Last Activity:
Jan 11, 2015
Jan 25, 2007
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In a world covered by endless water.


Gummi Ship Junkie, Male, from In a world covered by endless water.

greater_bloo was last seen:
Jan 11, 2015
    1. Odamadillo
      Hey Blo it has been a while. How are you mate?
    2. Odamadillo
      greater_Bloo I bid you Hello
      And I am a guy you are sure to know
      Since this is not your first gift given rhyme
      I used to write you one all the time
      So I hope you are glad they are back now
      And I will write as many as you will allow
      So please enjoy and tell how you fair
      I just wish to know you are still there.
    3. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      Yo man, want me to change RWBY trailer thread to just RWBY or Rooster Teeth's RWBY?
      1. greater_bloo
        Oh I was thinking about how to do that the other day lol. Yeah RWBY should be fine. Thanks! ^_^
        Jul 26, 2013
    4. NemesisPrime
      Hey man, did you get my new lines for Terra?
      1. greater_bloo
        Yeah I did they're great! ^_^ I'm still waiting on my Aqua to send in lines, plus I've gotta edit the whole thing, so it may be awhile until it goes up! :3
        Jul 5, 2013
    5. Odamadillo
      So much time has passed
      And your replies are far from fast
      Constantly busy beyond belief
      When you reply there is a small relief
      Because it would mean you are still living
      So this is another rhyming gift I am giving
      A personal gift for my friend greater_bloo
      I look forward to hearing from you.
    6. strfruit
      Blooo!!! :)
      Just wanted to tell you that I have not forgotten about letting you see the short film development character sheets and clips.
      Been quite busy here lately with college work @.@ so I have yet to transfer/upload it all onto my computer from the college home drive.
      Will be sending stuff your way shortly, though!

      Hope you have been well, my friend :D
      1. greater_bloo likes this.
    7. Odamadillo
      Hey Mr Bloo
      Tell me how are you
      Silence has filled all this time
      And quite frankly that is a crime
      Since I wish to chat with that awesome man
      So respond as soon as you can
      Whenever that may be
      I await the day you respond to me.
      1. greater_bloo and Indecypher like this.
    8. Odamadillo
      Mr Bloo Mr Bloo
      What i say here is true
      I barely see you around
      And the reality I have found
      Will be stated below this
      And you can not dismiss
      My words are nearly through
      The trust is Bloo I miss you!
      1. greater_bloo likes this.
    9. Odamadillo
      If I keep this up my name is going to be the only one on your profile VM section lol. Anyway how are you Bloo my friend?
      1. greater_bloo likes this.
      2. greater_bloo
        I'm pretty good. I fell asleep for like 12 hours yesterday night though. o.O
        Feb 16, 2013
      3. Odamadillo
        Well atleast that meant you were well rested!
        And Bloo could you respond to that pm soon please.
        Feb 16, 2013
    10. strfruit
      Happy Valentine's Day!!! <3
      1. greater_bloo likes this.
    11. strfruit
      Okay, I talked to the Director about needing voice actors and sadly, he already found the three that he needed v.v My dearest apologies!
      However, I asked him if I may share some of the production work and he said that since you didn't get the chance to audition for a vocal part, I may share a few things with you because you were interested in helping.
      1. greater_bloo likes this.
      2. strfruit
        I will send you some behind the scenes through message/conversation because he doesn't want it all over the internet yet, which is understandable. Haha! I will be getting the characters' model sheets that I can share with you soon! :D
        Feb 13, 2013
      3. greater_bloo
        It's cool! xD And awesome sauce! ^_^
        Feb 14, 2013
    12. Odamadillo
      God damn it Bloo it seems the more friends I make here the more they link up to you!
      They either follow you or you follow them!
      1. greater_bloo likes this.
      2. greater_bloo
        What can I say, I'm a friendly guy! xD
        Feb 10, 2013
      3. Odamadillo
        Oh God why change your avatar?!
        Also Bloo please got read and comment on my fanfic A Limitless world. I have chapter five written but I want you to comment before I post it up.
        Feb 10, 2013
    13. strfruit
      The more I see your profile pic, the more I love it haha!
      1. greater_bloo likes this.
      2. greater_bloo
        I know right!? The first time I saw it I just couldn't take my eyes off it! >_<
        Feb 10, 2013
    14. Odamadillo
      Is everything alright Bloo?
      1. greater_bloo likes this.
      2. greater_bloo
        yes! :P

        Feb 9, 2013
      3. Odamadillo
        Thank god that is another name to cross off my list.
        Feb 9, 2013
    15. Odamadillo
      Greater_Bloo I bid you hello
      And more words will follow
      You've proven to be very busy
      But that has little effect on me
      For I await your next creation
      And will act on in determination
      That is what I had to say
      So have a great day!
      1. greater_bloo likes this.
      2. Odamadillo
        That is all a writer like myself can ask for.
        Feb 3, 2013
    16. Odamadillo
      Hey awesome guy by the name of Bloo how have you been the last few days?
      1. greater_bloo likes this.
      2. greater_bloo
        Good! ^_^

        ...sorry for the late reply. @_@
        Jan 29, 2013
      3. Odamadillo
        You really are busy these days aren't you?
        Jan 29, 2013
    17. chibiwings
      1. greater_bloo likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. chibiwings
        pokepokepokepoke sloooooooooooowpoooooooooooooooke I don't know.
        Jan 15, 2013
      4. greater_bloo
        AAAHHHH!~ you told me you were going to be gentle! ;_;
        Jan 15, 2013
      5. chibiwings
        D: I didn't mean too! -hugs-
        Jan 15, 2013
    18. strfruit

      Hello my wonderful friend!!
      How have you been?
      1. greater_bloo likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. strfruit
        :) I actually think he designed them all female except for one who doesn't really say anything, sadly lol, but if you have a lovely female voice....yes! I will definitely come for you! XD
        Feb 5, 2013
      4. greater_bloo
        You should hear my Kairi! ;) But seriously, I have some female VA friends as well who would be happy to help if you want! xD And I'd be happy to voice the quiet guy if you need me to! ^_^
        Feb 5, 2013
      5. strfruit
        Haha! Awesome! I will talk to my friend and see if VA's are still needed. If so, I will definitely contact you :)
        Feb 5, 2013
    19. Odamadillo
      My mood in quite generous this day
      So I've come to say
      Bloo I've heard your work quite a lot
      And that is quite a voice you have got
      I'd swear your a professional voice actor
      Since your like no one I've heard before
      Keep up the good work my friend
      And know you have a fan till the end!
      1. greater_bloo likes this.
    20. Odamadillo
      Hey Bloo your a voice actor right? I have been looking for someone who has a good voice to assist with a project I have been planning Interested?
      1. greater_bloo
        Yeah I sure am interested! Though I have to ask what kinda character I'll be playing if it is a character, because I do have a certain range I can only work in (mostly kid-teenager type voices).
        Dec 26, 2012
      2. Odamadillo
        My project may not be anything like your used to but I'll give you more information in a Pm.
        Dec 26, 2012
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    In a world covered by endless water.


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