RE: Mario's High School Days

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by NutheadBros, Jan 14, 2013.

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  1. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011


    "That's good to hear," Sully replied after Setsuna told him about Hotaru, "Guess happy endings are still a thing." Sighing as he stared at his drink, Sully said, "Yeah, a miracle or two every now and then would be nice, especially with all the craziness happening in the world. I tell ya, it's like the end of times out there. Or maybe I'm just an old guy who's seen too much, I don't know. Eh, sorry you have to listen to an old man's rambling, Setsuna."


    ~Tokyo Harbor - Seafood Restaurant~


    "Not bad, not bad at all," Carter commented. Holding up his glass of water, Carter said, "Here's to many more years of having a successful business." Meanwhile, a couple of tables away,...


    Officer Jenny was still spying on Carter with the menu covering her face, still not believing what she was seeing. "And what would you like madame?" Jenny's waiter asked her. "Oh, right, um... I'll just have the catch of the day. And Diet Coke. Lots and lots of Diet Coke," Officer Jenny replied, "Oh, and is it alright if I kept the menu till I leave?" "Of course madame," the waiter replied as he left.


    ~Gaston's Home~


    Manon and Harry were both staring at Ami with suspicious eyes. "Yeah, he certainly is,
    " Manon replied with a rather emotionless voice. "Leemo..." Harry added, emotionless as well. "So, you're the famous Ami with an 'I' that I've heard so much about," Manon said, "Word on the street is that you beat someone's high score on the Sailor V video game at Flynn's. Congratulations, I certainly didn't think anyone could beat that score. But here's the thing. That someone... was me." Harry then took out a violin out of nowhere, and began to play a sad tune, with Manon, while comically sobbing, saying, "You, Ami with an 'I', have shattered a dream that I had for two days, forty-three minutes, and nineteen seconds. That dream, was to be the greatest Sailor V player in the world. But... your high score makes that dream impossible." Suddenly snapping out her grief, Manon was back to her happy self again (and Harry stopped playing the violin), and said, "BUT, I decided to get over that, and just move on with life. And with that, I, Manon, congratulate you, Ami with an 'I'. Still, I personally think you and I should totally challenge each other on Sailor V someday. I mean, you and I are the best players after all. Don't you agree Harry?" "Leemo!" Harry happily replied.


    ~Porta Vista~


    After being dropped off by Silver, Kuzco was now trying to catch a taxi to take him back to Tokyo. "Taxi!" Kuzco called out to a taxi, which didn't stop for him, and just drove by, splashing Kuzco with water from a puddle in the street. "Great, just great. As if my day couldn't get any worse," Kuzco said as he started walking down the street all wet.


    ~Sora's and Roxas's Home~


    "Aaand she beat us... again," Sora commented after he and Roxas lost to Kairi. Shortly before the match officially ended, Sora and Roxas noticed what appeared to be an attempt to teabag. "OH COME ON!" Sora yelled, blushing. Roxas, on the other hand, was laughing hard, saying, "You gotta admit Sora, Kairi certainly has a good sense of humor!"


    ~WWE: Smackdown Broadcast (Live from Tokyo Arena)~


    Walking into the ring, the WWE Chairman himself, Vince McMahon, was greeted by booing from the audience, yet he didn't seem to be bothered by any of it, smiling and looking happy. As he got into the ring with a microphone, McMahon started to speak, "
    Oh what a glorious day it is today." As the audience continued to boo, Vince ignored them, and said, "In case you haven't heard, we have two annoying pests not available in the arena at the moment. But, to refresh your memory, how 'bout we watch it again." Just then, the Jumbotron in the arena began to display footage from earlier in the day, where Randy Orton and Edge beat up Triple H and Shawn Michaels, sending them to the hospital on stretchers. The audience booed more and more, and McMahon simply said, "Beautiful, isn't it? Two angels ridding us of the evils of D-Generation X. Why... I think I can watch that over and over again. Replay!" The Jumbotron replayed the footage once again, with Vince McMahon saying, "Again!" And yet again, the Jumbotron played the footage once more. "Again!" Vince McMahon repeated, but this time, instead of playing the footage, the Jumbotron played the entrance theme for someone...


    Stone Cold Steve Austin, known for his strong rivalry with McMahon, was driving to the ring on his quad bike, eliciting cheers from the audience, and giving Vince McMahon a disappointed look. Getting off his quad bike, Austin climbed up to the ring, and grabbed a microphone, telling Vince, "
    Damn, you really have a thing for broken records." The audience cheered loudly, and McMahon shot back at Steve Austin, "What the hell are you doing here?!" "Well, Vince, I'm just a little concerned at the possibility that you might've sent two guys to beat the crap out of individuals who you didn't particularly like," Steve Austin replied, "I mean, what if you keep doing that for everyone else that you don't like. You and I both know we're not the best of friends. Am I next on the list?" "Oh please, there's nothing to prove that I did it," Vince McMahon angrily replied, "So I enjoy watching Triple H and Shawn Michaels getting their asses kicked. Is that a crime all of a sudden?" "I suppose not," Steve Austin replied, "But you know what everyone in the audience would like to watch over and over again? You... getting... your ass... kicked." The audience cheered loudly at Stone Cold Steve Austin's words, while Vince McMahon had a disgusted look on his face, yelling, "Don't you dare!" Facing the audience, Stone Cold asked, "If y'all want me to kick his ass, give me a 'Hell Yeah!'" "Hell Yeah!" the audience replied, to which Steve Austin quickly hit Vince McMahon with a Stone Cold Stunner, knocking the chairman out while giving him the finger on both hands. As Stone Cold's theme began to play once more, some audience members tossed Austin a beer can, which he opened, drank some, and poured the rest on top of Vince McMahon before getting back to his quad bike and leaving the arena.


    ~Outside Hong Kong Repertory Theater~


    Hurrying out of the theater while getting through the panicking crowd, Inspector Lee rushed towards the back of the building, and found the infamous gang leader, Shan-Yu, standing there...


    Noticing him, Shan-Yu began to run away while being followed by Lee. The two kept running through the streets and alleyways of Hong Kong, with Lee trying to catch up to Shan-Yu. After minutes of running, Shan-Yu reached a dead-end in an alleyway, with nothing but a high brick wall standing in front of him. Realizing he'll have to fight his way out of this, Shan-Yu took out his sword, and pointed it at Lee's direction, who stopped the moment he noticed the weapon. Shan-Yu rushed towards Inspector Lee, trying to hit him, while Lee did his best to avoid getting hit. Lee then started to fight back, using Kung Fu moves against Shan-Yu while defending himself from the sword whenever Shan-Yu tried to attack. Kicking Shan-Yu's right hand, Lee sent Shan-Yu's sword flying a couple yards away, and the fight now seemed more fair. Angry, Shan-Yu punched Lee in his chest, and grabbed him, ready to slam him into the ground. However, Lee was able to escape Shan-Yu's grip, landing on the ground behind Shan-Yu. Turning around to attack, Shan-Yu was instead met with a strong kick to the face, causing him to fall to the ground. Walking over to the defeated Shan-Yu, Lee was ready to arrest him, but suddenly, felt two bullet hit him in the chest. While wearing a bulletproof vest under his shirt, the impact of the bullets were defintely painful, causing Lee to fall to the ground. Turning around, Shan-Yu saw the individual who shot Lee approach him while holding an automatic rifle...


    "Your presence in Tokyo is requested," the individual known as the Winter Soldier told Shan-Yu. Nodding, Shan-Yu got up, and followed the Winter Soldier away from the alleyway. Overhearing their conversation, Lee opened his eyes, and found the two walking away in the distance. Inspector Lee was too weak to get and follow them, and felt pretty disappointed by that.


    ~Flashback (8 Years Ago) - Hospital in Colombia~


    "Gracias," Darien thanked a nurse after she let him visit Nick Fury in his hospital room. Entering Fury's hospital room, Darien found Nick Fury lying in his bed, staring at the window...


    Walking towards the man he saved, Darien noticed a Spanish newspaper next to Fury, talking about Harriet Jones being elected new prime minister of Japan. "How are you Señor?" Darien asked. "Well, my body's aching, I got a fractured pelvis, and I can't see with my left eye no more," Nick replied as he turned to face Darien, "But I'll live. I guess I owe you one for saving me from that drug cartel." Smiling, Darien replied, "You don't need to thank me for that Señor?" "Well, I still think what you did was pretty badass," Fury said, "You know, for a 10 year-old boy to ki-" "I'm 11 actually," Darien interrupted, correcting Nick Fury. "Oh, my bad," Fury replied. "Are you Japanese, Señor?" Darien asked. "As a matter of fact, I certainly am," Nick replied as he held out his hand to shake Darien's hand, "The name's Nicholas J. Fury, or just simply Nick Fury." Smiling, Darien shook Fury's hand, saying, "And my name's Darien Chiba. Umm, is it alright if I asked, Señor Fury, about what you're doing here in Colombia?" "I'm not allowed to go into detail," Fury replied, "But you could say it was a rescue mission for a very important Japanese official." "Let me guess... the drug cartel kidnapped him and wanted to hold him for ransom?" Darien asked. "Smart kid," Fury commented, "But, why does a kid like yourself even care about these things? Shouldn't you be at home with your parents, watching TV, playing video games? Now that I think about it, where are your parents? They must be worried sick about you." Darien's face was suddenly full of sadness, and was looking at the window. Nick Fury knew that look very well. He could tell that Darien's parents weren't alive. "When did they die?" Fury asked, now feeling sorry to have mentioned parents in the first place. "When I was 6, me and my parents were in a car crash. I was the only one who lived. But... I couldn't remember anything before. The doctors said that was because I had amnesia. And then they tried to find if I had any family members, but they couldn't. So... I was sent to an orphanage," Darien answered. "But you're not staying at the orphanage anymore, right?" Fury asked. Shaking his head, Darien said, "I live in the streets Señor. All I care about is protecting others from those who try to hurt them." Summoning one of his sharp roses into his hand, Darien added, "While I was at the orphanage, Sister Encarnación told me that my powers were a gift given to me by our Lord, and that they must be used wisely." "Then when did you leave the orphanage?" Nick Fury asked.

    Closing his eyes for a moment, then opening them, Darien replied, "A few months after arriving at the orphanage, I started having the same exact dream every night. I dreamt that I was in a beautiful kingdom where a pretty princess lived. Whenever she looked at me, she was happy and smiled. But then, everything in the kingdom was under attack, and the princess was calling out my name, pleading for me to help. Before I could reach her, the whole kingdom was completely destroyed, with dead bodies everywhere. It all felt so... familiar, and real... as though I had been there before. And because of that, I felt guilty for what happened to the kingdom, even though it was just a dream. So, when I was 8, I ran away from the orphanage. I think at that moment, I finally understood what Sister Encarnación meant about my powers. It was from that moment I decided to use my powers for good, protecting innocent people all around me from any kind of evil. Thieves, drug cartels, and even terrorists like the Crystal Order. I swore I would fight to make sure no harm came to innocents, as a way to make up for my failed promise to the princess from my dreams." "
    That's a very interesting story Darien," Nick Fury said as he began to ponder about something. Realizing he could be breaking JIA rules by doing what he was about to do, Nick Fury told Darien, "Listen... I work for a Japanese government agency that works all around the world to fight terrorists, specifically, the Crystal Order. Now what I saw you do back there, now that was JIA material." "The... JIA?" Darien asked.
    "The Japanese Intelligence Agency," Fury replied, "How would you like to come back with me to Japan and join the JIA? We can train you to be stronger. And you can help us beat the Crystal Order terrorists all around the world. But, it's your choice Darien. I don't wanna force it on you." Thinking about Nick Fury's offer, Darien began to think about the joy of seeing the world while doing what he swore to do, along with many others. It was too enticing of a deal, and Darien figured that he wouldn't miss much by leaving Colombia. Looking at Fury, Darien smiled and said, "I'll do it Señor!" Smiling back at him Nick Fury shook Darien's hand, and said, "Welcome to the JIA... Agent Darien Chiba."


    ~Gaston's Home (Again)~


    As Gaston went to the kitchen to get a glass of water, he noticed Mario and Luigi. 'Apparently they snuck in without me noticing,' Gaston thought to himself, 'A bit unorthodox, but I don't really care. Now we can finally get things started!' Walking over to the two brothers, Gaston said, "Well well well, what do we have here? Two Italians trying to sneak into my party? Hah, not on my watch!" Grabbing Mario and Luigi, and carrying them on both hands so easily as though they were toys, Gaston walked over to the entrance, completely indifferent to the fact Tiny broke the door. Outside, Beat and Joshua were walking towards Gaston's home when they noticed Gaston walking out while carrying Mario and Luigi...


    Not exactly sure what was happening, Beat and Joshua observed. "Alright you two," Gaston told Mario and Luigi, "I think you'd be more comfortable over at that place straight ahead." Turning around to see what place Gaston was referring to, Beat and Joshua saw...


    "Weenie Hut Jr's?" Beat asked Gaston surprisingly, "Yo, youse suggestin' dey go to Weenie Hut Jr's?" "Uh, oh no, sorry, I was actually referring to the place right next to it," Gaston replied. Looking at the place right next to Weenie Hut Jr's, Beat and Joshua saw...


    "Super Weenie Hut Jr's?" Joshua asked. "Yeah," Gaston replied, "Today is Double Weenie Friday, which I'm sure these two Italian weenies would love to check out, unless they thing they're tough enough to fight me..." "Gaston!" a stern voice called out Gaston from behind him. Turning around, Gaston found Xehanort standing there...


    "Now really, is that any way to treat your guests?" Xehanort asked. "B-but I-" Gaston said before being interrupted by Xehanort. "No buts! Now put Mario and Luigi down," Xehanort interrupted Gaston. Gaston was about to put Mario and Luigi down by slamming them to the ground before being interrupted by Xehanort once again, who sternly said, "Gently!" Sighing, Gaston gently placed Mario and Luigi on the ground, and went back inside. Joshua and Beat looked at each other, and shrugged, not knowing what exactly happened, and eventually going inside too. Walking over to Mario and Luigi, Xehanort said, "My apologies for Gaston. He... hasn't been himself lately. A few personal issues I suppose. Anyway, as a token of my sincerest apology, I'll serve you any food or drink you need. My treat."


    ~Gaston's Home (Again x2)~


    As Ed was eating and drinking without stopping, he noticed Jr. Troopa walking around. In Ed's mind, all he noticed were the egg shells he was wearing, which made him think Jr. Troopa was a chicken. "CHICKEN!!!" Ed enthusiastically yelled as he rushed towards Jr. Troopa, grabbing him, and then petting him, "Pet the chicken! Pet the chicken! Pet the chicken!"


    ~Gaston's Home (Again x3)~


    Hiccup nodded in reply to Serena, watching Manon interacting with Ami. Noticing Manon switch emotions rather quickly, Hiccup was relieved that in the end, Manon decided to be a good sport in regards to Ami having a better score in the Sailor V game. "Phew, that turned out better than I thought," Hiccup commented, "Guess Flynn's Arcade will remain peaceful once again. I am so glad I got a job there."
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2014
  2. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action
    ~Gaston's House~


    Jr. Troopa began wriggling around in Ed's grip, trying unsuccessfully to escape! "NOOOO!!! Let me go! I must have my revenge! CURSE YOU, CHICKEN BOOOOOYY!!!" He cast Mario an enraged glare, pointed a nubby
    arm toward him and began screaming at the top of his lungs! "CUUURSE YOOOUUU, REEED GUUUUY!!!!"


    Having finished daydreaming, Fay noticed Mario and Luigi's encounter with Gaston and walked over to them.
    "What was that all about?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.


    "Eh?!" Myriam was surprised by Gaston's actions, and began eyeing him warily. "I thought he invited those two. What was all that about?" Suddenly, her nose smelled a scoop! "Ke ke ke ke ke! I think I found another story for next week's paper." Still in her box, Myriam began following Gaston as stealthily as she could.


    Seeing Gaston, Tiny panicked. What if he kicked him out of the party! Worse: what if he made Tiny PAY for a
    new door! Tiny couldn't stand the embarrassment on his first night of school, and immediately tried acting
    as non-guilty as possible. "Just act like Tiny didn't break anything and maybe I not get called out." In his attempt
    to act inconspicuous, Tiny tripped and crashed through a table!


    Eris heard the crash and looked at the broken table with glee! "Looks like we're getting the broken tables early aren't we, Grayson darling?" She looked carefully and noticed Tiny as the culprit. "Wait a second. I believe I
    know him!

    ~Randsborg Armory: Back Alley~


    Charlie's stomach quivered at the sight of the body. He was normally used to seeing these things, but this was different. The body was only minutes old, yet had multiple pitch black ninja stars in him. Charlie did not like
    them. They felt...evil. "I found this corpse mere seconds after this fellow departed my store." Randsborg explained with a shaky voice. "Mere SECONDS! How could such wounds be inflicted in little time?!" "Just calm down, Gill." Don began easing into the interrogation. "Now what happened, again?" The knight took a breath and
    began explaining. "The man was a member of the Ninja Clan, the Lin Kuei. They are local ninja who specialize
    in cryomancy. One came by to retrieve the clan Grandmaster's blade, entrusted to me for repairs. He had just picked it up and left. Only seconds later, I heard a scream and found...this!
    " Don began looking over the body.
    "Well, whoever killed this guy must've took that sword, because it's not here." He looked at Charlie. "You got
    " Charlie was busy eyeing the black shuriken, somewhat unnerved. Don patted his shoulder, snapping
    him out of his stupor. "You're not looking so good, Charlie. You should head on home. Get some sleep. You'll
    need it for your job at that school. I heard the guy you'll be assisting is a bit crazy.
    " "Y-Yeah. I think I'll do that."
    Charlie began to leave, but noticed one of the shuriken on the ground. He quickly picked it up and took it.

    ~Tokyo Streets~


    "I don't understand it. Why did the crime scene bother me so much?" Charlie began gathering his thoughts as he
    began examining the black shuriken he took from the alley. "And why does this thing have such an evil feel?" He
    shook his head and sighed. "I don't think my math is going to solve anything. I'll need an expert on this one."
    As if on cue, someone emerged from the shadows before Charlie's eyes. Literally.


    Charlie stared at the shadowy figure before him in awe, speechless. "I see you are surprised by my entrance. I am Noob Saibot, one of the top assassins among the rankings of the S-Types. That weapon you have there belongs to me." 'Assassins? S-Types?' Charlie was confused at these terms. What did they mean? "You will understand in due time. For now, however, I have done what I needed to do." Noob Saibot held up the
    missing Grandmaster's Sword and began to disappear into the shadows. "Wait! Why do you have that?!"
    Before Charlie could get a reply, Noob Saibot was gone.

    ~Outside Celadon Gym~


    Erika had finished her walk and was resting outside the Gym. She began admiring the blooming flowers and cherry
    blossom trees. "It looks like the trees are in good health lately." She mused as her Tropius gave a satisfied bellow and Pansage jumped happily. "You know, I think we should have a little get-together with the Gym Leaders to celebrate this beauty!" Erika's Pokemon all voiced their approval, and she laughed. "Well then, if we want to do a Cherry Blossom party, we must do it the right way! And the best place buy things to prepare for it is Japan!" With this,
    Erika began heading to Vermillion City to catch a boat.
  3. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Gaston's House~

    Luigi nodded and smiled. "Sure, that would be great after that idiot thought we were weenies. Isn't that right Mario?" When he didn't hear a response Luigi turned his head with a blinking red outline of Mario beside him. "Oh not again!" Mario meanwhile was scarfing down various treats and foods very happily before Bowser motioned for him to go to the television room. Mario went in and oddly sat down between Peach and Bowser as they watched Smackdown. "I must admit, you impressed me with that entrance of yours. Really cheeky move there." Mario smiled and nodded. "Yeah, you have to thank Rosalina though...she sure can throw us with magic." However Mario and Bowser were both startled when an angry Peach started to yell at the television. "OH **** YOU EDGE! YOU AND YOUR SMUG FRIENDS! Stupid *******!" Mario blinked in surprise. "Wow, she's fired up as much as my mother was earlier!" "Indeed, seems as though competitions bring out the flaming soul in someone. I speak of experience as a member of quite a few school teams devoted to physical sports." It was then that Dedede waddled over and sat on Mario and Peach forcing the former on top of the latter to where their lips accidently met. Ignoring the accidental kiss Bowser turned towards Dedede enraged with his eyes glowing red. "Get your fat butt off of them...RIGHT...NOW!" Before Dedede or Mario could say a single word Peach's eyes changed into a bright glowing pink with her legs crackling with pink fire. She then kicked both Dedede and Mario off, Dedede crashed through the ceiling with his bottom ablaze in pink fire while Mario was rolling about on the floor still on fire screaming. "OWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWO-YEOUCH!" After Peach got up and dumped some water on Mario putting out the blaze, the two just looked at one another embaressed by the previous moment with Mario thinking. "Wait, she has the power too?"

    Meanwhile Rosalina watched unamused by Gaston's previous attempt at kicking the brothers out and calling them weenies. Bringing forth her wand she started to focus causing a full bowl of punch to be levitated off the table. However she set it down after she said to herself. "No, that won't send a clear enough message...I need to go for something...bigger. Yes bigger..." She quietly walked into the kitchen before opening the freezer and noticing a bag of ice sitting there. She had a mischevious grin on her lips as she made a hole in the bag and waved her wand causing the cubes of ice to all hover out of the bag. Rosalina lead the icecubes back into the previous room waving her wand about like a conductor leading a march. She focused her power on Gaston's back pulling his shirt and pants out and sent the icecubes dropping right inside. She crossed her arms proclaiming loudly. "No-one can prank Gaston better than Rosalina! Haha!"​
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2014
  4. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Flower Shop-

    "Well, we'll be on our way, then." Rikku said, smiling. Yuna and Belle looked at Harold, Yuna smiled, "My, someone can certainly clean up." "Yes, and he is very good looking." Belle said as she and Yuna took both of Harold's arms. Rikku grinned and smiled at Paine, who sweatdropped at the exception of leading them to Gaston's house. Lenne told them, "Be careful." "But have fun." chaos said, Beast was hesitant but said, "And try not to do anything bad." "Got it!" Rikku said, happily, as she and the others followed Paine out.


    -Ishtar Apartment-

    "My, my, what a handsome young man." Isizhu said, smiling at Kazu and keeping Marik from trying to have Akiza. Akiza looked at Kazu and was surprised, "Wow, Kazu, I almost don't recognize you. Well, um, should we go then?" "Have fun, you two." Isizhu said, smiling. "Akiza, if anything happens, just have Kazu watch over you and you can spend the night here, both of you." "Well, see you later." Akiza said, taking Kazu's hand and heading out. Akiza noticed a awkward air between them and tried to talk, "Sorry if Marik seems a bit overprotective. But he is a good guy, once you get to know him."


    -Gaston's house-

    "Wow, you work at Flynn's!" Serena said, surprised at Hiccup's occupation. "Must be so fun!" Lita smiled and laughed at seeing Serena talk with Hiccup, Nero entered and went to the punch bowl, getting himself a cup of punch. He was thinking about the best way to beat Dante for begging him to come to this party and sighed, touching his covered Devil Bringer arm. Shino kept quiet and watched the others mingle, Orion noticed her and thought about how lonely she might be.

    "You don't have to keep calling me that." Ami said, smiling. "Just call me Ami." She gently petted Harry and smiled, Draco looked and saw Rikku, Paine, Yuna, Belle, and Harold, seeing the girls' beauty, Draco immediately planned to get all of them, though Harry had a look that knew that plan would fail right. Ron thought he did a double take when he saw Harold but wasn't sure if the atmosphere was making him see things.

    "I think it's time we show what a real party is like." Gia said, smiling at Kira. She nodded and tuned her guitar, playing a certain melody and taking a breath as she began to sing. Some people took notice as Kira played and sang music for the party.

    "Angel of darkness, angel of darkness
    The world is in your hand
    But I will fight until the end

    Angel of darkness, angel of darkness
    Don't follow your commands
    But I will fight and I will stand

    When darkness falls, pain is all
    The Angel of Darkness, will leave behind
    But I will fight

    The love is lost, beauty and light
    Have vanished from, garden of delight
    The dreams are gone, midnight has come
    The darkness is our new kingdom

    Angel of darkness, angel of darkness
    The world is in your hand
    But I will fight until the end

    Angel of darkness, angel of darkness
    Don't follow your commands
    But I will fight and I will stand

    Hunt goes on, deep in the night
    Time to pray, down on your knees
    You can't hide, from the, eternal light
    Until my last, breath I will figth (I will fight...)

    Now realise, the stars they die
    Darkness has fallen, paradise
    But we'll be strong, and we will fight
    Against the, creatures of the night

    Angel of darkness, angel of darkness
    The world is in your hand
    But I will fight until the end

    Angel of darkness, angel of darkness
    Don't follow your commands
    But I will fight and I will stand."

    Listening, Troy wondered if the song had any meaning or if it was referring to Kira and her team before they became larger. Lita stood against the wall, smiling at seeing the others dance to the music and admitted that Kira was good. She used to not having someone ask her to dance because of her height.



    "It's okay. With what happened, it did seem like the world was ending." Setsuna said, with a small laugh and a smile. "I hope that those heroes will be face any danger that come this way." She swirled the liquid in her cup and sipped it. James got up and headed to the restroom, Setsuna watched him and noticed a unique wristband on his wrist, she recognized it as the same kind she had seen on a few others. She kept quiet, thinking about the other groups of heroes.


    -Tokyo Harbor, Sea Restaurant-

    "Yes, to many more years of successful business." Aerith said, smiling and raising her glass of water, clinging it with Carter's. She took a sip of her water and looked out the window, "It's so beautiful out there, makes what happened recently seem like a dream."


    -Utahoshi House-

    Kengo was busy, working on new switches for Fourze when there was a knock on his door. He got up and opened to find a small red haired girl with her hair in heart shaped buns. "What is it, Chibi? Are you hungry?" He asked. Chibi Chibi smiled, saying, "Hungry, hungry." 'Nearly forgot she only repeats the last word a person says.' Kengo thought to himself, looking at her with a annoyed look. He sighed and closed the door to his room, picking up Chibi and taking her to the kitchen so they could both get some food.


    -Flynn's Arcade-

    Making sure that Hotaru was asleep before leaving and that they weren't seen by Flynn, Luna and Artemis quickly ran to the Sailor V game. After Luna pressed some buttons, a secret passage opened and the two entered, having the opening close before Flynn could see. Luna ran up to a keyboard and pressed a button. Suddenly, several images appeared on the screen, each one about the members of the three groups, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the Kaizoku Sentai Gokaigers, and the Kamen Riders. Each one had the member's info, such as their name, age, blood type, and star sign.

    "Luna, what is this about?" Artemis asked, seeing one more set appeared, being Kira and her team, with their information being all unknown. Luna typed some of the keys. "I want to know if these teams could be allies for us." Artemis watched her and looked at the images of the female members.


    -Abandoned Mansion-

    Namine sat by herself, in her room of the mansion. She sat by the window, looking out with her sketchbook in her lap. Both DiZ and the White Wizard were out, doing who knows what, so she was left alone in the mansion. Namine sat against the glass, wondering what the others were doing and looked at the sketch in her sketchbook and the pictures scattered across her walls.


    -Sirius' Apartment-

    Eiji stretched and sighed, he couldn't stop thinking about what happened earlier with Kimberly holding a Yummy. While he was able to beat it and let Ankh gain all the Cell Medals, Eiji wondered how and why Kimberly gained a Yummy and why she was scared about telling him of it. He knew Ankh was busy, planning how to retrieve Cores from Kazari. Eiji pulled out the O Holder and looked through all his available Cores.
  5. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011


    "Heroes?" Sully asked, not knowing what Setsuna was referring to before he realized what she may have been talking about, "Oh, wait a sec? Were you talking about the Rangers, Riders and Gokaigers? Kinda mysterious, those guys are, but they seem like they can handle anything that comes their way. And then there are those Sailor Scouts. Just as mysterious, but they seem okay as well. They certainly do a better job of protecting us than Harriet Jones, I'll give 'em that."


    ~Tokyo Harbor - Seafood Restaurant~


    The waiter brought over the sweet tea for both Aerith and Carter while letting them know that their shrimp would be ready shortly. "That's good brotha," Carter replied to to the waiter as he left to check on other guests. "Recently?" Carter asked, wondering what Aerith was referring to.


    ~Outside the Hong Kong Repertory Theater~


    Stepping out of the theater while surrounded by security officers, Meow Zedong was thinking about how she narrowly escaped getting killed, and wondering what else Shan-Yu had planned, hoping Lee was able to catch him. The security officers noticed Inspector Lee walking towards them, and allowed him to speak to the leader of China...


    "Inspector Lee, have you captured Shan-Yu?" Meow asked. "I'm sorry, honorable Chairman," Lee replied as he bowed down, "Another individual attacked me while I was trying to capture Shan-Yu. He told him that his presence was requested in Tokyo, Japan." "Hmm, now why would Shan-Yu's presence be requested there?" Zedong pondered out loud, "Is it possible that he may be working for someone else? Many questions, and very little answers we have. Inspector Lee, you have saved my life, and for that, you have my deepest gratitude. But I'm afraid I may need to ask you do me another favor." "Of course, honorable chairman. What do want me to do?" Inspector Lee asked. "I need you to go to Japan. Find out more information as to why Shan-Yu is there. And if you can, catch him. That'll hopefully end the terror of the Huns throughout China," Meow Zedong replied. Smiling, Lee nodded and bowed down before leaving, wondering if he'll finally be able to capture and arrest Shan-Yu in Japan.


    ~Gaston's Home~


    "Yup, I sure do," Hiccup replied to Serena as he grabbed a cookie from the table and took a bite, "Today was my first day on the job. I'll be working there everyday after-school. Heh, nothing beats working a place filled with video games. The pay's good. And Kevin Flynn is a really cool boss."


    ~Gaston's Home (Again)~


    "Oh, hehe, sorry about that, Ami," Manon replied. "Leemo," Harry happily said as Ami pet him, enjoying it. "Anyway, sorry for bothering you," Manon told Ami, "Harry and I need to get back to eating whatever Gaston's serving. Hope you enjoy the rest of the party!" Manon then headed for the closest table with food while being followed by Harry, who happily waved at Ami as he walked away.


    ~Route 6 (Outside Porta Vista)~


    Reaching the start of a route, Kuzco was wondering if he was going the right direction. Looking at the sign in front of him, it indicated that Tokyo was indeed straight ahead. "Yes! Tokyo, here I come!" Kuzco said as he started heading forwards. as he continued on his path, Kuzco heard rustling from the tall grass close by. Trying to ignore it, Kuzco kept walking, only to hear it again. Suddenly, two Pichus jumped out of the tall grass right in front of Kuzco, startling the llama for a moment before realizing what had jumped in front of him...


    The two Pichu brothers, Pichu Big and Pichu Little, were each carrying an Oran berry. Annoyed by the fact that they scared him, Kuzco rudely asked, "
    What do you want?"
    Pichupichu," Pichu Little said as he offered Kuzco his Oran berry. "Pichu," Pichu Big added as it offered his Oran berry to Kuzco as well. "Oh for me? Why, I don't know what to say," Kuzco said, seeming grateful to the Pichu brothers' gift to him, as he grabbed the two Oran berries with his hooves. "Pichupichupich," the Pichu brothers both replied, indicating there was no need for Kuzco to thank them. Suddenly, Kuzco threw the berries at both brothers, hurting their heads. "Hit the road losers!" Kuzco rudely said as he left and blew a raspberry at the brothers, who were rubbing their heads after getting hit.


    ~Gaston's Home (Again x2)~


    "Aww, aren't you cute," Ed said as Jr. Troopa yelled, "I think I'm gonna call you Jimmy." Going to Eddy while still carrying Jr. Troopa, Ed said, "Eddy, look at the chicken I found! His name is Jimmy!"


    Noticing that what Ed was carrying was clearly not a chicken, Eddy said, "Uh, Ed, I don't think that's a... uhm... you know what, never mind. I'm gonna go get some punch." "Bye Eddy!" Ed replied as Eddy left, continuing to pet Jr. Troopa, "Just wait till you come to my home Jimmy. We'll read comics, watch monster movies, and eat butter and toast with gravy!"


    ~Amazon Rainforest, Brazil~


    Butch and Cassidy have been exploring the Amazon since Wednesday trying to find the one known as Blanka, but no luck so far. "
    Ugh, we've been searching forever!" Cassidy complained as she and Butch were walking through the rainforest, "Is this Blanka even gonna show up?" "I don't know," Butch replied, "But until we're told otherwise, we have to con-" Butch was suddenly interrupted by the beeping sound of their communicator. Taking it out from Cassidy's backpack, Butch and Cassidy listened as Rassilon began to speak...


    "Cassidy, Butch... I understand you two have been trying to locate the one known as Blanka for some time now. Well, if you still haven't found him, then you'll be happy to know that we've scrapped our plans for him, and instead, require your services in Cuba. President Torres has sent a ship ready to pick you up in Rio de Janeiro. Once you reach Cuba, Torres will explain the rest to you. Dismissed," the message from Rassilon stated. Looking at each other, Butch and Cassiy smiled and cheered, "YES!" Both were happy that they no longer had to look for this Blanka guy. "Rio, here we come!" both chanted as they faced they started going the other way around, on their way to the city of Rio de Janeiro.


    ~Gaston's Home (Again x3)~


    Noticing the table that Tiny broke, Dick replied to Eris, "Eh, I doubt Gaston really cares. He's probably got insurance over everything here." Turning his attention back to wrestling, Dick watched as Stone Cold Steve Austin left the ring, and Smackdown went to a commercial break.


    ~Outside Gaston's Home~


    I suppose your brother couldn't wait," Xehanort told Luigi as they noticed Mario instantly run back inside. When Fay asked what had happened, Xehanort replied, "Nothing. Just a silly misunderstanding, that's all. Now lets get back inside. We are missing out on the party after all."


    ~Gaston's Home (Again x4)~


    "What the-" Gaston said to himself as he felt ice cubes appear in his back. Wondering how they got there, Gaston noticed a box close by. Opening the top, Gaston then instantly turned around, pulled his shirt up from his back, and the ice cubes fell inside, with Gaston completely unaware that Myriam was inside the box. "Ah, much better," Gaston said once there were no more ice cubes in his back. Not really caring who put them there or how, Gaston walked towards Trixie...


    "So, they're here?" Trixie asked, to which Gaston nodded. "Perfect," Trixie said. Just then, Trixie and Gaston heard someone playing a guitar. "What's that?" Trixie thought aloud as she and Gaston joined other students who were watching Gia perform...


    As Gia finished her song, nearly all those who were watching applauded, including Gaston himself. "
    Not bad, not bad," Gaston said as he slowly clapped.


    ~Roof of Bullding Close to LexCorp Building in Tokyo~


    As Darth Maul monitored the LexCorp building with his binoculars, he was soon joined by fellow Crystal Order member, Jadeite, who had just teleported next to Maul...


    "Maul," Jadeite greeted him. "
    Jadeite," Darth Maul greeted him back, "Any useful information you discovered?" Jadeite nodded, and said, "There are security guards found in every floor of the building, except for one... and that is the 27th floor, which is where Luthor remains for the entire night." "I see," Maul replied as he put his binoculars away, "This shouldn't be too hard of a mission. Teleport me once I'm done." "Of course," Jadeite responded as he prepared to teleport Darth Maul to the 27th floor of the LexCorp building, "Best of luck." "Hmph, I don't believe in luck. Only in destiny," Maul told Jadeite, "And Lex Luthor, for denying the Crystal Order's offers of salvation, shall soon have a very grave destiny waiting for him." Grinning, Jadeite snapped his fingers, teleporting Darth Maul to the Lex Corp building.


    ~Flashback (50 Years Ago): In Another Dimension - Queen Beryl's Lair~


    For the past few years, Queen Beryl was growing weaker and weaker. Death was quickly approaching her, and she had still not found the Dimension Key of the dimension she was in despite spending nearly a millennium looking for it. Lying in her bed, Beryl heard someone approaching. Turning her head around, she noticed that it was her son, Thanos...


    "Thanos, my son," Queen Beryl greeted her son, "What news do you bring to me?" "Mother, I have excellent news. News that you have been waiting to hear for centuries," Thanos replied, "I have finally identified this dimension's Dimension Key." "You have?" Beryl asked, almost not believing that the Dimension Key she was looking for was finally found, "What is it?" "The Relic in Azarath, protected by the Harbinger, Zordon," Thanos answered his mother, "The very artifact that the S-types fear. My two spies there have confirmed it to me." "All this time... it was the Relic? Hmm, at least... I have lived to know what the Key in this dimension was," Beryl said as she coughed hard, "It is unfortunate though, that I won't be able to die in the dimension I call home." Kneeling beside his dying mother, Thanos held Beryl's hand, realizing that she would be gone soon. "Mother, please tell me what I should do. Give me your final task," Thanos pleaded. "Give me... my staff... and your right gauntlet," Beryl ordered Thanos. Nodding, Thanos got up, and grabbed the Beryl's staff, the Infinity Staff, nearby, and took out his right gauntlet, handing them both to his mother. Once the two were in her hands, Beryl started to recite an incantation, "Oh great Infinity Staff, my trusted weapon for over many centuries, I ask you to do one final act for me! Transfer all of your power contained in the six Infinity Stones to the gauntlet of my son, Thanos the Destroyer! With the newly created Infinity Gauntlet, my spirit shall be with Thanos for as long as he lives! May he show no fear in his future conquests! May he show no mercy to his enemies! May he vanquish all those who dare defy him! May the power of the Infinity Stones grant him strength as they have done so for me! The Infinity Gauntlet... IS BORN!!" Thanos watched as the six stones on his mother's staff left the staff, and attached themselves to his gauntlet, which changed its color to gold, and became slightly larger. "The... Infinity Gauntlet?" Thanos asked as Beryl handed him his new gauntlet while she put her staff away. "Take it, my son," Queen Beryl instructed Thanos, "My powers will become your powers. Now, listen carefully Thanos. Go to Azarath. Vanquish the Harbinger Zordon, and use the Relic to open the path to my home dimension. Ally with anyone you know you can trust. Finish what I started with my invasion of the Moon Kingdom. Conquer everything in this dimension and my dimension. It is your destiny Thanos. I may not have lived to see my goal achieved... but now that we finally know what the Dimension Key is, you finally have a chance." Putting the Infinity Gauntlet on the side, and holding his mother's hand, Thanos asked, "Is there anything else you wish for me to do, mother?" "Yes," Beryl replied, "Avenge me! If you find any members of the Moon family, descended from Queen Serenity herself, I want you to kill them all, eliminate the entire Moon bloodline, make them suffer just the way I did! Make the family pay for what they did to me!" Thanos slowly nodded, and said, "I give you my word, mother. I will not rest until it is done. Any descendants of Queen Serenity will die." Smiling, Queen Beryl said, "Thank you, Thanos. I am proud to call you... my son..." Beryl's eyes then slowly closed, and the witch breathed her last breath. Queen Beryl, now dead, began to fade away. Thanos watched with sorrow as the body of his mother slowly faded away, until there was nothing left of her.

    For about a half a minute or so, Thanos sobbed, mourning his mother's death. He then took a look at the Infinity Gauntlet, containing the power of the six Infinity Stones that used to be a part of his mother's staff. Grabbing it, Thanos slowly placed it into his right hand, feeling immense power that he's never felt before. He could feel the spirit of his mother living inside him. Getting up, and gazing at his Infinty Gauntlet, Thanos now knew what needed to be done. He will lead his army of S-types into Azarath, where Zordon and his people will all be slaughtered, after which he will use the Relic's power to go to his mother's dimension, and finish what she failed to do centuries ago, conquering all worlds over there, eliminating the Moon bloodline, and conquering more territory in this dimension. Thanos's path was set, and destiny was awaiting him. Looking at the exit to the lair, Thanos said, "Zordon, your fall is approaching." Thanos then headed towards the exit, about to invade Azarath, an event that would have implications to the present, and to the future...
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2014
  6. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Flower Shop, Departure-

    Harold was surprised the two women, Belle and Yuna each took an arm, now, he imagined at the party, men might be jealous and think he bagged two women. "Merlin, I never thought I see this happen." Harold thought to himself in mild surprise, then again, he never interacted with women much, only his aunt, he bet she and Nicolas were grinning down on him or something, what a way to start huh?

    Harold followed RIkku and Paine with Yuna and Belle on his arms to Gaston's House and it seemed lively, especially considering the house's structure and it was a bit amazing. "This Gaston guy sure knows how to make a party work in such a big building." Harold commented, it certainly had a energetic atmosphere. "Well, I suppose we ought to go in and enjoy ourselves?" Harold suggested to them and they went in and there was a lot of faces to keep track of.

    "Okay, he sure is popular." Harold answered in a bit fo disbelief until a song played and he let his ears listen, he wasn't a critic of music but it was good.

    ~Ishtar Apartment, Departure-

    Kazu laughed a bit nervously at ishizu's comment before he and Akiza went out, hand in hand as Akiza told him not to worry about Marik's behaviour. "I don't doubt he is a good guy, I know some people like him, well, except he's more open to his sister and wants to be a comedy duo but he can be serious when he puts his mind to it, well, when it's something important and not goofing off." Kazu chuckled at remembering Atticus Rhodes's antics and Alexis's response. "It feels somewhat odd not wearing my usual stuff, I usually attend every ceremony or event like that, but I suppose a change of clothes doesn't hurt too much." Kazu commented, he had a vague idea of where they were going by other people with dates or something.
  7. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action
    ~Gaston's House~


    "My name isn't Jimmy, darn it! It's..."Jr. stopped struggling and looked at Ed. "Wait. Comics, monster movies and buttered toast?" Sighing, Jr. calmed down. "Well, that DOES sound pretty cool, I guess." He pointed at Mario. "HA HA, MARIO!!! I'M GONNA GO READ COMICS WHILE YOU'RE STUCK AT THIS DUMB PARTY!!!"


    "Why, yes! I DO know him!" Eris pointed at Tiny as he rose from the bits of broken table. "I have to go for now. Here." Eris smiled and handed Grayson a paper with her phone number on it. "Be seeing you soon then." After giving him a tight hug, Eris ran over to the broken table.

    Tiny sighed and climbed out of the pieces of table, only to find Eris standing over him. "Tiny!" She beamed with delight. "I figured you'd be the one break something!" Tiny rolled his eyes and glared at her. "And Tiny surprised you not blow up house yet." "Now now, I like to mix up the chaos every now and then. Keep you on your toes. Anyway, if you're here, then SHE must be here, too!" "Who? Myriam? Yeah, Tiny saw her earlier, but Tiny have no idea what she doing."


    "KAA-KAAACKK!!!" Myriam yelled as the ice cubes fell in her box! "COLD! COLD!" She stood up and began shouting and running around until the ice fell out. Sighing, Myriam looked and found that she had lost sight of Gaston. "Sss sss sss sss sss...He was able to see through my fool-proof disguise. Gaston, you are a clever opponent indeed!"


    "Well, alright then." Fay sighed and looked at the sky. "I hope Fox and Slippy are okay..."


    Vaughn and Crunch applauded Gia as the song finished. "Good to know I'm not the only one bringing the tunes tonight." "Yeah! This music normally isn't my thing, but man, that was good!" He noticed the guitar Vaughn was holding. "You play?" "Huh? Yeah, I play accoustic." Crunch smiled and patted his shoulder. "Well, get up there and play us a song, man!" Vaughn chuckled and shook his head. "Maybe next time. All I got are tunes about nature and love. I don't think they're party material. But I'm gonna be writing a new song tonight, so we can hang out and you can take the first listen" "Sounds like a plan!" Crunch looked back and saw Tiny and Eris searching for Myriam. "Looks like my friend is busy anyway."

    ~Vermillion City~


    "Alright then. Thank you." Erika bowed as one of Vermillion's townsfolk reminded her that Celadon was part of Japan. "Well, that was embarrassing." She rubbed the back of her head. "Perhaps I should spend more time studying maps. Anyway, since we are here, we should stop by Vermillion Gym."

    ~Randsborg Armory~


    "Alright. Thanks, pops." Don hung up his cell phone and sighed. "My dad said Charlie came home and went to bed." "Will he be fine?" "Yeah, don't worry about him. He's a tough kid. So, the crime's been put in the record." Don shook his head. "I'm gonna go to the station. This one's gonna need an all-nighter." Randsborg nodded. "And I must inform the Lin Kuei of the situation with the Grandmaster's blade. It'll be a rough night for both of us."
    The two shook hands and Don left and Randsborg closed the Armory before heading out.

    ~Edenia: Palace Dungeons~


    Mileena watched from behind her cell as Kitana entered. The princess smiled and greeted her clone with a nod. "Good evening, Mileena." Mileena nodded in kind. "Kitana. So, has word been spoken of my coming execution?" "It has." Kitana stepped closer to the cell. Mileena cautiously leaned back. "Word of your recent behavior, as well as testimony from myself regarding your behavior have reached the ears of the Edenian courts. In five days time, you will be released from the dungeons and into Mother's custody." The pink-clad prisoner was shocked. 'Not...executed?' Her mind rattled with confusion. "They were very impressed with you lately, Mileena. As am I. Perhaps...I've judged you too harshly in the past." With these words, Kitana left the room and a stunned Mileena trailed off.

    ~Edenia: Palace - Jade's Quarters~


    Jade entered her quarters and found Mitsurugi sitting in a chair, examining a fresh cut on his arm. Crossing her arms, her watched him for a bit. "And here you are. More visits to the Edenian Colosseum again?" "And how else will I pass the time until the path to Earth is open?" Mitsurugi looked at Jade. "Besides Jade, I took the victory. This cut is a mere consequence." He showed her the injury, which she admitted was small. "However, you may not be so fortunate next time. Your next fight could be your last." "Need I remind you that the man you are engaged to has but one loss to his name?" Jade raised an eyebrow at his claim. "And need I remind you that this woman you fell for gave you that loss, Heishiro?" Mitsurugi chuckled. "And to this day I still curse your beauty for distracting me."

    ~Freddy Fazbear's Pizza~

    Freddy, Foxy and Chica watched as Bonnie was loaded up into a large box. Strange men had suddenly burst into the restaurant at night and started bringing in large crates. This was normally the time that they would act up, but these strange events just had to be seen for themselves. "What do you think they're gonna do to us?" Chica asked and looked at Freddy, confused. "I dunno. Maybe we're going on a trip." Chica's face brightened up. "Ohh, I always wanted to go on a trip! I wonder where we'll be going?" "Yar, I heard we be going to some scallywag to get repairs. Overheard it from some of those strange fellows." Foxy explained the situation as Chica was carried off and loaded up. "Repairs? Well, I guess my parts do need a bit of fixing up." Soon, Freddy and Foxy were loaded up, and all four were carried off.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2014
  8. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Gaston's House-

    Kira stretched as Gia smiled at those who enjoyed the music made by her friend, Emma gave her a cup of punch which Kira drank down. The rest of her team walked up, Jake said, "That song was so awesome!" "Yeah, it was good." Noah said, smiling. "It was very well done." "Yeah, are you planning on fill this party with music or something, Kira?" Troy asked, Kira smiled, "Maybe. Depends on if everyone wants a encore." Orion smiled, nodding at her. Kira smiled and set her cup down, strumming it softly.

    Ami waved at Manon and smiled, returning to her conversation with Michiru. Lita smiled and stood by herself against the wall. Serena smiled, telling Hiccup about how much fun she has at Flyyn's Arcade. Mina talked with Haruka and Rei, enjoying herself as did Rei and Haruka. Lita looked through the crowd and though she saw someone who looked like Harry's brother or something.

    "Hey, mate, do you think you could get me and Mione some drinks?" Ron asked, Harry nodded with a smile which quickly vanished when Draco spoke, "Indeed, get one for me as well, Potter. Go on, dog." Harry sighed and went to the punch bowl, getting four cups and filling them with punch. Harry smiled as he grabbed the cups, two in each hand. He tried to walk back, making sure that punch didn't spill and knocked into someone. "Oh, sorry." Yuna, Rikku, and Belle kept a eye on Harold when they saw someone bump into him



    Ahim sat in the main room of the Galleon, sipping a cup of tea. Don was in the kitchen with Gai, making dinner for the team. Luka was busy, counting her jewels and money while the table was set. Ahim kept quiet and thought about Kira's team, she thought about the origins of her team as she sipped her tea. Basco slept on the couch, his hat over his eyes while Joe was working out and Marvelous was being himself.


    -Outside Gaston's House-

    Akiza smiled, holding his hand and asked, "May I hear more about the Duel Academy and your old friends?" She sounded very curious about what Kazu told her and wanted to know more about his life.



    "Yeah. I heard that the Rangers recently got new members on their team, making them a full team." Setsuna said, sipping her cup as she recalled some rumors saying that the Power Rangers got three new members. "I would love to see a team-up of all four of those teams. That would surely be a sight to see." Remus listened to their conversation, when James came back and Sirius stretched.


    -Tokyo Harbor - Seafood Restaurant-

    "The riots and the craziness that happened at the memorial on Tuesday." Aerith said, before gently beginning to eat her food. She ate calmly and smiled, tasting how good the breaded shrimp was.


    -Flynn's Arcade-

    Artemis looked through the info of each person who was on the screen with Luna. He wondered how they received their powers while the Scouts were awakeneed to their powers in some way. "Hey, Luna, maybe we should keep a eye on these people, see if they will be allies for the Scouts." Artemis said, Luna nodded, "Especially these three." The screen closed in the images of Tommy, Philip, and Marvelous, Luna looked at them, curious.


    -Fang and Vanille's Apartment-

    Fang stretched and looked through a cookbook of what to make for dinner between her and Vanille. Walking into the kitchen, Fang got out some of the ingredients and tools to make dinner. As she began to make dinner, Fang wondered where did Kira disappear during her Gym class? She sighed and made her dinner.


    -Utahoshi House-

    Kengo was busy, making grilled cheese sandwiches for himself and Chibi Chibi. He recalled when he told about Kira and her team, Kengo figured that he would ask them about their powers or if they could feel like joining the groups under Zordon. He held a Switch in his hand and sighed, hoping to work on some more Switches without Chibi Chibi interrupting him.


    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    Philip sat in the Agency, looking through the Planet Bookshelf. He walked through the endless rows of bookshelves, looking for a subject to read about. He wondered about how Hermione was doing at the party and decided to look up everything about parties and having fun.


