Video Game: Kingdom Hearts SOS: The Road To Light

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Krowley, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Well, Mickey had done it again. He'd sent them off on another wild music chase. This mouse...clearly his interests were...unconventional. Were they going to regain consciousness tied between two brooms clothed in nothing but music sheets? Maybe it was best if they just gave up immediately, left the world with their pride intact, and picked up some random rock for a keychain on the way out. Wait, he didn't have the munny for Knockout Punch, he wasn't allowed to get a Rocky keychain yet. Well, maybe if he had some epic training montage he could qualify. He'd have to work on that, and there was no time like the present. Hell, he even had background music and a heap of targets right in front of him!

    He was in the midst of his thoughts when one of the hippos bumped into him. "Hey, watch where you're going!" he shouted. This hippo had crossed the line, so it was time to kick ass and chew bubblegum; he was all out of gum. "BEUCE! CAST THUNDER ON ME!" he yelled. Summoning his keyblade, he stood with his arm raised in an incredibly dramatic and heroic pose. "I have the pow-" he started, before the lightning connected and he found himself partially electrocuted. Once the shock had worn off, and he had shown himself out for that horrible pun but quickly returned, he felt much stronger....stronger than Karina even. Okay, maybe not stronger, but just as strong, and that was scary enough. With a brutish cry, Glen punched the hippo in the face before him, shattering any bones in its skull, before bringing his keyblade sword thing straight through the hippo.

    The creature before him exploded into darkness, and for a brief moment Glen stood there confused. Hippos weren't meant to explode into darkness, what was going on? It finally clicked just a minute later. It had darker skin, and its dancing was terrible. He'd just slain Obama. Wait no, this Hippo had been a follower, not a leader. Heartless it was then. He'd accidentally slain a heartless. "Guys, I got one!" he called out.

  2. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Stratos had continued his hungry hungry hippo hunt. It started to appear that the hippo he had fought had managed to blend back into the ground, with the darkness provided by the night sky and just standing in darkened areas with the rest of them in order to conveniently blend in with the scenery. Stratos continued to look onward for any sort of dissonance in this dance that was going on, until he finally saw the one he had hit prior started encroaching upon the others. Running towards it, he started to imbue his keyblade with a frigid charge that gave it a it a light blow glow over top of it. Once he had made it to the heartless, he jumped in the air and unleashed a three hit combo strike with the keyblade. Upon the third hit, it felt as though it had done a crazy amount more of damage, and the foul heartless impostor seemed to hit the ground hard. As it connected with the ground, creating a resounding thud, it soon after exploded into a large cloud of dark smoke and was vanquished from this world. Well that was one more of these nasty creatures down, indeterminate amount of them left to go.

    Stratos then looked around to see what his fellow keyblade wielding comrades had been up to. Karina seemed to immediately get to action, being able to notice the trend between reals and fakes. After she had managed to take down two of the heartless, fairly effortlessly at that, Glen then proceeded to step into the fight. He...might have noticed the trend as well? Stratos wasn't entirely sure as he didn't seem too look for anything of note at all, and instead just sort of blindly jumped into the fight and happened to start beating the ever loving shit out of one of the dancing mammals of raw terror and destruction. As he looked at the scene of carnage that took place between Glen and the, thankfully heartless, beast Stratos started to think of something. The heartless had fled to this location and yet the only heartless they were seeing here was of the strange dancing swamp creature variety. As he was thinking on where the other heartless were, it was at this point that plants and tornado steps had come in through portals of darkness in order to assist their gaping maw heartless teammates.

    Groaning a bit at the sight, Stratos readied his keyblade and decided to get ready to fight the heartless as normal. With the new heartless that showed up, he had realized it would be more difficult to actually take them on, as he was still recovering from the large amount of mana expenditure he had gone through earlier in the world. With only striking at the heartless a few times and his overall lack of mp haste that spell binder had given him, he was basically stuck to his barely reliable physical attacks. Nevertheless, he still had a point of mp to spare, and so when a terror of the african jungle heartless tried to jump him and swallow him whole, he called down a thunder spell, and lightning struck the large creature. With it dissipating into darkness, Stratos then took a guard stance as one of the tornado steps charged at him with vicious spinning force. Blocking the strike, he quickly countered with a basic combo strike, knocking the heartless away before seeing a second one spinning at him. Unable to guard in time, he was smacked in the side by it, but managed to hold his ground as he let loose another vorpal blitz against the attacker and managed to fell it immediately as it was still airborne. Now all that was left to deal with was...everything else.

