Sora isnt a jerk! 8D and we dont really know if tidus, wakka, selphie, and his mom had anything wrong with them because the island and where they live arnt the same place...they take boats to the islands........soooo everyone could of been fine 8D and anyways...riku and kairi are much better 8D
You cant hate demyx!!! ; _ ; hes awesome!! He is like the diet coke of the organization!!!! he shouldnt disapper!!!!! He may be weak and a wuss but that's what makes him awesome!!!!!
Teehee ima cheater, when I started playing kh i borrowed the walkthrough book 8D 8D Though i used my own stratagies for the when you fight malifacient in dragon form.. i just kept dting but then i figured out the she only stays in the middle of the room...sooo i went to the corner and just healed myself whenever i got hit by a spell. and let Donald and the Beast kill the dragon, cuz if they die...they come back to life..i dont D8
8D 8D i am SMRT!!
My friend is cray and started KH1 on hard mode! Man in easy mode the final after the third fight i completly ran out of items and had to do the last seven fights without items 8D i thought i was gunna have a heart attack! I was so happy when i finished it though!! I was home alone and just got up and started to dance!!! ahahahaha great game!!!
That doesn't happen to me 8D When I start up a new game in either I get really excited and play as much as I can to get to my favourite scencs!!! I love the games so much 8D
The first Kingdom Hearts may be a challenge but I like the storyline of it alot better then Kingdom Hearts 2. Though I like the controls in the second game more. Recently I've played Kingdom Hearts two times in a row 8D I love the game so much!!! 8D