Recent Content by Guardian Soul

  1. Guardian Soul
    count me in
    Post by: Guardian Soul, Jul 28, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Guardian Soul


    I've used it before in a few freelance jobs and it's a definitely a nice platform to use if you're already familiar with Javascript. You can just hit the ground running and not have to worry about learning the intricacies of another programming language. It's good for beginners as well since Javascript is a fairly easy language to get started with. You end up killing two birds with one stone because the knowledge of the language that you'll gain developing things on the backend can be reused if you ever decide that you want to do frontend work.

    But what exactly do you want to do with Node.js? If you're looking to get into web development, then it's not a bad place to start. The community around the language and the majority of the libraries currently developed will definitely help you in that area. If you're looking to get into another domain though, then I would suggest other languages. Programming languages are very much like tools. While you can get most things done using just one language, there isn't one perfect language that solves all problems efficiently and effectively. Some problems can be solved more easily and sometimes with even better results in other languages due to the way they've been built.
    Post by: Guardian Soul, Jul 28, 2017 in forum: Technology
  3. Guardian Soul
    What is life like in Brazil? Corruption and crime are sky high, big booties on the floor. Things have been pretty tense lately because you know how it is, economic recessions can be a *****. Watchu gonna do about it? We get by with comedy and let me tell you, **** gets weird in Brazil sometimes.

    (not the best translation but it gets the idea across)

    Some kid from a middle of nowhere state just disappeared and the **** he left behind is pretty interesting. I guess some people leave letters and notes. This guy left 14 encrypted books and a statue with a human transmutation circle written on the floor beneath it.



    Despite all the corruption trials going on, this has become national news and is probably the most talked about subject at the moment with memes and theories being discussed. My personal theory is that Truth put his soul in the statue.

    But tell me, what do you guys think? Any weird things going on in your country?
    Thread by: Guardian Soul, Apr 7, 2017, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Guardian Soul
    Hahahah you're right. They do think that for some reason...

    I wonder why?

    Post by: Guardian Soul, Mar 21, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Guardian Soul
    Silly Jiku, do you actually think I have money?

    Hello, Mid. <3

    Life is a hassle nowadays but I plan on popping up every now and then for shits n' giggles.
    Post by: Guardian Soul, Mar 21, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Guardian Soul
    I like to assume that they at least tolerate me.

    I thought of maybe going with "You're never inside KHV. KHV is inside of you." (inside dat sweet booty obv)

    Now that's deep but I thought that might be too lewd.

    Life's been happier. I'm looking forward to this year and what it has to bring. How about you?
    Post by: Guardian Soul, Mar 20, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Guardian Soul
    What's a surprise is that I'm able to recognize you even though I only looked at what you said, your name and your avatar. You stick out.

    And I'll have you know that I'm like only on the low end of the specturm, Jiku.
    Post by: Guardian Soul, Mar 20, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Guardian Soul
    Exactly, brother.

    If it ain't Amaury, what up?
    Post by: Guardian Soul, Mar 20, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Guardian Soul
    You can always leave KHV. KHV just never leaves you.
    Post by: Guardian Soul, Mar 20, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Guardian Soul
    I was always more of a Gentle Schoolgirl but...


    I guess it's like writing a bicycle.
    Post by: Guardian Soul, Mar 20, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Guardian Soul
    I just re-watched all of the Kingdom Hearts openings and this sense of nostalgia just rained down on me. Since I haven't played in a good while, it got me thinking about the whole entire series, how much I enjoyed it and the cluster**** it developed into and then I remembered my cluster****, my KHV. What's up?

    edit: ****, we still censor ****?!
    Thread by: Guardian Soul, Mar 20, 2017, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Guardian Soul
    I knew somebody would agree with me lol
    Post by: Guardian Soul, Jul 31, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Guardian Soul
    True Detective. I'm also going to recommend Stranger Things because I'm loving it and everybody should love it with me.
    Post by: Guardian Soul, Jul 31, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone