Could anyone take just a second and find the Level up to Level 7 in one hit code for the drive forms on the NTSC game? The PAL one has it but this one doesnt. And when I google it, I always get this:
Drive Forms Level Up to 7 After One Hit
But when I tried it out, it said it was for the wrong game.
And possibly these codes(I didn't check them yet)
Max EXP for Wisdom Form
20340B50 000F423F
Max EXP for Master Form
20340B78 000F423F
Max EXP for Final Form
20340BA0 000F423F
says that it is for a different game. Could someone help me?
EDIT: Just checked the rest, all of them are for the wrong game. Could someone find the correct ones for me? I don't mean to leech, but I have no idea where else to find them. Thanks
hey everyone ive been gone for a long time and I completely missed every page after page 100 and i dont really want to read all of them. so if someone could like pm me all or some of the good working codes that we've discovered, i would greatly appreciate it.
I am in hollow bastion for the first time and i wanted to get final form early, so i entered the code, but every time i change into it, the game freezes. in evilman's video, he was fighting axel w/ final form sora, but i cant get it in hollow bastion. can someone help me?
i dont know if any1 is still trying to find the riku code, but i was just wondering... the riku that's a third party member is different than the one that you can play in the final battle against xemnas isn't it. if they are different, then which one are you trying to find a code for?