Staff Changes - New Applicants

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Blaine, Jul 18, 2016.

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  1. Blaine Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 1, 2013
    Good Afternoon KHV,

    Due to unfortunate disagreements, aggression, and uncalled bully-like behavior I have decided to remove Cat and Tale from their respective Moderator positions. It's hard to adjust to the change of ownership for all of the staff, including myself, and I knew it wasn't going to be easy to have everyone on the same page on day one, but over the past month or so things sort of blew up. Gossiping about staff members behind the back of other staff members is not behavior that can be tolerated, as staff are supposed to set a good example for other members on the site. These things were brought to my attention and I felt like a necessary change was needed in order to better KHV.

    Out of respect for Tale and Cat's privacy, I won't be answering any questions as to what happened or what was brought to my attention. I'm hoping they stick around as valuable members of our community. I will talk to the rest of the staff about opening up applications again, we are looking for only the most dedicated members who have the passion and desire to work with us on the staff team.
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