Recent Content by Hypernesh

  1. Hypernesh

    Hey! =D

    Thanks you all! =D
    I basically played all the Kingdom Hearts game except for recoded, which... I don't know... Doesn't catch my attention. O3O
    And I shall go and read the rules right away! =D
    Post by: Hypernesh, Apr 4, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. Hypernesh

    Hey! =D

    My name is Karla and I just recently joined! I didn't want to join earlier just becaused I feared that I was gonna get spoiled with the whole Kindgom Hearts Series.
    Well, I finished playing Birth by Sleep and love it! <3 I hope to not anger anyone while I'm here... O.O
    Thread by: Hypernesh, Apr 4, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures