "A snake, am I? Perhaps you'd like to see how snake-like I can be!"
    Jafar smiled broadly, as a snake's tongue come out from behind his teeth, turning into a giant cobra. A giant ring of fire circled th party as the fire circling them became the rest of his giant snake body. He coiled the lamp with his snake like body and dropped it into his mouth, swallowing it hole. "NO TAKE BACKSsssssss" he hissed.

    "Genie! Hold the street rat! The rest of the vermin are mine!"

    Genie restrained Aladdin as the Serpent Jafar prepared to attack the keyblade wielders.



    "Then I suggest you hand em over, lest you wanna turn into one," Facilier spoke from behind the group as he managed to catch up quite quickly via his dark corridor.
    "All them shadows I sent out and not one came back. Got me quite concerned ya did..." Facilier's smile faded to a scowl.

    "Playtime's over froggies," He snapped his fingers as two giant demon tides emerged from the swamp lands, one on each side of him.

    Faust's shadow unattached himself and began conducting the demon tides as it closed off Mama Odie, Quill, and the frogs from the fight,

    And finally, Aux's dark armor rose from the ground as it stood between the party and Facilier.

    "They don't call me the shadow man for nothin," Facilier remarked, tossing his cane into the air before catching it and pointing to the trio.
    "Now... take em out boys!"

    Post by: Krowley, Jan 7, 2025 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Krowley

    Karina leveled up! (86)
    AJ leveled up! (83)

    The party managed to reach the palace, but lost track of the bird. He wasn't within eyeline anymore.
    At that moment, the palace and city itself had changed from their bronze and ivory colors, to jet black and crimson reds. Dark clouds circled the castle and the ground shook with violent tremors.

    "What's going on?" Jasmine asked in horror.
    "It's Jafar! He's probably made his first wish! C'mon, let's go!" Aladdin stepped forward but was levitated off the ground by mystical red energy.

    He snapped his fingers to create a large barrier that the party wasn't able to cross or intervene through.

    "Finders keeper Abubu!" A taunting Jafar appeared in Sultan attire. "For me first and second wishes I did much redecorating. As supreme sultan sorcerer, It's high time Agrabah had a competent ruler. I've gained power politically AND mystically." Every word Jafar spoke was oozing with rubbing their faces into it.

    "Where's my father!" Jasmine ordered.
    "Like any deposed ruler, he's in the dungeon. But I'm afraid you won't see him for some time..."
    He snapped his fingers as Jasmine levitated towards a patiently waiting Maleficent. "And Jasmine maked princess Number 6. As promised.."
    "Don't forget about-"
    "Yes yes, I knoowww.. The keyhole will be my third wish rest assured. Just let me have my fun."

    "Remember what became of the others Jafar... Don't let ego ruin your place in the final thirteen," Maleficent warned. She took Jasmine by the arm as the two of them vanished, leaving Aladdin and the party behind.


    Genie appeared, with sullen shoulders and a sad expression afte Jafar summoned him.

    "Genie! Don't listen to him!" Aladdin pleaded.
    "Sorry Al, I've got a new master now," he sighed.

    Genie raised his cobra-like staff and turned the magic carpet into an unraveled pile of threads, While he lifted it again to turn Abu into a cymbal monkey. He relished in toying with them with his new found power.
    "Now... What shall I turn you and your fellow rats into?"


    Pretty much all of the heartless had been destroyed saved for a poliwog that managed to snag both of the frogs into it's mouth as it began hopping away. Aux aimed for the target as he prepared to throw his keyblade like a boomerang to finish the final heartless. He let loose for a strike raid as the blade slashed at the heartless, causing both frogs to be dropped down into the bayou water.

    As the party was going to catch up to them, a giant darkside managed to be summoned in front of them, the darkside heartless smaller than usually, but still towering high above the trees. As the party prepared for a boss fight, several powerful shots of light were shot at the heartless, causing it to vanish.

    An elderly woman emerged from the smoke as she chuckled. "Hehe! Not bad for a 197-year-old blind lady. Now which one of you naughty children been messing with the Shadow Man?"
    One of the frogs pointed tot he other in disapproval.


    Aux leveled up! (84)(85)
    Faust leveled up! (84)

    The woman was short with dark, wrinkly skin. She wore a white dress and turban, black sunglasses, and walked around barefoot on the wet grass. "Hoo it's been a hot minute since I heard the sound of some keyblades. Been a while since I had to give some heartless a good smack around."
    Aux's eyes widened at the thought this blind woman knowing about other worlds. The frogs seemed a bit clueless about it.

    "What do the heartless want with these two anyways?"

    "Brace yourself, my bulgy friend," the male frog interrupted. "We are not frogs. We are humans. I am Naveen, Prince of Maldonia. And she is Tiana, the waitress. Do not kiss her."
    "Now, just a second," Tiana scolded. "This goon here got himself turned into a frog by a voodoo man, and we were trying to find you Mama Odie. I heard all the stories about how you were voodoo queen of the bayou. That you got magic and spells, all kind of hoodoo from-"
    "Were? Child, I still am, hehe... And you four! What y'all want? Keyhole I'm guessing. Always that dang keyhole everybody be wantin'!"
    She tuned to Tiana and Naveen. "And lemme guess, y'all wanna be human? Y'all ain't got the sense you was born with! Y'all want to be human but you're blind to what you need!"

    Aux turned to the rest of his party.
    "So if we just need to protect Tiana, do we take her as is, or..." He wasn't really sure how to handle the current development, but recalled that Tiana was a princess of heart that needed protecting.
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 22, 2024 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Krowley
    Aux turned to Kaida as she approached, calmly centering himself. "I'm fine,"
    A neoshadow lunged forward and leapt at him before Aux grabbed it by the face and twisted his wrist, tightening the grip on it's face. The heartless' body contorted slightly before Aux applied enough pressure to crush it into black smoke, destroying it. He also pushed down on his right leg to fully destroy the heartless he was keeping underwater, puffs of black smoke spouting from the bubbles that had now stopped. "Now. Now, I'm fine."

    Seeing Kaida and Faust now join the fight gave him some time to take a short breath, but he wanted to try and get things done as quickly as possible so they could help the world's denizens, find his darker half, destroy it, and finally be at peace with himself as a whole. He looked back at the frogs, alarmed, and clutching to the lily pad. He leaned over to Kaida for a quick side bar as he quietly asked. "Talking frogs is... normal in this world, or is that new?" The little blue alien from the island was still the strangest creature he came across, but it was still a little bit odd.

    7/8 Body Guard posts complete. 8,900 EXP Writer total.
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 21, 2024 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Krowley
    Just thinking about past memories was making him angry.
    Not even seeing if his savage beatdown of the heartless would cause a bad impression to the talking frogs, he kept maliciously punching and slashing at them. He kept seeing the frogs from the corner of his eyeline, making sure they didn't stray too far. He thought about using a dark aura, but much of his darkness left him in the form of his old dark armor. If he wanted his darkness to be his again, he had to hunt down the clanking monster and conquer it once and for all. Matter of fact, the more he thought about it, the more he started to calm down. He wasn't that same person anymore. He was still miffed about a lot of things, but it was that kind of impulsive thinking that caused him to make so many mistakes in the past.

    A neoshadow charged at him before Aux spun around and pressed his chest onto the neoshadow, holding the creature under the swamp water until the bubbles stopped. It was actually a morbid but poignant moment for him as he thought about things with more clarity. He slashed away at any poliwogs that tried to catch him off guard, but his ferocity had settled for the most part.

    4/8 Body Guard posts complete. 6,900 EXP Writer total.
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 20, 2024 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Krowley
    Letting loose a strike raid with his keyblade, Aux proceeded to turn around proceeded to punch several neoshadows in the face, after punching hard enough to et rid of two more, he used the keyblade to uppercut one of them, kicking them into a small group of poliwogs. He once again held the hilt with two hands to gain enough powerful momentum to get rid of all of them with one fell swoop. HE continued to slug through the shallow bayou, getting very annoyed with how wet his clothes were getting up to his calves.

    Every attack he has to slosh and move around, making it one of the more restrictive fights he'd been a part of. He didn't want too many powerful spells or attacks for fear of hurting the frogs, so many of his attacks were resorting to close combat and brute force. He also didn't know much about the world order, so several of his attacks were to remain low key for the sake of the world's denizens. Talking frogs aside, he had to keep enough of his abilities in the dark so to speak. Punching the neoshadows into nothingness actually reminded him of his own training with his grandfather. He hated training with his grandfather.

    3/8 Body Guard posts complete. 4,900 EXP Writer total.
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 20, 2024 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Krowley
    Aux performed a hyper jump to quickly get behind one of the neoshadows and hit them hard enough to dissipate the dark creature. He locked on from heartless to heartless performing his combos and making sure the frogs were still within his eyeline. What these frogs were and what the heartless wanted with them was still a mystery to him. All he knew was that if the heartless wanted them, they needed protecting, and as long as he was able he was going to make sure none of them took the amphibious talkers.

    Fighting in the area was definitely a change of pace as well. He never fought in a swamp before and found that a lot of his movement was slow. On top of already being very slow on account of his size and build. Speed was never his strong stat, but it was never the stat he needed. Aux was a tank plain and simple, and it's situations like this where he thrived. Defending, and pushing back anyone who tried to harm the folks he was defending.

    2/8 Body Guard posts complete. 2,900 EXP Writer total.
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 20, 2024 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Krowley
    With an agitated sigh, Aux summoned his keyblade at the sight of heartless attacking the talking frogs- a sight he didn't want to ask regarding whether or not it was a common thing in this world.

    "Fine," he groaned. "I got some stuff to work through anyways..."

    HE ran headfirst in, casting Aeroza on the frogs before he gripped his keyblade with both hands and began smacking back the neoshadows with it. One after the other, letting loose powerful blow after blow. He kicked the polliwogs away as they seemed to be the lesser heartless of the two and kept a defensive stance to keep any other attacking ones at bay.

    1/8 Body Guard posts complete. 1,110 EXP Writer total
    Post by: Krowley, Dec 19, 2024 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Krowley
    The genie clones and dining room disappeared as the genie pouted, folding his arms. "Everyone's a critic!"

    Aladdin explained the situation to the group. "When you guys found me in the Cave of Wonders, I found that magic carpet, and this lamp. I thought the cave had trapped me, but when genie popped out of the lamp, I-"

    "Please, kid, leave the intros to a professional!" Genie exclaimed. "The one and only genie of the lamp! Rub-a-dub-dub the lamp and have your dearest wishes granted. Today's winner is... Aladdin! Congratulations!"
    A little neon sign appeared above Aladdin's head, with his name in flashing light.
    "I'm a mighty powerful guy, but anyone who has my lamp gets access to wishes. Any three wishes! A one wish, a two wish, a three wish. Then I make like a banana and split! Our lucky winner made his first wish to help him get out of the cave—And let me tell you, what a doozy that wish was—So he has two left. So, master, what'll you have for Wish Number Two? Granted there's no rush! After I grant the wishes, it's back to my portable prison. I'm lucky just happy to be out and FREEEEE!" he smiled.

    Aladdin paused for a moment. "Well... I was gonna use it to make me into a fabulous prince.. But Jasmine's in trouble, and I need to use my second wish to find her. Maybe I'll save being a prince for my 3rd wish. You said one of the rules was I couldn't force love, but Jasmine can only marry a prince. It's law after all. If I have a chance with her, I wanna do it as me. I just need to make sure she's safe."

    "Al, you're gonna make me cry, that was beautiful," genie, said blowing his nose with the sound of a foghorn.

    "Genie, for my second wish... I wish Jasmine would be brought to me safe and sound!"

    "You know with access to Phenomenal cosmic powers, you're really making these easy on me!"

    Genie snapped his fingers as Jasmine appeared before the group. The princess has long black hair tied behind her head, with a sky blue top and matching headband and salwar pants appeared.
    "How did I..."

    "Hi, powerful cosmic Genie here, he used a wish to bring you here, we'll catch you up soon!" Genie said, with a very wide smile.

    "Jasmine!" Aladdin cried out, immediately handing the lamp to Abu to hug her.
    "Aladdin!" She embraced him tightly, before being taken aback by the pale faced strangers.

    "Are you okay?!" he asked concerned.
    "Aladdin it's awful. Jafar's taken over the palace and hypnotized my father. He's working with another evil women with pale green skin and they kept talking about some kind of keyhole. After I heard everything I hid in the palace walls, I'm so happy you found me."

    "I don't know what I'd do if i lost you. But your father and Agrabah need our help... I'll use my 3rd wish to get rid of Jafar..."

    "But Al! What about-"
    "Genie it's fine, I'll think of something else. Jafar's a powerful sorcerer and you're the only one strong enough to take him out. Abu, hand me the lamp..."
    Aladdin turned around to find his monkey friend had disappeared. "Abu?"

    Overhead, a tiny parrot was aggravatingly trying to shake off Abu as he was flying overhead with lamp in his talons. "I SAID GET LOST YAH STUPID MON-KEY!" With another powerful shake, Abu fell off and landed on Luna's head. The parrot panted heavily as he was flying further and further out of their reach.


    "I'm on it!" The genie flew up straight next to the bird and donned a modern day police officer uniform. "Okay punk, theft is no joke. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to arrest you for robbery of a priceless magic lamp-"
    "I WISH YOU'D SHUT UP AND GET IN THE LAMP!" the screechy voiced bird shouted.

    As if magically compelled, Genie did as he was told and puffed into blue smoke before funneling back into the lamp.

    "Hey! Get back here!"
    "He's headed for the palace!" Jasmine added.

    Noting that a chase was to commence, the parrot flew past an Agrabah building, where Maleficent was observing.

    "Watch your tone Iago.. Jafar is a powerful player, but I have no need for a bird..."
    "Yah yah..." Iago began to fly off faster as the dark fairy summoned several Fat bandits, Bandits, and Luna bandits to keep the party busy.



    "We'll keep a look out," Aux replied, trying to appease the local denizen.

    After the question was asked, something began to take over Faust. It's as if he wasn't in proper control of his movements as his legs were walking away one foot in front of the other. Unsure why, Faust could see his shadow was not in unison with his and began forcing Faust to run.

    A small voice rang in his head that only Faust could hear. "Follow the fireflies."

    The rest of the party gave chase as Faust was leading them into the swamp.
    The party was able to avoid much of the mucky terrain by traveling on their keyblade gliders, but Faust's shadow stopped them as they heard a conversation between two arguing voices.

    "Voodoo? You mean to tell me this all happened because you were messing with the Shadow Man?" a woman's voice said.
    "He was very charismatic!" a latin accented man replied.
    "It serves me right for wishing on stars. The only way to get what you want in this world is through hard work."
    "Hard work? Why… why would a princess need to work hard?"
    "Huh? Oh, I’m not a princess. I’m a waitress."
    "A waitress? Well, no wonder the kiss did not work! You lied to me!"
    "I…I never said I was a princess."
    "You never said you were a w… a waitress! You were wearing a crown."
    "It was a costume party, you spoiled little rich boy."
    "Oh, oh yes, oh ye? Well, the egg is on your face, alright, because I do not have any riches!"
    "I am completely broke!"

    As they edged closer towards the voices, there were no people to be seen. But the voices instead came from two talking frogs oddly enough.

    "You said … you were fabulously wealthy!"
    "No, no, no. My parents are fabulously wealthy. But they cut me off for being a leech!"
    "You’re broke, and you had the gall to call me a liar?"
    "It was not a lie! I fully intend to be rich again! Once I marry Miss Charlotte La Bouff’ and she will help me!"
    "You a prince?"
    "She’ll help you! Once you two are married, you are gonna keep your promise and get me my restaurant, right?"
    "Whoa, oh, not so fast. I made that promise to a beautiful princess, not a cranky wai… Why are those shadows moving?.."

    Several neoshadows began to rise from the swampy ground as they circled the frogs. There was a lot to unpack here, but they definitely needed help..

    Post by: Krowley, Dec 7, 2024 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Krowley
    "It was... part of my elemental training... I didn't wanna come back until I finished it. That thing you guys were fighting was a manifestation of my darkness. I was jumping from world to world- following it, to try and stop it and finally conquer my darkness." He sighed and looked down at the floor. "I has visited all the worlds I ruined. The Great Forest, Dwarf Woodlands, Beast's Castle. It was awful. All the things." After letting out a sigh. "It's not an excuse to worry everyone though. Haven't really been keeping track of time," His eyes looked like he hadn't gotten a decent sleep in days. "I can't call myself a part of this team, until I deal with the thing that caused the most trouble for it..."

    As Quill was overwhelmed by cats, a blonde woman in a large pink gown came and tried to help remove the cats from Quill. "Oh you poor thing, Sorry about them!" she started picking off the cats one by one. "I swear my parties are usually much less wild than this one," she anxiously chuckled. She was a bit ditzy, but sweet with her southern accent. Some of the staff had already cleaning the aftermath of the event.

