king_mickey rule
Last Activity:
May 13, 2014
Nov 18, 2008
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3:47 PM
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king_mickey rule

Destiny Islands Resident, from Somewhere

king_mickey rule was last seen:
May 13, 2014
    1. eentje
      Ja, dat snap ik, maar dan heb je wel geluk gehad, waren je spullen nog in orde de dag ernaa? Ik had gehoord dat er wat dingen waren gestolen ofzo. Eigenlijk ook echt schandalig, niet?
    2. eentje
      OMG, was je daar? Ik had ervan gehoord. Het weekend daarop was bij ons ook een festival, ik dacht lowlands, en veel mensen gingen meteen door... Wel erg hoor. Gelukkig ben je okay ^^
    3. eentje
      Met mij gaat het goed, tis inderdaad lang geleden. Leuke zomer vakantie gehad?
    4. eentje
      Haey daar, hoe is het met jou?
    5. Daxa~
      I am rather glad you are recovering dearest~
      And you busy man you <3

      Also,sorry sorry sorry for only replying now...
      Its very possible I forget to hit the "Post Message" button beforehand ><
    6. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Cool if you guys need anything with storyline and writing like I said just throw me a PM and I'd be happy to help.
    7. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Never heard of them but cool XD

      Now the question i should have probably asked first what's the storyline of this game? Does it ahve anything to do with Sora and Co?
    8. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Wow awessssoooomeeeeeee hehehe I'd love to see the design :D

      Being the fanfic girl that I always am I must ask Any Vincent, Snow or Hope? Ya know fangirlism its a illness and all xD
    9. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Oh yay alot of FF characters ^^

      Do you have alike a list of them? Am I asking too many questions? XD Sorry I tend to do that:unsure:
    10. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      *Nods* Good movies. Any Final Fantasy World or Characters?
      Maybe TWEWY *shot*
    11. Daxa~
      I am alright,thank you dear <3
      And yourself?
    12. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      What worlds do you guys have?
    13. Daxa~
      Hello there <3
    14. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Wow how far along are you guys?
    15. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Sure I'd love to help :D

      I love Kingdom Hearts and have alot of free time on my hands so I'd love to help. Just throw me a PM or VM when you need me and I'll get on KHI
    16. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Yea I have no idea what I had in mind XD I'm clueless about 3D stuff and drawing. I'm a good writer though(my friend opinion) so need anything for writing?
    17. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Wow That's amazing xD I guess I need to go on KHI again. I do have an account but i was never really active to say the least xD
      Do you guys need any help with the game?
    18. adamboy7
      Mother nature's gone roge lol. And I put the URL in the thread :D
    19. Korosu
      It's fine, honest mistake.

      Ah, okay.
    20. Korosu
      Ah, tell me when you do in that case. Oh haha, I know you're a member of the forum, you don't own it. I'm not that stupid, heheh.
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    Gaming, Listening to music (LP in general) and writing, making music


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