    -Dante, Vergil, and Nero's Apartment-

    Dante groaned as he laid on the couch of the apartment shared by him, Vegil, and Nero. "I'm bored and I'm hungry!" He complained, he sat up and looked at his Power Coin. Dante gripped it in his hand and wondered what Nero was doing at the party.
  9. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Tokyo Harbor - Seafood Restaurant~


    "Oh dat, yeah, it was hell. Some crazy-ass dude broke mah car's windshield during da riots. I'm lucky insurance paid for it all. Damn rioters..." Carter replied, remembering how pissed he got when his car was vandalized during the riots, and regretting not ever catching the person who did it. Once the food arrived, Carter immediately started to eat the breaded shrimp, which reminded him a lot of the breaded shrimp his mother made when he was younger. "Mhmm, just like how Momma used to make 'em," Carter said.




    "Really? That's interesting," Sully replied when Setsuna mentioned about the Power Rangers getting new members, "Guess they've got themselves a full house, heh. But a team-up with all of them, now THAT would be something. I mean, who needs an army when you've got a team-up like that?"


    ~Flynn's Arcade~


    Entering Flynn's Arcade, Skye found Kevin Flynn sitting down and watching CNN on the television screen...


    "Hey," Skye said as she entered, "So, whatcha watching?" "Oh nothing... an interview with Harold Saxon's gonna start in a short while. Most likely involving him saying why he's the better candidate and all that political BS," Kevin replied, "So how have you been?" "Well, I've been thinking a lot lately about what you told me on Tuesday, and well... I'm sorry for what I did, and if the government catches me, then I have no one to blame but myself," Skye answered. Smiling, Kevin Flynn got up and walked towards Skye, patting her on her shoulder, and saying, "Oh Skye, after all those years, you're still the same little girl that curiously walked into my arcade. And I know, for a fact, that you're a good person. We all just... make mistakes, that's all." Skye smiled and nodded, glad to see her mentor in hacking isn't mad with her anymore. Taking out a coin and handing, it to Skye, Flynn said, "Treat yourself to a game. If you need me, I'm watching TV" "
    Thanks Kevin," Skye replied as Kevin walked back to his seat. Looking around, Skye found a Space Invaders arcade machine right next to the Sailor V game machine. "Hello old friend," Skye said as she walked to the Space Invaders game, inserted the coin, and started to play the classic arcade game.


    ~CNN Live Broadcast~

    After a commercial break, CNN returned with Piers Morgan facing the screen...


    "With the election for prime minster of Japan fast-approaching, many in Japan are wondering.... where do the candidates stand on issues affecting them, like the economy, national security, and social issues. To talk about this, we are joined by one of the candidates, Harold Saxon. This is Piers Morgan Live," Piers Morgan said as the program started. After the intro, the screen showed the Interior Minister sitting in front of Morgan...


    First of all, Mr. Saxon, welcome to the show," Piers told Harold Saxon. "Thank you Piers," Saxon replied, "It's a pleasure to be here." "Now, I know this is a very important election for Japan, and there are many questions that voters going to the polls this November want to know. But one question I'd like to ask you is, what does it feel like to run against a candidate endorsed by the very woman who made you Interior Minister?" Piers Morgan asked. Smiling, Harold replied, "Well... this is politics. Nothing is ever black and white as one might expect. First of all, I am truly grateful to Harriet Jones for making me Interior Minister of Japan, despite our differences, when she was re-elected four years ago. Yes, we are of different political parties. Yes, we have different opinions on policy. But, in the end, this is how the democratic process works. People with different views and ideals working together for our country. And for that, I have absolutely no issues with the fact that Harriet supports a candidate other than myself. This is the beauty of democracy. Something I hope to continue with as well if I become prime minister." "I see," Piers Morgan said, "Now, on November, you'll be running against two candidates. Cosmos, who is endorsed by prime minister Jones, and Lex Luthor, a non-partisan but wealthy businessman who is CEO of LexCorp. What do you think of both candidates, and why do you think you're the better choice?" "Lex Luthor, honestly, isn't really someone I'd be comfortable with leading a government. And that's not just my opinion, ask people from Harriet Jones's party, they'll say the same thing. The big problem with Mr. Luthor is that he's a businessman. And while he may be good at running a business, running a government isn't the same thing, and usually, when someone like him gets elected to a public office, the results could be quite disastrous. And if you look at recent polls where he's trailing behind myself and Cosmos, it's clear that even voters seem to agree with what I'm saying. Which brings me to the other candidate... Cosmos. The thing with Cosmos is... her policies are too similar to Harriet Jones, which is apparent considering they are both of the same political party. And after eight years of Harriet Jones as prime minister, voting for someone with identical policies is basically electing Harriet Jones for a third term. I think the people of Japan deserve someone who does things differently rather than repeating eight years of a flawed policy," Saxon replied. "Now, you mentioned this 'flawed policy,' which I'm guessing you're referring to prime minister Jones," Piers said, "So, my next question is what exactly are you referring to that is flawed, and wouldn't being part of her government make you partially responsible for the flaws in her policies?" "Now it's true that as Interior Minister of Japan, I have a big responsibility for certain policy decisions," Harold Saxon replied, "But in the end, it is the prime minister's decision on what is or isn't approved. Now I've been doing my job as interior minister for the past four years however I saw fit, deciding what decisions were best for Japan. But when Harriet decides something, despite disagreeing with her policies, I really can't stop them from happening. A major example is when her actions led to death of civilians during the Abductor incident this past Monday. Or how none of her national security policies are helping in stopping the growth of the Crystal Order, which is adding more and more members to its worldwide terrorist network every single day, which is really appalling, considering we've been fighting them for 25 years, and we're no closer to beating them for good." "Now that you bring that up, what would you do to combat the terrorist threat of the Crystal Order if you become prime minister?" Piers Morgan asked. "If I were to become prime minister, I would look at the Crystal Order's main strength, which is its worldwide network. Japan can't rely on itself only to battle this threat. After all, it's not just Japan that has suffered from attacks by the Crystal Order. Many other nations around the world have as well. Yes, we may be fighting them with allies like the United States and the United Kingdom, but more needs to be done. If this threat is to be eradicated, the world needs to be united, more than ever. That was how the world defeated Mussolini and Hitler in World War II, that was how the Soviet Union was defeated in the Cold War, and that is how I know we can beat the Crystal Order," Saxon answered. "Those were certainly interesting things to hear from you Mr. Saxon," Piers Morgan said as he faced the screen, "When we come back, we'll discuss more with Harold Saxon about other elections issues that include the economy and various social issues. We'll be back." A commercial break then started on CNN.


    ~Vermilion City Gym~


    As Finnick and his dad's Raichu were taking a small nap, they woke up to the sound of the gym doors opening...


    "We're back!" Lt. Surge said as he and Adéwalé came back from having a drink at the local bar. "Rai!" Surge's Raichu said as it opened its eyes and went running straight towards Lt. Surge, climbing up to his shoulder. "Did anything happen while we were gone?" Adéwalé asked Finnick. "Not really," Finnick replied as he got up, "Though, there was this girl called IF who called from Tokyo asking about my birthmark. Why she was asking about it, I have no idea." Looking at each other, Adéwalé, Raichu, and Lt. Surge knew something that Finnick didn't, and wondered how to reply. "Ehhh... prob'ly jus' a prank call," Lt. Surge lied. "Raichu," Surge's Raichu added, nodding in agreement. Adéwalé nodded as well, figuring that it was up to Lt. Surge when the time was right to tell his son the truth about IF. "Yeah, I suppose you're right right Dad," Finnick Surge said. Breathing a sigh of relief, Lt. Surge wondered if it was time to tell Finnick that he had a twin sister.


    ~Route 6 (Outside Porta Vista)~


    As Kuzco continued on his way through Route 6, he accidentally tripped and fell, rolling all the way to tall grass. As he got up, he noticed several Luxrays sleeping around him...


    Afraid of waking them up, Kuzco tried to see if he can tiptoe away without making a sound. Just then, the Pichu brothers arrived, wanting to get back at Kuzco for how he treated them earlier...


    Kuzco noticed as Pichu Little took out a balloon that is used to make balloon animals, and blew into it, filling the balloon with air. Pichu Little then handed it to his brother, Pichu Big, who twisted the balloon to make it look like a llama. Pichu Little then took out a needle, pointing it at the balloon while he and his brother were grinning as they saw the desperate look on Kuzco's face.
    "Pichupichu?" Pichu Little devilishly asked Kuzco as he moved the needle closer to the balloon. "Nonono," Kuzco pleaded quietly, trying to convince the Pichu brothers not to pop the balloon. "Pichupichu?" Pichu Big devilishly asked as well as he moved the balloon closer to the needle. "Nononono," Kuzco pleaded once more as he began to nervously sweat. "PICHUPICH!" the Pichu brothers both yelled as they popped the balloon together, creating sound loud enough to wake anyone nearby. Closing his eyes, Kuzco was prepared for the worst, but to his surprise, nothing happened. Opening his eyes slowly, Kuzco noticed that the Luxrays were still sleeping, and that the Pichu brothers popping the balloon didn't even wake them up. "HAH!" Kuzco gloated aloud, only to cover his mouth instantly after realizing the mistake he made. The Luxrays then all got up instantly, growling at Kuzco after he woke them up. Kuzco then started running for his life while being chased by the Luxrays.


    ~Gaston's Home~


    "Oh, hey Manon. Glad to see things worked out with Ami," Hiccup said as Manon and Harry returned to continue eating the food provided at the table, "Speaking of which, Serena here was just telling me how she too is a regular customer of Flynn's. Which means I get to see both of you at work." "Oh wow, that's awesome!" Manon replied. "Leemo," Harry happily added. "I'm not surprised honestly. Flynn's Arcade is THE coolest place in Tokyo. That place is a gamer's paradise," Manon said, "Now if you'll excuse me, Harry and I have some unfinished business to take care of." Manon and Harry then instantly went back to eating whatever food was on the table, while Hiccup sweat-dropped watching them do it.


    ~Gaston's Home (Again)~


    "Uhh, yeah... see you around," Dick replied as Eris left. Wondering if it was something he said, he then reminded himself that Eris gave him her number, so clearly she was still interested in him. Breathing a sigh of relief, Dick Grayson put the paper with Eris's number into his pocket, and went back to watching wrestling.


    ~WWE: Smackdown Broadcast (Live from Tokyo Arena)~

    Once the commercial break was over, WWE Smackdown was back on the air, with the screen focused on commentators J.R. and Michael Cole...


    "Welcome back to Smackdown ladies and gentlemen. Before the commercial break, we witnessed Mr. McMahon come out and celebrate over what happened to Triple H and Shawn Michaels earlier today, which seemed to trouble Stone Cold Steve Austin, who came to the ring and gave McMahon a piece of his mind," J.R. said. "That's right," Michael Cole added, "But you have to wonder... did Mr. McMahon know about this attack in advance, or was it simply a coincidence?" "Well, whatever happened, the wrestlers backstage certainly have trust issues with the WWE Chairman now, especially those who have had issues with him in the past," J.R. commented.
    "That's certainly a possibility," Michael Cole added, "Well, coming up in a little while is the signing of a contract between John Cena, Brock Lesnar, and a surprise guest referee for a one-on-one match this Sunday at Summerslam for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Who is this surprise guest referee? We'll find out soon."


    ~Gaston's Home (Again x2)~

    "Maybe," Trixie replied to Kira, "But, first, I think a certain someone deserves a song for planning in this party in the first place." Gaston knew who Trixie was referring to, and he was quite happy about it. Connecting her iPhone to speakers on a table, Trixie put on a certain tune to sing to...

    "Whoever wants to join in may do so. Gaston, this one goes out you pal!" Trixie told Gaston as she began to sing....

    Gosh it pleases me to see you, Gaston
    Looking so good for tonight
    Every guy here'd love to be you, Gaston
    Each one gazing at your might
    There's no man in town as admired as you
    You're everyone's favorite guy
    Everyone's awed and inspired by you
    And it's not very hard to see why!
    No one's slick as Gaston
    No one's quick as Gaston
    No one's neck's as incredibly thick as Gaston's

    *Trixie wraps a belt around Gaston's neck, and he easily breaks it with his neck*

    For there's no man in town half as manly!
    Perfect, a pure paragon!
    You can ask any Tom, Dick or Stanley
    And they'll tell you whose team they prefer to be on!

    No one's been like Gaston
    A king pin like Gaston

    *Trixie points at Gaston's chin*

    No one's got a swell cleft in his chin like Gaston

    *Flexing his muscles, Gaston begins to sing*


    As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating!

    [Trixie, Vanitas, and Sunset Shimmer]
    My what a guy, that Gaston!
    Give five "hurrahs!" Give twelve "hip-hips!"

    *Eddy decides to join in the singing while carrying a cup with punch*


    Gaston is the best and the rest is all drips!

    *Eddy accidentally splashes Gaston with his punch, angering Gaston, who jumps at Eddy and starts beating him up*

    [Trixie, Vanitas, and Sunset Shimmer]
    No one fights like Gaston
    Douses lights like Gaston

    *Gaston bites Eddy's leg as he beats him up*


    In a wrestling match nobody bites like Gaston!

