Recent Content by ChocolateCow12

  1. ChocolateCow12
    Why would they make a game this cool only in Japan... think about how other people in other countries feel! not everybody has an import to let them play it! So, they have to send it to other countries...*coughnorthamericacough*

    I mean the cut-scenes can be played in English!! So they HAVE to send it to America!
    Post by: ChocolateCow12, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. ChocolateCow12

    alright! well, i'd have to say chidori, because its just plain cool and it makes that cool chirping sound!
    Even though rasengan is stronger i still think chidori is better.
    Post by: ChocolateCow12, Feb 20, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga