Honestly I was most interested in Final Mix. The prospect of rematching much harder versions of the entire Organization, fighting the most insanely tough battle in any KH game, making new items, using new abilities, training a new Drive Form and the first satisfactory Dungeon of the series appealed greatly to me.
But Re:Chain of Memories was a very big plus as well. I started with it, and was far from dissatisfied by it. It was great seeing the otherwise underappreciated Organization members really come to life. Would have been fun if they made a Critical mode for it too, tho =D (Plus, another reason I was looking forward to Re:CoM was because I almost finished Reverse/Rebirth on the GBA game, before it got stolen >_> Time for 3D-remodeled vengeance! =P)
This is infinitely useful, thanks so much! And a major thanks for posting your translations of them as well (like you said, it must likely will not be 100%, but still useful)
Only other thing I can think of that would really help is listing the AP cost. I've found that is sometimes an effective way of figuring what Ability is what (that, and having a brother who knows a little Japanese =P)
Just wondering, is this thread for the Rematches at the Cavern of Remembrance, or when you encounter them throughout the game?
I'm not too far yet (level 23) and trying to beat Zexion in the first fight against him. Not having the greatest of luck, tho (if this is the wrong thread for this, feel free to slap me =P)
I finally got Final Mix+ in the mail today (=D!!!) and started it up. Lovin' it so far. But I had a little question I'd like answered, if anybody happens to know.
I heard that you get "something" if you beat Re:CoM first, then start up Final Mix. First of all, anyone know what that something might be? And also, do you just have to beat the normal story mode, or Riku's as well?
Indeed. It's like watching the video again, without actually watching it =D
Although I really like near the beginning, when the music first starts to pick up (partially cuz that's when the old guy starts up his ownage, and where my signature is from =P)
Oh, and when Kingdom Hearts is revealed in the sky. A nice switching of sound, from the slower bit just before then bringing it back to a higher pace. Very nice indeed.
The music is seriously one of the things that makes the Secret Endings (this one especially) really dramatic. *Is listening to the theme from the FM+ Secret Ending* Hehe :D
I find this tune stuck in my head sometimes. Of course, that just might be because I watch that video a few too many times ^_^;;
Welcome to the KH-Vids Forums! Glad to have a familiar face here, makes me feel less alone, lol =P I've been finding these forums pretty easy for a Kingdom Hearts fan to fit in to, so don't be afraid to post your thoughts or opinions on all the Final-Mix-Secret-Ending-Theorizing fun ^_^
Oh, and in case anyone is wondering, me and Johnny Twilight know each other from another forum.
And ya, if anyone wants to see some of my photoshop work, I can post a little of my recent stuff. First off, I made my Banner and Avatar here (I knew a new Banner/Avatar set had to be made when I saw the new Secret Ending ;) ) Oh, and just today I made this Sephiroth Wallpaper that I'm actually quite proud of. It's big, as my screen resolution is kinda big, so I'll just post a link, but it's real sweet.
Aloha all. As I'm sure you can guess from where I'm posting this, I'm new to these forums. I've been a big fan of KH-Vids for some time (great resource for any big Kingdom Hearts fan) and since I have Final Mix+ on the way, I figured it was finally time to join the forums ;)
A little about myself... Well, I'm a big fan of Kingdom Hearts (clearly), I'm totally excited to get Final Mix+ in the mail (I didn't preorder, so it's taking a bit longer), I enjoy graphic work, such as making Banners and such, and I like to write/roleplay.
Looking forward to being a part of the KH-Vids community, looks like a place I'll enjoy a lot ^_^