[KH] - Until The End

[KH] - Until The End
  1. Leblonk
    This is amazing, but I want to ask a stupid question. Where did the clip at 2:35 come from? I don't recognise it!
    Oct 18, 2013
  2. PrincessKairixXx
    I also agree with sonicfan23, and I like the colors and text as well. I like this, I'm feeling a little bit of nostalgia xD I really want to go play Kingdom Hearts now....
    Feb 12, 2013
  3. sonicfan23
    PrincessKairixXx said it all :D. However, the editing was superb, I especially like how you did it kind of like your video with "Empty," where you made it slow and sad and then it picked up towards the end and you made it epic-er. However, the major difference between this video and that video is "Empty" is rather sad while this song is just cool.
    Feb 11, 2013
  4. PrincessKairixXx
    The song really does capture the feel of Sora's journey, the clips you used to match were perfect :D Lovely job.
    Feb 9, 2013