Kingdom Hearts Series

News covering the general Kingdom Hearts series, including merchandise and other miscellany.

More information has been steadily rising about the Kingdom Hearts Final Mix books, such as the book will be sold in 3 Volumes! And release dates for the other 2 Volumes, Volume 2 will be sold on January 22nd 2007, as Volume 3 will be sold a month later, Exactly making this one February 22nd 2007! There will be a commemoration sale held to featuring "Kingdom Hearts II Vol 1" "Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Vol 1" and "Kingdom Hearts Character Report" Also each Character Report will contain one Collectible Kingdom Hearts card, from what series, unknown for now!

Wait, think we're done there? NO!

Square-Enix updated their Jump Festa for those who are lost on the location of the Kingdom Hearts Section which is opened to the public


And now here comes the beautiful report from FFXIII vids who spoked about Kingdom Hearts II FM+

It's unknown if rather these are from an interview or something else, but the site says that in an interview Nomura supposedly has said what he wanted to add and will add to JF2007

Like said, these are rumors
- You will play as Riku, and you DO get to fight Zexion
- Sora now has a Christmas Costume as well as the Halloween Costume for transition between "Halloween Town, and Christmas Town"
- Sora vs Roxas will be happening
- Roxas Wristbands will be at JF2006
- Mushroom Type Heartless will be in the game however they will also have a new apperance resembling to that of Organization XIII (Resembling, not looking exactly like)
- Zexion's weapons is said to be revealed at JF2006's trailer.

Oh yeah here's the bad news due to the map location, japanese bloggers believe for it to be in "Closed Theatres"

And to top it all off, here's a Merry Xmas from Square-Enix


Source: KH2ch

Oh yes, and a video I wish to grant all of you to watch and you'll love it, it's absolutely beautiful piano songs from various Kingdom Hearts I/II pieces
A possible "Early" preview of what seems to be clothing, has been shown featuring a black shirt which what seems to be Sora's face, and some blue jeans, there's not alot of information released about it so far, however it's believed to have to do with the upcoming Jump Festa, only speculation though

Image 1
Image 2

Source: The Light in Chaos
Well, well! =] It looks like the KH Manga continues to sell strong (which only means good things for us in the future!) The CoM Manga Volume 1 is the newest to be released and is already the number one sold manga in America! That's really good! You can view the full ranking of comics by clicking here.

Also, a Japanese blog poster has showed off some pictures of a set of KH Bookmarks. They are very cute and feature the cast in their chibi forms! Click the thumbnails below to view.


Special Thanks: Tomo and Mike from ^_^ Love ya guys!
Apparenlty more rumors of Kingdom Hearts Anime has come up in a yahoo blog, japanese of course, stating that the Kingdom Hearts Anime will be released in 2008, however as it being a blog the chances of this being just a rumor is well over 70%.

In the news area however, the next magazine article does have some Kingdom Hearts II information in it, rather it's new or not is unknown, more then likely new. But, we shall wait and see.


Sources: KH-Information Kingdom Hearts Special Guide The Light in Chaos and
Square-Enix has updated their blog S.E shop website, with informaton of a Sora form being released on Novmeber 23rd. The only problem was the name of it, as they sorta cencsored out two of the letters, and didn't even show us a preview picture, making it even more interesting. I believe, it was a "Fa**L" form, possibly a new Final Form play arts, or something else, we can only wait in 2 days to see what will be unfolded.

Se=Shop Blog

Source: KH Information