Recent Content by kingdomheartsgirl222

  1. kingdomheartsgirl222
  2. kingdomheartsgirl222
    i was gonna post this!! i luv relient k!!!!
    oh well,
    Lullaby for you by Jyongri (the song is the credits song in the world ends with you)
    Kawatta no wa boku na no ka keshiki na no ka fuan dakedo
    Tonari ni mamoritai kimi ga ireba ii to ima omotta

    Wasuretai koto mo aru keredo
    Furikaeru to yowaku naru kedo
    Omoide wa kokoro no takaramono da kara
    Soba ni aru no sa

    Lullaby For You
    Ashita no hikari wa matte iru kara
    May tomorrow be wonderful, too
    Te o toriaeru chikara ga areba
    Nemuri kara samete mo hitori ja nai

    Nemurenai no wa kodomo da kara kodoku da kara heiki datta kedo
    Yume o minagara yoru o sugoshitai to kanjita no wa hajimete sa

    Lullaby For You
    Hoshi wa kanarazu kagayaku kara
    May tomorrow be wonderful, too
    Itsuka wa idaku kibou ga aru kara
    Tesaguri no yami de mo hitori ja nai

    Kioku no naka de kizami ikite yukitai
    Mou sude ni the past is gone eternally

    Lullaby For You
    Ashita no hikari wa matte iru kara
    May tomorrow be wonderful, too
    Te o toriaeru chikara ga areba
    Nemuri kara samete mo hitori ja nai
    Hitori ja nai
    Post by: kingdomheartsgirl222, Jun 25, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. kingdomheartsgirl222


    its really good, i've seen the whole anime and read the first 2 volumes on manga, its definitely worht it to do both, they r soo different from eachother!!!
    Post by: kingdomheartsgirl222, Jun 25, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  4. kingdomheartsgirl222
    this is a fanfiction on my site

    Jun 6 2008, 3:29 PM EDT
    (i guessed that we had a Leaf Attack- we should have an Akatsuki Attack- ohz rp ur ninjas from either the Akatsuki or Leaf Village)

    Kizuku walked around the Akatsuki base, humming. Until she heard something. She kept walking- acting like she hadn't heard anything. UNTIL she had to block incoming kunais. She jumped out of the way and threw a kunai with a paper bomb, and then formed a hand sign.

    Jun 6 2008, 3:43 PM EDT
    mikora knew she had been seen by some sort of ninja, seemingly dangerous, was it really a good idea for the hokage to send chunin on this mission, it was definitely a jonin least others were with her, she must report back.

    Jun 6 2008, 4:15 PM EDT
    Shiba bounded through the base, hearing the sounds of metal on metal. <What the hell is going on here? We usually don't fight with kunai...> She thought, and she ran even harder, her body shifting into a wolf to get there faster. "Kizu? Kanami? Kilekah?" She called, and skidded to a stop as she saw Kizuku. "Kizu-chan! What happened?" She demanded as she dropped into a defensive crouch, her tail twitching in an aggressive circle. Xantara was right behind her, a growl forming in the Spirit wolf's throat.

    Jun 6 2008, 7:10 PM EDT
    "Someone is here." She snapped, a growl rumbling in her throat. "Darn, Leaf NInja." She said after sniffing the air.

    Jun 6 2008, 9:28 PM EDT
    Ikazuchi walked to shiba's side "Does anyone know what they want?" She looked around calmly, but questioningly at Kizuku, Shiba, and Xantra, when suddenly a Kunai came out of no where and pierced her arm.

    Jun 6 2008, 9:54 PM EDT
    "Oh," Shiba muttered understandingly, and glanced up at Ikazuchi, when she saw the kunai slice her friend's skin. Instantly, Shiba snarled at the direction the kunai came from, and leaped at nothing, closing the distance between them and the enemy. "Show yourselves!" She hissed with such venom it sent a shiver down her spirit wolf's spine, but she joined her in snarling. "Maybe you'll live if you do!" Xantara added, slightly less threatening than her counterpart. But only slightly.

    Jun 6 2008, 10:03 PM EDT
    Ikazuchi Stood up slowly. Luckily the Kunai only scraped her skin, and it wasnt poisoned. She had an odd distant gaze. "Show yourselves" She said calmly, already devising a torchurous Genjutsu for the intruders.

    Jun 6 2008, 10:17 PM EDT
    Shiba perked her snowy ears, and let out a recognizing "Arf?" She glanced back at Ikazuchi, and grinned, realizing what she was doing. <Once their in the genjutsu, they're done for. They better watch it!> she thought to Xantara, who nodded.
    Xantara cautiously refrained from her old position and stood up, shaking her pelt slightly. Her eyes shining with some unknown emotion, possibly anticipation she padded forward, trying to pinpoint where the enemy was.
    Shiba stayed where she was, still growling at the air.

    Jun 7 2008, 6:39 PM EDT
    *Meh Leaf NInja*

    Sakuya stared at them lamely. "So distant and yet so close. So many traps to be laid- so many attacks to dodge. Obviously the Akastuki are as they are discribed." She said knowingly- slinking back to the Leaf Village.

    (Lolz- she sounds emo. XD...But she iz a smart ninja...2 bad she wont fight))

    *Meh Akatsuki Ninja*
    She formed a bubble and sent it to the skies. ~Maybe i can see them from there...~ She thought, her wolf demons growling to be summoned. ~Let us out! We could kill them easily!!!~ Akumu snarled. "That would take away the fun." She said aloud. AKumu growled louder in return. Kizuku tok out her scythe- something purple dripping from the blade. When it hit the ground- it destroyed it like acid. A sinister smile appeared on her face. "Lets go."She said quietly before disappearing in a wisp of wind.

    Jun 8 2008, 9:31 AM EDT
    "Theyre leaving..." Ikazuchi said, a bit disappointed that the footsteps were leading away from them, instead of towards them. " I really wanted to fight..." she said, dejected and gripped her arm again.

    Jun 8 2008, 2:06 PM EDT
    Shiba let her tail droop slightly, suddenly confused at why they would retreat, but that thought was pushed away as another came, and she stood up. "Hehe, they must've underestimated us!" Shiba snickered at their supposed ignorance, her tail wagging. "Baka. you really think they would underestimate the AKatsuki!?" Xantara growled back. But she pretended not to listen upon seeing Ikazuchi's wound. "Hey, you ok Hikari-chan?" she asked, concerned, and her tail once again drooped slightly.

    Jun 8 2008, 3:17 PM EDT
    "Im fine, thank you though" she said, dejected at the fact that she wouldnt get to fight, then turned to Xantra "Maybe it was like to see how many of us there are and how attentive we are or something, but they obviously didnt underestimate us. If they did, they would of fought, of course." She spoke softly, almost to herself, trying to solve the mystery.

    Jun 8 2008, 4:21 PM EDT
    Shiba huffed at this slightly, but said nothing. It would do her no good to argue right now. She sneezed, and sighed. "I'm gonna go fly out and see if I can find anything suspicious." she announced, and shifted into a dragon with shimmering pale blue scales and four wings for maximum speed. With a quick good-bye, she pumped her wings, and in a few seconds disappeared from the base, and darted outside, scanning for their intruders.
    Xantara muttered something to herself, and trotted back the way she came, humming a tribal tune to herself to keep her from following Shiba and tracking down those ninja.

    Jun 8 2008, 5:05 PM EDT
    Ikazuchi gripped her arm tighter as a wave of pain hit it. "hmm... better get this wrapped up" she spoke to herself "Wait no.... I should go make sure no one else is here" she countered, speaking to herself and answering back (Bad habit picked up by Zetsu >.<) But decided against it and left to wrap up her arm.

    Jun 8 2008, 8:18 PM EDT
    Shiba soared above the trees, grinning wildly as she dove and spun through the air. Suddenly, something caught her eye, and she lowered down a bit to get a closer look. It was the ninja that attacked the base before. <Good... it looks like they're heading back to the village. Unless... what if they have a fort with reinforcements? Ah crap, I better go check.> She kept low to the ground and far enough behind so as not to attract attention to herself, but she always kept them in her sights, or scent.
    Xantara padded around the base, unsure of what to do. She couldn't go out and fight, but there was nothing for her to do at the base for the moment. Scowling slightly, she continued walking, her bushy tail lashing out at the air. She caught sight of a shadowy figure and, suspicious, stalked towards it. She sighed, half relieved, half disappointed, as she saw it was only Konan. "What's going on?" she asked. "Enemy ninja attacked the base." Xantara replied, figuring she might as well let her know. "Great," she groaned, and walked off, back the way she came, probably to tell Pein what happened. Xantara sighed, and kept trotting down the hallway, trying to find something to do.

    Jun 8 2008, 8:27 PM EDT
    (...woooow I'm WAAAY too descriptive... sorry guys ^^')

    Jun 9 2008, 9:25 AM EDT
    *akatsuki ninja*

    ~hmmm...this seems a little to suspicious, i mean y would they have retreated tha tfast, they haven't even lost a high ranking ninja yet, knowing the leaf village they have plenty of reinforcments....they would never give up so easily....~ kanami was wondering as she decided to take a look from above with deidara and his bird. "is something wrong hmm?" deidara asked with extreme sincerety (sp?). "no, its fine.." kanami said, not trusting her partner as she should.(and by partner i mean life partner like fionse, cause technically he is tobi's partner in the akatsuki but he is my fionse partner thingie, yeah...) but the nshe remembered what her old friend cat always said (cat is a nickname, ill explain in an upcoming story, he is from my past, ill probably put it on my profile soon...) "the only way to survive out her, is to trust your partner if you don't you won't last a day, but when you do trust your partner, you can smash through all of your problems together!" that day was so emotional for her, being the day she lost one of her closest friends to her own childhood sensei (the 1 that was in the village i his in after i ran away from the village hiddan in the weather.)

    *leaf village ninja*

    what willl they do when they find out i'm still here.....i can't even bear to think about it. "Ahhhhhhhhh" she did her job and created a diversion, the only problem now was how mikora could get away with not getting caught......her roup moved in, Shikamaru, Neji, Haruka, and herself disobeyed orders to fight, now reinforcements would come back with Haruka's news of what they were doing.
    (yeah, i think i am a little to descriptive to!!)

    Jun 9 2008, 4:41 PM EDT
    Ikazuchi walked through the base, searching for a sign of where they might have gone. ~Wait... is someone else still here???~ She thought to herself, walking through the base now at double speed, almost running. "I shouldnt let my imagination run wild..." she whispered to herself. "I should go help shiba or something.... no... i should finish this." she spoke only to herself, continuing her search for the leaf ninjas.
    (Also, Fianse is spelled Fiance and Sincerety is spelled sincerity i think)

    Jun 9 2008, 5:30 PM EDT
    (thanx person, i suck at spelling, but i rock at math!!!! and reading!!! just not the spelling, so thanx ^_^)

    *akatsuki ninja*
    "hey, i think it's all clear, y do we have to bother searching the entire woods? if they had reinforcements-"
    deidara was cut off. "they might still have reinforcements, i didnt say they planned to, i just know that they r always breaking their own rules and r quite unpredictable." Kanami said as if she knew the answer to everything.
    *leaf ninja*
    "what a drag..." (obviously) Shikamaru said. "shhhh....they could be coming any minute, remember how i heard something b4? well, i hear it again!" Mikora said.
    "psst...guys psst!" Haruka said with returning news. "hey, mikora, guys they said that they would bring reinforcements tomorrow, they said Gai's group would join us..."Haruka said with an it's-better-than-nothing look on her face. "fine. any1 will do, and they're good when it comes to stealth, the hokage chose well." Mikora answered.

    Jun 9 2008, 6:33 PM EDT
    WAIT!!!!! Plz explain!!!! Where is everyone im so confused!!! I know that Shibas following the leaf ninja and Dei and Kanami are searching the woods from Dei's clay bird Ikazuchi is walking around the akatsuki base but im confused on Shikamaru Haruka and Mikora...

    Jun 9 2008, 7:37 PM EDT
    (Akatsuki Ninja)
    Kizuku slashed through the trees, cutting down anything in her way. She had been attacked- and she will take them out. She had a bloodthirsty smile on her face as she saw someone standing in the way- a few paces away...She was coming in for the kill...She lashed at the person- but it disapeared. "Huh?" She gasped as the ground disappeared. She let out a yelp as she fell- a canyon was in the way- floating in the middle. She growled as she looked up- seeing nothing there. 'What was that?' She thought- not worried about the fall- just hoping someone would come and help before she became a puddle of blood and guts.

    (Leaf Ninja)
    Sakuya watched as the Akatsuki ninja fell for her trick. Her Jutsu had worked, and the inja was now plumiting to her death. Sakuya snorted, "I cant believe she fell for it..." She then jumped to the ground (she was in a tree) and walked away.

    (Lolz- i made the Leaf Ninja meaner than the Akatsuki emeber! Srry- have 2 go, Bullet iz looking 4 me- tell u 2morrow.)

