Recent Content by emerald_flame

  1. emerald_flame
    Lol ! its ok ^^ . I've been good . You ?
    Post by: emerald_flame, Aug 7, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  2. emerald_flame
  3. emerald_flame
  4. emerald_flame
    Yo ! watching anime . U ?
    Profile Post by emerald_flame for #8-Axel, Aug 4, 2010
  5. emerald_flame
  6. emerald_flame
  7. emerald_flame
    Profile Post

    So how ya been ? ^^

    So how ya been ? ^^
    Profile Post by emerald_flame for progamer, Jul 30, 2010
  8. emerald_flame
    I hope we get the collectors edition . It would suck it we didn't but im sure if theres enough of a response about us wanting one, we'll get it ! If they don't they should at least give us some neat posters with the release . I want a poster !
    Post by: emerald_flame, Jul 30, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. emerald_flame
    My favorite is Axel because he's hot ;D and seem like someone you could rely on .
    Post by: emerald_flame, Jul 30, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. emerald_flame
    I just finished watching this series last week . Its awesome ! ^^ Can't wait till it comes to the U.S . Wonder who the cast is gonna be ?
    Post by: emerald_flame, Jul 30, 2010 in forum: Anime and Manga
  11. emerald_flame
    I love this movie ! And it also has a great soundtrack . I've seen this movie like tons of times and i normally dont like watching a movie twice unless its a loooooong time since i've seen it .
    Post by: emerald_flame, Jul 30, 2010 in forum: Anime and Manga
  12. emerald_flame
    Its funny how as we grow up our parents tell us that we are different and that's what makes up "special" but as we grow up people cast aside what is different and say its weird or not normal. That just confuses us more . Why is being different so wrong just because its not what they're used to . If that difference is what makes us who we are . Because what one person think is normal, it may seem weird to another person and vice versa. No one persons version of the so called 'normal' is right . So there is no such thing as normal . Its really a matter of opinion what that normal is .
    Post by: emerald_flame, Jul 30, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  13. emerald_flame
    yeah i could totally see why they're doing this. Sad to say it was gonna happen sooner or later .

    I've read some of the mangas online but only like 3 , I buy most of the ones i like . Yeah they're expensive but it helps the industry know that u like a series and that they're able to obtain other titles for us to read . Because like anime , 3 major went out of bussines due to the lack of sales or money to finace the projects . ( Geneon , ADV and possibly BangZoom , no more dubbing, if things dont get better ) Some of them had some great series. Sad to let them go .
    Post by: emerald_flame, Jul 30, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  14. emerald_flame
    Gonna represent for the Trumpets ! lol ! Brass FTW ! Whoot !
    Post by: emerald_flame, Jul 29, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  15. emerald_flame


    I love cosplaying <3 even thought im also a bit new to it . Its so fun. Some of the best memories i have at a con where cuz i was cosplaying . My favorite one that i've done so far is a Shy Guy from super mario bros.
    Post by: emerald_flame, Jul 29, 2010 in forum: Discussion