Last Activity:
Dec 12, 2018
Aug 25, 2009
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February 27
The World That Never Was
GMV making


Traverse Town Homebody, from The World That Never Was

Bluelazor was last seen:
Dec 12, 2018
    1. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      Well alright ^^ if i had anything to do with it im really sorry
    2. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      You is leaveing the RP? T_T
    3. MandyXRiku4ever
      Oh yeah. It's if you wanna do animation on tv. Or even a storyline from the TV. But it's really hard. You have to create your own TV series and write them. You have to study a couple if different mangas and see if they're the same in a way. Example:KH,Naruto,FMA,Dragon Ballz and Gundam Seed has at leaste on scarcastic boy with a goal he sets himself to but way to hard. I had to watch all of those thxfuly Chris has those (Chris's dad works for all types of companys so he gives Chris free crap all the time)
    4. MandyXRiku4ever
      Greek sorry urgh my brain hurts!!!
    5. MandyXRiku4ever
      Sorry it took so long! I'm writing a twenty page essay on Roman goddesses.
      Roxas:-stays away from usachan-Whats so bad about it?
      It's not bad it's just we have to write an essay on the goddess we got picked for. I got Athena.reminds me of Karin-shudders- a really bad naruto Chara. I am forced to watchit =_=".It's a study in one of my classes.=_= We have to watch the show and see their personality is like. I got Sasuke(he's the worser verion of riku and Terra being selfish the whole time =_=.
      Riku: not a naruto fan?
      Nope! I hate it!
      Yaoi in one if the first episodes(we have to watch all the volumes of naruto ><)
    6. MandyXRiku4ever
      -nodds- My best friend's dad. Hates dogs.
      Usachan:-licks me-
      -giggles- yes I love you!
      Riku:-hugs me- who could hate him?
      Crazy people.
    7. MandyXRiku4ever
      Riku:-turns red- Well...doesn't...he?
      Yea. My lil sis likes to dress him up. At first he didn't like it but when he saw how happy she was. He now follows her around then he does that to me. Believve me our neighbors think usachan is a girl. Besides -holds hands with riku- dogs are a man's best friend.
      Roxas:Really?-pets usachan-
      usachan:-smiles and wags tail-
    8. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      LOL well okies XD
    9. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      Aww well okay.... Now your thiking ur a bit disipoted *is wrong cries*
    10. MandyXRiku4ever
      -smiles- well my dad is 25% japense. But he was born in the USA but when he was 5 his dad moved to japan. Plus my mom would go there all the time for work trips. So we do their traditions like calling each other oneechan but we don't have sliding doors we live in a normal house with a calming feel to ut-rolls eyes.
      Riku:Is she a smart dog?
      USA-chan? Yes he is.
    11. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      Your thinking of what you should post in the role play and wishing you were off shcool for a while
    12. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      Lol i hope so XD
    13. Sakura Angel
    14. MandyXRiku4ever
      Hey! I haven't heard from you in a while!-randomly glomps- oneechan!
      Riku:Im never saying this again but it's definitly a cute moment.
      Roxas:C'mon blue! She call you Oneechan! I bet you don't hear that everyday?
      Usa-chan:-licks riku and roxas-*barks happily*
      h&k:What a werid dog--
      usa-chan:*growls at h&k*
    15. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      Okay were safe I was thiking that but also somthing else but ur right phew. then its just me T_T
    16. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      Eeeeek I dont know!!! what am I thiking??? D: see if u get close
    17. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      like now ur thiking its creepy how I thought of it when u were too.
    18. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      I know huh! Plus if it wasnt for the net you wouldnt read what im thinking XD
    19. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      I know!!! its scary!
    20. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      I know =/ and whats sad is that its as dangruos in real life as on the net aswell.

      Lol XD thats funny
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  • About

    February 27
    The World That Never Was
    GMV making
    Am on YouTube with a few videos. Can find me in the User Portal to find my other videos.

    GMV making, piano playing, Wii, Facebook games


    Who says nothing is impossible? I have been doing nothing for years!


    YouTube: Bluelazor Bluelazor164
    Facebook page: Bluelazor Productions on YouTube
    KH-Vids Portal: Bluelazor