    636 Words, 30 EXP
    Total EXP: 60 EXP
    Total Munny: 60 Munny
    Break Even Point: 6/34

  3. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea
    Steel marched back down the tower alongside the rest of the group with a sense of accompishment: The princess had been rescued and he hadn't unintentionally insulted anyone in the process. Now he just needed to continue to refrain from unnecessary chatter until the rest of the events of this world had transpired, leaving victory to be all but assured. He was specifically walking next to kel as he adjusted his gloves to more comfortably accomadate his claws. The musketeers seemed happy, the princess seemed greatful, and everything was overall fine. Now to wait for the next thing to go wrong.
  4. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Kel had no idea how close they were to the ground floor nor had he any intentions of actually counting as they descended. Taking into account how long they had been walking for, it was a safe to assume that they could be half way down the steps. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that Steel had ended up walking next to him, adjusting him glove. While he didn't have anything against Steel walking next to him, he found it a bit strange that he didn't really say anything. He just started walking next to him adjusting his glove. Though considering how little Kel's actually said to anyone else, there wasn't much room for him to talk.

    5/7 Post
  5. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Raisor continued down the stairs, feeling a little sickly from all the circles he was going in. Heights, he had no problem with; Monsters, he had no problem with; dealing with certain-death scenarios, he had no problem with; Going down a flight of stairs for 100 floor after rushing up them after walking for who knows how far? He was ready to just give up. His feet felt like blisters on top of blisters, and he really wanted to just scream. Give him a hoard of heartless any day, escorts were always the thing that Raisor hated the most. Even back in his own world when he did jobs, he usually left the escort missions to others while he went hunting; but that didn't mean he didn't get any escorts at times, and every time he regretted it and hated it with a passion.

  6. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    The heartless seemed to be a tad bit on the annoying side. The tornado steps were now moving and grooving to the same sort of beat that the heartless swamp monsters were dancing around to. That and the poison plant heartless seemed to be jiving to the improper tune as well. Thinking more on it, coming up with round about ways to describe the heartless rather than coming up with a name for them was starting to get a bit annoying. He looked at their features that distinguished them more so from the rest of the heartless, and saw few apparent features. One was there overall large and bulky appearance. The other was that it had a large gaping maw, lined with like four killer fangs rather than teeth, that could snap tree trunks with relative ease...probably. Sadly there were no trees around for him to go and test this theory on, however he was sure that the point still held true. Pondering on this for a few moments longer, he figured the name Hearpo would work out. He had no idea why, but he decided that these dancing scourges of the rain forest should just be called Hearpos.

    Beginning his fight against the Hearpos, he watched out for them as they had started to encroach upon their not heartless kind. For whatever reason, the dancing animals seemed to pay no mind to them whatsoever, and kept moving almost as if the beat of the music that was in the background was dictating their every move. It was probably better that way, as having a large swarm of creatures as big and deadly as them flipping out would probably not be a good thing to deal with. Regardless, he prepped up a zantetsuken, and blink slashed straight to the Hearpo, creating a line across the heartless, until it finally exploded into a large cloud of black smoke. He then saw the torando steps flinging themselves, moving in three at once from different angles. Pointing his keyblade into the air, he fired a bolt of energy into the air, which then responded to him in the form of lightning bolts raining from the sky. The lightning bolts managed to strike all of the heartless, with two of them getting hit by enough of the bolts to be destroyed and sent back to darkness. He then brought his keyblade back down to guard against the third one and managed to push it away from himself. He then followed this up with a three hit combo from his keyblade, followed up with the finisher being interrupted by the ice imbued strike that was vorpal blitz. With that, he encroaching tornado steps had been easily dealt with.

    He then looked to see that the poison plants were now preparing their attacks, and so he just sort of bolt off towards the plants. There were a good deal of them, and Stratos wasn't sure if he would be able to deal with all of them in time. He lacked Zantetsuken at the moment, and thunder didn't seem like it would be particularly effective in this scenario. And so, Stratos spun his keyblade around and started to shimmer with light all around him. Four white pillars of pure light erected forth and started spinning around him. The pillars then seemed to lock on to the heartless and flew forward, colliding with the poison plants. The pillars then exploded into a large glow of light, seemingly vaporizing everything enveloped in it. Well, that was quite the command. He wondered why he hadn't used faith prior to this, but then shrugged it off as just general forgetfulness.

    610 Words, 30 EXP
    Total EXP: 90 EXP
    Total Munny: 90 Munny
    Break Even Point: 7/34

  7. Kross123 Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 10, 2011
    Other people their own problems going down the stairs but Kross had the stamina to so. He could feel the necklace bounce a bit with his steps, remembering how Ananta gave it to him but he only continued in cold silence. It was clear he was in a bad mood, why? It was obvious. He was sick and tired of others judging him. He wasn't a child! He could have good ideas too. But no, They took his idea and stomped on it, and rejecting his idea ended up getting the princess captured ontop of that! These people were not experienced at all with keeping a 'low profile'.
  8. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    It was at this point in time that the fighting had seemed to slightly stagnate and taper out to a bit of a more tedious search and destroy, rather than an actual brawl. The only heartless that really made their appearance apparent was that or the tornado steps. Each time one of them was felled, a few more would come to take its place and just sort of scamper about, getting ready to spin out of control and try to assault Stratos more than they were the non-heartless version of the Hearpos. He was able to deal with this pretty easily, as they only really came at him two at a time, and only a simple dodge roll and guard were needed in order to deflect the strikes of these heartless. Following it up with just his standard combos, and not using a command so as to get the most MP out of the heartless, the Tornado Steps would be easily felled and overall they had minimal effect on the outcome. It was the Hearpos and the Poison Plants that were the problem. While the Tornado Steps were extremely apparent about where they were, the plants were completely stationary so he actually had to look for them, and the Hearpos took to the blending aspect.

    Stratos was constantly on the look out for just where the heartless would appear, and once he found them he would be able to cleave through them with relative ease. However, one Hearpo saw fit to try and attack him rather than the other swamp dancing creatures. As he saw the hearpo do a leap and try to swallow him, Stratos swung his keyblade to the side, radiating with light while doing so. Four columns of light shot out from the ground and impaled the hearpo with pure unadulterated light. The heartless was quite easily destroyed as it had just took equivalent force to zantetsuken, only with magic. And Stratos was decent with magic. As he continued to scout out the heartless around the coliseum, he saw that something new was starting to come out of the walls of the building. From what it appeared, they seemed to be some sort of lizard type species. They were giving an evil grin with their teeth showing, that seemed to terrifying a good deal of the dancing creatures, unlike everything else that seemed to be here. It was at that point that Stratos noticed something odd about them.

    The creatures, while he had scene pictures of creatures like these in stories, usually were green in scale coloration. However, these ones seemed to take on a more dark color scheme. One with a jet black topside and a dark purple underside with the heartless emblem emblazoned across their chest. Stratos just looked at the creatures that seemed to start scampering towards the large mammals and realized that they had to protect them from this new threat as well. As such, he let cherry blossoms fall from the sky and readied himself to strike out at these reptilian heartless. He started to squat as he brought his keyblade down to his side. It was at this point that his eyes were closed, and he had dashed forward faster than completely perceivable by the human eye, cutting straight through the heartless. The lizard like heartless that had been running towards the dancing creatures, had stopped dead in their tracks. There was a large slash mark that was overlapping all of them, and they had simply exploded into a black smoke of darkness. With that, the new threat had been dealt with, though more were starting to take their place as well.