    "I didn't even get to finish my dance with prince Naveen," she sulked. "Oh! But more importantly; I'm looking for my friend Tiana. Have y'all seen her anywhere? Dark beautiful skin, rosy cheeks.. She was wearing her hair up and wore a beautiful blue gown I leant to her- Oh and she had a tiara!- She's my best friend and I just need to know she's okay!" She spoke fast and seemed to show genuine concern for her friend. The name she mentioned; 'Tiana' was also one of the remaining Princesses of Hearts that the party had to keep an eye out for.


    The street thief brought everyone to his hole-in-the-wall hidewaway at the edge of town.
    Aladdin made sure he was out of sight before he pulled out a large lamp from his vest. "I found this in the cave of wonders... It's got a pretty big secret but I think I can trust you guys. Not to mention I need to make sure Jasmine's okay..." He held up the lamp and rubbed it's side until sparks began to fly from the tip of the nozzle. The lamp bounced up and about from out of his hand as a crazy and wild baritone laugh echoed around the group.

    A stream of cyan colored smoke shot of the lamp as the gaseous vapor began to take form. The top heavy half of an enchanted creature took shape, stretching his arms out as if he had just woken up from a long map.
    "Oh it was only a night, but always feels like much longer!" The booming, charismatic tone came from a larger than life blue genie with a twisted curl of black hair atop his bald, elven eared head, his bottom half, nothing but a stream of smoke.

    "Al pal, you gotta let me out a lil more often! Really gotta stretch my legs- at least I would if I made em, but there's something so satisfying about floating about the-" He paused as he saw the other five wielders surrounding them. "Al, you didn't tell me we had quests coming! I would've cleaned up!" He snapped his fingers as the hideaway instantly turned into a fancy dining room with a feast of caviar and other fancy delicacies; Abu instantly diving into the caked and shoving his face into it.

    He snapped his fingers again as he grew legs and had magically summoned a butler uniform and thin mustache onto himself.
    "Allow me to dress you into the formalwear for the evening's event." He snapped his fingers again as Aladdin and the party were all fitted with lovely suits and dresses modeled after the roarin 20s. Kel into a fancy grey suit, AJ into a sharp navy blue and Beuce into an eggshell white with a porkpie hat to match. Luna sporting a flowing purple dress with elbow length gloves and Karina with a red flapper dress with a necklace of pearls. Even their was fashioned and styled accordingly.

    Aladdin chuckled a bit.
    "Yeah, that takes some getting used to but uh, Genie these are some friends I've made and-"

    "But of course sir! Allow me to make the rounds" he replied with a thick high-brow british accent. Several more copies of himself in butler attire appeared as they shook several hands, spouting several phrases.

    "Genie's the name!"
    "How do you do!"
    "Top drawer!"
    "Most excellent!"
    "Just say when miss!"

    The last genie clone was offering a plate of pasta to Luna and shredding grated parmesan slowly onto it.)
    Post by: Krowley, Nov 10, 2024 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Krowley
    AJ leveled up! (81) (82)
    Beuce leveled up! (83) (84)
    Faust leveled up! (83)
    Kaida leveled up! (82) (83)
    Karina leveled up! (84)
    Kel leveled up! (84)
    Luna leveled up! (84)
    Quill leveled up! (81) (82)

    Aux's armor rose from the ground, with a piece of his mask shattered. Behind the metal mask was not Aux, but a black void with pale yellow eyes staring back at them.
    It's head tilted to the side as it's neck cracked, the mask repairing itself with a powerful dark auta. The armor got on all fours and began to lunge forward to attack, it's animalistic attack proving to be more erratic. As it prepared to pounce for a second round against the trio, a dark portal opened in front of them.

    "Oh No You Don't!"

    Aux in his regular attire leapt from the dark portal with keyblade in hand and parried the dark armor away. The dark armor quickly reprising before pushing back against Aux.
    With the dark portal closing behind him, Facilier took out a pocket watch and snapped his fingers. "Guardian! Leave em be, we got bigger frogs to fry!"

    The armor's dark aura grew as it growled and did as commanded, sinking into a pool of darkness below and vanishing.
    "See you on the other side," the dark doctor grinned. He snapped his fingers again and disappeared in a puff of green smoke.

    "Damn! I almost had it!" Aux sighed, dispersing his key and catching his breath. "I've been chasing that thing all over and it-" He paused before turning around, not realizing three of his party members had just finished a skirmish with the dark armor. "Hey... uh... when'd you guys get here?..."

    Aux looked exhausted as he was still catching his breath.


    The captain of the guard grunted as all his men were now struggling to get back on their fight.

