Recent Content by JackS27

  1. JackS27
    ((I'm alive! I haven't gotten update e-mails in forever though.

    Here's something to cheer everyone up!

    "Psych"s James Roday as Axel!


    My first time Photoshopping))
    Post by: JackS27, Apr 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. JackS27
    Xemnas blinked once...twice...


    And out he passed once more.
    Post by: JackS27, Mar 27, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. JackS27
    ((I've been lapsing as well. Life getting to hassling. But I'm not ready to give up just yet. I was just going to rectify it now.))

    Xemnas opened his eyes and found himself on the floor. How long he had been there, he did not know. He suddenly realised he could not move his limbs, or any part of his body save for his mouth and eyes. He could not see if anyone was in the room with him still, so he shouted to whoever was in earshot.

    "Sweet Flaming Ham of Xerxes, Not Again!"
    Post by: JackS27, Mar 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. JackS27
    "Off?" said Xemnas. "What mean you 'Off'? Haven't you noticed by now? It never ends."
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. JackS27
    Xemnas sighed. If it's not one thing, it's another, he thought.

    "All right," he said finally, "Is there any kind of immedeate crises that requires my assistance?"
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. JackS27
    Xemnas looked at each member before sighing, closing his eyes, and lightly pinching the bridge of his nose.

    "You know," he said, "I really hate it when things go crazy around here and no matter how many times I ask what's going on, I never get an answer."
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. JackS27
    Xemnas looked down at the small Demyx currently holding on to his leg, and instantly slapped is palm to his face.

    "Oh no," he said, "HIM too? I thought I told Marluxia to get rid of those stupid candies..."
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. JackS27
    Xemnas shook his head.

    "I have no idea...I just sort of blacked out," he said. "I remember...I was in this big computer generated forest...I was some kind of tall purple elf...and the people around me had absolutely no regard for spelling and grammar..."

    Xemnas shook his head again. "But that doesn't matter right now. Has anything important happened in my absence?"

    ((No, my ex girlfriend didn't call me to tell me the wonderful things about World of Warcraft and pursuade me to buy it thereby getting me hooked. Why do you ask? *shifty eyes*))
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. JackS27
    ((This isn't part of the continuity or the story or anything. I just felt like posting and since nobody has dealt with me yet, here is something to tide you over))

    Xigbar walked out onto the brightly lit stage. Shielding his eyes from the spots, he walked out to the microphone and spoke to the audience.

    "*ahem*," he cleared his throat, "And now Xemnas will sing for you 'I've Got Two Legs.'"

    Xigbar walked off to the side as Xemnas walked on. He gave Xigbar a little nod as a thanks for the introduction. Xemnas cleared his throat as well once he got to the microphone, hummed a few bars to make sure he was in tune, and then proceeded to sing.

    "I've got two legs from my hips to the ground
    And when I move 'em they walk around
    And when I lift 'em they climb the stairs
    And when I shave 'em they ain't got hairs
    I've got two AUGHHHH!"

    Xemnas choked as he looked quizzically at the energy bolt sticking out of his chest. Looking incredulosuly at Xigbar he fell down dead and promptly dissolved.

    Xigber walked back up to the mic after sheathing his bolt-guns. "Thank you, and good night," he said.

    THE END!

    ((Someone please continue the story?))
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 11, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. JackS27
    Xemnas' eyes fluttered open. His vision was blurry. His head felt like someone was stepping on it with golf cleats. He tried to move, and found that he couldn't. He tried speaking. It came out in a hoarse whisper.

    "W...where am I?"

    ((Fun Fact: It's not a tumor.))
    Post by: JackS27, Jan 27, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. JackS27
    ((Yes, Vexen knows. Saix's reaction ["You have boobs...and they aren't bad"] was Xemnas' about a year ago.

    By the way, did anyone like my vid?))
    Post by: JackS27, Jan 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. JackS27
    ((By the way, I dedicate this video I made to all of you:
    Post by: JackS27, Jan 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. JackS27
    ((Ha! Nice quoting me, Foxxie! This is fun to watch.

    Also, for the new members, Xemnas is already well aware of Vexen's sex change and Xig and Lux having drank from a certain fountain.

    I'm sleepy and uninspired. *sad puppy face*))
    Post by: JackS27, Jan 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. JackS27
    ((*Sits back and watches what they will come up with in regard to passed-out Xemnas. I may be busy lately, but at least I'm not 100% impassive anymore.

    By the way, for the record, "Sweeny Todd" rocks all kinds of indescribable awesome.))
    Post by: JackS27, Dec 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. JackS27
    ((Ewww...what the hell happened to the site over the past few days? It looks like someone spilled milk all over it.))

    "No," said Xemnas, "I want to..."

    Suddenly Xemnas couldn't remember what he was going to say, or that he had said anything. The world dropped out from beneath him and he passed out cold.
    Post by: JackS27, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home