    Jun 9 2008, 10:49 PM EDT
    (Storm- they're from two different perspectives, when it says *leaf ninja* they're talking about their OCs from the Leaf Village, to better portray what's gonna happen. So that's where Shika and everyone else come in)
    Shiba snarled silently to herself as she overheard what the ninja were muttering about. She waited patiently nonetheless, flying just a few dozen feet behind them, and suddenly decided it would be better to travel on foot, so she morphed back into her snowy wolf form (she silently thanked God that the process made no noise), but kept feathery wings, just in case. They lay folded against her side as she continued pursuing the enemy.
    Xantara paced around impatiently, still not sure of what to do. Growling in frustration, she finally decided to gather up as much chakra as she could, and began walking towards the entrance to the base, so she could be ready when needed. On the way, she bumped into Kisame (another person XD), who looked at her confused. Sighing, she retold what happened, and he ran off to find the others and let them know. Then she hit her head in stupidity. Why didn't she think of warning the others!? Today was not her day...

    Jun 10 2008, 9:42 AM EDT
    (i liked what u guys put, but i have writers block right now, i just wrote a mean email to jamie and sent it to marissa so she could send it to him, considering i think she might wanna say the mean things to him and i have no other way of contacting him.)

    Jun 10 2008, 10:48 AM EDT
    (Akatsuki ninja)
    Kizuku turned into her tiger- even though it was fat and might fall faster, she thought the claws would help. She dug her claws into the wall of the cliff and skidded to a hault. "Ow." She sighed, her tail twitching. She turned back into a human and remember. "thats right! I have bubbles!" She yelled happily. IN the process she fell, puposly. (sp?) She landed on a bubble that carried her out of the canyon. "OKay- we are off!" She yelled loudly, and proudly.

    (Leaf INnja)
    Sakuya made it back to the Leaf Village and was in her house, sleeping.

    (I g2g soon- so bye!)

    Jun 10 2008, 4:09 PM EDT
    (Shiba- I know that T.T i mean physically where are they. But nvm. Ill figure it out. But ily still n.n also, what is OC???? Besides Orange cat. LONG LIVE ORANGE CAT AND THE GANGSTA CHIPMUNKS!!!omg srry random)
    Ikazuchi finished searching the whole base. She had decided to go look for the leaf ninja and if possible to catch up to Shiba. On her way out she saw some of the akatsuki members, explaining what had happened, and continued on to the entrance. She checked how may Kunai she had and her weapons, and thought they were fine, so continued on, entering the woods in search of the leaf ninja.

    Jun 10 2008, 4:37 PM EDT
    (meh back)

    (Akatsuki member)

    Kizuku turned back into her tiger form. White wasnt good- but a tiger was best for use in the forest. She troted through the forest and stummbled onto Shiba. She let out a low growl that humans couldn't hear, but wolves can. "What are u doing?" She said in tiger- not thinking that wolves not understand.

    (leaf ninja)

    *still asleep*

    Jun 10 2008, 5:30 PM EDT
    (lol oh... sorry I was half asleep posting that XD They're somewhere in the forest, I guess XD OC= Original Character, and also Orange Cat!!! LONG LIVE ORANGE CAT AND THE MARSHMALLOW GOD!!! XD)
    "I'm following the Leaf ninja!" Shiba kept tracking the ninja. "I couldn't just let them walk away, and what if they had reinforcements? I figured I'd find out."
    Xantara sighed, and started wagging her tail slightly upon seeing Ikazuchi. "hi!" she barked.

    Jun 10 2008, 5:42 PM EDT
    "Hey... ummm... I was just going to look for those leaf ninja..." Hoping that she would still get to go alone, and about to leave " Anything going on with you???"
    (ALSO YUSH ORANGE CAT PWNS!!! Also... Srry if I dont respond for a whie... I be watching Shippuden like my away message says >.<)

    Jun 10 2008, 9:45 PM EDT
    (HELL YES! And ok, I will too XD I need to catch up to ya!)
    "Go ahead, I'm gonna protect the base," Xantara barked as if reading her thoughts. She always knew what someone was feeling; apparently, it was a gift most Spirit Animals shared. "I know you wanna go, and you look like your rushing." she yawned, and lay down, her head placed calmly on her front paws.

    Jun 11 2008, 12:15 PM EDT
    "Oh..." Kizuku said, turning into a small white cat, then jumping to a tree. "Dont eat meh!" She mewed, laughing quietly before rushing off in the direction of the Leaf Ninja.

    Jun 11 2008, 3:20 PM EDT
    "Thank you, Xantra" Ikazuchi said, rushing off into the forest while yelling back to Xantra "Watch the base carefully!!!" After a little while she found a path that the leaf villagers must have taken, and ran at top speed on the trail. "I will find you,,," She whispered to herself quietly.
    (OMG YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE PWNS??? GETTING HIGH ON HELIUM >.< "Is my voice squeaky???" XDD)

    Jun 11 2008, 3:44 PM EDT
    ((OMG!! THAT IZ AWESOME! Only i dont like talking bcause i sound weird wheneva i suck helium. Meh whole family thinks in funneh- but we dont get high.))

    Jun 11 2008, 4:55 PM EDT
    ((OMG The only reason I said High on helium was cuz at meh B-day party Me and my frend Yuki sucked in helium and then and then and then I got all highish... AND HAZEL AND SHIBA WERE THERE 2!!!!))

    Jun 11 2008, 5:27 PM EDT
    ((Nice! Meh family only does that at B-day parties. ITS SO FUNNEH! WE luv 2 make fun of ppl. Also, i wouldnt know if i got high cuz i usually ACT high- ask Kanami+Deidara, or Robinfeather, or Karazuki+Hidan. Altho sometimes its gets perverted, ask Karazuki+Hidan- we r both the funneh ones that speak our mind, and curse alot, and sometimes find something perverted in something that wasnt meant to be. Altho i usually notice it! LOlz, *disturbed*))

    Jun 11 2008, 6:11 PM EDT
    (Yep, she's right. But I almost always laugh, lol.)

    Haruka looked around and asked "What happend to Sakuya?"

    Kilekah sighed and looked around.

    Jun 11 2008, 6:15 PM EDT
    @Kizu- lol you sound like my friend a bit, she always claims shes high on life, which she is, and she speaks her mind too, and she can be perverted, but she only makes innuendos, not like Pervy Sage or Ebisu pervy XD fjldsjfdlsfjdsl I wonder if your her twin... there's a lot of almost twins here XD)

    Jun 11 2008, 6:35 PM EDT
    Ikazuchi Kept Running, looking for the leaf ninja
    (IDK WHAT ELSE TO ADD!!!! >.< Also.... OMG I AM SO HYPER I WANNA SCREEAAAM!!!! ALSO Hazel might be joinin. Thats me nd shiba's bffl. But Yuki wont. She doesnt want to know about the akatsuki yet cuz she doesnt read manga or watch shippuden)

    Jun 12 2008, 12:13 PM EDT
    (kizu speaks the truth, at my last sleepover that kizu missed TTT_TTT, i took the balloon from my b-day and sang the entire song i will survive whjile on helium!!! then karazuki, kilekah and i sang madonna songs with the helium!!! we make fun of her cause she has such a high voice but i am in luuuv wif the 80's so i have madonna songs, lolz!! and about that friend, will she join after she does know about the akatsuki?? and the 1 thats joining, yesssssss thats awesome!!! i hope shes very active cause i dont really enjoy dead wait *like sakura!!*)

    Jun 12 2008, 12:19 PM EDT
    *akatsuki ninja*
    kanami decided that this has been a long day and she might as well do something productive that doesn't take up as much time- finish planning her wedding. Deidara wouldn't have to do anything cause every1 knows it's way more important to the girl.

    *leaf ninja*
    mikora ran as fast as she could wif the news of the akatsuki ninja right on her friend's tail, she ran with shikamaru, hoping they were both safe at the end of this cause she could never live without him and he couldn'tl ive without her either...
    (btw, i am writing a book, its about a high schooler named jake who's in love with this girl katew, i alreadyt have what their frist date will be planned out but i would appreciate it if some1 could help me with an idea of how he got her to go out with him, i was hoping it would be sort of funny like in the notebook 4 those of u who've seen that movie)

    Jun 12 2008, 1:59 PM EDT
    ((2 kana-chan-????????????
    2 Kile-chan- i know! Even when i cuss REALLY BAD u still laugh. Yalp.
    2 Shiba-chan- mayb! THAT WOULD B AWESOME! XD We would like..b a famileh here! I'm gonna paste it on every page! HERE WE R A FAMILY! TREAT OTHERS WITH RESPECT. Add i'll add diz 2, "WARNING PPL DO CURSE HERE" lolz- cuz we do! First- Kanami can i/we???))

    "Right here." Sakuya said, appreaing out of nowhere. "Hello." She said yawning at Hakura. "Have we been attacked yet?" She asked, just as a tiger walked out of the forest-right infron of them- and straight into the Village. "Sh*t." She said lamely. "I cant beleive...THAT TIGERS ARE SO CUTE!!!!"

    (Lozl- Sakuya doesn't know that KIZU! XD *head bang*)

    (Lolz, meh tiga form! XD *head bang...again*)

    Kizuku walked into the Village as i tiger. "Sh*t." She heard and turned her head. There were to ninjas right infront of her. She heard one's yell. "What the...?!?!?!?!?!" Kizu yelled freaking out and dashing back into the forest. "DONTGOTOTHELEAFVILLAGE!!" She roared tripping over her words.

    Sakuya heard roaring-most likely the tiger. "Hmmm...what just happened?" She asked turning to Hakura.

    (lolz- clueless)

    Jun 12 2008, 7:30 PM EDT
    (2 kizu- sure, y not, u help me soo much on this site sister, wif out u it would b impossible to keep this site alive and ur my sister, so sure, u guys can!)
    *leaf ninja*
    "you know, Shikamaru, the fact that you don't really care about what we're doing right now really buggs me! i just can't believe you would just sit there as if it's not a big deal!" Mikora yelled at Shikamaru while they were alone. "well, if you don't like it, then just break up with me!!" Shikamaru protestede. "FINE!! MAYBE I WILL!!" "FINE! so are we done here?" "yeah, we're done here." "no, i mean ARE WE DONE?!" "yeah, yeah we are..." (i know, dramatic, they broke up 4 now!!)
    (mikora and Shikamaru's fighting wif eachother song comes on suddenly, it's potential break up song by ali and aj)

    *akatsuki ninja*
    "kanami, i think you planned out not only the wedding but our entire lives by now!" deidara said, knowing kanami had been making plans for almost an entire day straight. "no, i am not even almost done!" Kanami exclaimed playfully.

    Jun 12 2008, 7:38 PM EDT
    (@Storm- Yeah yeah, I know, but you're still gonna wait.
    @Kanami- lol helium is like the next weed XD And Idk bout Yuki, she's not really into the Akatsuki... it's so sad =( But Hazel will, I'm like 99.9% sure she will. And I would love to, but Ineversawthatmovie =( But I would love to read and critique =) My bro's name is Jake, I call him Dake or Baka-san tho XD

    Shiba saw a white flash whiz past her, screaming not to go into the village, but something made her press onward. She shifted into a mouse with dull brown fur near the gates, and scuttled in. One of the ninja looked at her curiously, and she froze, holding her breath. But he just blinked and looked up, and she darted away. She made it in. <"Xantara!"> Shiba barked in her head. <"Mhmm?"> the spirit wolf replied. <"I actually made it in, but only because I'm a mouse. Make sure to talk to Kizu when she comes back."> <"Wait, Kizuku's-"> Xantara began, but Shiba cut her from her head, and focused on the giant village around her. <Man, I hope I dont' get lost!>

    Jun 13 2008, 3:17 PM EDT
    Ikazuchi finally made it to the leaf village. "Took long enough...." She spoke to herself, slightly complaining. "Well i could have gone faster..." she blamed herself. "No i was going as fast as i could!!!" She fought back for herself. "Now how to get into the leaf....." she wondered, trying to think of the best technique for the mission.

    Jun 13 2008, 4:59 PM EDT
    ((Than ku, Kanami! *head bang*))

    Kizuku was sitting and let out a sigh. "I'm gonna have to go back. As a ninja. Hmm...I'll have to wear my undercover clothes!" She exclaims, turning backinto her human form and slipping off her Akatsuki clothes. "Good thing i always have my ninja clothes on under the cloak!" She rans back and dashes into the Leaf Village in a blurr. "That was easy..." She said confused. " i'm hungry. What's here to eat?" She asks herself sniffing the air and dropping to her hands & knees. She followed her nose and slammed into a wall. "Ow! Hm?" She said sitting down, crossing her legs, and rubbing her forehead. She looked down and saw a mouse. "Okay then!" She says louddly, smiling and licking her lips. She lifts it by the tail but smells something else. "Huhn? Is that you Shiba-chan?" She asks the mouse.

    Jun 13 2008, 5:16 PM EDT
    Ikazuchi realized that genjutsu was the best way to go. Also, it was her favorite. She took off her cloak and looked like a regular sand ninja, and walked into the leaf village, almost unnoticed. The first and only person to notice her entry had been trapped in a genjutsu in like 2 seconds, because they had made eye contact right away. She let them go and they passed out immediatley. She ran into the village, searching for the leaf ninja that had attacked their base, hoping for some usefull information.

    Jun 13 2008, 7:32 PM EDT
    Shiba chattered madly in mouse talk, before realizing that Kizuku was looking at her confusedly. "Yeah, it's me! Sheesh, I'm gonna get eaten one day with you and Zetsu always trying to, even if you don't know who it is at first." she mumbled in english, and Kizuku released her tail, and Shiba plopped onto the ground. "Ok, so what do we do?" Shiba whispered. "I know we should see what we can learn here, but I mean go spy on the Hokage, see the ninja academy, what?"

    Jun 13 2008, 8:17 PM EDT
    Ikazuchi walked through Kanoha unnoticed. She walked right past Kizu and Shiba, looking for the leaf ninja. She spotted the Kyuubi kid, and decided to follow him secretly, in search of information.

    Jun 14 2008, 1:32 PM EDT

    "((2 kana-chan-????????????
    2 Kile-chan- i know! Even when i cuss REALLY BAD u still laugh. Yalp.
    2 Shiba-chan- mayb! THAT WOULD B AWESOME! XD We would like..b a famileh here! I'm gonna paste it on every page! HERE WE R A FAMILY! TREAT OTHERS WITH RESPECT. Add i'll add diz 2, "WARNING PPL DO CURSE HERE" lolz- cuz we do! First- Kanami can i/we???))

    "Right here." Sakuya said, appreaing out of nowhere. "Hello." She said yawning at Hakura. "Have we been attacked yet?" She asked, just as a tiger walked out of the forest-right infron of them- and straight into the Village. "Sh*t." She said lamely. "I cant beleive...THAT TIGERS ARE SO CUTE!!!!"

    (Lozl- Sakuya doesn't know that KIZU! XD *head bang*)

    (Lolz, meh tiga form! XD *head bang...again*)

    Kizuku walked into the Village as i tiger. "Sh*t." She heard and turned her head. There were to ninjas right infront of her. She heard one's yell. "What the...?!?!?!?!?!" Kizu yelled freaking out and dashing back into the forest. "DONTGOTOTHELEAFVILLAGE!!" She roared tripping over her words.

    Sakuya heard roaring-most likely the tiger. "Hmmm...what just happened?" She asked turning to Hakura.

    (lolz- clueless)"
    (lol, Kizu, I laugh really easily. My brothers look at me with a straight face and I start laughing.)

    Haruka sighed "A tiger was here, then it left. If you excuse me- I have to go hit my head on a rock." she finished, being sarcasting and walked towards a rock. She picked it up and slammed it against her head.

    Jun 14 2008, 7:28 PM EDT
    (OMG Is she machoist??? Or maybe she heard of the song Big Ass Rock? XD)

    Jun 15 2008, 10:37 AM EDT

    "(lol, Kizu, I laugh really easily. My brothers look at me with a straight face and I start laughing.)

    Haruka sighed "A tiger was here, then it left. If you excuse me- I have to go hit my head on a rock." she finished, being sarcasting and walked towards a rock. She picked it up and slammed it against her head."
    "Ooo-kay...?" Sakuya said, inching away.

    Jun 15 2008, 10:38 AM EDT

    "Shiba chattered madly in mouse talk, before realizing that Kizuku was looking at her confusedly. "Yeah, it's me! Sheesh, I'm gonna get eaten one day with you and Zetsu always trying to, even if you don't know who it is at first." she mumbled in english, and Kizuku released her tail, and Shiba plopped onto the ground. "Ok, so what do we do?" Shiba whispered. "I know we should see what we can learn here, but I mean go spy on the Hokage, see the ninja academy, what?""
    "Sorry. I think we should see the Ninja Academy. I have already seen the Hokage's house. Besides- its fun to terrorize little people." SHe laughed, tail wagging as she stood up.

    Jun 15 2008, 3:41 PM EDT
    Ikazuchi Sighed. She would not find anything this way. "so... what now??" she asked herself. She walked around Aimlessly for a while, and eventually made it to the Ninja acatemy. She sat on a roof nearby and observed the children that would be Konohas next ninjas. ~Pathetic~ She thought to herself.

    Jun 15 2008, 9:08 PM EDT
    "OH HEY! Ika-chan! Whatcha doin'? Spying on little peoplez?" KIzuku yells running over, Shiba following. (Still in mouse form i guess...)

    Jun 15 2008, 10:24 PM EDT
    Shiba's eyes glittered at that. "Yeah, that would be fun!" They made it over there in no time, and Shiba grinned at the sight of Ikazuchi. "Hey, Hikari-chan!" she barked.

    Jun 16 2008, 11:14 AM EDT
    "Hey, may i ask, but why do you call her Hikari-chan? I know the chan part cuz you guys are like bffs. But why Hikari?" Kizuku said, curiosity flared in her eyes.

    Jun 16 2008, 1:00 PM EDT

    ""Ooo-kay...?" Sakuya said, inching away."
    Haruka shook her head and started following a butterfly. Then, aughing like an idiot, she was rolling on the ground.

    Kilekah burst out laughing as she watched the chunnin act like an idiot. "Okay Ayaka, fun's over." she mumbled.

    Haruka stood up and looked at Sakuya. "What?" she asked.

    Jun 16 2008, 1:09 PM EDT
    Ikazuchi looked up and grinned at Shiba and Kizuku "Hey Shiba-Chan, Kizu-Chan. Yea.... Im spying on the little people" She said, grinning. "I wasnt sure where else to go.... so I came here n.n" she spoke calmly but happily that she wasnt alone anymore. "Also, Hikari-chan is just my nickname....." She stated, looking at Kizu trying to explain
    ((Actually, sometimes at school Shiba will call me Hikari-chan and i will calls her Shiba-chan))

    Jun 16 2008, 1:38 PM EDT

    "Oh. Hm. Anyway. Are you planning to attack them? That's what I'd do." She said, pulling out a kunai as her tail wagged.

    "Noooothing." Sakuya said holding her hand out to help Hakura up.

    Jun 16 2008, 2:31 PM EDT
    "Why???" Ikazuchi asked calmly. "Thered be no fight. If i was going to attack anybody, it would be the Hokage...." she thought about how much funthat would be.
    ((Also: IT TOOK LONG ENOUGH BUT I FINALLY FIGURED OUT WHAT IKAZUCHIS PAST IS!!! Special thanks to Shiba-chan for helping me out. TIS ON MA PROFILE!!!))

    Jun 16 2008, 4:32 PM EDT
    "WELL! If we killed all them, then we wouldn't have a problem with the new Hokage after we kill this one. SO we would be killing off the Leaf Village's "future". Bringing them to a harsh conclusion that they have to PUT SOME ****** IN THE HOKAGE'S THRONE! LEADING THEM TO THERE DEATHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kizuku yelled loudly with an evil laugh, the ppl below heard and just though that she was playing a prank/freaking out. "Woh, woh, WOH!" She yelled as she lost her footing and fell down the roof, to land on some dude. She got up and knocked him out. "Thank you for breaking my fall." She said jumping back up. "Sorry!" She laughed. "Back to meh evil laugh- BWAHAHAHAHAhAHAHAHA!!!!" *exlaimation mark! Dun dun dunnnnn*

    (Oh i found dis icon with Kakshi using his chidori thing and it says, "Sh*t! He has a tazer!" It really funneh, also its on meh profile if u wanna see it.

    Jun 16 2008, 4:38 PM EDT
    ((XD Sweeeet. Also Shiba might not respond for a while. Shes playing Okami))
    Ikazuchi thought about that for a short moment "Hmmmm.... thats a good idea!!!!" But shhh... you're too loud >.<" She scolded Kizu slightly. "M'kay. Should we just like hit them with Kunai???" She asked, not wanting to waste too much time on the task

    Jun 16 2008, 5:41 PM EDT
    "Sorry, i cant control myself sometimes. Its such an easy job. Here how 'bout this. You can go ahead and fight the Hokage with Shiba (when eva she iz back- i luvz OKami! XD Btw, how do u know that?) and i can stay here and wipe them all out. It'll be easy with my Bubble Suffocation Jutsu. Or maybe water's better..." Shesaid going off in the though about which one would b easier and more fun.

    (Hey, can u reply to the 'A Dream' thread, ur person can have a dream to, i just need someone to reply so Kizu can do something else- u'll understand if read it.

    Jun 16 2008, 6:04 PM EDT
    (IM BAAAAAACK XDDDD Sorry, but I got a little carried away on the gamee hehehe XDDDDD And she knows because I IM her on AIM)
    Shiba tried to bark, before realizing she was a mouse. "right." she muttered, and shifted back into a wolf. "Maybe I should be a dragon... that way I can burn everyone to a crisp, and you can use your genjutsu and stay out of reach." Shiba suggested, already shifting into a much smaller version of her dragon form. (like the siz of a beagle) "Alright, ready?" she asked, unconsiously humming a song to herself quietly. (it's blow me away by breaking benjamin if you're wondering XD Epic song, and i'll join the dream thread =))

    Jun 16 2008, 6:05 PM EDT

    ""WELL! If we killed all them, then we wouldn't have a problem with the new Hokage after we kill this one. SO we would be killing off the Leaf Village's "future". Bringing them to a harsh conclusion that they have to PUT SOME ****** IN THE HOKAGE'S THRONE! LEADING THEM TO THERE DEATHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kizuku yelled loudly with an evil laugh, the ppl below heard and just though that she was playing a prank/freaking out. "Woh, woh, WOH!" She yelled as she lost her footing and fell down the roof, to land on some dude. She got up and knocked him out. "Thank you for breaking my fall." She said jumping back up. "Sorry!" She laughed. "Back to meh evil laugh- BWAHAHAHAHAhAHAHAHA!!!!" *exlaimation mark! Dun dun dunnnnn*

    (Oh i found dis icon with Kakshi using his chidori thing and it says, "Sh*t! He has a tazer!" It really funneh, also its on meh profile if u wanna see it."
    (I don't see the icon there....)

    Jun 16 2008, 6:17 PM EDT
    "How about this: ill get their sensei with a Genjutsu, and Kizu puts him in a bubble (or water) Cage jutsu. Then Shiba Burns everyone else to a crisp, That way, well have no trouble at all >:3" She spoke her thoughts directly, thinking that this would definitely be the easiest choice, and got ready to catch The sensei's attention.

    Jun 16 2008, 8:30 PM EDT
    "hehe, I'm good with that!" Shiba hissed, growing a bit bigger, so she could just tower over the two kunoichi. "Do I need to be bigger, so one of you can ride, or stay this size, and be more stealthy?" she muttered, glancing at the academy to make sure there were no onlookers.

    Jun 17 2008, 11:11 AM EDT

    "((XD Sweeeet. Also Shiba might not respond for a while. Shes playing Okami))
    Ikazuchi thought about that for a short moment "Hmmmm.... thats a good idea!!!!" But shhh... you're too loud >.<" She scolded Kizu slightly. "M'kay. Should we just like hit them with Kunai???" She asked, not wanting to waste too much time on the task"
    (awwww i want okami soo bad!! i dont have it!!!! :( TTT_TTT oh, but i was playing the world ends with you last night. its by the same creators as kingdom hearts. and i got some new utada songs on my ipod!!! well, on itunes, i can't find my ipod so they r not on it yet...he..hehe....i always loose stuff...)

    Jun 17 2008, 11:18 AM EDT
    "hey, guys i haven't seen you in a while!! i've been wif deidara for the past few hours, we were just planning the ceremony, he was no help at all, all he does is destract me...but now he's gone for a while *suddenly kanami has a flashback to about 5 min. ago when she tied deidara to a pole in the akatsuki base, in a locked room wif tobi* but anyways, whatcha doin' can i get in on the whole killing the hokage thing or did u do that already?" she said from atop the ichuuraki ramen stand roof. (u guys know that's naruto's fav. ramen stand right?)

    Jun 17 2008, 12:18 PM EDT

    "(I don't see the icon there....)"
    Ya- i copy-ed it and wuz going 2 put it there, but i copy-ed somethin else AND I LOST IT!!!!!!! DX TTTTTTTTTT ^ TTTTTTTTTT

    Jun 17 2008, 12:22 PM EDT

    ""hey, guys i haven't seen you in a while!! i've been wif deidara for the past few hours, we were just planning the ceremony, he was no help at all, all he does is destract me...but now he's gone for a while *suddenly kanami has a flashback to about 5 min. ago when she tied deidara to a pole in the akatsuki base, in a locked room wif tobi* but anyways, whatcha doin' can i get in on the whole killing the hokage thing or did u do that already?" she said from atop the ichuuraki ramen stand roof. (u guys know that's naruto's fav. ramen stand right?)"
    (Yesh. I have the Naruto RPG for the DS and it tells u.)

    "WE haven't- BUT we are goignt to destroy the little-" Kizu was cut off by something smaking her in the back of the head. "Ow! Why you!" She snarled as she turned around to see a little kid with another rock in his hand. He chucked it at her- which hither in the face knocking her backward. "Why are they attacking me?" She asked herself as she flipped in mid-air, disappeared, and reappeared right next to the little kid. She picked him up and threw him at Shiba. "You take care of that runt!" She snapped, crossing her arms.

