eighty-seven seconds

eighty-seven seconds
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  1. PrincessKairixXx
    To sonic: That's very sweet of you :) You're a good friend. You really are. I've talked to people, but they've all said things I already knew. I don't have many people in my life I can really talk to anyways. But don't worry, I'll be fine :)

    To starlight: I know, how convenient that we have problems at the same time xD I told sonic he had to be the man of the house and comfort us in our times of need x) But I'll be fine :) I just wanted to get some of my feelings out through this.
    Apr 29, 2013
  2. starlight2011studios
    hope your okays :( wish i could help :( sadness is spreading :'( beautiful video though!
    Apr 29, 2013
  3. sonicfan23
    I don't know what to say but that I'm sorry you're feeling this way, I wish I could make your pain go away. I can't give you advice other than to talk to someone you know really well and trust. I don't know what you're fighting against, but...I just hope that you can make your choice in peace, I'm sorry you have to deal with this :(
    Apr 28, 2013