xathabat stayed still"i wish i could help make you smile again...im not much of a fan of frowning..."she said she frowned but you cant really see it because the darkness covered it.
OOC: gtg good night or O,o where ever u live good what ever...
Xathabat stopped rubbing her neck "oookk...how can i make you happy again.." she asked and she looked at the ground the shadows coverig her whole face.
BIC: " aawww you miss you girl friend.." she giggled "if you think of something to do just tell me if its like what those two fighting in the garden you can forget it i dont feel like fighting only when i need to..." she yawned again...
Xathabat yawned as she walked into the living room she layed on the couch " gosh darn im so bored i woudlv'e stayed but that bench was killing me..." she sighed..."who is it that you miss??" she asked...