Emzy ♥
Last Activity:
Oct 16, 2011
Dec 11, 2008
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9:38 PM
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Emzy ♥

Gummi Ship Junkie, from Aharhar.

Emzy ♥ was last seen:
Oct 16, 2011
    1. Rissy
      ...not my hair! D:
    2. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Incredibly charming. But that does sound somewhat interesting....somewhat.

      You're welcome ^^

      Sarcasm is my native tongue!
      But you're right about the show. The episode I just saw, the ending was extremely stupid, meant to be funny and parody-like, but they treated it so seriously, complete with heartwarming music and a revelation....then again, most episodes are like that lol
    3. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      You watched Scrubs in Religious Education? How is that relevant to the course?
      I'm trying to get into Religious Studies next semester, but the class if filled unfortunately.

      That does sound like an extremely lovely accent.

      I had no idea who they were talking about because I haven't seen the show before. I used to make fun of my friends for loving it, even though I never saw it xD But I stumbled upon it a few weeks ago and...it really does suck, but it can be funny. But first thing I noticed was that I did NOT look like the guy
    4. Rissy
      Wow. xD
      I bet you couldn't. >:3
    5. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      RE? Is that a class or something?

      No offense taken, some American accents annoy me too. My accent is a mixture of ghetto, latino, and sophisticated accents. Blame it on my roots lol

      Same here. Someone once told me I looked like the guy in Scrubs, which is a complete and utter lie.
    6. Rissy
      Yeah, even if I stay up late.
      I stay up until 11 sometimes. ::L:
    7. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Yeah xD but that's not what I was watching. I was watching USA (ironic, right?)
      Law and Order, a cop show.
      Now I'm watching Scrubs.
      A funny show about doctors that really isn't that funny...

      Americannie tv is serious shows about law or hospitals...and then funny shows about law or hospitals.
      Yeah, that's pretty much all I watch
    8. Rissy
      I actually feel pretty good. :3
    9. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      I'm watching some good old American television....maybe "good" isn't the right word for it, though lol

      What does British television consist of?
    10. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      A conversation we shall have.

      What's up?
    11. Rissy
      I'm up at 5 AM for school to get ready.
    12. Legion
      it's kinda weird seeing you as invisible.
    13. Styx
      Hey there. I hope you're doing all right. Too bad you left, but it's good to see you still stopping by every now and then.
      You would have had a lot of fun with the new kids on the block (or you'd be annoyed by them like many others).
    14. water mage
      water mage
      Okay, I should be home by then. I just have to go to the attorney's house at 10:30 am my time.
    15. water mage
      water mage
      Ok. I was on, but you weren't there so I'll try again in maybe a hour. I've been so busy myself and I have a lot to tell ya. *hugs*
    16. Smackdoodle McGiggles
      Smackdoodle McGiggles
      bye Emzy, hope the real world treats you well *hug*
    17. Daenerys Targaryen
      Daenerys Targaryen
      Its okay. I was sick for the last two days anyways. I havent been on. Okie Dokie. <3
    18. Rissy
      Hmm... I'll maybe try it when my Mom isn't home. She would be like "wtf?" xD

      Har, I do mean things all the time. ;3
    19. Legion
      I'm ignoring you ignoring me.

      yeah, It sucked royaly.
    20. Legion
      Yeah, I hate myself too. I missed halloween so I could visit two colleges.
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