Last Activity:
Jul 21, 2024
Sep 25, 2006
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4:37 AM
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Indigo Plateau


"pumpkin", from Indigo Plateau


its been too long Jul 21, 2024

Inasuma was last seen:
Jul 21, 2024
    1. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Yay @@ Pumpkin returns <3

      Awwww nooby you sounds adorable, I shall put you in a cage and feed you marshmallows.
    2. user26444
      can i join original 13?
    3. Sabby
      LOL IT was an OKAY movie. My friend thought it was good.
      This dude in the sunlight was that he got sugar coated with sparkles XD sooo ******ed.
    4. Sabby
      LOL you're a very weird child.

      and LOL probably. I'm bring sheets of paper to write down every single bad thing about the movie xD
    5. Sabby
      omg YESS. xD yay ^^
      Well I'm going to go watch Twilight on saturday so I can complain to you about it =D XDD

      And I got my spandex shorts for volleyball =D I can see my ass now xDD jk I have thunder thighs
    6. Trigger
      Sup bro.

    7. Sabby
      I'm alright... but I'm still pissed at school, about how it's screwing me over. *sighs*
      Overall... it's A-ok. but wish you were online to haras-- I MEAN to make love & have sex time with LOL
    8. Trigger
      ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
      ..........''...\.......... _.·´
    9. Sabby
      sup noob?

    10. Juicy
      Your sig = win.

      Anyone who likes BFMV is epic in my books 8D
    11. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      I'm glad <3 you deserve fun and good times :]
    12. Sabby
      LOL it's damn stupid. OH MY GOD. I was like basically abused in school. LOL So Jacky and I were like rough playing... and he cracked my elbow. He started freaking out saying "OMG I'm sorry. I heard the crack does it hurt?" and then we were walking to my locker and this son of a ***** teacher like literally body slams me. and I don't know this teacher so I'm like "WTF?!!? "O_O she's like "Sorry =__=" then I walked off being sooo mad xD

      For science... I literally had to call my dad 3 times this weekend so he could help me with it. >_> this is like the longest time I've ever talked to my dad.

      What does your dad do again? Some kind of Engineer?

      I can't wait for that. You better come back on. We'd be like teenage girls gossiping about life and talking about GUYS!!!! =D yay. We can rate them. OH MY GOD. DOESN'T THAT SOUND SOOOOOO COOL? LOL <3
    13. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Awwwww msn misses you too ):

    14. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      Puuuuuuuuuuumpkin ilu <3

    15. Sabby
      I miss you too. =/

      I'm like literally ****ed for science. My teacher can't teach ****. and I'm gonna fail.
      I hate school so much. ;_; How's life? Your dad back from his work thing?
    16. Sabby
      heyo. what's up?
    17. Trigger
      ...what? o_o
    18. Trigger
      I do indeed love boobies, kind sir. <3
    19. Trigger
      D: I'm sorry I didn't mean it! I actually love the simpsons! NOOOOOOOOOOOO
    20. Trigger
      No, man. YOU rock. YOU. rock.

      ******* >>
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    Indigo Plateau
    Past Usernames:
    darkwatch, darky, atari