    Jun 17 2008, 1:19 PM EDT
    "OH OH OH I WANNA TAKE CARE OF HIM!!!" Ikazuchi explained, grabbed the child from Shiba and Turned him to face her. Naturally, the child looked her straight in the eyes, and just like that, the child was falling off a cliff. At least in his own mind he was. Splat. The child hit the rocks and almost simultaneously the Child's body fell to the ground "Okay.... thats done with!!! Now... I think it would be best if Shiba stayed small. It would probably work better.... But not too small. Just big enough to hit everyone at once" Ikazuchi added like she knew everything.

    Jun 17 2008, 2:38 PM EDT
    Kizuku was scratching her ears happily- like a wolf, tongue lolling out. "Sure! As long as we get it over with."She barks.

    Jun 17 2008, 6:39 PM EDT
    (im gonna send this to lauren and shannon, i already sent them the attack the leaf thing. shiba, ikazuchi, u dont know them, they r kizu, kile-chan, and my friends from school.)
    (plus, what kind of sharingan do u have ikazuchi?)
    kanami yurned into a cat and started making her way toward shiba, unknowing in the fact that the mouse IS shiba. "well, well, well, what do we have here? it looks like dinner, it acts like dinner, let's c if it tastes like dinner!" Kanami said still oblivious to the fact that it is shiba. "noooooooo" shiba said in a high-piched mouse voice. "WAIT! DON'T KANAMI! THAT'S SHIBA!!!!" kilekah screamed. "oh, sorry shiba, next time turn into a less appatizing mouse plz?" kanami defended herself. (yeah, i am obsessed wif cats now that i am obsessed with the warrior books...) deidara suddenly showed up with a if i have to take 1 more second of this, i am gonna die! look on his face, he was riding on his giant birdie(which, i had a debate of if it was a boy or girl and if it has a name wif my friend on youtube, her name is myfriendlikesitachi but they like deidara now and she knows like 5 other deidara fangirls, 1 being her, and she still says deidara is mine!! :) i hope i make that perfectly clear....and also, she joined as deidarafan11 on this site and she said she's making another account cause she forgot the password...but on wif the story!!) and as he was on the bird there was a pole and a tobi still attached to him by chakra strings. "Kanami Yoake!!!!! y do u do this to me?? now i have a tobi and a pole stuck to me!! Kizuku Yoake, get it off right now!! plz undo the thing your sister has done and get ur husband away from the pole!!!!" Deidara Senpai screamed angrily.

    Jun 17 2008, 6:48 PM EDT
    (there wasn't enough room so i had to make another reply)
    "well, that's what happens when you destract me from planning our wedding!!!" kanami sounded even more angry, this does after all mean a lot to her. "i was trying to help!! you kicked me out as soon as i told you i didn't like the center peices for the tables!!" deidara shot back. then suddenly, kanami snapped. "THOSE CENTER PEICES WERE THE SAME ONES TOBI AND KIZUKU HAD AND YOU SAID YOU LOVED THEM!!!!!!!!" "WELL, I WAS TRYING TO MAKE CONVERSATION NOT SUGGESTIONS FOR YOU!!" deidara yelled.
    everyone else starred in awe as the "happy" couple started screaming at eachother about center peices and table clothes, as kanami said they should be red and deidara said he liked black as the tablecloth color, even i know, thats just in sane. "why? why would anyone want their color of tablecloths at their wedding to be black? who in their right mind would thin kthat looks good??" kanami screamed. "WELL I ALWAYS THOUGHT THAT A WEDDING WAS ABOUT SPENDING YOUR LIFE WITH THE PERSON YOU LOVE THE MOST!! NOT CANTER PEICES AND TABLECLOTH COLORS!" deidara said, getting calmer as he spoke. "oh, so now you think i only think about the wedding not you? is that it?" kanami looked more sad than angry now. "no, it's just that, our wedding shouldn't matter, the fact that we'll be spending the rest of our lives together afterward id all that should be important. i seriously dont care about the wedding, all i care about is spending my life with you, and even though that's important and i lovethe idea of it, it also scares the crap outta me. i might mess up and everything with you won't always be okay, if we get in fights like this now, what will happen after we're married? will it just get worse and worse?" deidara looked sad too. (more on next post)

    Jun 17 2008, 6:55 PM EDT
    "no, things will get better after the wedding, right now i am just under a lot of stress with planning it! i just couldn't have anything else to think abou, right now you remind me whenever you're with me that i'm scared to. i want to spend time with you still, but this entire thing is scary, excpecially since we're so young. did you know 90% of marrages end in divorce in america? idk about here, in japan, but over there, it's horrible." kanami said. "well, we're not like those people, wwe love eachi=other and i know everything's gonna be okay. i love you Kanami Yoake and i know you love me to, so that means we'll get through any ememy or situation that comes our way." deidara assured her. "i hope you're right, and i do love you" kanami answered. "well, then it's going to be okay." deidara leaned in after saying this and everyone else said get them away from the little pplz first!!!!!! "guys, go somewhere that's not near the ninja academy and a lot of little kids!" kizuku screamed, while being sorry to ruin the moment.
    (and kilekah/karly is right about to complain about the sappy-ness, well u know what karly? idc!! i luuv writing like this so i am gonna keep writing like this!!)

    Jun 17 2008, 6:56 PM EDT
    This thread was saved as a page.

    Jun 17 2008, 7:30 PM EDT
    ((To Kanami:
    Ikazuchi doesnt have a sharingan. Im trying to thing of something else, but I'm not there yet. She has one of those thingys like the sharingan and byakugan and the thingy pein has (I cant remember the name >.<) and that combined with her Genjutsu creates a sharingan-like effect))
    "Awwwww" Ikazuchi said adoringly at Deidara and Kanami "I wish I had someone to love!!!" she said, slightly mockingly, but mostly truly "Now.... LET US BURN LITTLE PEOPLE!!!!" She said evily, completely changing the subject.

    Jun 17 2008, 8:08 PM EDT
    Kizu was totally lost- somewhat. "OKIES! I go now..." She says inching away and then running off.

    Jun 18 2008, 9:57 AM EDT
    this battle needs something cool to happen, LIKE A BATTLE!!!! so, now without further ado-
    *leaf ninja*
    ((remember she just broke up with shikamaru))
    mikora sighed, "what now" she said out loud to herself. when suddenly, she got a messenger bird that said Shikamaru was in the hospital.
    *akatsuki ninja*
    before this incident with the leaf ninja, kanami saw some of the familar intruders eating ramen. "hey, you!" she said impatientaly. "crap! this is such a drag!" shakamaru said instantly noticing the akatsuki members. "well well well" i guess someone remembers us!" deidara said, ready for battle. the two pplz duked it out with shikamaru posessing deidara's birdie thingie, and deidara using explosions to ((obviously)) blow things *cough* shikamaru *cough* up. eventually he suceeded, and shikamaru had a few broken limbs. ((including the wrist cause he SLIPPED ON SOME GRASS!!!! LOLZ!!! sorry kilekah, i just needed to make fun of mike a little!!! u couldn't stop me MRS. MICHEAL SAFFARTY!!!)) while kanami killed Tenten, because tenten isn't cool.
    "oh my god! shikamaru what happened?" mikora asked.
    "..." shikamaru gave no answer. "now isn't the time to be mad at me! you might never be a ninja again and our village can't have the akatsuki invading while one of their best chunin is injured!" "..." still no answer. "fine. they can deal without me, idc what you or this stupid village does. i thught i made that clear a long time ago. like say, two days ago." shikamaru finally answered her. "fine, do whatever the hell you want shikamaru, cause i do care but at least tell me if you meant what you said 2 days ago. do you really want it to end?" ((mikora's question goes unanswered until my next post))

    Jun 18 2008, 1:57 PM EDT
    (It's Ichiraku, the ramen shop XD OMG REAL NINJAS ARE ON TV!!!!!!!!)
    Shiba groaned silently at the sappy moment. She never was a big fan on romance. "YES!! MOETE!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. (Btw moete means burning in japanese.) She remained small (for a dragon) and skipped around randomly, chanting. "moete!" over and over. She leapt up top the roof of the academy and peered through the window, upside-down. "when do we start?" she asked, smoke steaming from her nostrils.

    Jun 18 2008, 2:20 PM EDT
    "I guess we have to do it without Kizu.... sice she left >.<" Ikazuchi Pointed out, slightly annoyed at Kizuku's childishness. "And im ready to start whenever!!!"
    ((ALSO!!! I've decided that Ikazuchi sorta does have Sharingan, but not really. When she was working with Orochimaru but really as a spy for the Akatsuki, she was experimenting on her, and he gave her Byaku-sharingan!!! Its a cross between Byakugan and Sharingan, BUT It only lets you use the genjutsu part of sharingan, and the seeing through part of Byakugan. It looks exactly like Byakugan, cept its red and Her normal eyes dont look like the Byakusharingan))

    Jun 18 2008, 6:30 PM EDT
    *akatsuki ninja*
    ((awesome!!! luuuvs it!! i want a byaku-sharingan!! u r soo lucky!! OMG!!! I'm listening to only naruto and kh songs right now, im such a narut-nerd!!!!! (thats what kizuku,kilekah,kara-chan,and i all call ourselves!) lolz!!!!))
    "genki? i'm bored and don't feel like doing whatever i was, actually, kawai!!!!" kanami got destracted at the last word (japanese for cute) when she saw a cute shirt in the store near her. "deidara, we're going shopping!!" kanami yelled. "this is y ppl call me a girl...she makes me go shopping!" deidara said not loud enough for kanami to hear, but every1 else did and were laughing.
    ((will some1 other than ,me post about their leaf ninja??? oh, and what do u think about tenten dying???))

    Jun 18 2008, 7:07 PM EDT
    ((Poor Tenten... but whatever I can get over it!!!! ALSO!!!! Im going to Add a leaf ninja so keep a look out for it so you can add it!!! >:3 MWAHAHAHAHA!!! Hyper....))
    Ikazuchi laughed at Deidara's remark. "M'kayz. I wanna finish this so I can do...... something else >.<" She said solemnly, wanting to just finish off the mini ninjas. "Ya ready Shiba???"

    Jun 18 2008, 11:05 PM EDT
    ((I'm gonna make two leaf ninja as soon as I can think of names XD that's the hardest part of making a character to me XD I need names that fit them perfectly, or I go crazy XD
    "The hell I am!" Shiba roared, jumping off the roof and spreading her wings so she could hover. There was a grin on her face, and anticipation in her eyes, along with pity for Dei and laughter for what the little kids in there were talking about. They were, well, they were acting like little children. But it was amusing watching them try And fail at being a ninja. "Alright, let's get started! After you, Hikari-chan!" she gestured to the academy with a sweep of her tail. She began humming a song quietly to herself to keep her from rushing in there and scaring them herself. She wanted to wait and actaully make this fun. (even tho it'd be fun either way XD And she's humming "Stray" the Wolf's Rain theme song; I'm addicted to that song! I wish they had it on itunes T.T)

    Thursday, 7:54 AM EDT
    Ikazuchi smiled evily, jumped off the roof, and walked right towards their densei "Can I he-" Ge started, but was cut off the second he looked into Ikazuchi's Byaku-sharingan, He wasmelting, instead of falling which was her favorite. No, he was slowly melting away. "SHIBA, GO!!!" She yelled up to her friend, and the clueless mini ninjas all turned to look at the dragon, and, of course, all panicked.

    Thursday, 2:58 PM EDT
    Shiba roared, smirking at their cries, and blew a giant ball of flame into the air, setting a few desks on fire. She closed her eyes, and puffed out her chest inhaling oxygen, and roared as more flames erupted from her mouth, this time reaching the children. They squealed in terror, and for the first time Shiba actually saw what she was doing. She saw their terrified faces, glowing yellow from her fire, their eyes squeezed shut from pain. A pang of guilt stabbed at her chest as she clamped her mouth shut. "What the hell am I doing?" she whispered to herself, a look of agony plain on her face. "They're humans, trecherous, vile creatures, but they're so young, they wouldn't know any better, and they ALL don't deserve to die..." she shifted into a human and she sunk to the ground on her knees, her eyes wide as she watched them slowly burn. She felt like she was in hell.

    Thursday, 3:24 PM EDT
    Ikazuchi looked away from the sensei.He had already died. Theese kind of things no longer bothered her, due to the fact that she had worked with orochimaru for so long, and he was a ruthless killer. She turned around and looked at shiba, who had shifted into a human and was on hr knees. Ikazuchi ran over to her as fast as she coukd "Shiba?!?! Are you okay?? Shiba!!!" She ran over to her friend, sat in front of her, and put her hands on her sgoulders. "A-are you okay???" She asked nervously, wondering what had happened to her closest friend.

    Thursday, 7:01 PM EDT
    ((who needs a song on itunes?? i use limewire! and shiba, i can help u think of names if u want))
    "hey, deidara, let's go help shiba." kanami said realizing what was more improtant than their worries. "a-alright." deidara replied, knowing what she was thiking to. "shiba, you can get past this, we know you're friends with some of these people, but you were trained to overcome it. you are the only one who can decide what's more important to you. whatever you decide, as your friend, i promise i'll understand." kanami sounded calm, and as if she knew excactly what shiba was ging through, after all, the death of younglings is always hard.

    Thursday, 8:24 PM EDT
    Kilekah watched sadly, but knew anything she had to say wouldn't help. She walked over to the little kids "It's okay." she calmed them, using what medicine she had. She didn't want to seem soft, but she couldn't help it. Without another word, she walked over to Shiba and said "We're always here, through good and bad. And we'll always be your friends. "

    Thursday, 9:53 PM EDT
    ((Arent all the little kids dead and or burning already???))
    Ikazuchi pulled Shiba into a hug."Its okay, Shi. Youll be fine. Even if you would have let them go, all they want is us gone. So no matter what you do for them, theyll always be tryng to kill you. its us against them" She stated firmly, finally releasing shiba.

    Thursday, 10:55 PM EDT
    (oh wow, I didn't expect that outcome XDDDD Thanks guys XDDD)
    "It's not that..." she murmured to the little crowd around her, now looking confusedly at her. "I can't help but think of them as little pups. I know I would murder ANYONE who tried to hurt Rei or any of my pack, so I know exactly how their parents feel... and they're only kids, guys. They didn't do anything, they aren't the ones we're after! What kind of organization are we, torturing innocent little kids like that? What good will it do us?" she muttered, her eyes clouded and distant, staring past everything she once saw. All she saw now was her pack, and she shuddered at the thought of them slaughtered. Just like in her dream. <I guess it really shook me...> she whispered to herself.

    Thursday, 11:32 PM EDT
    A single tear fell from Ikazuchis face. She couldnt stand it when Shiba Talked about her pack sometimes. They were her family. It sometimes made her jealous. "Youl get over it" Ikazuchi said solemnly, thn left. She decided to take a tour of the village, and headed over to the hokage's.

    Friday, 8:21 AM EDT
    ((lol, I saved the ones that were burning... or did I? I think so. If they're unsaveable oh well, forget that part lol))
    Kilekah nodded and didn't say a word. Again, nothing she could say would help. She began to wonder, <I'm not even really evil. I don't belong in the Akatsuki...> Kilekah wandered over to the sensei, he was farmilliar... (melted? wow, haven't heard anything like that before, lol). Kilekah stared blindly ahead of her, tears in her eyes. "Ryou..." she murmered, her older brother.

    ((yeah, is it okay that the sensei is my bro?))

    Friday, 9:18 AM EDT
    ((what is wrong with u guys!!!??? we r evil!!!!! i wanna torture little kids!!!!!!))
    "come on!" deidara yelled impatiently. "why can't we just follow through with our plan? it's already bad enough we couldn't do our given mission and kill the hokage!" deidara yelled, annoyed.
    ((i dont feel like writing more Angel.....oh, kilekah, im not FARMiliar with some of your vocabulary, i have yet to buy your dictionary!!!))

    Friday, 9:37 AM EDT
    ((Shiba's evil, deep down, sort of. XD She was forced into Akatsuki but.. you know what, I'll have to post her history eventually. Then that'll make some sense. Shiba just can't stand killing someone who can't fight back. If it's some adult or something, she's fine with it, only little kids she has a bit of trouble with... and killing the Hokage was the plot for the Attack on the Leaf, right?? XDDD)
    "What's done is done," Shiba sighed, and got up. "What plan?" Shiba asked, looking confused. <SHIBA!> Xantara howled in her head, causing Shiba to wince. <Xantara? What's wrong?> <Get back to the base. NOW. They brought reenforcements, the remainder of us can't hold 'em off... GET AWAY FROM ME!> She snarled the last part to someone else. <Hurry!>
    Shiba froze in her tracks, and whirled around. "Guys, come on! Leaf nin are back at the base!" she shifted into a dragon and took off, malice and worry forcing her wings to pump as hard as they could.

    Friday, 10:45 AM EDT
    ((thats what i was replying to a minute ago, oops!! XDDD))
    *leaf ninja*
    "mikora, you should be going, they don't stand a chance without you!" shikamaru said. "no! i'm not leaving you ever again! okay? i'm sorry, i din't mean anything i said back in the woods! please, let me stay with you..." mikora protested, not wanting to leave shikamru again. "no, you have to do this, they need as many people as they can get, they badly ingured me and they killed tenten!" shikamaru reminded mikora. "fine, i'll go, but I AM COMING BACK IN ONE PEICE (lolz, one peice) and i hate to say this but....... believe it!" mikora said as she waved goodbye and started toward the forest.
    *akatsuki ninja*
    "alright, let's kick some genin ass!!" kanam igot excited and transformed into a tiger, running back to the base.

    Friday, 12:07 PM EDT
    Ikazuchi wasgoing away when she heard Shiba talking about the leaf ninja. She was already pissed, taking it out on some leaf ninja was just what she needed! She was just about walking away when she saw teary-eyed Kilekah and went over to her. She was standing over the senseis dead body ((He wasnt really melted, it was the Byaku-sharingan that made him think he was melting and he died.... I wasnt sure if you thought he had really melted or not >.<)) "Whats wrong???" She hated it when one of them were upset. They were the only family she had. "Kilekah, are you okay???"

    Friday, 5:20 PM EDT
    (( Storm- okay, cause actually melting someone is weird, but kinda cool
    Kana- My dictonary is one-of-a kind =P. It costs $200000000000000. 00. It's that SPECIAL.

    "Y-yeah, I'll just miss Ryou, that's all. He was my brother, but I'll...I'll get over it. Come on, lets go!" Kilekah said and wiped her eyes. Morphing (sp>) into a wolf and only looking back once before she followed the others.


    Haruka sighed as Mikora caught up. "Sorry, we couldn't wait for ya." she said. Naruto had come along because Tsunade wanted to keep him occupied so he didn't annoy her. "I can't wait to fight them! Belive it!" he shouted. "FOR THE HUNDRETH TIME, STOP!" Haruka yelled at him.

    Saturday, 8:10 PM EDT
    "Oh." was all Ikazuchi said before turning around around and following Kilekah, not being able to help remembering that she had a brother. But there was a difference. She couldnt remember her brother, so she couldnt miss him.

    Sunday, 5:17 PM EDT
    Shiba arrived at the base in a matter of minutes, and saw Xantara surrounded by at least twenty leaf nin. Shiba roared, and plummeted to the ground, cracking the ground where she landed and sending two of the nin flying with her massive tail. Xantara barked in acknowledgement, and used a wind jutsu to blow away the kunai that was being flung at them and six more ninja. Fire erupted from Shiba's jaws, torching all but lucky ninja who was able to get away, scoring Shiba's hide with a kunai before running off. "damn," she hissed, and grimaced as she saw Xantara's face contort with pain as well. She could feel the pain as well, but not as intense. Even so, it hurt. "Are there any more?" shiba hissed. "Yeah, the rest already made it inside the base." the spirit wolf panted, and Shiba groaned. "Great."

    Sunday, 5:33 PM EDT
    Ikazuchi ran up behind shiba "What happened???" She asked, eyeing te bloody kunai "Are you okay, and do we know how many of them there are???" She asked, trying to remain calm so se could think straight, but the emotion of hate managed to leak through her carefully composed mask. She hated the leaf ninja and wanted them dead.

    Sunday, 8:06 PM EDT
    "Leaf nin infultrated the base. Me and Xantara chased off almost two dozen of them. Oi, but there's more inside," Shiba groaned, and shifted into a wolf. She howled a warning, one only the Akatsuki, Xantara, and the Onikami know, that enemies have intruded their home and that they should run and protect it. Then, she darted into the base to chase off the rest, with Xantara and Ikazuchi at her heels. <They are SO dead when I find them!> she hissed to herself.

    Sunday, 8:31 PM EDT
    "ill stay hidden and get 'em when they least expect it!" Ikazuchi said to Shiba, and darted off in another direction. She got into the base a different way, and found shiba quickly, following her silently.

    Sunday, 10:24 PM EDT
    (Okies- i got finished reading so many replies dat my head hurtz and i dont feel like reading. Can some1 fill meh in? Plz? *meh puppeh eyes- Kile-chan says they work. BUt i ony tried them on her. Az an expirement. >:3 Ha ha! Storm-chan! I stealed-ed ur face! XD >3 #3* )

    Sunday, 10:44 PM EDT
    (Oh Jashin I suck at fill-ins... where did you leave off last???)
    Shiba bolted down the hallway, sniffing out the intruders. She caught their scent easily, and followed it into the meeting room, where she witnessed Kisame drown several ninja in a water jutsu and cutting up the rest in the room. "That works." Shiba shrugged, but kept moving, still smelling interlopers. Kisame headed off in the opposite direction. Suddenly, she heard someone scream as loud as they could go, "DYNAMIC ENTRY!" (oh dear jashin) and ducked out of the way as Hidan came crashing through the wall. "YOU MOTHER F***ING SON OF A B*TCH! I'M GONNA KICK YOUR SORRY F*CKING ASS SO HARD YOUR MOM'S GONNA FEEL IT, YOU B*STARD!" Hidan screeched. (OMJ XDDDDDD) Shiba just gazed on, trying so hard not to burst out laughing.

    Monday, 10:20 AM EDT
    (What does OMJ mean???? Idk - i stopped reading when my person stopped- i really didn't even try to read. Might b when tenten died- or wuz that teh other thread?!?!?! *swirly confuzzled eyes*

    Monday, 10:46 AM EDT
    ((OMJ means oh my Jashin. Im going to fill you in on what happened. We (me and Shiba) killed the little kids a the ninja academy. She felt bad. We all tried to comfort her. Kile-chan's brother was the sensei that I killed with my byaku-sharingan. She got over it. The Leaf ninjas got backup and went to the Akatsuki base. We went back there. We be fightin. ALSO Im asking nicely. Please if you get a chance to unlock the pages can you add meh leaf ninja???))
    Ikazuchi cracked up at Hidan, but still tried to remain silent. She stayed hidden above Shiba, so she had to be silent.

    Monday, 12:00 PM EDT
    Hidan glared at them for a moment, but his attention turned to a guy with a bowlcut wearing green spandex. Hidan (for once) said nothing, but got up, looking completely pissed. "We might wanna back up a bit." Shiba whispered to the others, and they backed up more than several paces. In three minutes, the spandex guy lay bleeding and dead on the floor, and Hidan smirked triumphantly at his corpse. "GAI-SENSEI!?" Shouted an annoying kid who liked just like his dead sensei and appeared from the rubble far away. "NOOOOOOOOOOO! NOT EVEN THE POWER OF YOUTH WAS ABLE TO SAVE HIM!!" he cried, but ran away like a little girl when Hidan smoldered at him. Once again, it took all of Shiba's willpower not to burst out laughing, though some chuckles still managed to escape.

    Monday, 12:34 PM EDT
    (AND KIZU 4 MY LEAF NINJA, MIKORA, SHIKAMARU GOT INJURED BY DEIDARA, TENTEN DIED cause kanami killed her, and shikamaru is in the hospitol, mikora, haruka, and naruto infiltrated the akatsuki base.)
    "OMJ (u got me saying that ikazuchi!)that's F******G hilarious!!!" kanami said. "wow, ive been hanging out wif hidan tomuch..." she said. "hey, why did you go?" deidara asked kanami. "we were talking and as soon as you heard hidan laughing you came right out here!" deidara looked agrivated. "pplz wouldn't call you a gril if you acted like a normal man and hated talking to me!!" kanami yelled at him. "why are you YELLING AT ME!!" deidara said. "awww, its okay sempai!" tobi said trying to hug deidara. "get the *hidan fav word* away from me!!!!" deidara shot back, inching away from tobi and hiding behind kanami. "that was pathetic..." hidan said. "good job hidan! you said something without cusing!" shiba said. "not for long!! @#^$^&%&*%^##%^#%&$%^*#%#$&%&*^&*#$#$^*^&^&#$&#$&(%^$^%#$%#$%#%&&*^&($$%^, i think i proved my point!" *kizuku slaps hidan*

    Monday, 1:02 PM EDT
    (( NOES!!! NOT THE PUPPY-EYES!! AHHH! *covers face*))

    Kilekah walked up to the dead person and took his wallet. The others looked at her confused. "What? Kakuzu was my sensei. " she said shrugging. "Belive it!" a voice yelled behind them. "FOR THE LAST TIME! SHUT UP!" someone yelled at him. Kilekah sighed. "BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE &^%*(* UP!" she yelled, capturing them in a water cage.

    "Naruto... If I live, I"M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Haruka yelled, punching Naruto.

    Monday, 2:40 PM EDT
    (lol I probably would say something like that XD)
    "...couldn't help yourself, could you?" she chuckled, but stopped short. "There's still some ninja in the building," she growled, her pelt bristling. She raced off, not checking to see if the others followed. A smoke bomb suddenly appeared out of nowhere and burst, concealing the scene around her. "Damn it!" she hissed, whirling around. Something or someone leaped on top of her back and held a kunai to her throat.

    Monday, 3:22 PM EDT
    Ikazuchi continued to follow Shiba when suddenly there was smoke "BYAKU-SHARINGAN!!!" She yelled, giving herself away ((Im really getting to appreciate the Byaku-sharingan ^.^)) She saw it. She couldnt see who it was, but someone had shiba and was soon running to her friends aid.

    Monday, 3:27 PM EDT
    "come on! haruka if we dont hurry up, we won't make it out of here alive, much less with a hostage!" mikora was still annoyed, but she never gets sidetracked from her missions.

    Monday, 5:32 PM EDT
    Haruka sneered "I can't get out of the water prison, smart one!"

    Kilekah laughed at Mikora and caught her in a water prison too. "Yep, really smart."

    Monday, 6:57 PM EDT
    Shiba growled and snapped at whatever was holding her down, but she bit air. <Wait, what am I doing?> She asked herself, still blinded by smoke. <I can shift my way outta here!> She focused on her dragon morph, and smirked as she felt her fur change to scales. Suddenly, something was slapped on her head, and she shifted back to her wolf form, unable to shift. "What the hell!?" she barked, panic growing in her. No one has ever been able to stop her from shifting! SHe heard handsigns being formed, and another thing- this time a hand- press against her neck, and she morphed into a bird. "What the hell is going on!" she chirped, "Xantara! Get out of here!" she shrieked as she was tossed into a cage. Then, she was carried off by some stranger, still blinded by the smoke that never seemed to leave. "Ah sh*t!" she muttered. "This is just perfect!" She started banging around in her cage, trying to get out, but only hurt her wings in the process, so stopped a few moments later.

    Monday, 8:26 PM EDT
    Ikazuchi followed the one who captured Shiba. She wondered how powerfull the enemy really was, so she didnt want to try anything risky. She wanted to see where they were headed, but she was worried that she would get caught because her byaku-sharingan was activatd, and her eyes glowed red. But, she continued on silently, for the sake of Shiba.

    Monday, 9:00 PM EDT
    (Than ku, Stormy)

    "Holly Silver wolf!" Kizu screamed at the top of her lungs, everyone stopped what they were doing. "OMYW!" (oh my yellow wolf- both are gods- Silver=Moon Yellow= sun.They r like God 2 meh character. She has her own religion) "We have jobs!" She called, waving paper in the air. "Some1 saw our applications! Wait...i didnt put up any applications!!!" She calls, running over to Kakuzu and punching him in the arms, and then going to go beat some1 up.

    Monday, 9:08 PM EDT
    "Um... Kizuku... that doesn't seem to make any sense." Kilekah said, hen looked at oth of the water prisons se was holding "It really should have thought this through." she sighed.

    Monday, 9:27 PM EDT
    "oh crap!" kanami said as she saw where the applications were apling them to."kakuzu, why do we work at arby's???" kanami said. (lolz karly, remember the DA thing?) "i would punch you right now, but i'm a little busy with my fight!" kanami said as she glared at deidara in a you-drop-this-until-later-or-else way.
    she had to think fast. there wasn't much time! she would soon run out of breath and it would be all over! <what do i do now!??> mikora thought. just then, when they thought all hope was lost, in comes Shino. "i like bugs." shino said as his bugs attacked.

    Monday, 10:37 PM EDT
    Kizuku holds her hands out as bubbles form. "Your buggies will drown!" >=D Shino yells, "No! Not meh buggies!" *runs away* No you are done for!" She concludes.

    *Sakuya walks in, sees everything and looks tired* "oh my gosh." She yawns. Suddenly she disappears , only to reappear in front of Mikora. "Nice." She says, only to be trapped by Kizuku's Water Coffin Jutsu. <Well, we are screwed.> She thinks, giving up.

    Monday, 10:59 PM EDT
    Xantara howled and tried to follow, but was blocked off by a wall of bugs. "Damn!" She cursed, and whirled around, lunging for Shino. He dodged, and some of his bugs managed to attack the wolf, but she shook it off. She lunged again, this time her teeth connected to her arm, and spat as she realized she just bit bugs. "What the hell? Is bug boy like made of his little pets or something?" She asked, starting to get pissed.
    Shiba got a good look at her captor as the smoke cleared. He had bright copper hair and yellow-orange eyes, and had pale skin. <Never saw him in the Leaf Village...> Shiba thought to herself, now confused. He glanced behind him, sensing (sp?) that they were being followed, and darted ahead, weaving through the trees and taking false routes to shake her off. "Who the hell are you?" Shiba asked, but he just ignored her. (New char =O)

    Monday, 11:08 PM EDT
    ((oh meh gawsh!!!!!!!! I''m creating a new char 2, Shiitashi. She used 2 b a wolf- but died saving her master, so she gets a second chance. Ah luv. I'll put her up when she iz on meh profile on deviantart. ANYWAY- MUST KNOW WHO NEW CHAR IZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Monday, 11:50 PM EDT
    Ikazuchi stayed behind them every step of the way, now realising that shiba's captor knew she was there. "Where are you going...." She whispered to herself. ((I would rp meh new char but im waiting 4 it to be added)) <Shiba, do you know who this guy is???> She sent the thought into shiba's head, and kept going.

    Yesterday, 12:23 AM EDT
    <No... but he's able to keep me from shifting... he's no ordinary ninja.> She reported, trying to figure out what he was up to. Suddenly, he created 20 clones of himself, each with a caged Shiba, and took off, not giving the real Shiba a chance to give himself away. He kept trading places with the clones, and then used a transportation jutsu to make sure Ikazuchi couldn't follow. He jumped up into a dense tree, where he set down her cage and took her out of it, but did not let go. Instead he made some handsigns and made her shift into her human form. "How the hell can you do that?" Shiba asked, edging away from him. "Electrokinesis." he stated, and proved his point as a lightning streak appearaed out of nowhere and slithered on his arm. "Any more questions?" he asked, slightly amused by Shiba's reaction. "Yeah, who in the name of Jashin are you?" she inquired, still not trusting him. "Tell me who you are first." he statedd. "But I asked before you!" shiba glared, but he didn't seem phased. "I won't answer till you tell me." "Oi," Shiba agrunted. "You're name is Oi?" he asked, not believing it. "No baka, my name is Shiba Furikojou, now who are you?" "Ah," he muttered, tilting his head. He didn't answer for a while, deciding wheter or not to trust her.
    <Well, she certainly isn't a normal girl...> he thought to himself, feeling Shiba's waves of suspicion, confusion, and curiousity wash over him. THere was also worry for someone she had left behind, but he couldn't figure out why, so he pushed that feeling aside. <Maybe I should tell her my name... it might be fun see what happens.> (btw, he's an empath, if you're wondering. An empath can feel what others are feeling, their emotions.)

    Yesterday, 12:37 AM EDT
    (What do you think I should name him, Higure, Teigo, Hotaru, or Kinsei? I like Higure and Hotaru the best, but hey, I may change my mind...)

    Yesterday, 10:14 AM EDT
    ((I like the name Hotaru, i wannna have a male char. 2, i only have girls that r humans so far. this person is weird k? only karly will understand anything about him.))
    <hello?> it was a guy's voice, mikora could hear him in here head. <hi, im mikora, who are you> <ive been called here, my pins r the ones letting me comunicate with you. i can c you and help you, but u wont be able to c me, im here right now.> <then where exactly r you?> <right in front of your capturer.> mikora gasped and that made her swallow some water, she was done for. <help me !> mikora asked the stranger. <okay, but i already started to.> now shiba had started to be strangled. <y cant i c u?> im here, but im in the unerground leaf village. you r in the world of the living, im in a game.> <so, your dead?> <precisely, my pins let me comunicate with you, there are no missions for me consideringg i create them, you c, i was forced into being this weeks game master even though im not a reaper.> <i dont care, just get me outta here!!> just then mikora and haruka were out of shiba's justu and shiba waslaying on the ground trying to get some breath. <than you, now will you tell me your name?> mikora thought. <yes, my name is Tadashi>
    ((its a japanese name meaning correct, loyal, rightious.))
    ((2kilekah- daisuke means great helper, satoshi means clear-thinking, quick-witted, wise, it sohuld but doesnt mean quire!!!))

    Yesterday, 10:47 AM EDT
    ((Kana, It was Kilekah's justsu, not Shiba's btw, and lol))

    (I want someone to almost die)
    Haruka's breathing got shallower and shallower as a black wave crashed over her, causing her to be close to death. (she almost drowned) Not being able to control it, she morphed in to a cat, about 7 moons old. She let out a yowl of pain, and went unconsious.

    ((She's actually a clan cat, (Riverclan) who is also a ninja cat, not a human. So you're friends with Echopaw {Haruka}))

    Yesterday, 10:54 AM EDT
    "Damn" Ikazuchi cursed herself for loosing shiba, but maybe the captor wasn't far. "BYAKU-SHARINGAN" She yelled ((Lolz I luvs the byakusharingan now ^.^)) She concentrated on finding shiba, but couldnt find her after looking everywhere. "Damn.... He must have used a transportation Jutsu...." she said, cursing herself for being so obvious. "Yea.... hes pretty smart" She agreed with herself. Now, she couldnt do anything but wander around and look for clues. So she wandered through the forest, looking for Shiba, and looking for someone to take her anger out on.

    Yesterday, 11:00 AM EDT

    Kizu stopped her jutsu and watched Sakuya fall to the floor. "Roba." Sakuya choked. (Roba means @$$ in japanese) KIzu didnt pay any attention to the rude remark, but only created a big bubble above Sakuya, Haruka, and Mikora. (The dude iz invisible. Whatev. he got caught in the jutsu. >_<) BUT *dun dun dunnnn* the bubble wasnt the normal blue, no it was green. AND when everyone (not the akatsuki) wuz in the bubble some smaller bubble came out of no where. "You might want to heal when you get the chance." Kizu spoke, sending the bubble off, then turning to her friends. "Dont ask me why i did that." She smiled, sitting down, holding her ankles, while her tail wagged. "Wait. Where is Shiba?" Kizu suddenly burst out saying.

    Yesterday, 11:03 AM EDT
    (lol I was leaning towards Hotaru, I think I may name him that... lol ok)
    "My name is Hotaru." he answered. There was silence for a brief moment, before Shiba continued. "Why did you put me in that cage and kidnap me? You're not wearing a Leaf headband." Hotaru didn't seem willing to answer at first, but he sighed, and caved. "I don't belong to Konoha, that's why I don't have a headband. I owe the Leaf for trying to save my sister from a disease. She ended up dying anyway, but they stopped her from feelingpain, and took her in even though I wasn't from their village. So I figured we're even now, because one of the Akatsuki isn't there to stop them." Shiba gazed at him, feeling a bit of pity for him. <He's just returning a favor...> "Well, sorry, but you're going to have to pay them back some other way, because I'm not going to wait around and let my friends die!" she announced, before morphing into a dragon and preparing to lift off into the air. "Well, then I guess I better follow." he sighed, and jumped on her back. She growled, but kept flying, purposely diving and spinning to try and throw him off. "We'll get there faster if you stop trying to kill me. And I can't run as fast as you fly. Don't you want to save your friends?" he asked. She hissed at him, but stopped trying to throw him off, and flew back to the base. Once there, she looked around, trying to find Xantara and the others. She did, and roared at them. Xantara was covered head to paws in bruises and cuts from the falling debris, and one of her paws were twisted, but other than that she was fine. Just then, six more ninja appeared behind them, warning them to give up, they had the place surrounded (lol like the poloce XD)

    Yesterday, 11:25 AM EDT
    *Meh leaf ninja ((I shall wait no longer))*
    Jinsei walked through the forest looking for akatsuki members that got away. She stopped at a small clearing and heard a girl talking.... to herself??? ~Thats pretty weird~ she thought. Ah well. Since the Akatsuki mamber wasnt paying attention and seemed to have alot on her mind, Jinsei decided to act quickly. She called Kiba and Neji on her transmitter because she realized it would be stupid to fight someone if they even had partial sharingan. She had heard the Akatsuki member yell byaku-sharingan. As she waited for Kiba and Neji to arrive ((they were on a team for this mission)) She threw a Kunai at the Akatsuki member, piercing her shoulder and causing her to colapse from the shock.
    *Meh Akatsuki Ninja*
    Ikazuchi was just walking away when suddenly a kunai pierced her shoulder. Her byaku-sharingan was still activated so she looked quickly around the meadow for the Leaf ninja. Then she realised that two more leaf ninja were coming, and she pulled the kunai out of her shoulder and decided that she would have to fight. "Three to one, right??? I guess Ill have to go easy on you since I have the advantage!!!" She yelled at the leaf ninja hidint in the tree.

    Yesterday, 11:28 AM EDT

    "((Kana, It was Kilekah's justsu, not Shiba's btw, and lol))

    (I want someone to almost die)
    Haruka's breathing got shallower and shallower as a black wave crashed over her, causing her to be close to death. (she almost drowned) Not being able to control it, she morphed in to a cat, about 7 moons old. She let out a yowl of pain, and went unconsious.

    ((She's actually a clan cat, (Riverclan) who is also a ninja cat, not a human. So you're friends with Echopaw {Haruka}))"
    ((i don't know. That's what I get for reading Sunset three times, so you can ignore it))

    Yesterday, 11:42 AM EDT
    *The battle between Jinsei nd Ikazuchi (Ikazuchi's POV)*
    Jinsei walked into the Clearing with Kiba and Neji. ~Ha! The one with Byakugan should ne easy to beat, so ill start with him first!~ She thought to herself. "BLINDING LIGHT JUTSU" She yelled ((that jutsu doesnt have a great name but its the only jutsu that is personally hers)) She had blinded Neji and the other two. In a second, she had stabbed Neji in the stomach ((and hes not blinded for good)) And the boy was passed out on the ground. "One down, Two to go >:3" sHE TOLD THE OTHER TWO.

