Recent Content by CrazyKhFan

  1. CrazyKhFan
  2. CrazyKhFan
    looks good but you should consider the hair, it doesnt blend, maybe you should try blur it just bit
    Post by: CrazyKhFan, Feb 8, 2010 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. CrazyKhFan


    I film at school, live school show everyday except on monday...
    My big bro is involved in 2 projects... 1st one is serie and 2nd one is movie project
    Post by: CrazyKhFan, Feb 8, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  4. CrazyKhFan
    Hah back to good old times DX
    We used to play scrims together with my mates... sometimes it was space marines vs orcs all thought there were never enough of sm s :S
    Haha we customized the characters alot, like sometimes one orc had minigun taken from space marines ship....
    Post by: CrazyKhFan, Feb 8, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  5. CrazyKhFan
  6. CrazyKhFan
  7. CrazyKhFan
  8. CrazyKhFan
  9. CrazyKhFan
  10. CrazyKhFan
  11. CrazyKhFan
  12. CrazyKhFan
  13. CrazyKhFan
  14. CrazyKhFan
  15. CrazyKhFan