I stopped Yugioh at like episode 16 of Zexal. I don't know anything past that and have forgotten a lot. It's not gonna be worth my time trying to memorize all the new stuff. I don't even know all the rules anymore. I've forgotten a lot. So I'm no doubt gonna make a lot of mistakes. And it doesn't help that I've become a stoner during my absence.
And I haven't played in over a decade. Plus I don't like the new cards and new rules.
I had a blast in those RPs we did. And to make things more interesting, I'm going to be playing as more characters besides just Jaden and The Supreme King. Been wanting to see how I do as Yugi himself.
I suppose I COULD Duel again for RP purposes maybe perhaps...We can make adjustments to the Arena accordingly to accommodate the new cards and rule changes. I am aware that there have been many during my absence. I sure as Hell won't be playing the real game anymore. But RPing is always fun.
I've only tried this with PCSX2 so far. I decided to fool around with the digits and put this code together. The potaras in their inventories don't appear in the exact same order as they do with the actual password characters. But the result is the same regardless.
Problem is I no longer Duel. Haven't watched or played Yu-Gi-Oh in years.
Also, I think you misclicked the rating button. If not, why did you dislike my post? I did say I missed you. I truly enjoyed RPing with you. I still RP.