    611 Words, 30 EXP
    Total EXP: 120 EXP
    Total Munny: 120 Munny
    Break Even Point: 8/34

  9. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future
    Kross' silence was troubling Ananta, but she couldn't really force him to talk. Instead of bothering him anymore, she stayed silent and followed the group for now. Arriving at a large tower, she looked at it and tilted her head, wondering why the princess would be here of all places. Sure enough, the cart was here. Heading inside, Ananta took it upon herself to walk backwards up the stairs to watch their backs. She did this rather casually, placing her hands on her hips and looking down the stairs, even turning her head to listen to the group better. The party found their way to the top and luckily, the princess was there. So they got her and started the long descent down these stairs. Going up didn't seem so bad, in fact, Ananta didn't pay much attention to how far up they were. It was when they started going down that she realized that they were pretty high up. "Ya know, I'm just..." she said, turning back around and walking backwards down the stairs. Ananta was thankful that all the strength training on her world by walking backwards up and down stairs with haevy objects was finally coming into some use.
  10. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Stratos was now looking around, every which way in order to see just what all of the heartless here were going to do. The Hearpos were continuing their off beat jiving and were mimicking the other dancing creature's scared out of their wits antics of running away from the lizard like heartless. The tornado steps were becoming more and more of a nuisance, as they were now cutting Stratos off from dealing with the other heartless. The spinning heartless had just sort of started appearing en masse, now attacking him five at a time as opposed to two. Dodge rolling out of the way of the first of the spinning tackles, Stratos quickly got up and guarded against the second oncoming one that was going after him. He then followed this up by high jumping over the third one that flung itself at him, though this was a huge mistake. He was immediately knocked out of the air as the fourth one had spun straight into him and collided with him. Flying through the air, he hit the ground and sort of tumbled a bit before the fifth and final one managed to spin across the ground and knocked straight into him, launching him further away from the scene.

    Despite all five having done something, they moved asynchronously and so the first three obviously had enough time to rev up another attack. Getting back on his feet, Stratos saw three of the heartless charging him at once, and so he decided to block by doing something a tad bit differently. Glowing with light once more, Stratos flicked the keyblade forward in front of him and let loose a stream of light. The four pillars of faith had appeared before him once more, and so using them as a pseudo guard, he simply placed the pillars so that they would intercept the tornado steps. As the heartless collided with the pillars, the pillars had exploded on contact and seamlessly vaporized the heartless that had attempted to strike at him. With one pillar remaining to use, Stratos simply launched it at one of the other tornado steps and had gotten rid of it quite effectively. The last one took the opportunity of presented by Stratos attacking, to fling itself forward at him. Stratos brought up his keyblade and blocked the strike from the heartless, knocking it back. With his ice imbued he keyblade, he then followed up his guard with the three hit strike Vorpal Bltiz.

    With those pesky creatures dealt with, the young keyblade wielder then turned his attention to a different area. Seeing that the Hearpos and the lizard like heartless were capitalizing in on his distracted time, Stratos quickly called down a cascading flurry of cherry blossom petals that flowed in the wind, ven as time had seemingly come to a standstill. Within a single instant, and a single calm breath, Stratos had managed to cross the large distance that separated him and the heartless, and cleave through time and space alongside that travel. A large cut mark had appeared across all of the heartless, but only the lizards seemed to go down in that single strike. The Hearpo was still moving along its own rhythm and not really caring about the keyblade wielder whatsoever. And so, to deal with this, Stratos ran after the creature with keyblade in hand and struck at it a few times.Doing seemingly nothing, he continued to beat on the heartless until finally he realized his basic attacks weren't strong enough to deal with the Hearpos tough skin. However, it did give him enough mp that he was just able to launch a fire at it, kill it, and call it a done deal.

    621 Words, 30 EXP
    Total EXP: 150 EXP
    Total Munny: 150 Munny
    Break Even Point: 9/34

  11. Sebax Avatar by Xerona

    Mar 4, 2013
    Wonderful World of Disney
    The hours danced while the Keybladers struck. In fact, it did not take hours. They were only slaying to the melody of "Dance of the Hours". This time around, Base went for the group approach. He cast another Thunder spell to charge up Glen, and fired every shot he had at the Heartless. His entire arsenal of spells dissipated the Heartless his allies didn't catch. They would have caught them off guard, but Base was there to offer support. What a good friend he wa-

    A hippo landed on his skinny frame. Squashed beneath the heavy beast of burden, Base was no more. That was, until, he lifted it up on shaky legs and bending arms. He tossed the hippo off and huffed and puffed to catch his breath. But the Heartless crocodiles circled around him.

    He swung and they went, but he'd jumped in a little late.

    "Did I miss anything?" he said. "This is going to," - Base smacked a Heartless sneaking up on Stratos -"take some cleaning up," he grunted.

    172 words, 8 EXP
  12. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Stratos had continually repelled the attacks of the heartless. Deciding to not really use any commands or anything of the like so as to gather his mp back, he decided to resort to just basic attacking. Having used faith and fire and the like consecutively was draining on his ability to cast magic, and right now he was essentially just running on empty, so he needed to do something about that issue. A torndao step flung itself at him, just one solitary one this time, and Stratos was able to hold up his keyblade and repel the strike with ease. He then followed this repelling action up with a combo strike from his keyblade. After knocking the heartless away, and crocodile heartless took its place and tried to take a bite out of Stratos this time, quite in the same manner that scruff mcgruff would take a bite out of crime. However, Stratos was able to react to this quickly enough and dodge rolled out of the way of the attack, following up with a swing from his keyblade. The heartless seemed to be light on its feet as well, as it had completely dodged out of the way of his strike.

    The two had entered a bit of a stalemate, as Stratos swung at the creature, only for it to side step, and it to bite at him, only for the young keyblade wielder to dodge roll out of the way. The heartless then brought its tail around for a large sweeping attack, only for Stratos to use his keyblade to guard against the attack and push it back. Creating a small window of opportunity to attack, Stratos then went back into a combo strike, which consisted of him hitting the heartless three times, and right before the finisher, he had stopped all action. The crocodile took a bit of time to recuperate, but having not gone into the finisher, Stratos was already ready to go into another combo assault on the creature. He hit the being once, twice, thrice, and then paused again. He was able to use this method of stopping a combo short in order to fully and completely lock down this heartless's actions and keep beating down on him until the lizard like heartless had finally taken enough and exploded into darkness. Feeling satisfied with the work he had just done, Stratos was now back at full MP and ready to take on the world.

    However, he was taken slightly off guard as the tornado step he had fought earlier, but not killed, spun towards him in an attempt to take him down. Stratos wouldn't have been able to react fast enough, but thankfully he didn't have to. As Base had appeared and managed to take down the sneaking heartless for him, Stratos gave him a thumbs up. "Yeah, there certainly is a lot of them, and I have no idea where the piece we're searching for is either." As a hearpo had flung itself at them, Stratos launched out two fires at it, causing it to dissipate. He then noticed that Base seemed to be a little worse for wear, almost as if he had been nearly crushed to death, and just waved his keyblade, casting a cure spell over him. It was then that Stratos saw more of the reptilian heartless encroaching upon their position and noticed that their eyes were glowing. Wait, that could only mean- the inner monologue was cut short by the heartless firing laser beams out of their eyes. While they had landed on various different things...the lasers seemed to do absolutely nothing at all. Well that was...nice? Regardless, Stratos just destroyed the horde of heartless with another faith command, before seeking out new targets.

    628 Words, 30 EXP
    Total EXP: 180 EXP
    Total Munny: 180 Munny
    Break Even Point: 10/34

  13. Ventus PSP Aqua Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 29, 2010
    βεtwεεn ◊ȴight & Dαrƙness♦
    "This should be interesting" taking a seat on the floor, seeing it as an opportunity to take a break. She would normally care about dirtying her clothes but being tired as she was, she could've cared less to where she sat.
    Recalling the previous clip, she predicted something more dark or about the same but instead it showed a bit more comedy than anything else. Seeing the ladder come alive and even come down using itself made her giggle.
    "Almost everything in this world is alive. And . . . Animals can be used for almost anything." she commented on the scene of Mickey using a cat as the siren. When it got to the part about the burning building, she expected it to get a bit more serious from there on but instead it seemed to have remained comical as how it started. Watching Mickey's fail attempts to put out the fire and then to only be tickled by it made her laugh once again.
    "hehe wish I had a fire spell that can do that." She held out her hand to attempt it but only to be reminded she was too tired to do such a thing. That thought about the fire though was quickly forgotten at the scene of Mickey falling down with Minnie. As expected, they some how managed to land safely and then wrapping it up with a kiss.
    "Aww thats so sweet" clutching her hands over her chest, happy to know it all ended well. She then stood up followed by dusting off her skirt. "That wasn't too bad" she said looking at everyone.
  14. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    Earth magic was the least of D'daear's concern when it came to the well lit pile of bones. He seriously just wanted to get out of this graveyard and be done with this memory. When Hikaru had pointed out the new window, a bit of relief filled the purple haired boy as it was their means out of this place. However that was quickly proven false when Hikaru tugged on the string. Eyes went dull when the window revealed itself to be another memory. Back hunched and arms dangled in disappointment while D'daear simmered in the moment. "Another Memory..." he sighed. Legs gave out on him as he fell backwards onto rear end, thankfully the grass being soft enough to feel nothing more than a cushion. Hands plants themselves on the ground and arms became erect while the young boy let himself get comfy a few feet away from Rain. From the looks of the window it seemed it was like the window prior to the one they had entered. Well good, because like everyone else he too was still feeling exhausted. With irises now glued to the moving images, body became lax; mind forgetting about the pile of bones behind them.

    This new memory was an odd one, very different from the other one. To start things off, Mickey and a few of his co-workers were actual firefighters. Who would've thought, right? They were all scurrying towards an ostrich that had outstretched its head to act as a pole for the others to slide down within the building. It was very odd considering how comical everything was. As the memory persisted, the boy was experiencing ambivalence. Was he supposed to feel concern, or a sense of joy? A building on fire was no joke after all. At first, D'daear was about fall in concern for the people within the building that was on fire. However, that quickly turned to nothing when he saw how everyone was jumping off the large building, and coming out of it unscathed. While watching, left hand reached behind head to give it a nice confused scratch.

    To make matters worse, the team of firefighters seemed in complete discord. Only Mickey had arrived on scene with...."Oh hey, that's Horace." D'daear pointed out nonchalantly, noticing the anthropomorphic equine next to Mickey. The two were currently getting a weird looking device to pump water, to which D'daear was just shaking his head in disappointment. The first two times Mickey went to toss water from his bucket, he just wasted it without actually using it to put out fire. It was only the third time that it actually worked. The only who was actually getting work done here was Horace. The sheer ingenuity behind this expandable equine was baffling to D'daear. He was literally filling his tummy with water so that he could spit out like a some hoes to extinguish the fire. "Geez Mickey... step it up..." he uttered in whisper as he saw the would be King getting tickled by fire. By the way, he was getting tickled in order to save Minnie Mouse; in other words Princess Minnie. How did D'daear know it was Minnie? Well, Mickey literally spoke her name in the memory. The window ended with Mickey saving Minnie and kissing at the very end; despite the building STILL being on fire.

    When the curtains closed on the window, D'daear was left in bewilderment. He sat up right, crossing legs to sit comfortably. "Hold up! What about the building!? Did they save it or not?!" D'daear cried out. The memory had indeed left D'daear hanging. He was not so much as concerned with the building, but the fact that the building housed so many people was probably something to think about. A hand slowly raised itself as it constricted to cup the air, his bewilderment being harnessed in said hand. If one was looking at him during that moment, they would notice how silly he looked, especially with the bottom part of an eyelid twitching madly. After a bit of fussing, D'daear fell back flat on the grass. Surprisingly, laying there felt good on his tired body. Now that he thought about it, it had been a while since he had actually laid down for a nice rest; excluding the horrendous muddy moment (Courtesy of Aux) in Beast's Castle.

    A small sigh escaped the boy's mouth. The Fire Fighters, at least that's what the Memory had shown them. There was: Mickey, Horace, some Ostrich, and some filler characters that apparently never made it to the scene. A hand dug itself into back pockets as D'daear grasped at the photographed within. Still laying there, he yanked the photo out with a bit of hip movement. irises soon gazed at the paper, making note of how Mickey was grouped up with a Dog and a Duck; with Pete just behind them. Where were these two? It's been three windows so far, and not once had he seen the other three from the photo within Mickey's Memory.

