Recent Content by khalidroxesnaruto

  1. khalidroxesnaruto
    You know of a holyday called ramadan Forsaken Shadow;160638!

    I voted chistmas , because u get to enjoy ur family and freinds. Your cosins and family member visit u sometimes.Im muslim , but i chose cristmase anyway.I like ramadan cause of the thing i said above . YOU GET MONEY TOO!!!! (im not crazy about the money eather). Well its nice to know some atleast knows that holyday even if there muslim......I wish atleast everyone atleast kinda got involved talking about it.....=(..
    Post by: khalidroxesnaruto, Jul 29, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. khalidroxesnaruto
    Banned for making your own sigs! THATS ILLIGLE!!!
    Post by: khalidroxesnaruto, Jul 28, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. khalidroxesnaruto
    Should i get grandia 3 , i heard the game was good and i saw the cool opening.But never really knew about the game.HELP ME!!!!
    Thread by: khalidroxesnaruto, Jul 28, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  4. khalidroxesnaruto
    Beggener ay?

    I Really dont know what your saying but this is what you should train to a 100.Youll get free spells later in game without staves.There pretty good too!All you need to do is train whips and sex appels(this is a thing in game , not the real thing).Train on the metal family.In the abendon abby there are monster called metal slime , that gives 1350 xp each! I have beat the game about 28 times.
    Post by: khalidroxesnaruto, Jul 28, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  5. khalidroxesnaruto
    Thanks for the sig , but i put my name on it if its ok.

    Can u make me another one , cause i love ur work!!!!!!SO MUCH!if u can , heres my request.

    Text:The heart has more in it than you know.....
    Font:Whatever sound bests!
    Subtext:My username at the corner
    Render:Click here for render
    Style:Not needed but make it like a kingdomhearts theme
    Anything extra:Not needed but if u can , make sora colored not a shadow....again if u CAN!

    Itll be great if u can do another one but dont need to if ur to overwhelmed with me or something!
    All repz go to u!
    Post by: khalidroxesnaruto, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  6. khalidroxesnaruto
    U rock Xaldin ur the man!!!!! thx for the info!!
    Post by: khalidroxesnaruto, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. khalidroxesnaruto
    Hi im makinng avetars.Im a biggener , not that good at it but u might like some and some you might barf on. (just warning you).Take a look at the avatar im using , i created it!

    Heres the format you need to folow....

    Sub Text:

    Remember....i need the the render not just a name. I might dissapoint you. So if your dissapointed at the avatar say:make another one from it plz or ITS GREAT! (or another comment).......Ill try my best.

    I can sometimes make signiturs. So if you want sig just ask.Ill see if i can do it...
    Thread by: khalidroxesnaruto, Jul 24, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  8. khalidroxesnaruto
    Most people dont pass tortural isle.Like lets say.....well any rpg .When u start it u have no idea what to do or where to go! Right?People dont take the time to atleast take a little walk through the citys click on stuff and see what they do. Like me i didnt play for a week in my stupid nooby acc (1st acc) or probobly 3 month i guess.I got stuck in this place in runescpae and i quit. My friend had to madly persuade me. Other game kicks this game ....... in 3 min its true. But it doesnt hurt to take time.I have a feeling that this thread is going to be a hate thread cause people didnt take time to play RS!!!
    BBut everybody has a diffrent oppineron , right?
    Post by: khalidroxesnaruto, Jul 24, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  9. khalidroxesnaruto
    Hi , my username is darkaeroga in runescape. Ive been playing runescape in a month and im in lvl 70.Im a member.The good thing about runescape is that its just pure exciting.You always have compitition agienst another you need to be ahead of them to show off or something.Be rich.Its fun and pushes you so you beat that other person.You dont need to do stuff you dont want to do , you dont need to be a fighter. You have your choice , the game doesnt tell you what to be or anything.You can become a person who trains one skill only and be the greatest at it (pure) , or you can put items in the shops if they rune out and a lot more.I think people should join more , u meet new friends you dont know and later have really great fun.Jadex puts new quest or new updates in runscape every week! Improvment is what there making. Some people say the graphiq stinks and plays CLUB PENGUANE.Club panguan has a 1D graphiq system and they like that.But even if , they still like club penguan. Well its the same thing for runescape , doesnt matter about the graphiq but it matters about fun. People judje that game to fast.
    Thread by: khalidroxesnaruto, Jul 24, 2007, 32 replies, in forum: Gaming
  10. khalidroxesnaruto
    Text:One Winged Angel--One Giant Sword
    Font:Your Choice
    Renders:Click Here For The Render
    Style:Your Choice
    Anything extra:No

    Take Your Time........but not a long time......thanks!
    Post by: khalidroxesnaruto, Jul 23, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  11. khalidroxesnaruto
    I agree i hate these stinken sequals.......they make a big hit on the first movie. Then think theyll make a big hit on the second one! They just ruin everything!
    Like lion king 2. What was the point of that.I really didnt see a lot of people buying it and not alot of advertise ,thats a sign that that was one of the worst!
    Post by: khalidroxesnaruto, Jul 20, 2007 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  12. khalidroxesnaruto
    I love your work can you make me one!?

    Render Stock:Roxas (In the oragnazation cloak)
    Size:Uhhh....the best as it can be (your choice)
    Text:The Heart Of One
    Sub Text:The New Me
    Can you put my name on the sig in blue , that be great!

    Ive seen your work , i know youll do a amazing job! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!
    O and by the way is it any trouble giving me the pic by PM me? It be great if you can do that! Thank you
    Post by: khalidroxesnaruto, Jul 19, 2007 in forum: Art Shop