    "The sultan is also missing," he replied to Luna. "That's why the Royal vizier is in charge... Hang your heads in shame men! We failed Agrabah today by letting these foreigners overpower us."
    The arabian men felt defeated both mentally and physically as they sheathed their sword and held their hands up, unarmed, before getting back on their feet.

    "Figured a street rat would need outside help to try and defeat the Agrabah guard! What are you after with the princess? Ransom?!"

    "I keep telling you, we haven't seen Jasmine! Or the Sultan! Trust me, I wish I knew where she was but..." Aladdin stopped talking in his tracks as a sudden thought came to mind. "Uhh... look, I'm still looking for her too... just... don't get in the way of our search and we wont get in the way of yours. Come on Abu! Time to test it out!"

    He called his monkey to his shoulder as Aladdin began to race away from the scene. "You guys can come to but try and keep up!"

    The captain grunted. "This isn't over Street Rat!!" he cursed.
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 29, 2024 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Krowley
    After Luna's commanding declaration, one of the guards sheepishly spoke out. "Captain... I don't want to hit a woman..."
    "If the royal vizier says they are to be extinguished from the city, then we WILL comply!" the head guard spoke. Several more guards held up their swords as they prepared for combat.

    "I am sure you are trying to just do your job but can you please explain why you want him dead. Maybe what he did."

    "This man is a common thief that is wanted for questioning by the royal vizier... He is the prime suspect in the disappearance of Princess Jasmine," The captain said in response to AJ.
    "Jasmine..." Aladdin uttered out under his breath "I would never hurt Jasmine!" he lashed out.
    "Really?" The palace rumors say otherwise. They say you actually tried to romance her!" the guard chuckled. "Know your place thief... The heart of a princess is something YOU can never steal..."

    Aladdin took out his blade and was prepared to fight. "We'll see about that!



    "Still, can't have y'all messin' up my home field advantage..." Facilier added. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get soon-to-be-rich hands on a pair of slimy little fro-" He paused as he looked around the now abandoned event. He was distractedby the party for only a moment, but the frogs that were causing the huge scene had managed to disappear. "Well don't that just put a stink in the gumbo pot..." He snarled. "I'll deal with you brats later. Thanks to your sudden intrusion, I have to go on a little frog hunt..."

    He snapped his fingers as a group of ghost-like heartless rose up. "Find the frogs and bring them back here! My plan to take over this town can't continue with the prince unaccounted for!" The ghost heartless nodded as they took to the skies in different directions. "Just a little gift from my friends on the other side. You'd be surprised how much darkness can turn a man's soul when he's at his lowest. Speaking of which..." H took his cane and clanged it against a silver cloche that covered some dishes on the food table. "Oh bodyguard! I got a couple of old friends you gotta deal with."

    A dark corridor opened, as A large man in black armor.

    "I believe y'all have been acquainted... Now make like a set of dominoes and topple over!" he grinned, lifting his cane into the air to seal off the area.

    Post by: Krowley, Oct 7, 2024 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Krowley
    "Let's just say the guards and I don't exactly get along," Aladdin admitted.
    "You see, we have this funny little game where I try to steal something and they try to catch me. It's less of a game and more of a survival thing now that I think about it." He halted as the head guard stopped the roguish man in his tracks.

    "No where left to run street rat! The royal vizier wants your head on a platter, and we are more than obliged to fulfil the request..."
    As many of the bazaar patrons saw the guards unsheathing their blades, the market began to clear out, with many of the swords pointing at Aladdin.
    Aladdin turned to face the rest of the group. "Sorry to get you into this mess. I can keep them busy while you run for cover..." Aladdin took out his own blade as he was prepared to fight.


    "Aww you can't be leaving just yet... I hear the desserts are to die for,"
    A very deep voiced man spoke from behind the trio as a tall and lean dark skinned man exited a corridor of darkness portal. He had a thin mustache and dressed in a very slimming black and red suit. He sported a black cane with a small purple orb on top. To finish his ensemble, he had a black top hat with a red band and purple feather in it and a skull and crossbones to fit right in the center.

    "Funny, I thought there'd be more of you... I kept hearing that your band of young gumption was proving to be more of a pest than usual." His attention turned to Faust as he removed his top hat and tucked it under his arm. "I see you've returned to your normal aged self my ivory haired friend. Neverland seems so long ago now..."
    Post by: Krowley, Sep 22, 2024 in forum: Role-Playing Arena