Xemnas/Maleficent (Mastermind with Mastermind)
Larxene/Pete (I just think they'd be cute together...)
Lexaeus/Jasmine ('Cause Lexy deserves some lovin')
PING is weak and helpless. MULAN is damn near unstoppable. At least she was when I teamed up with her. She was flying all over the place, shooting flames at Heartless and evaporating them before I had a chance to do a Keyblade Stabbity Dance on them. :P
In terms of all games, I have to say the most useless helper is Peter Pan. He's a lot better as a Summon. As a helper, he spent a great deal of time unconcious while we were fighting. Especially during the Hook fight.
I don't think so. Larxene's more like a combination of Mystique and Sabertooth, a vicious killer who's not above going with anyone who suits her purposes. I think if she felt Xemnas could give her a better offer, she'd dump Marluxia for him in a second. And as for Axel, I have a few simple words to describe her feelings for him: boytoy, moderately useful disposable tool
We know he's willing to go to any lengths to stop Xemnas and overthrow the Organization.
But we don't know the reasons why.
Is he power-hungry?
Or is he more like Magneto, wanting to save his kind from those who'd destroy it with their mad schemes? Did he realize that Xemnas had no intention of sharing Kingdom Hearts with them?
Sorry, I misunderstood the topic, and the humor post in the first page inspired me.
And I just had to vent a little. I don't mind the more well-written pairing pieces, but people seem to forget that the Organization XIII members are VILLAINS. Cold, calculating villains, from Roxas to Xemnas. Granted, Roxas goes good in the end, but he's still Organization XIII. And Namine's not that much of a good girl herself. She DID go along with Marluxia's plans....
I love reading fanfiction, but I'm tired of seeing overly OOC sappy or overly OOC angsty stories, or AU high school fics (I hated my time in high school for the most part), or my favorite female characters being killed off and replaced by someone who's little more than a self-insert or the same character in a different outfit, or seeing my favorite female characters being written as demonically (female canine-y) monsters...
And you have to admit, I'm right about Reflega being a life-saver in that four-on-one massacre... First few times I tried fighting that Frightful Foursome I got slaughtered. The four of them never let me hit the ground for ten minutes, practically...
DON'T assume a character is in-canon gay just because you like the pairing and think it's cute.
DON'T write *insert perfectly nice and friendly female character* as an unfriendly, evil, unloving (derogatory word for female canine) just because you don't like them for whatever inane reason or think that their in-canon relationship is getting in the way of your favorite yaoi pairing.
DON'T try to freak out the VAs by asking them to say pervy lines in-character.
DO try to keep characters IN CHARACTER when writing fanfiction about them.
DO try to remember that this is just a game, people.
DO spam Reflega during Round 49 of the Hades Cup. It's easy, it's fast, it's safe, it's guaranteed to keep you alive in the Final Fantasy Foursome Gangbang.
DO use Final Form in the Castle areas of TWTNW. The destruction is worth it, and you get to fly, practically. :)
Side Note: I apologize if someone is offended by my first few don'ts, but I've encountered that kind of reasoning too many times before...
I always looked at the Axel/Roxas relationship (I REFUSE to use AkuRoku) as more of a brotherly one, Axel being the caring older brother and Roxas being the petulant, rebellious but still relatively kind younger brother.
Vexen - Tim Curry
Lexaeus - Keith David
Zexion - David Kaye
Marluxia - Stephen Jay Blum
Larxene - Cree Summers (doing a voice in the style of her Hyena character from Gargoyles)
For Master, go to Beast's Castle and slaughter everything, leave, then come back and slaughter everything again. The Heartless there almost always have Large Drive orbs. I spent about 2-3 hours there and had Master leveled up completely.
For Wisdom, stay in the city area of The World That Never Was and kill any Heartless you find. The Heartless there are all easy kills, Shadows and Neo Shadows, so you should level up quickly.
I'm actually thinking/hoping that they'll go into the Disney TV Cartoons. Mozenrath and the Gargoyles are very popular choices for KH3 appearances on most forums I've been on...
The people at Midway for not adding Khameleon to the PS2 version of Mortal Kombat Armageddon and not releasing the character bios in a timely fashion. Idiots...