Recent Content by GarrettFinch

  1. GarrettFinch

    They soon found out that the sultan was also missing. The Royal vizier is in charge. He wondered who that might be. Karina then said, 'Doesn't anyone find that fishy? Like seriously. It is just obvious what is going on and instead you think this scrawny ass kid and his monkey with no money could kidnap two people without anyone noticing?' This was more or less a typical day for them but more then likely this was way off for people of a different world. Then Karina said, 'It would take power, money and access to the two most powerful people in this damn world.' This made him think for a moment. Then kel said something before he could say anything. 'We probably should follow Aladdin on the off chance he gets into trouble again?' As he walked away from the guards he turned to kel and Karina. "Will I guess we need to find out who this Royal vizer is. It might be a wild goose chase or it could be something more." Someone with power he thought. Then some came to mind. "Someone with power or maybe someone from another world. I am am thinking a member of the Hellfire club is some how involved." He told the two as he he walked. They would have the power and the means for dong something like this.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Nov 5, 2024 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. GarrettFinch

    More and more guards were going down and getting knocked unconscious. Soon it would be over. There were only a few guards left standing at this point. Then Beuce who has been quite for some time went after a few guards. He let out a sigh this whole thing could have been avoided if the guards bothered to talk to them. Maybe they would try something out once they were all knocked unconscious that was usually how thing went. Who was to say though. it was time to move on and find what was going on Aladdin and Jasmine. Perhaps find out what was going on with this missing Princess Jasmine. He would have suggested that the guards just stop now but he did not think that was going to happen. Like what was the chances they would listen now after they would not listen in the first place. This whole this was just a mess. As it seemed that there was a misunderstanding. Maybe the guards did not care. The were probably working for someone that just wanted Aladdin out of the way. He first went after the guard that Beuce had just went after and knocked them out before going after the other three. There was one left standing and slightly injured now.

    Guards Defeated: 19/20 Injured Guard: 29/30

    ooc: exp writer 2000

    Munny gained 30
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Oct 28, 2024 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. GarrettFinch

    As Kel spoke it made him think. Kel had just said, 'Doesn't the disappearance of a princess seem a little outside the expertise of a common thief?' Kel was right it did not make any sense. For one why would Aladdin tell them he was going meet some one here. That and he was looking for a beautfiul girl with black hair and a brown hijab. Unless this girl with black hair and a brown hijab and Jasmine were two different people then something was up. If indeed they were the same person then Aladdin asking for there help did not make much sense because he would know where Jasmine was. He guessed that Aladdin could have been lieing but that did not seem to be the case based on his reaction. From what he gathered Aladdin did not seem to know where Jasmine was. He tured to the guards and was going to say something but it was not worth it. For one he did not thing they would listen even if he got the chance. For now the best thing to do was just to keep going. So he rushed towards the hurt guard and fished him off then went after some more.

    Guards Defeated: 10/20 Injured Guard: 4/30

    OCC exp writer 2000 from last post
    exp from this post 2000
    Munny gained 60 last post and this one
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Oct 21, 2024 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. GarrettFinch

    He stood there for a moment when one of the guards said, 'This man is a common thief that is wanted for questioning by the royal vizier... He is the prime suspect in the disappearance of Princess Jasmine', There reasoning was not a very good one. For one it seemed like they going after Aladdin just because. This was interesting. Then there was how the guard even found them. He guessed that maybe they just found them but whatever. It was almost like they were sent by someone to go after Aladdin. If this was the case he wondered why and who. Like who would want to go after Aladdin? Other then the fact he stole there did not seem like there was a reason. He guessed that sooner or later he would find out. That was when the guard just attacked them without any reason. Maybe he had one like he wanted them out of there way. He tried talking but the guards did not want any part of that. Welp now there was nothing to do but to fight back. He summoned his keyblade ready for battle. This was going to be interesting. The guards had no idea who they were dealing with.

    Guards Defeated: 5/20 Injured Guard: 17/30
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Oct 12, 2024 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. GarrettFinch

    They soon went off to the markets. Aladdin gently poked his head around the corner of one of the arabian streets to see if the coast was clear. To him Aladdin seem like he was hiding something or up to something. Aladdin then said, 'Just uh... let me know if you see any palace guards. They don't really like me very much here.' he wondered why.with the way things more or less work he was sure he find out. He then said, 'Let me know if you see a beautfiul girl with black hair and a brown hijab.' Yea he was sure they were gong to find her or maybe not who was to say. Soon there was a voice, 'You there! Street Rat! Stop right there!' he called as he shoved through the crowd to get to the young man. He was not surprised. He was not really in the mood for fighting or running.

