yeah yeah. no comp. we (me and my girlfriend) hacked onto her dad's. he's gone for now. So, i'll be here till the end of summer [Mid-August] and I'll try to keep up. and when i get home, i'ma try to fix my comp. so, still goodbye, sadly. talk to everyone [who misses me] whenever. sorry guys. oh, and, SEND ME MUNNIES!!!!!!!!!! thankyoubyebyez.
[ps- i gave my girlfriend my copy of kh2 and she loves it!]
I have to go on the road with my father this week (He's a Semi-Driver.) and my laptop is being sent back (it's rent-to-own) for 2 weeks due to not being able to make payment. Well, in that two weeks, my girlfriend's parents will have already picked me up, and I may be gone for the entirety of the summer, so, this is Goodbye, from DeathWaltz Roxas, AKA Russell Lee.
Hope you all have a nice summer, and I'll try to keep you updated if I get ahold of the net when I'm there.
Thanks guys.
Edit (June 6) ::
(short. long wil be made when im no so sleepy).
back from road. no comp still. desktop fried. might be spending all summer with gf. will try to keep you updated if you want. using khv from ps3. works fine. will make a blog when i get my laptop back/ desktop fixed, and that will be where i will keep you updated i guess. im sleepy. goodnight all. Luvs.
Hey everyone~ I'm going to [finally] go see my girlfriend. So, I'll be gone for about a Month... Maybe, when I get back, I'll have pics.. I'm taking my laptop, so.. Might be able to catch you guys weekly. So, I have nothing else to say... Bye for now~!
I'm back, sadly. I had to go home because of my dad (this was 2?weeks ago. i didnt have net, then) and I might be going back next weekend.
but, I'll try to be active on here as much as possible between now and then..
So, will someone please click this link? (Or, is linking bad?)