    Yesterday, 11:44 AM EDT
    "Go to hell!" Shiba roared at the ninja, her tail curling around one of them. The kunoichi struggled in her grasp, but she just tossed her into the air and sent her flying with a whack from her tail. Shiba snorted, and didn't notice that another ninja had leapt onto her leg and dealt a HUGe gash to it until it was too late. "God damn it!" Shiba hissed, collapsing onto the ground and returned to human form. She grew wings instead, and flew about, not wantnig to hurt herself naymore by putting pressure on her leg. She snatched a katana from one of the corpses and held it point first towards the other ninja, growling despite the fact that she was human. Hotaru leapt back, deciding to watch since he couldn't hurt the leaf nin or Shiba... for now, anyways.

    Yesterday, 12:07 PM EDT
    *Fight continues (Ikazuchis POV)*
    "Neji!!!" The girl screamed. However as she turned around to face Neji, Ikazuchi stabbed her through the back with a Kunai. ~Ha! This is too easy!!!~ and te girl passed out. This left the boy no choice but to try and defeat Ikazuchi alone. HOWEVER!!! Ikazuchi Caught him in a Ganjutsu with her byaku-sharingan very quickly. But shortly after, Ikazuchi was knocked over. The boy had passed out, but in the spot where the girl had been, there was nothing. Ikazuchi had her hands pinned down bt Kunai before she could do anything and a split second later, a kunai halfway sliced her throat. The girl left after, brining the boys back to the leaf village. Leaving Ikazuchi unconcious and half dead and alone ((violence is not the answer DX))

    Yesterday, 12:30 PM EDT
    Shiba howled and sliced at them, slightly shocked that she was actually pretty good with a katana. They managed to deal a few blows to her, but that just pissed her off, and she sliced them to ribbons. Suddenly, she felt an odd pain in her neck, but it wasn't her pain. She glanced around at Xantara, who was unconcious on the floor, but she didn't hae anything wrong with her neck. "Ikazuchi..." she murmured, and hovered onto the ground, wincing and taking flight again as a giant wave of pain erupted from ehr leg. She flew out, trying to find Ikazuchi, with Hotaru right behind her. She didn't even care anymore, she needed to find her friend.

    Yesterday, 12:40 PM EDT
    Ikazuchi laid on the forest floor only partially concious. She laid there and couged up blood. She winced when she tried to breath, do even breathing was torchure. She had managed to take the kunai out of her hands and used the bandages she had with her to wrap up her hands. She couldnt do anything aout her throat though. "Im sorry" She hispered to herself. She was sorry for overestimating herself, for her friend shiba who was most likely dead by now, and she partially wised for death too. Bt mostly, she swore to kill the girl. The girl who had slit her throat, She didnt think of herself lie an avenger, like sasuk, she just wanted the girl dead. Fot hurting her, and for distracting her from her search for her friend shiba.

    Yesterday, 12:55 PM EDT
    Shiba found Ikazuchi, half dead on the forest floor, and gasped. "What the hell happened?" she asked her, looking around for anything to help bind the wound in her throat. "Xantara! Come quick!" she cried, glancing around for the brown wolf. In just seconds, she appeared, and gasped soflty at Ikazuchi's state. "oh," she murmured, her eyes growing melancholy. Then, the wolf moved so that the feather with more white than black touched the wound, and where it touched, the wound closed up. The onyl problem was it was very painful for the girl, who squirmed and screamed at the touch of the feather, but it would heal her. After that was done, she morphed back into a dragon, and grabbed her friend with one of her talons, before limping back to the base. Hotaru, as usual, followed, ignoring the venomous glances Xantara gave him. She handed Ikazuchi over to Kakuzu, who would stitch her up, and shifted into a human, before collapsing outside the hallway. She panted from the effort of hauling her injured self and her friend everywhere, but tried to calm down. She was feeling lightheaded from the blood loss, and Xantara noticed. Immeadeately, she began the same procedure, and Shiba had to bite her lip to keep her cries getting above a whimper. Hotaru leaped onto one of the fallen walls, and looked up at the sky, glancing every now and then and Shiba and Xantara.

    Yesterday, 1:10 PM EDT
    Ikazuchi whimpered ak kakuzu stitched her up. She usually didnt get wounds like this, because she usually didnt use close combat. Even as Kakuzu stitche her up, she kept whspering "Im sorry." She didnt know what had happened to her really, because she was shocked that she was still alive. As soon as she was finished being stitched up, Kakuzu told her to rest.She, of course, didnt listen. The second Kakuzu left the room, so did Ikazuchi. She went out into the hallway and sat next to shiba. "Im sorry." She whispered, yet again, to her best friend. "Thank you, Shiba, for everything you did for me" she said. But, a second later, apon realizing the presence of Hotaru. "Wait.... who was that man that was with you??? Before???" ((I meant she remembered that he was with them before)) "Was he- no.... just tell me who he was please!!!"

    Yesterday, 1:27 PM EDT
    *Meh leaf Ninja*
    Jensei waited in the hospital. Since Ikazuchi had only stabbed her shadow clone, she was okay. Kiba was in a coma and Neji's eyes might be ruined forever. She blamed herself. ~Poor Kiba....Poor Neji~ she sat there sobbing. She sat next to Kiba's hospital for hours and often visited Neji. At least the Akatsuki member was dead. Or so she thought.

    Yesterday, 2:07 PM EDT
    Shiba blinked at her, before realizing she was talking about Hotaru. He glanced at her, curiousity flickering in his eyes. "She's still breathing? Guess that wolf has some talent." He mumbled, and Xantara growled at him, ready to spring, but Shiba put a hand on the wolf's shoulder. "Easy Xantara, he's a good guy... I think." she replied, and the wolf grudginly sat down. "This is Hotaru, he just put me in that cage to repay the Leaf for-" Hotaru interupted her. "For helping learn to be a ninja. I'm a rogue now, though, so I won't hurt you guys." he assured, ignoring the disbelieving glances of Xantara and Ikazuchi.

    Yesterday, 2:14 PM EDT
    "You're the one who put Shiba in that cage???" Ikazuchi glared at him madly. "Youre the one who made me think she was dead. Youre the one who made me follow her, only to be almost killed. It was you!!!" She said, now yelling, even though it hurt a bit. She was ready to hurt him. She had just aout had it. She turned to Shiba calmly, fists clenched. Even though she was in pain, she didnt care. She would fight this guy if it came down to that. "Shaba, how could you think that this guy is good??" She asked, irritated.

    Yesterday, 2:34 PM EDT
    "Oi," she whispered, then turned to Ikazuchi. "Because if he wasn't he would've killed me already, Hikari-chan. And I'm still alive. He didn't know that you were going to be ambused out there, so don't go pointing fingers. And Xantara, I'm not an idiot, I know he's not in Akatsuki, but something tells me he's telling the truth." <Why the hell am I defending him?> she asked herself, and Xantara invaded her thoughts. <That's what I'd like to know!> Hotaru just looked at her, amused and a bit shocked by what she just did. <I thought she was a bit odd...> he thought to himself.

    Yesterday, 2:45 PM EDT
    Ikazuchi's words made Hotaru feel more than a little guilty, but even if he tried to prove that he didn't mean it, he knew the girl wouldn't believe him. So, he kept silent, waiting for her to calm down and hoped that they had the sense to trust Shiba.

    Yesterday, 2:51 PM EDT
    <Oh my Jashin> Ikazuchi thought to herself <Dear Jashin how does she see any good in this guy?!?!?> "Fine, think what you want. If you want to try and see some good in this guy, then go ahead. I dont get it though" Ikazuchi said calmly, no emotions breaking through her carefully composed mask. She was shaking with anger. Anger that her friend could trust someone like him. "So what are you going to do wih Shiba now, Hotaru???" She questioned him. "Because you could easily bring her to the leaf vilage it seems. She seems to trust you too much" She said, glaring at shiba. But after that rant and being so frustrated, she had to sit down. She was still weak, and she knew she needed to rest, but instead of going to her room like she should have, she sat in the hallway stubbornly across from shiba. "So, do you have an answer, Hotaru??? I care about shiba. She is the first family I can rmember aving, and if you were to do anything to hurt her, I would kill you" She said matter of factly.

    Yesterday, 3:10 PM EDT
    Shiba looked at her friend confusingly, but she looked at her friend sympathetically as she talked. She eged over to her and gave her a hug. "I'm not gonna go to Konoha unless there's a mission, I promise." she assured, still not getting why her friend hated Hotaru.
    Hotaru looked at the girls, focusing on their emotions. Concern, curiousity, and bewilderment came off from Shiba, but those emotions were plain on her face, at least to him. Ikazuchi was more overwhelming. Her anger and misunderstanding nearly suffocated him, but he kept strong and quickly focused on Xantara, but she had the same emotions, only on a lesser scale. "So, who are they?" he asked, trying to distract himself from the many emotions.
    Shiba glanced up at him, and replied, "This is Ikazuchi, and the wolf is kinda like my spirit; she's Xantara." Hotaru nodded in understanding, his face carefully composed so as not to give away that he knew what they were feeling. A leaf ninja came running down the halls, ready to attack, but a shock from Hotaru sent the girl sprawling on the floor, unmoving. He yawned, and pretended nothing happened.

    Yesterday, 3:22 PM EDT
    <Who is this guy???> Ikazuchi thought to herself in bewilderment.She was trying to calm herself down but everytime a thought about him crossed her mind, but her face remained emotionless. She felt like she was about to faint. She was exhausted and angry and sad all at once. <I guess since he just kiled a leaf ninja.....> she thought to herself <He must not be so bad. But ill have to keep an eye on him> She aid, still not totally trusting him, but calming down a little. "Dear Jashin what to do now??" she asked herself, force of habit, and almost forgot that she wasnt alone.

    Yesterday, 3:43 PM EDT
    "YOU should get some rest!" Shiba hissed at her. "You were on the brink of death, and I'm pretty sure Kakuzu didn't give you the ok to move about already!" Ikazuchi glared at her, "Well then, YOU should get your leg looked at, I can see your bones from here!" Shiba grunted, but released ikazuchi and began examining it. Thanks to Xantara, it had stopped bleeding, and most of the pain was taken out of it, but it needed to heal. She sighed, and grabbed a bandage from her pack and began wrapping it around the wound, yawning. Why did she feel so tired all of a sudden? Must've been the blood loss. "Oyasumi," she murmured, before resting her head on the rubble and falling asleep.
    Hotaru gazed at the now passed out Shiba, confused. <She must've been REALLY tired.> he thought, smiling at the wolf who kept glaring at him suspiciously. "I didn't do that if that's what you're thinking." he murmured, holding his hands up in front of his face as if to prove he was harmless. Xantara just realized he wore bandages on his right arm, but she ignored it. All she did was growl, and curl up next to Shiba, always keeping one eye on the strange newcomer.

    Yesterday, 3:52 PM EDT
    Ikazuchi stared at the now passed out Shiba and refused to rest. She didnt like doing nothing. It got on her nerves. She looked at Hotaru meaningfully, but for once, not unkindly. "Why did you really put Shiba in a cage for the leaf??? And dont tell me its because they helped you beome a ninja. If that were the case, you would've let Shiba finish" she questioned, but no in an unkind tone. If Shiba trusted this guy, then he must not be totallt bad. Now there was no more anger. Just concern for her friend and curiousity for Hotaru. No matter ho much she disliked him, she couldnt keep the curipusity from seeping through.

    Yesterday, 4:02 PM EDT
    Hotaru scrutenized her for a second, sensing her emotions. Then he sighed, and told Ikazuchi and Xantara his stoyr. He had nothing to loose, right? When he was finished, he glanced at each of them in turn, and saw Xantara look at him with sympathy instead of malice and suspicion. <Maybe this is why Shiba can't hate this guy... he didn't do anything wrong.> She thought to herself, now staring at her spiritual counterpart. <Let's just hope we can trust him...> she muttered.

    Yesterday, 4:10 PM EDT
    Ikazuchi nodded. She understood to the best of her ability, and began to trust him a little bit more. "Hmm..." she said, trying to read his face, but ot succeeding much. She took a deep breath and looked back at Shiba. "In that case, i suppose i understand a little more now, why you feel the need to repay the leaf. But since you know how it feels to loose family, imagine what you'd be doing to us, the akatsuki, by taking her." she said, thinking about this. "My family- I cant remember them." She said, not wanting to remember that they were murdered and almost saying that they were killed by orochimaru. "Then I joined the Akatsuki an met Shiba. Shes like a sister to me. the only family i can remember" A tear rolled down her cheek and she quickly wiped it away.Why was she trying to explain this to some strange man tht she sudenly felt like trusting???