    [Trixie and Sunset Shimmer]
    For there's no one as burly and brawny

    *Gaston carries all three chairs that Trixie, Sunset Shimmer, and Vanitas were sitting on*


    As you see, I've got biceps to spare

    Not a bit of him's scraggly or scrawny


    That's right!

    And every last inch of me's covered with hair!

    *Gaston removes part of his shirt to show his chest hair*

    [Trixie, Sunset Shimmer, and Vanitas]
    No one hits like Gaston
    Matches wits like Gaston

    *Gaston plays chess with Joshua, but instantly throws the chess board to the floor*

    In a spitting match nobody spits like Gaston

    *Gaston takes a bite of the belt he broke earlier*

    I'm especially good at expectorating! Ptoooie!

    *Gaston spits out the part of the belt he took a bite of*

    [Trxie, Vanitas, and Sunset Shimmer]
    Ten points for Gaston!

    *Taking out a few leftover burritos, from his fridge, Gaston juggles with them before swallowing them rather quickly*


    When I was a lad I ate four burritos

    Ev'ry morning to help me get large
    And now that I'm grown I eat eight burritos
    So I'm roughly the size of a barge!

    *Gaston flexes all of his muscles*
    *Gaston takes out his shotgun and fires a few shots towards the wall*

    [Trixie, Vanitas, and Sunset Shimmer]
    No one shoots like Gaston
    Makes those beauts like Gaston

    Then goes tromping around

    Wearing boots like Gaston!

    *Gaston points at the antler decorations he has*

    I use antlers in all of my decorating!

    [Trixie, Vanitas, and Sunset Shimmer]
    Say it again!
    Who's a man among men?
    And then say it once more
    Who's that hero next door?
    Who's a super success?
    Don't you know? Can't you guess?
    Ask his fans and his five hangers-on
    There's just one guy in town
    Who's got all of it down...

    *Bulk Biceps comes in, wanting to join in the singing*

    [Bulk Biceps]

    And his name's G-A-S... T...
    G-A-S-T-O... ohh, ow...

    [Trixie, Vanitas, and Sunset Shimmer]

    While some students (like Gaston's friends, and some others) enjoyed the song, others felt weirded out.
    Clapping after the song was over, Gaston said, "
    Thanks a lot for this guys. And I hope everyone's having fun, because we've got a great surprise planned at the end of the party. Believe me when I say you don't want to miss out on it!"


    ~Darien Chiba's Apartment~


    As he was reading a book while lying on his couch, Darien heard gunshots from outside. Wondering where they came from, Darien quickly got up and rushed to the balcony, looking around, he noticed the noise coming from Gaston's home right across his apartment building. 'Oh, false alarm... it's just Gaston being Gaston,' Darien thought to himself as he went back inside, relieved that it wasn't anything serious.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2014
  10. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action
    ~ Gaston's House ~


    "I thought I heard Myriam screaming over there." Eris pointed toward the direction she had run off to. "Hope she not get herself in trouble again." The two hurried after Myriam.

    ~ Vermillion Gym ~


    Erika entered the Gym and saw Lt. Surge, Adewale, Finnick and Raichu inside. It looked as if they were in the middle of a serious discussion. "Oh dear. I think I came at a bad time."
  11. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Gaston's House~

    Harold felt someone bump into his person, from behind, it was any of the three girls he was accompanying, was it someone who didn't look where he was going as Yuna and Belle a she turned around and he was surprised at what he saw, a doppelganger of himself, except glasses that looked too big and green eyes, he couldn't believe it but it was Harry Potter, while he carried a air of meekiness, Harold carried more pride and so, a stark contrast to him, they would be mistaken for brothers had it not been for his own eyes being blue.

    "Well, I didn't think I'd meet him like this." Harold thought as Harry apologized. "Do I really sound like that? " Harold then spoke, despite the unusual situation. "It's quite alright, there is a lot of people here so you were bound to bump into someone eventually." Harold noted in a polite manner. "I'm Harold Flamel, Son of Nicolas and Perenelle and these are my escorts for the evening, Lady Yuna, Lady Belle and Lady Rikku." Harold introduced the girls to Harry, remaining polite and courteous. "And you are Harry Potter I'm guessing since my father did mention the Potters having an heir a syou do have your mother's eyes but unkempt hair of your father's/, it isn't that hard to connect the dots when it was on the Daily Prophet, I best not keep your friends waiting for a drink, a good day to you Mr. Potter." Harold said with a small bow.

    ~Outside Gaston's House~

    Kazu heard Akiza's question and he took a moment to think. "Well, you know you stay at the Academy for a total of three years and the separate dorms, Silfer Red, Ra Yellow and Obelisk Blue, in the hierarchy, Red being bottom, you learn many things about Duel Monsters and other subjects, I remained a Red for most of the time, meeting incredible Duelists like Zane Truesdale for example along with Jaden Yuki, Syrus Truesdale, Alexis Rhodes, Chazz Princeton, you name it, most of the big names, I met them, course there was some adventures, the day Duel Monsters cards turned blank cause of the Sacred Beast Cards, the Society of Light Incident, Duel Academy's disappearance to another world and back, it was a...eventful three years." Kazu noted, looking back on the experience.

    -Dante, Vergil, and Nero's Apartment-

    Vergil sat in a chair, reading a book. "Then go and buy some of that pizza you so love, unless you're so lazy you can't make something yourself?" Vergil asked rather coolly.
  12. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Gaston's House~

    Mario blinked in sheer confusion yelling at Jr. Troopa. "I don't even know who you are!" Shortly before looking at Bowser and asked. "Does Gaston and his friends always break into song like that?" Bowser simply responded. "Yes, he always had to break into song to talk about how good he is." "He's not really that he?" Mario looked over at Luigi expecting him to comment on it only for the taller brother's jaw to have been agape and his eyes were wide in awe. "That chest...he really is manly!" "LUIGI!" Rosalina innocently looked at Luigi with big eyes before softly asking. "Luigi...are you gay?" Luigi's eyes burst open as his mind returned to reality shouting. "I'm not gay!!" Mario, Rosalina, Bowser, and the rest laughed at Luigi's reaction lightly before Mario spoke up. "I could probably knock Gaston down a peg or two." Mario then noticed Harold with all of the women around him before facepalming as he came to his own conclusion. "My lord, there's a british pimp in this house! Look I don't understand what a crumpet is so don't come taking Peach away!"

    ~Outside WWE Arena [Untelevised]~

    Jumpman was speeding down the streets, over cars, up the side of buildings, and all sorts of other things on a custom-made yellow Vespa that was custom fit with baskets and gravity manipulators. The father and proprietor of two arrived at the backdoor and stopped on the grounds before stepping off. However as he stepped off of the bike two individuals came out of the shadows and were heading right towards him. Jumpman's blue eyes darted towards the individuals before immediately jumping into a defensive position. "Okay! I'm not going to let you rob me of my livelihood!" There was an audible facepalm as HBK spoke up. "No, we're not trying to rob you sir. We just need to borrow your Vespa to get a little bit of revenge on Edge and Orton." Jumpman sweatdropped in embaressment before speaking up. "Oh, sorry about that, it would be an honor to help DX with one of their usual antics. Just let me get my deliveries out and you two can borrow it...after all while you two entertain in front of millions around the world I still have to do my own job." Triple H nodded. "Of course, we understand...after all you're famous for your food here." Jumpman proceeded to take out the various orders that were labeled neatly in various containers. He then handed two containers that were black and green marked with the DX logo. "Here, the wife whipped these up for you two. These are on the house." DX nodded and took the food before driving off on the Vespa as Jumpman went inside the building.

    ~Inside the Locker Room~

    Jumpman proceeded to walk down the halls carrying the various containers full of food before he entered the locker room where oddly enough...a party was going on with Edge and Orton at the forefront celebrating the fact that they got DX out of the picture. Jumpman spoke up loudly. "Excuse me! I have deliveries for everyone in this room." Of course as soon as he said it everyone came over and took their container from his hands. Jumpman smiled happily. "Okay, so I assume this is going to be charged to Vince if I'm correct." Edge nodded. "Of course, and here's a payment from us." Edge then grabbed a chair slamming it into Jumpman's face knocking him to the floor before Orton grabbed his body and RKO'ed it through a nearby table.

    ~Mario Bros. Residence~

    After having the place fixed up, Lady Jumpman sat upstairs alone watching WWE intently before noticing her husband was on TV. Smiling happily she watched as he did his delivery like a good husband and father would...until Jumpman was smacked and sent through a table. The kind woman's face turned into a boiling rage as she grabbed her jacket cursing to herself. "Okay, that's it! I'm coming down there to kick both your asses for what you did to my husband!" As she went downstairs Geno snuck in through a window upstairs and went into her bedroom. Lady Jumpman went into the garage and removed a cover on a custom red and orange motorcycle of her own design and got on placing a red and orange helmet on her head as she drove off. While she was driving down the street an unknown figure with a distinct shape and large round nose dashed by the woman making her blink her blue eyes as she muttered in confusion. "...was that my son?"

    ~Gaston's House: Electro Boogaloo~

    As they watched the TV both Mario brothers gasped when they saw their father beaten by Orton and Edge before shouting near simultainiously. "DAD!?!" a drunk Iffy leaned over looking at the screen before asking in a slurred tone. "Who the hell's that yellow guuuuy on TV?" just as Dedede fell out of the ceiling leaving a hole in it.​
  13. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Gaston's House-

    'Okay, that was possibly the weirdest conversation I have had.' Harry thought to himself as he walked to Ron, Hermione, and Draco. 'Flamel, huh? Wasn't he that noted alchemist Hermione wrote about when we were eleven? I didn't know he had a son.' He also recalled the Daily Prophet, it was a magical newspaper that his family, Ron's, and Hermione's read until they were fifteen. He recalled that Hermione fell heads over heels for a fraud called Lockhart when they were twelve and while they were thirteen, there was a prisoner escape. He recalled his dad saying when he was fifteen that the Minister was a paranoid man, saying that he was the reason that he stopped reading the paper. Harry had seen Yuna, Rikku, and Belle around the school, but he was surprised that Harold came with them.

    Hermione took notice of Harold and wondered if she should tell Shotaro about him so he could tail him and find more about him. But she decided against it since he seemed like he wasn't very mysterious as she sipped the cup Harry gave her. Draco and Ron were busy arguing about various things while they received their drinks to notice Harold.

    When Gaston shot during his song, Serena went to the side of the house and caught sight of Darien as he went back into his apartment, she couldn't help but feel like she knew him from somewhere. She recalled the dream she had been having, but couldn't connect the dots and went back to enjoying the party.

    "Hey, Mario." Two female voices spoke to him, Kira and Lita walked in front of Harold, Lita glared down at Mario while Kira did the same. Lita spoke, "So, just because he has some beautiful ladies around him, that makes him a pimp?" "And because he's British, that automatically means you believe he will act like a stereotypical British person?" Kira said. "I think you should do your homework more." She took a breath but Emma stopped her, "Wait, Kira! You told me and Gia that you won't use 'that voice' in public in front of others." Kira froze, feeling Emma hold her hand, and nodded, she headed out to Gaston's backyard while Lita turned to Harold, walking to him and the girls, she smilted and waved, "Name's Lita Kino. Nice to meet you."

    Kira walked out back into the backyard and walked a bit far out so she could be alone. She sighed and looked at her Dino Gem, the 'voice' that Emma talked about was a special power that given to her, a super powered scream that Gia dubbed the 'Ptera Scream'. Kira stretched and looked around when a batch of of X-Borgs appeared, Kira was surprised at fist, but then she got upset. 'Vekar, this is the worst possible time for one of your tantrums!' Making sure no one was looking or around, Kira had her Dino Gem turn into her Dino Morpher and shouted, "Dino Thunder, power up!" She changed into her Dino Thunder form and began to fight the X-Borgs.


    -Outside Gaston's House-

    Akiza listened to him about the Duel Academy and all the people who he met. She silently wished that she had someone like him earlier in her life and maybe she wouldn't be so scared of her powers. Akiza smiled as she listened to him.


    -Armada Mothership-

    "Hah, that's what she gets for ruining my chance of getting a queen." Vekar said, watching Kira fight by herself against the X-Borgs sent down. "Sides, the plan is perfect. We wear her down then, then send down the Psycho Rangers to finish her off." Vekar almost seemed proud of himself and thought Kira wasn't too bright to fight by herself.



    Setsuna nodded, rubbing the rim of her cup with her finger. She wondered what kind of fight would happen to cause a team up of the scouts, Power Rangers, Kamen Riders, and Gokaigers. She smiled, thinking back to some fight that the Scouts had in the past, but she recalled the party, she thought to herself, 'I hope that those at the party aren't drinking alcohol, else I'm not going to be happy.'


    -Tokyo Harbor - Seafood Restaurant-

    Aerith thought about the riots and felt lucky the shop wasn't damaged and neither were any of the flowers. Everyone who lived with her knew how she became when something happened to the flowers in the ship. Aerith ate her dinner calmly and enjoyed Carter's company.


    -Dante, Vergil, and Nero's Apartment-

    "What was that?!" Dante shouted, looking at his brother. "You think you're so cool just because you got your classes to wet themselves with your lectures! I don't even know why that damn principal created that class! All you did was show off!" He stomped out and grumbled, making sure no one was around, Dante teleported out of the area to the area of Gaston's party. He took notice of Kira fighting and smiled, pulling out his sword, Rebellion. He joined the brawl, Kira was surprised to see him join but didn't mind it. After a while, Dante changed into his Ranger form.

    Vekar whined that Dante appeared, but he didn't care as the plan will stay on course no matter how many backup appeared.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2014
  14. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action
    ~ Gaston's House ~


    Jr. immediately stopped thinking of comics when he heard what Mario said. "LIAR!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs! Fueled by anger, he broke free from Ed's grip and pointed at Mario. "You know what you did! And if you forgot, then I'll wallop it back into you!" As the young koopa ran toward Mario with the intent to hurt, he was picked up by Crunch, who gave him a stern look. "What's a little kid like you doin' at a high school party? Ain't it past your bedtime? Come on! I'm callin' your folks and gettin' you outta here." Crunch carried Jr. out of the house as the yellow youngster began trying to get away screaming in anger. Crunch's strength was too much for Jr, and he was taken outside to have his parents called.


    Myriam had finally gotten the ice out of her box and found herself in front of Eris and Tiny. "Sss sss sss? What are you two doing here?" Eris ignored her and wrapped her in a tight hug, dragging Tiny into the grip. "The gang is all here! How splendid!" "Tiny wasn't aware we were gang..." Eris let go of Tiny and Myriam and smiled. "Simply a figure of speech, dearie. Now, since we are all here, we must remember our own little mission."


    Vaughn watched in slight amusement as Crunch took Jr. outside. "Huh. Guess he's busy for right now. Ah, well. I better work on my song anyway. Need to get it done soon." Smiling, the blonde got out his guitar and began strumming a few bars.


    Max laughed evilly at Jr.'s misfortune. It was a slow party in his opinion, so Max was happy to see someone's misery!

    ~ Outside Gaston's House ~


    A car pulled up to Gaston's House as Amy and Sammy came out of the backseats. Amy smiled sweetly and waved goodbye to the driver as the car drove off. Immediately, her sweet expression turned sour as she grabbed Sammy's wrist and dragged her toward the house, where she saw Xehanort and Fay and approached the former. "This is where the party is, right?" Amy asked, ignoring Crunch and Jr., who passed by her.

    ~ Outside Cosmos Residence ~


    The driver of the truck that was carrying Freddy and his friends stepped out and looked around, hoping someone nearby would know where the residence of Dr. Eggman.


    Hearing the commotion outside, Space Engineering Teacher Yuri Cosmos stepped outside and saw the lost trucker. "What is this?! A lost star on this night?!" The quirky man called out. "Fear not, for Yuri Cosmos shall help you!" He bounded toward the trucker and was informed that he had a delivery for Dr. Eggman. "Ho hoh! Worry not, y friend! I shall deliver those robots to the good doctor on Monday! Leave them with me for now!" Although unsure, the delivery man relented and began loading the bots into Cosmos' house.
  15. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Outside Gaston's House~

    Some small turtle-like creatures with glowing crystalline plantbulbs on their shells started to appear from the ground. Their eyes glowing menacingly as these new S-Types joined the X-Borgs as they started to fling sharp leaves at the two Rangers. Outside and out of distance of the house stood all seven Psycho Rangers as they intently watched the battle. Psycho Blue however speaking up rather cautiously. "I believe the chances of our combined effort in helping these...things is minimal with all of the powers present here, especially since those three are here...however it is up to you, commander." Psycho Red simply glared at the scene before making a stern order. "Green, two are to get the red one's brother and that girl out of the way, the rest of you deal with that girl and that Red Ranger as per Vekar's instructions...Mario is mine..." Before anyone could even make a move the speeding blur from before slammed right into the whole group sending them flying with swift feet movement.

    ~Inside Gaston's House~

    "Look, my brother's an don't mind him." Luigi explained loudly before looking at Mario sternly and said. "Mario, you should go an apologize to that woman for insulting her friend like that....even though you had no idea and came to one of your hairbrained conclusions." Mario looked down before nodding guiltfully. "You're right Luigi. I did hurt her feelings...I'll go do that." Mario then happily started to walk outside. Luigi smiled as his brother left commenting to himself. "That's my brother, he might not be smart...but he has a soft heart." Rosalina who was rather tall leaned toward Luigi with a slightly glazed look in her eyes as she spoke up. "Lu...Luigi, I thiiink we might have a probleeeem. My eye is acting up again." Luigi looked at her immediately. "Do you think it's the S-Types again?" Rosalina nodded wildly. "Yeeeeeeeep, and also Yoshi's drink tastes good." "That has alcohol in it." "Who caaaaaaaares, it's fruity and delicious." "You're drunk"

    ~Outside: Electric Boogaloo Intensity~

    Mario casually walked out into the backyard trying to look for Kira...only to spot people in red and yellow spandex fighting off metal things and S-Types. Mario's eyes widened as he curled up a fist and ran at them yelling. "YOU DON'T COME TO A PARTY WITHOUT BEING INVITED!!" He then sent his fist flying into an X-Borg's face knocking it back into a nearby swimming pool. The S-Types immediately glared at Mario before opening their mouths and firing beams of water aimed right for him. Mario simply darted around the beams jumping and twirling about in the air regardless of the fact that he wasn't transformed.

  16. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011


    Once Sully finished his drink, he got up and said, "Well, guess it's time for me to go. It was great talking to you Setsuna." As he was leaving, he told Setsuna, "I guess I'll see ya at Nintendo High on Monday. Oh, and if you see Phil, be sure to tell him I said hi. Good night."


    ~Gaston's Home~


    As Ed continued petting Jr. Troopa, he noticed something didn't feel right. Looking at his arms, Ed noticed that Jr. Troopa was missing, causing him to gasp, and cry, "Oh no, the chicken ran away! Chicken!!!" Ed fell flat on his face, and started to cry. Hearing Ed cry, Eddy walked over to him...


    "Quit moping Funnel Face, you're making a scene," Eddy told Ed as he grabbed his legs and dragged him across while Ed continued crying.


    ~Vermilion City Gym~

    Noticing Erika in the gym, Lt. Surge replied, "Oh, no, not all. Dis ain't a bad time." "Raichu!" Surge's Raichu added, agreeing with the Vermilion City gym leader. As a matter of fact, Lt. Surge was relieved that Erika was here, as it could give him more time to think of how to break the news to his son that he has a twin sister he wasn't aware of. "Erika, long time no see," Finnick Surge greeted the Celadon gym leader. "What brings you to Vermilion City?" Adéwalé asked her.


    ~Tokyo Harbor - Seafood Restaurant~


    "Aww yeah... so many good memories with breaded shrimp," Carter commented as he continued eating, "Reminds me of when I was a kid, Momma would make 'em for Daddy and me ev'ry Thursday night. Dat's how it was for mah family ev'ry week... till Daddy was killed one day cuz a guy on a highway he ordered to pull over didn't want a ticket for speedin'... and also cuz his partner didn't even help him out... Oh, umm, sorry 'bout dat."


    ~Route 6 (Outside Porta Vista)~


    As the Luxrays continued to chase Kuzco through the tall grass of Route 6, Kuzco reached the edge of a cliff. Looking below, Kuzco noticed it was a very steep drop. Turning around, he noticed the Luxrays surround him, ready to attack the llama. 'Well, this is it,' Kuzco thought to himself, 'I'm gonna fall or get eaten to death... as an ugly llama!' Closing his eyes and preparing for the worst, Kuzco heard the sound of a car racing towards him. As he opened his eyes, Kuzco noticed the Luxrays getting out of the way of a car heading in his direction before coming to a complete halt. The driver was none other than Pacha...


    Opening the car door, Pacha yelled to Kuzco, "GET IN!" Seeing as how he didn't have much of a choice, Kuzco nodded and rushed inside Pacha's car. Pacha then turned the car around, and started driving away from the edge of the cliff while being chased by the Luxrays.


    ~WWE: Smackdown Broadcast (Live from Tokyo Arena)~

    Walking into the ring with a determined look in his face, where a table with a pen and a contract lay, Brock Lesnar was greeted by booing from the audience. None of it mattered to him. He was intent on beating John Cena at Summerslam on Sunday and winning the WWE World Heavywight Championship. Grabbing a microphone, Lesnar began to speak, "
    The year was 2002. John Cena and myself started out as rookies, looking to make a name for ourselves in the WWE. More than a decade later, here we are once again. Me against him, for his world title. This Sunday night at Summerslam, not only will I beat the living hell out of Cena, not only will I take away his precious WWE World Heavyweight Championship... no... the most important thing that'll happen on Sunday, is proving that after all those years... I was the better rookie, and he was nothing! John Cena will lose more than his championship on Sunday... he will lose his will to continue wrestling, and only I will come out of that match unscathed! John Cen-" Brock Lesnar was suddenly interrupted by John Cena's music playing in the arena...


    The audience erupted with cheers as John Cena arrived and made his way to the ring. Lesnar certainly wasn't happy to see Cena there, and Cena had mutual feelings. Once John Cena got up in the ring, the two opponents stared at each other for about a minute, almost looking as though they were about to fight. Grabbing a microphone, Cena began to speak, "
    You know Brock, I actually find it funny how you think you're even better than me after all this time. Let's recap, shall we? 2004, after losing your title, you suddenly disappear from the face of the Earth for more than five years. Then all of a sudden, you come back, telling everyone that you're the very best, like no one ever was. Ok... now let's look back at what I did... you know what, 10 years is a long time to look back at... so how 'bout I summarize it to ya... in case you haven't noticed, I hold the record for the most world champion title reigns in WWE history! How's that for a rookie like myself?" The audience cheered at Cena's reply to Brock Lesnar, who kept his threatening look from before. "Now that's just lame," Lesnar replied to Cena, causing the audience to boo at him, "I guarantee you that after I take away your title, I can hold on to that reign for years." "Then how 'bout we find out?" Cena asked as he went to the table, grabbed the pen, and signed the contract. Lesnar too signed the contract. All that was missing was a third signature for the surprise guest referee that neither Brock Lesnar nor John Cena knew about. As Cena and Lesnar stared at each other, the surprise guest referee arrived...


    The audience cheered louder than ever at the surprise appearance of The Rock. John Cena looked amused by the fact that he was going to guest referee. Brock Lesnar, however, had a disgusted look. After shaking hands of excited fans, The Rock made his way to the ring, and grabbing a microphone, began to speak, "
    FINALLY, THE ROCK HAS COME BACK TO TOKYO!!!" The audience cheered at The Rock's good words for their hometown. "Is this a joke!?" Brock Lesnar asked rudely, causing the audience to boo. "Nope, but you know what I do find funny?" The Rock replied, "The look on your face on Sunday at Summerslam when I catch you trying to take the easy way out of the match by playing dirty. When that happens, then you can bet, that I, as referee, won't disqualify you, but rather, enjoy kicking your candy-ass and sending you all the way to Jabroni Drive! Now THAT is funny!" Lesnar couldn't stand it, and tried to punch The Rock, who quickly blocked the punch, and attacked Lesnar with a clothesline. As Brock Lesnar got up, John Cena surprised him with an FU attack. As Brock Lesnar lay on the floor, The Rock prepared for his People's Elbow attack, and hit him with it. After that, The Rock went to the table to sign the contract, finally making the match official. The Rock and John Cena shook hands, looking forward to seeing each other on Sunday, and the two left the ring with The Rock's music playing.


    ~Sora's and Roxas's Home~


    "So, what's next?" Sora asked, wondering if Roxas had any ideas for what game they would like to challenge Kairi online with. "Hmm, let's see..." Roxas replied as he was looking through the games they had, "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2... nope we already played Black Ops... hmm, hey Kairi, you up for some Grand Theft Auto Online?"


    ~Wolverine's and Yukio's Home~


    Wolverine rushed to Yukio's room, hearing screaming from the room. Opening the door, he found Yukio having a nightmare in her sleep...


    "Yukio, wake up!" Logan screamed, with Yukio instantly waking up from her nightmare, and looking at Logan with a worried look, "What is it?" "One of the candidates for prime minster... Lex Luthor... he's going to die," Yukio replied. Wolverine believed her, as Yukio has always been able to correctly predict when someone was going to die soon. But the question going through Wolverine's mind was how, where, and why.


    ~LexCorp Tokyo Building: Floor 27~


    Lex Luthor was busy in his office, completing the last batch of paper work for the night. Suddenly, down the hallway, Luthor noticed the lights begin to flicker. Luthor simply ignored it, and decided to have maintenance replace the light bulb the next day. A few seconds later, the light bulbs in Luthor's office began to flicker as well, making Lex wonder what was going on. After a few seconds of flickering, all light bulbs went out, as well as all power in the 27th floor. Sighing, Lex decided to call emergency maintenance to fix it. Picking up the phone on his table, Luthor realized that the line was dead. 'Very suspicious,' Luthor thought to himself. "
    Fear..." a mysterious voice from the hallway said. "Who's there?!" Lex Luthor yelled as he grabbed his gun, and slowly headed to the hallway, with his body shaking, trying to see if anyone else was in the 27th floor with him.

    Fear attracts the fearful, the strong, the weak, the innocent, the corrupt," the voice stated. "Come out! Show yourself you coward!" Lex Luthor yelled, pointing his gun randomly as his body kept shaking out of fear. "Fear... is my ally," the voice said as Luthor finally noticed a shadowy figure in the distance wielding two katanas...


    Luthor started to shoot at Darth Maul, who was easily able to block all the bullets coming at him with his katanas. Realizing there was no point in trying to shoot him, Lex Luthor ran away, trying to reach the elevator, but Darth Maul ran faster. As Lex Luthor ran for his life, he tripped and fell on the floor. Luthor desperately tried to get up quick, but once he did, he was impaled with Maul's katanas from behind. "Long live the Crystal Order," Darth Maul whispered to Luthor's ear as he pulled out his katanas from Luthor's chest and kicked him towards a window, which broke upon impact. Luthor's dead body was sent falling to the ground. Maul leaned at the broken window and saw as Luthor's body hit the ground hard. "Well done, Maul," a voice behind Maul said...


    "Time to return to headquarters?" Jadeite asked. Darth Maul slowly nodded, and Jadeite snapped his fingers, teleporting both of them away from the scene.


    ~Outside Gaston's Home~


    "It certainly is," Xehanort replied to Amy. Meanwhile, Toothless, who'd been resting outside Gaston's home while waitng for Hiccup, sensed something nearby, and began to growl. He then pounced around the building, appearing to be heading for the backyard. Curious, Xehanort told the others, "Enjoy the party guys. I think something's wrong with my friend's dragon." Quickly sneaking around the house, Xehanort reached the backyard, and was shocked at what he saw. Two Power Rangers and Mario facing off against X-Borgs and S-types. Xehanort then saw Toothless land in front of the three, growling at the X-Borgs and S-types, and hitting them with his plasma blasts. 'Well, the music inside is too loud for anyone to hear this,' Xehanort thought to himself, 'But why are S-types here? Al Mualim needs to know about this.' Xehanort then quietly left the backyard while Toothless continued fighting off the enemies with Mario, Dante, and Kira.


    ~Darien Chiba's Apartment~


    A few minutes after hearing Gaston shooting with his gun, Darien hears even louder noises, which he assumes are coming from Gaston's party. "Ok, that's it," Darien says as he gets up from his couch, "I think it's time I gave Gaston a piece of my mind." Walking towards the door, Darien opens it, and finds his neighbor, Ron Burgundy, standing there, about to knock on the door....


    "Mr. Burgundy? Is this about the loud noises?" Darien asked.
    "Wow Darien, you're really good," Ron replied, "But yes, I was wondering if we should go down there and give that Gaston a piece of our minds. Lillipup and I can't even get our beauty sleep." "You read my mind Mr. Burgundy, I was on my way there right now," Darien said as he exited his apartment, locked his door, and headed for the elevator. "I'm right behind you, Darien my good man," Burgundy replied as he followed Darien.
  17. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action
    ~ Gaston's Backyard ~


    The sound of a fight brought Fay, Amy, Sammy and Max to the backyard, where they saw Mario and some strange spandex-wearing people fighting the X-Borgs and some turtle-like S-Types. Fay immediately jumped into the fray with sharp kicks to some of the creatures. "Mario?! When did these things show up?!" She asked, dodging an attack. Max approached one of the S-Types with his hands on his hips. He grabbed a stick off the ground and began poking the creature with it. "Desist this impudence at once! Tremble, for you are in the presence of true EVIL! Now accept me as your new master and do as I say, minion!" The annoyed creature began attacking Max, causing him to run away with a high-pitched scream. Amy and Sammy were watching the fight with horror. "Well?! Don't just stand there, 'Samey'! Do something!" Amy snapped at her sister. "What do I do?! Fight those things?! But I could get killed!" Amy smirked and stood behind her sister. "Aww, don't worry. If you DO die, I'll be sure to miss you, 'Samey'. Not much." Amy stopped and looked as if she was thinking. "Actually, I won't miss you at all!" With a rough push, Amy shoved Sammy toward the battle!

    ~ Outside Gaston's House ~


    The sounds from the backyard attracted Crunch's attention, and he set Jr. down to check it out. "You stay here and wait for your parents, kid. I better go see what this is." The large bandicoot left for the backyard as Jr. began sulking. Suddenly, he heard Mario shouting from the backyard where all of that noise came from. "Now's my chance!" Jr. said while fuming. "Time for revenge, Mario!" His little nubby feet immediately carried him quickly toward the sounds of battle!

    ~ Gaston's House ~


    "Hope Crunch gets that kid home soon." Vaughn mused. "I could use the help with my lyrics." Then he, Tiny and Myriam noticed Eris with a faint look in her eyes, and Tiny and Myriam knew from their frequent time with the blonde that this meant one thing. "There 's CHAOS happening somewhere here!! I can smell it!" Eris took a few snffs of the air and smiled. "Smells quite a bit like roast chicken, actually!"

    ~ Vermilion City Gym ~


    "That is a relief. And it's good to see you too, Finnick. You've grown!" Erika smiled as her Pansage waved to Raichu. "As for why I'm here, the flowers at Celadon Gym are almost in full bloom. I was thinking of having a small get together in a few weeks to celebrate. I simply stopped by to see if you four wished to come."

    ~ Randsborg Residence ~


    Randsborg went to his bird carrier with a note attached. He open the carrier and petted the pigeons inside. Taking one out, he attached a message to it. "Take this message to the one named Sub-Zero. He must know of the Lin Kuei Grandmaster's missing blade." Giving the bird one last pat, he sent it off to deliver the message.

    ~ Cosmos Residence ~

    Yuri Cosmos had just put Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy in his garage and went to bed. The four rested contently in their temporary home, until something...strange happened.


    Freddy looked around the garage with dark eyes, watching as his three other friends came to life. "H-H-Hello, kids! W-W-We-We-Welcome to F-Fr-Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!" He stuttered in a distorted, cartoony voice. "Yar! Thi-Thi-This be Pirate's Cove! I be...your worst nightmare!" Foxy blurted out in a horrifying distorted voice, before reverting to his normal voice. "I be Captain Foxy!" Chica looked at the garage door and noticed that it was partially opened. "Uh-oh! Looks l-l-like so-so-some-someone isn't following the ru-ru-rules here at Freddy's!" Freddy walked over to the door and forced it all the way open. He gave the others a blank stare. "Come on, ga-ga-gang! Let's go out and help the kids have fu-fu-fun-fun-fun-fu-fun-fuuuunnn..." The four slowly made their way outside, with Yuri still fast asleep.
  18. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Gaston's House~

    Harold was sweatdropping at Mario's suggestion of being a 'british pimp' as he so titled it. "Seriously? That's what I look like to everyone else?" Harold thought, he did have some good hearing and knew what the words meant, well, he imagined what it meant anyways before two other women were scolding the little man like he was a creature udner a microscope or something. "The power of the woman.... scary." Harold thought, remembering his mother's scoldings, when you're under that glare of a woman, somehow you find yourself shrinking back, as if it were a special power no one could match before the woman who said for Mario to do his homework left to cool down outside and the other one, she was quite tall for a woman to add as she introduced herself as Lita Kino.

    "A pleasure to meet you Miss Kino, I'm Harold Flamel and these ladies you defended are Lady Yuna, Lady Rikku and Lady belle, we did not expect him to jump to that conclusion but to be fair, I only just met these three ladies today as I only recently moved here." Harold explained to her, he thought he should at least do something to thank her. "Would you do me the honour of a dance? I am quite good on my feet." Harold suggested to her. "I'll also dance with these ladies sometime tonight as well should they wish to if that is alright with you all?"

    ~Outside Gaston's House~

    Kazu stopped reminiscing and looked to Akiza. "Well then, shall we go in?" he asked her.


    Some X-Borgs fallen from shots as a man was coming from the darkness, holding a unique gun, fashioned like a book. "Looks like someone's having a minion day, Henshin." Tsukasa said as he put on the Decadriver and pulled out a card. "Kamen Ride: Decade!" The belt called out as Kamen Rider Decade stood there, dusting his hands together.

    "Now, let's get rid of these low level soldiers." Tsukasa said before some X-Borgs took offense to what he said and went for him as He pulled out a card. "Attack RIde: Blast!" He slid it intot he belt and fired again as many more shots were fired, some even curving. "Those old old geezers and their pet gargoyle were more amusing." Tsuaksa muttered.
  19. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Gaston's House-

    Lita was surprised that Harold asked her to dance, she smiled, "Sure, but you would be stepping over my feet since I'm so tall." "It's fine, Lita." Yuna said, smiling at her. Rikku and Belle nodded. Lita nodded, taking his hand and leading him out to the dance floor. Emma looked to the direction of the backyard and headed in that direction, worried about Kira.


    -Outside Gaston's House-

    Akiza smiled and nodded, taking his hand and heading inside. She kept quiet and stayed closed to Kazu, especially when she saw Draco who forced her powers to appear.



    Dante smirked, saying, "Thought you were too high and mighty to join a fight like this." 'Those idiots,' Kira thought, seeing Fay, Amy, Samey, and Max. She knocked each one back to the door when she saw Emma, Gia, Orion, and Troy appear at the door. "Guys, get them inside! The four of us can handle these! And you....." She pointed one of her Ptera Grips at Amy's throat. "I'll deal with you later about pushing your sister into a fight where she could get killed." She kicked her harder than the others. When Gia, Troy, Emma, and Orion got the four inside, Emma closed the door and locked it.

    She slashed through a number of X-Borgs and some of the S-Types. Dante pulled out his Blade Blaster and shot at the S-Types and X-Borgs, using his weapons as though he was fighting demons.


    -Armada Mothership-

    "What is that thing?!" Vekar shouted, watching Mario fight with Kira, Tsukasa, and Dante. He groaned and said. "Whatever, another bug to smash." From the Moon Palace, Zedd and Rita watched, knowing that Mario was showing himself to be a strong opponent.


    -Tokyo Harbor - Seafood Restaurant-

    Aerith listened to what happened to Carter's father and smiled, "It's alright. I lost my mother when I was very young, so I grew up with a woman who looked after me when she passed away." She calmly ate her food.



    Setsuna nodded and waved at Sully, sipping her cup. Sirius and Remus talked for a while and headed out, leaving James alone in the bar with Setsuna. "You're a Power Ranger, aren't you?" Setsuna asked after a moment of silence. James jumped and tried to cover it up, "What do you mean? I don't know what you're talking about." "That watch, you're wearing." Setsuna said, looking at him. James looked at his communicator and looked at her, she said, "I have seen a few people on the teaching staff with that watch." James was surprised, "Who are you?" He looked as she pulled out a unique stick, she said, "Sailor Pluto."
  20. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action
    ~ Battle ~


    Crunch arrived at the battle, sending the nearest X-Borg flying with a punch. "Geez! Attacking during a party? These guys are buzzkills!" He grinned and joined the others. "Oh, it is ON now 'cuz the big guy is here!"

    Crunch didn't notice Jr. Troopa stomping through the backyard, knocking away every S-Type and X-Borg that got in his way without mercy. He took furious, stomping steps toward Mario. His revenge was a few steps away...

    ~ Gaston's House ~


    Sammy sat down, leaning against a wall while breathing in relief. "Oh man. That was so scary..." "What was her PROBLEM?!" Amy snapped, picking herself off of the ground. "I bet she mistook me for 'Samey' or something!" She said, shooting a glare at her sister. An angry Max was banging on the now locked door, screaming at the top of his lungs. "Open this door at once, woman, or face the wrath of the fearsome Max! No one interrupts my devious machnations and gets away with it! I am the ultimate EVIL, and I will not be locked out! Er..IN!" Fay sighed. She was doing pretty well, but agreed that the guys outside would be able to handle it. Next time though, she would prove herself.

    ~ Edenia: Jade's Chamber's~


    Jade chuckled and took her bed clothes to her changing room. Mitsurugi raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Going to bed already?" "I was kept up all night at Mileena's hearing yesterday. Kitana was insistent I testify on her behalf." Jade emerged from her changing room in a green gown and sat on her bed. "Well, I should be going anyway." Mitsurugi stated. "Sindel has asked me to take the guard for today." With a nod, Jade dismissed her fiance.
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