hell demon
Last Activity:
Apr 29, 2012
Nov 10, 2010
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4:54 PM
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Sep 18, 1994 (Age: 30)
Under your bed
The monster under your bed

hell demon

Moogle Assistant, 30, from Under your bed

hell demon was last seen:
Apr 29, 2012
    1. anarchy666
      hhmm i dont know, we dont really talk anymore lol
    2. Xion's Keyblade
      Xion's Keyblade
      yesh it is DX probs why my moms letting me go to that thing on the 16th of April on my own or not, even though I have no clue how to get to chapelfield gardens xD;
    3. Xion's Keyblade
      Xion's Keyblade
      nah, I could quit when I want, not legally required, though I'm gonna give it until the end of the year to make up my mind. just been stressed alot recently
    4. Xion's Keyblade
      Xion's Keyblade

      I don't wanna go back to 6th form Dx
    5. anarchy666
      mad, yea aye
    6. Xion's Keyblade
      Xion's Keyblade
      jeebuz!! does he know them?
    7. anarchy666
      yea i did, i got a new phone
    8. Xion's Keyblade
      Xion's Keyblade
      yay. nyeh, I try to keep mine to who I talk to =/ I don't get the whole trying to make yourself popular image =/
    9. TerraxLover89
      destroyed my house...
    10. TerraxLover89
      thats awesome! same here! huge bash! crazy kids....
    11. Xion's Keyblade
      Xion's Keyblade
      I friended you soo...it should be all good =]
    12. Xion's Keyblade
      Xion's Keyblade
      beat ya to it :P
    13. TerraxLover89
      It was good, had an awesome Christmas! U?
    14. Xion's Keyblade
      Xion's Keyblade
      cool. first off I'm good, you? and trust me, it's a biiiiiiiiiig list. here gos, not includong the stuff you got me coz you know that :P also Liam got me a manga draw book learner thing too xD Also I was sad enough to buy myself FFx on offer for £5 including a bonus dvd. okay, list::

      A YOSHI TEDDY AND 3 YOSHI FIGURES(soz, caps ><), a m&s shell necklace and a necklace with a cross on it, a purple dragon teddy, a £10 cheque for cosplay things(only money I got this year o.o) 2 proff. layton and another puzzle game, super mario galaxy 2 and wii motion plus, exfoliation gloves and hand cream, nail stickers, a stocking with sweets and twilight stuff(mostly sweets cases and perfume), moms old sewing machine, a wig head, make up, rainbow socks, a toiletry bag with two purses, a ninja set, loveless vol. 2, 3 sketch made easy pads, charcoal pencils, more art stuff, a wireless mouse, a digital notepad, speakers, a selection box, 2 terrys choco oranges, a dream interpretation book, Lady gaga & Maddona's CD's, two cases of blank cd's, 3 vampire secrets documentaries, nail varnish, a flexible tripod ad my chracker gave me a tin opener. I'm so spoilt~ though half of it is stuff I'm never gonna use anyway..
    15. Xion's Keyblade
      Xion's Keyblade
      holy crap you replied and not on a school day! o.o I'm guessing you got that phone then :P

      well actually, I don't know why but it just doesn't seem like christmas to me... =/ I got some good stuff but....*shrug* I dunno. I hope you have as well. Oh! speaking of stuff, thank you ^^
    16. anarchy666
      hey sorry, i just got my laptop back
      yea pretty good, wbu???
    17. TerraxLover89
    18. Xion's Keyblade
      Xion's Keyblade
      ohs. so um, do you think you could make that april?
    19. TerraxLover89
      Huh 8D how so?
    20. Xion's Keyblade
      Xion's Keyblade
      haha xD maybe I should do more photo edits :P
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  • About

    Sep 18, 1994 (Age: 30)
    Under your bed
    The monster under your bed
    I am everything and nothing. I am all you are and all you could be.

    Stealing souls and useing wepons as regular items such as a chainsaw for slicing bread.Cosplay


    All i am and all i will be depends on who you are now.