Recent Content by Knehcs

  1. Knehcs
    I'm looking for codes to mute ALL music, effect sounds, etc. except for voices. I'm wanting to record certain portions of dialogue from cutscenes via Theater Mode. Is there anything that can help me out?
    Post by: Knehcs, Apr 16, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Knehcs
    Thanks for the speedy replies. I, too, would be willing to whatever I could to assist; I just have no idea where to even begin. I thought I would tinker with my ripped copy of the NTSC version of KH1, and if I ever got anywhere with it, I would apply the knowledge to the FM if/when I got my hands on it. Google fails to find anything of use for actually cracking open PS2 games.

    There must be something that can be done? A place to start? :(
    Post by: Knehcs, Feb 22, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Knehcs
    This may be the wrong place to ask about this, but this particular forum seems to be most up-to-date place for Kingdom Hearts hacking/coding information on the Internet.

    I've imported a copy of KHII:FM and played it with the most recent English patch, and that playthrough on Critical mode was probably the most fun I've had with a Kingdom Hearts game thus far (the only games I've not yet played are Re:coded, which I'm halfway finished with, KH:FM, and BBS:FM). I'm aware that there's also an English patch floating around for BBS:FM, and I'll certainly look into that at some point, but what about KH:FM?

    I have no intent to come off as ungrateful, as I respect the hell out of those who have brought us such fantastic patches in the past. I want to discuss this, though, if possible. Have there been any known attempts to translate the game? Are there barriers in place that complicate matters to the point of it being more hassle than its worth? I've read the replies from people who simply suggest playing with the aid of a translation guide, but is there any possibility of anyone translating it?

    And, finally, this is going to be a bit of a long-shot, but does anyone here know how one could go about learning how to access files within the disc to possibly explore options of translating? I know it would be no easy task, but if anyone could point me in the right direction, that would be great.

    Thanks in advance, and sorry again if this is this the wrong place for this.
    Post by: Knehcs, Feb 21, 2012 in forum: Code Vault