    Aladdin then said,
    'Let's just say the guards and I don't exactly get along. You see, we have this funny little game where I try to steal something and they try to catch me. It's less of a game and more of a survival thing now that I think about it.' So he stole made him think there was always another way then stealing.' He thought for a movement and wondered if Aladdin stole the golden lamp he had on him. For the moment he could not ask him. Before he could do some Luna said, 'There’s no need for you to fight alone, Aladdin. If this is how these “royal guards” act in regards to this city’s citizens, then I cannot walk away from this.' What? welp. The guard had said, 'No where left to run street rat! The royal vizier wants your head on a platter, and we are more than obliged to fulfil the request.' Even if Aladdin had stole something that was not really a reason to kill him over. Luna then, summoned her keyblade and pointed it towards the guards in front of her. Well this was Escalating rather quickly. He stood there for a moment before saying anything. "Excuse me" looking at the guard. "I am sure you are trying to just do your job but can you please explain why you want him dead. Maybe what he did." He said trying to defuse the situation. Killing Aladdin was far expensive there was no point in it. If this did not work there was always the thing where you tell someone that it is better to have someone alive then dead thing. People were well far more useful alive then well dead. That be information or other things.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Sep 28, 2024 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. GarrettFinch

    Aladdin soon figured out that they were not from there. He would have preferred that particular bit of information was held off as long as possible but there was nothing that could be done about it now. They soon went off on the carpet. As soon as Aladdin took off he summoned his key blade and followed. Aladdin and the rest of the keybladers arrived in the Agrbaah city. Aladdin soon asked where they wanted to go. He thought back to the flight over Agrbaah and thought of what looked like a plaice of some sort. The princess might be there or she could be in the markets as Karina suggested. The sooner they found the princess the better. The plaice was as good as a place as any but if she was not there then they might miss there chance. That said sooner or later they would probably find her regardless of where they went so for now the best place to start was whatever was the closest location. "Why don't you just show us around" He suggested. He did not have a place he wanted to go.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Oct 17, 2023 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. GarrettFinch
    Soon Beuce went over and checked on the crashed landed person. Soon the person said he was Aladdin. 'That giant sand tiger- err... what's left of it anyways used to be the cave of wonders!' He wondered why this person would have went into such a cave in the first place. 'My guess was they weren't too fond of this little treasure we found and tried to trap us in there. He motioned over to a living carpet that began digging itself out of the sand. 'Luckily we found this magic carpet and flew out to safety. That along with this lamp...' He took out a small golden lamp from his pocket. 'Legend has it whoever has the lamp can summon-' He stopped himself before continuing. AJ eyed the lamp. There were always legends of certain objects wherever he went and even back home if his object was anything like those nothing good was more then likely to come from it. Luna said they had gotten lost which was a good enough reason as any. Aladdin soon said something about getting out to the desert before they froze overnight. Before he could say anything Karina just summoned her glider. He said nothing to this. They sight of magic keyblades popping up did not seem to surprise Aladdin for the time being. "Andrew Jacob Canvasback, You can call me AJ. As for getting out of the desert we will be fine just lead the way." There was nothing to do be to leave so he was just going to wait until every was ready and then head out.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 20, 2023 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. GarrettFinch

    Soon there was a meeting about the next worlds. There was some info about tracking the Red Society which would be somewhat helpful. The choice of woulds came up and a swampland did not sound fun so he decided to go to the desert world instead. Joining Kel, Luna and Karina on the trip.

    They soon arrived into the desert at the peak of night. Thankfully it was dark so the heat was not an issue yet. They arrived at an landmark of a giant tiger's head made of the desert sand. The option of exploring the head cave of the tiger came up. He was not sure that was the best idea. Just then the tiger spoke and said, 'INFIDELS! YOU HAVE TOUCHED THE FORBIDDEN TREASURE! NOW YOU WILL NEVER AGAIN SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY!' The tiger head began to deteriorate as a young Arabian man on a flying carpet zoomed through the destroyed cave and crashed into the sand dune behind the party. He was thankful no one had decided to explore the cave as they would be stuck under the sand in a cave at this moment. Kel said something about checking on the person that just came out. "If nothing else perhaps they know of a way out of this desert and into town." he said to Kel casually.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Apr 10, 2023 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. GarrettFinch

    Faust asked how everyone was. Kaida followed up by asking everyone what they been up to. Truth be told he had not been up to to much. "Not much." Kel then said, 'I did inadvertently end up helping DJ come up with an update to the security system here.' He found that this was interesting. With the ability to portal everywhere tho he wondered how that would work. He silently hoped that whenever someone tried to portal here they would just end up in a belly of some giant monster or something. It would give them one less issue to deal with. Now they should not have any more surprises hopefully. Karina then went on about, 'Trying to be somewhat decent at the scythe. Unfortunately I found I don't have an uncanny talent for learning new weapons just like that.' He unfortunately did not have any particular helpful information that would help her for the time being so he said nothing. Beuce then said, 'Meanwhile, I've been hitting the books pretty hard. If there's enough of a difference in power that some masters can become legendary, while others are just 'oh I mean yeah they're a keyblade master it's whatever.' There has to be some explanation behind it.' He never thought a book like that would be here. "Did you find anything that might be helpful?" He asked Beuce. If there was anything that could boost there power the better off they would be.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jul 5, 2022 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. GarrettFinch

    He sat and listened to what Beuce had to say. After the conversations were done and over there was not much to do but to but to move on. He left the Infirmary leaving Karina to get rest. Soon days blended into each other what day was the same as the last. Then before he knew it two weeks had past. In that time he did training. He did not really see anyone in that two weeks. he mostly kept to himself with training and whatever else he diced to do when the chance came by. This particular day day he was looking at his phone kind of board with the training and not knowing what else to do he put the phone into his pocket. He left the room and decided to go onto a walk. He continued on his walk not seeing anyone or anything of interest. Time pasted with out anything happening.

    He continued on his walk pulled out his phone and noticed the time and decided that now as as go as time as any to get food. As he walked towards the food he walked by clothing store kind of disappointed that he could not find anything that interest him for the time being. Perhaps someone might be able to help him on that front at a later time. As he continued on his walk. He noticed Kaida, Beuce, Karina, and kel. Kaida had said, 'You guys like... rain?' He did not even notice that it was raining. Kaida was asking about what they thought about how they feel about lousy weather. It looked like a great day. Karina was going on about having a hard time with her phone. There must not be technology back where she was from or at the very least a phone you can carry around. As he got closer to the others he gave a slight wave. "Hello"
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jun 6, 2022 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. GarrettFinch

    He Stood back as Kel stood in front of Karina and the door. Not long after Beuce showed up. He then said, 'Yo. I'm back. Looks like some wild *KUPO* happened on your end of things as well. You wanna sit down and talk about it?' Well he wondered about his trip. Beuce showing up at was convenient which was nice. Kel then said, 'Pretty much what Karina said, we didn't really do a whole lot here.' He turned to Beuce "Well nothing new did happened just the same old same old. some random person showing up out of nowhere and randomly. Yea nothing to new. So what happen on your trip?"
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Feb 4, 2022 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. GarrettFinch

    He stood there for a moment when Shiro went after Gilgamesh. Welp. Shiro said something about Sparing with each other yea that was not going to happen. Now was not the time or place for that. Karina then said something about going to find DJ. If he remember correctly DJ went with Quill and Kaida somewhere. He really did not have anything better to do but to help find someone so he figure that he should. Before he left he looked around and said, "I dont think DJ is around hopefully he is back in whatever mission he went on." He said offhandedly and in no one in particular.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jan 10, 2022 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. GarrettFinch

    Shiro arrived on the scene and looked around a bit confused. 'Wait wasn't there a 5th person who...' of course he did not notice because why would he. He would have to talk to DJ or someone else about the lack of security later. 'Anyone learn anything in their session?' He learned nothing other then what has been going on forever and that was that it seemed like some people was not paying attention to what was going on or at the very least did not seem to notice things, or whatever. He was not going to stress about it. The SOS would figure it out together at some point anyways. He sighed internally as it was time to move on. He did not think on it to long. 'Should we be concerned about how easily Gilgamesh was able to get here.' He tuned to kel. "Well it seems like they can portal wherever and whenever they want without restriction so we need to at some point figure out how to stop that. Might be some sort of energy or something?" He said it as a question as he was not sure what it was himself nor how to stop it. It seemed like no matter where they were at they seemed to find the SOS group regardless.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Oct 2, 2021 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. GarrettFinch

    He watched as Kel tossed his keyblade at the safety room glass to hoping to get Shiro attention. He really did not think this was going to do much. worse case they might have to brake the glass which would involve super cooling and super heating the glass so that it would break. Gilgamesh then said, 'You. complete. me.' while taking hold of his shoulders. What was wrong with this guy? Seriously Gilgamesh had something going on but for sure knew it was not smarts. He bushed Gilgamesh hand off him. He was not interested in whatever he was going to offer. Go find the black coats or who ever he thought. He really did not care who it was. Before he could tell Kel about the glass Shiro took off his headphones and looked at the window to find everyone was finished. He ended the simulation and opened the doors out of the chamber to let everyone out. Good now Gilgamesh was Shiro's problem. He turned to Kel. knowing that they should go and get some help for Karina.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Aug 20, 2021 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. GarrettFinch

    He was pretty sure that they had already met Gilgamesh. He went on about being about of the red society. truth be told he was not at all that interested. 'I understand some of you already have sworn vendettas and whatnot but I M looking for a rival to work against.' "You came here for a stupid reason to get a rival. You came to a place full of keyblade masters." He did not really want to deal with this guy right now and it was not any surprise that Shiro was completely ignoring what was going on. He had enough to deal with with his home world people. "You really are just better off leaving now." He was not that impressed with the smart of this guy at all. He had been done with his battle for some time in fact had fished right after kel so he was not sure what that was about. Karina was hurt and getting her a place to rest was top priority. She was ether exhausted from the fright, training, the battle or any of the three. She needed to get somewhere to rest and heal up if needed.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Aug 17, 2021 in forum: Role-Playing Arena