Recent Content by DatPyroLady

  1. DatPyroLady
    Oh my god. I wasn't expecting to get so many responses while I was gone. o___o Wow! Thank you for all the welcomes! ^-^

    Alright. I'll keep those in mind. They sound like loads of fun! ^-^

    Hehehe... My last username was MarluxiasFaithfulLuvr... >.> It's really ridiculous, I know, but I was an immature middle schooler when I made that account so go figure. ^ ^ ;

    I believe OneSky_OneDestiny was also another account of mine. The avatar is of this super old pixel art I did way back when. :/

    Ahhhhh, there's so many that I like! I'll play just about anything but the ones that I like the most are those that give me the option to different endings, like what TellTale Games is doing with The Wolf Among Us and The Walking Dead (although I've figured out that with TellTale Games it doesn't matter what you do, it all ends the same, which is a little disappointing). I like seeing what outcome my actions get me rather than seeing the same, fixed path that everyone goes through.
    Post by: DatPyroLady, May 17, 2014 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. DatPyroLady
    I made this account because I recently signed into my REALLY old account that I haven't used in years and I couldn't change its embarrassing username. ...yeah.

    You clicked on this thread, so that means you'd like to know more about me, right?

    > Well, I like playing video games, I sing and draw, and I avoid homework.
    > You could probably talk to me about any movie or tv show because I might or might not have seen it, but I will possibly know all the references.
    > I like... video games. Free games are even nicer. Games with sucky endings or terrible gameplay, though... That's a different story.
    > I think why I joined a long time ago was because I liked the videos and wanted to talk on the forums, which still applies.
    > Kingdom Hearts is super cheesy but it's my childhood. I've loved it since I was nine years old and I will love it for as long as I live.

    So, yeah... That's all I got. Nice to meet you. :)
    Thread by: DatPyroLady, May 13, 2014, 14 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures