Excuse me, Cariad (and for anyone else out there who believes this): But I do not "bask" in any type of anything... XD
I love making videos :] Idc how many fans I have, or what others think of them. I've said... multiple times, to multiple editors: there are people out there who beat my videos tenfold. And I've tried to get those kinds of editors recognized at times. As for why I don't make videos as much anymore? While I still try to edit KH when I can, I must admit: I'm moving on =/ I have more important places where I use my talent. College, jobs, etc. So no, it's not that I stopped caring or am just sitting "basking" in it. I just like making sure the videos that I DID make are up for whoever wants to view them.
And... yes, I'm aware this thread is a bazillion years old >>... so I doubt anyone will read this << LOL... but thank you for your time if you did ;]
I got another special mention with the same video? =/
That's weird... I uploaded that video on June 18th, and it's coming up during the week Jul. 6th - Jul. 12th...
Anyways, really enjoyed all the videos here :P Great job to all!
Wow O_O I can't believe I never saw #1 on YouTube, but that is literally AMAZING work; as well as all the others! I would try to incorporate gimp in my videos, but looking at how complicated it looks... I would... fail epicly XD. Great Top 5, DA!
XD Wow... I even fail on how to reply with quote [as you can see from my last]...
Just wanted to say great job to all the winners!
I really enjoyed #1, and I've seen the special mention video finished on YouTube and it was good as well :P
I've been answering questions and such through youtube.. but I've been trying to catch back up with my own AMVs.[/QUOTE]
Same here, DA =/
I've had a few questions pop up on YouTube, but for the most part, I'm also trying to focus on a few of my videos... (including a 7-minute guitar, seizure-inducing song ><)
Congrats, Paopu and Devrev; I was hoping to see your names up there after seeing your vids. Congrats to all of the other winners as well! Great picks, DA.
Also, Mohrchen, even if your video "had no meaning"... it still cracks me up XD Great job.