    Yesterday, 5:09 PM EDT
    (Haha you can trust him now XD jkjk and he's a teen, not a man XD)
    "I already payed back the Leaf," he answered, pretending to ignore her tear. Thank God he was able to control his powers, or he'd probably be crying, too, just from sensing everyone's emotions. Shiba seemed to be the only peaceful one for now. "They had their chance to take out this place when I tried, and all they said was grab as many of them as you could and drag them away from the base. I did my job, so we're even. She's going to stay here if she wants." he said. It was quiet for a few hours, until he heard Shiba whimpering in her sleepp, then stop. It was quiet for a few more minutes, then she started whimpering again, and a tear rolled down her cheeck. Xantara noticed, and started nudging Shiba to wake up, but she just cried out and shivered. Hotaru looked at her, a bit concerned, and hopped down from the wall. He knelt beside her, and a tiny jet of lightning burst from his fingertip and shokced Shiba. In a heartbeat, she jolted awake, and cried out in surprise. "What the hell was that for!?" she hissed, recoiling from the finger that shocked her. "You were whimpering in your sleep." Xantara explained, her eyes full of worry. "You must've been having a bad dream." Shiba sat there for a moment, trying to think. "...I don't remember anything from it." she whispered, her eyes growing cloudy. "I just remember falling asleep..." "Well, you're awake now," hotaru pointed out. Shiba nodded, and couldn't find her voice. She the only thing she DID remember from her dream was that something terrible happened, worse than anything she's ever experienced before. "Weird..." she whispered, too low for anyone to hear.

    Yesterday, 6:57 PM EDT
    Ikazuchi looked at the three but decided not to apologize for anything yet. She would wait and see if he was really trustworthy, But, for the time being, she fell asleep against the wall. "There she is!" Kakuzu said, almost fuming. "T.T I told her not to leave. Ive been looking all over for her." He said, obviously annoyed, then went to grab her. The second he went to pick her up to move her, she started kicking at him and punching him like she was having a seizure, but she was still asleep. "No... No Leave me alone!!!" she yelled, slapping Kakuzu in the face "Stay away from me Orochimaru!!!!" She yelled even louder, but she remained sleeping. Kakuzu put her down and she was crying in her sleep. It was the same dream she had had that night in the woods ((Reffering to the 'a dreum' post)) It was the same dream she had almost every night since she left orochimaru. Of course, no one knew what she was talking about because she was the only one who knew about orochimaru murdering her family. She stopped breathing for a few secons, then took a few deep breaths, and tears streamed down her face. Just like every other night.

    Yesterday, 7:20 PM EDT
    Shiba blinked several times. "Hikari-chan?" she asked, and saw the pain in her friend's face. Then, she glanced at Hotaru pleadingly. He got the hint, and walked over to Ikazuchi, shocking her the same way he did for SHiba. Shiba returned her gaze to her friend, hoping that it would work...

    Yesterday, 7:27 PM EDT
    The pained look on Ikazuchi's face was gone, but she didnt wake up. Just continued sleeping, mumbling to herself every once in a while. ((lolz i find it ironic that her name means lightning and she got shocked)) "Im not touching her again!!! And im insulted that she thought I was orochimaru!!!" He said, then left er on the hallway floor to her sleeping.

    Yesterday, 7:48 PM EDT
    (Pffft, Hotaru wouldn't say that!... exactly XD ... oh that's Kakuzu XD)
    Hotaru tried again, this time with a slightly larger lightning bolt. Shiba walked over to them , and leaned down, prodding her friend in the forehead. "Hikariiii." she whined, trying to sound crazy. When Hotaru gave her a wtf glance, she whispered. "Sometimes the best thing to do with her is to be just as random as her." she turned her attention back to the girl. "Hikari-chan, wake up! Uhhh, pancakes are falling from the sky and Tobi is all happy and spazzy, which is getting Dei pissed off and ready to blow something up, Kanami is with him on that, Zetsu's hungry, and if you don't get your lazy ass up you're going to miss the annual breakfast festival! Evne the pancake fairy will be there! Hurry Hikari-chan!" she muttered urgently, hoping it would work.

    Yesterday, 8:00 PM EDT
    Hikari yawned slightly. "Leave me to sleep. WAIT!!!" She said, sitting straight up "Are there really pancakes???" She asked, then realized it was just Shiba "You owe me pancakes now..." She said seriously to shiba. "Why'd you have to go and wake me up??!? Im so tired!!!" She complained. She really didnt know what happened when she was asleep. She just knew about the dream, and nothing else. So she sat there, as relaxed as ever. ((ALSO Just so you know Ikazuchi isnt affected by electricity or anyhing like that. Her chalra is odd because it absorbs attaks lightning aligned))

    Yesterday, 8:26 PM EDT
    (Oh, well then! XD)
    Shiba blinked several times. "...suuuuure I'll get you some pancakes later. I owe Tobi some anways..." she mumbled, and continued, "Hehe, kind of a deja vu moment, huh? You were crying out in your sleep too, screaming something about Orochimaru... you don't remember either?" She asked, looking a bit concerned. "that's odd..." Hotaru murmured, staring off into space. The first rays of dawn had just peaked over the tree leaves, bathing the sky around it in a dull orange. Suddenly, Shiba's stomach grumbled, and she remembered she hadn't eaten all day yesterday. "Wonder if the kitchen's still intact...?" Shiba thought aloud, and helped Ikazuchi get to her feet. "You guys have a kitchen?" Hotaru asked. "Evil villains need to eat too, ya know." Shiba yawned, and began walking towards where she remembered it to be.

    Yesterday, 8:31 PM EDT
    Ikazuchi had a look of shock on her face. She talked about orochimaru and cried??? She had thought that the wet spots on her pillow were from her drooling. Damn. Like they needed to know any of that. "Oh... did I... hehe... thats kind of weird ^.^'" she said uneasily. Of course she remembered the dream... but it was best to say that she didnt. "Yea i guess i dont remember!" She said, clearly hiding something. "Yea lets go eat im starved!!!" she sai nervously. as long as no one knew, then she would be fine. She didnt want their pity. she could take care of herself.

    Yesterday, 8:51 PM EDT
    (Omgsw...i got lost! ^_^' i guess kizu just randomly walks in or somethin! ^_^")

    Kizu walking around the Akatsuki base, seeing Ikazuchi and Shiba...and a dude. Kizu stopped, looked at their faces and yawned. "hi." after a few moments she says. "I'm Kizu. And i''m bored to. Oh, guess what. You've meant Death and all his friends- refering to the Akatsuki of course. Bye." She waves top Shiba and Ikazuchi before walking away.

    ((lawl. She's just randomly tired. -^_^-))

    Yesterday, 9:54 PM EDT
    Shiba rushed ahead of her, and blocked her off. "I know you're hiding something." she whispered, but not in a menacing way. Instead, he tone was quiet from concern. "If you don't wanna tell me, that's fine, but don't lie and pretend nothing happened. You were crying. Hard." Suddenly, Kizu came in (and said what you said)
    Shiba blinked at Kizuku, before hesitantly waving back. "Bye?" she repeated, unsure if she heard. She shrugged, and made her way to the kitchen, or rather what was left of it. "Damn it! They couldn't even spare the damn kitchen!" she growled, seeing the place in ruins. "Oi, I guess we're eating berries or rabbit or whatever for now, until we raid some village." She muttered, and shifted into a wolf. "No need. I know a place with a ton of food." Hotaru grinned, and raced off. They waited for several minutes, and he came back with a sack full of food. He dropped it on the ground, and explained, "What? I needed a place to lay low if ninja tried to find me." Xantara sniffed the food suspiciously, but sighed when she found nothing life-threatening, although a couple things were past the expiration date. "Dig in!" Hotaru announced, grabbing a sandwich for himself as he plopped down to eat.

    Yesterday, 11:05 PM EDT
    ~I cant lie for my life!~ Ikazuchi thought to herself. She was upset and annoyed at once. She waled into the kitchens remains after everyone else and took an apple from te bag. She looked at shiba a couple times, a bit annoyed that she would actually go and point out that something was wrong with her. She wanted to tell someone about what had happened, but hated being pittied. Also, she didnt want to dump her problems on someone else. So she would kee quiet.She staredinto space, thinking. It was odd for her not to talk to herself, but she didnt want to make it more obvious that she was going insane.

    Today, 12:06 AM EDT
    Shiba walked over to the bag and rummaged through, giving a triumphant gasp as she pulled out a juice box and some cherries. as she popped one into her mouth, she kept glancing back between Xantara, Hotaru, and Ikazuchi. Ikazuchi was acting strange, that's for sure. And Xantara seems to be... different, as well, and it annoyed her even more because she knew why. She glared at them, but they ignored the gesture, and continued eating. Xantara went away to hunt, preferring fresh kill over dead meat.
    Hotaru tried to keep his face composed as he dug into their emotions again. Xantara was gone for the moment, but he could still sense Ikazuchi. Suspicion, confusion, concern, all sorts of emotions were tied to her right now. He winced ever so slightly, and moved on to Shiba. Curiousity, annoyance at her friends, and worry were what Shiba was mainly feeling. <Interesting...> he thought. <I wonder if I should stay here or not... I kinda like it.>

    Today, 12:15 AM EDT
    Ikazuchi was looking at Hotaru and noticed his wince. "Are you okay?" she asked emotionlessly, out of politeness. She decided to leave after hearing his answer which was a just as emoyionlessly Yeah. Ikazuchi went outside and looked up at the clouds after laying down ((like i did in laurens backyard)) trying to straighten out her thoughts. First off, se had to get control of her emotions, Second, She should learn to trust Hotaru. He didt seem too bad. Third, there was something weird about him. She wouldnt try to figure it out now though.

    Today, 12:34 AM EDT
    Shiba's gaze followed her friend as she left, and finished eating her cherries. "You plan on hanging here for a while?" Shiba asked when she finished chewing. Her voice didn't sound hopeful or resentful; just curious. Hotaru thought about it for a minute, and shrugged. "I guess so, why?" he asked, tilting his head to the side. Her emotions didn't give anything away, but she nodded. "Then I better show you around, it wouldn't be good if Zetsu or Hidan found you and didn't know they were allowed to kill you." With that, she got up, and began walking away. She noticed him hesitate, and she said, "Iku ze! (let's go in japanese) Unless you'd prefer to get sacrificed to a bloodthirsty god!" Hotaru's eyes widened in curiousity and a bit of fear, and followed her. "That's Kizuku, though you've already met her." she announced as they walked past Kizuku. "That's Sasori, he's a puppet and likes to control puppets. Don't EVER get caught in a fight between him and Deidara if its about art, or you won't make it till morning, trust me." She continued listing off people as they passed them, and they got the hint that he wasn't allowed to hurt them ,and vice versa. Then they came across Zetsu. "This is Zetsu, he's... well, just don't get on his bad side." she whispered to him. "You brought me lunch?" Zetsu asked, eyeing Hotaru hungrily. "Zetsu! No!" Shiba scolded. "You're not allowed to eat him!" "Did Leader-sama say so?" he asked, still staring at him hungrily. "Did Leader-sama say so?" "... he will when I find him." shiba muttered. "Until then, he better hope he doesn't run into me..." the dark half of Zetsu murmured, before disappearing into the ground."Don't ask." Shiba said before Hotaru could say anything. "Just don't get caught alone."

    Today, 12:36 AM EDT
    (It should say weren't not were in that one sentence XD Hidan and Zetsu cannot kill hotaru XD)

    Today, 9:59 AM EDT
    Ikazuchi jumped down behind Zetsu right as Shiba was leaving "Here Zetsu, I brought you some lunch." She said to Zetsu, handing him a corpse. "If you see any other dead bodies, fee free to dig in!" She said. "But dont fight over a corpse with Sasori. If he wants it for a puppet and he was there first, let him have it!!!" She said, not hesitating to boss Zetsu around. He knew what would happen if he pissed her off. Then she ran right past Hotaru and Shiba. She wanted to keep her mind busy. "ITACHI SENSEI!" She screamed, just trying to bug Itachi. "WHERE ARE YOU?!?!? I WANT SOMEONE TO TRAIN WITH!!!!" ((Itachi was her sensei. Thats why shes good at the byaku-sharinga. But not as good as him!!! *respect*)) She screamed. Anything to keep her mind occupied. And to keep kakuzu from making her do nothing.

    Today, 10:34 AM EDT
    ((guys i missed to much and now i cant follow along with this anymore, plz fill me in, i am going to keep having no idea what im saying if u dont just fill me in on what happened since i made my last reply, 2 pages ago, yet less then 25 hours ago, somethimes i get the feeling that we're to active!! this thread needs to end soon!!))

    27 minutes ago
    ((No!!! this is meh favorite thread!!! And so I shall fill you in. Ikauchi tried to follow shiba, but Hotaru, took her and Ikazuchi couldnt find them. Ikazuchi looks, then gets in a fight with Jinsei Kiba and Neji. She almost kills Kiba and almost blinds neji, but Jensei gets her and almost kills her. Shiba finds her on the bronk of death and brings her back to the Akatsuki. Kakuzu fixes her, Shiba Hotaru and her get in a fight over Hotaru and wheather hes trustworth. Then shiba shows him around. You have to read for more details.ALSO!!!! I FEEL LIKE EATING SOME AIDS SKITTLES!!! XD))

    12 minutes ago

    Kizu is outside, eating an apple in a tree, blindly staring at the sky. She held the apple to the lips, but not taking a bite, just spacing out. Tears welled up in her one of her eye, her left, the right eye is no tears- emotionless.

    ((kizu recalling something- the eye thing is significate (sp???????)))
    Thread by: kingdomheartsgirl222, Jun 25, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home