    "What's with these Memories anyway?" he thought out loud. "For a small mouse, he's been through some stuff. I'd hate to see the rest of the memories locked up in his mind..."
  15. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    The fight against the heartless seemed to be going swimmingly. Stratos was able to keep up with his mana regeneration by constantly bashing in the heartless with just a regular chain of combos, and so he wasn't really able to be caught flat footed with no mp. As another of the tornado steps had flung themselves at him, Stratos quickly brought up his block to guard against the attack, causing the heartless to recoil upon collision, and then quickly flicked the keyblade so that the point of the weapon was underneath the heartless. A small orb of heat seemed to generate on the tip of the keyblade, as collected and gathered and fire started to form. Stratos then launched a fireball out of the keyblade, via the ever so creatively named spell fire, with the spell exploding upon impact, causing the heartless to vanish in a dark puff of smoke and a small heart floating out of its body. It was then that Stratos saw three more flinging themselves and spin attacking him from behind, and as such quickly dodge rolled out of the way to avoid the blows. Having rolled to the side, the tornado steps had missed and landed harmlessly to the side.

    Looking at the group of heartless that was before him, Stratos got ready to do the dance with these creatures, and put up his keyblade in a guard stance preemptively. The tornado steps started to hop about and look at the keyblade wielder with death in their cold unfeeling...glowing beady adorable eyes. They started to do something weirdly interesting which was to link arms together. The trio seemed to stretch out in a single line, all hand in hand together, and then started to spin around, with one of the ones on the end acting as the axis of rotation. The tornado step trio flung themselves at Stratos, and he was somewhat confused as to how he was supposed to deal with this. So instead, he cast aero on himself and held his guard stance firm. While the first hit was blocked rather easily, what happened next was a bit unexpected. The one he had just blocked had let go of the chain, and the other two had continued spinning at him. The second one to hit aimed low, sweeping Stratos's feet out from underneath him. The third one then followed this up with a hard smack, launching Stratos away.

    The chain reformed and started to spin towards Stratos once more, only for him to not want to deal with that trio barrage attack again. As the group was flinging themselves at him, Stratos simply disappeared from where he was, and in an instant was on the opposite side of the chain. While still in mid flight, the middle link of the chain suddenly had a large slash mark appear on it, causing it to explode into a puff of darkness. The other two tornado steps that were connect to it simply got launched to the side and flew straight into the crocodile heartless. In the act of killing two birds with one stone, or four birds with two stones, the collision caused both the crocodiles and the tornado steps to explode into a large cloud of darkness, thus making their numbers thin out more, though not enough to be completely done with this. Getting prepped to go to work once more, Stratos casually tossed a mini sun into the large gaping maw of a hearpo that had tried to get the jump on him. Needless to say, the heartless did not last long at all, as it was engulfed in a large ball of solar fire.

    613 Words, 30 EXP
    Total EXP: 210 EXP
    Total Munny: 210 Munny
    Break Even Point: 11/34

  16. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Taking to the skies on his demonic looking wings, Beuce had been out of the direct fight for most of the battle, unable to be reached in the air above. Outside of casting thunder on Glen, Beuce hadn't really done much but just kinda sit up in the air, watching the fight take place. Why he hadn't done anything, well, that could be for some deep strategic reason. Maybe he was waiting for the right moment to take out a huge mass of heartless all at once. After all, a bird's eye view was the best advantage, and if there was one person among the party who could probably pull off a strategy like that, it was Beuce. Now, while this was a possibility, it was in fact not the case. He looked down onto the battlefield, trying to figure out which hippos were heartless, and which were not. The difference in colors didn't make any difference to Beuce. The man was color blind. A bead of sweat ran down his forehead. Not to mention, he'd been drinking along with Glen, so he was a bit out of it. Speaking of Glen...He had the alcohol! You know what solved color blindness? More alcohol! Pointing his finger at his comrade, Glen was instantly frozen in place, unable to move.

    Flying down to him, Beuce snatched the bottle out of his hand. Lifting up his mask, he revealed that his skin was an extremely pale purple and he had a tattoo over his right eye, leading off underneath his hair. Gulping down a good amount of the bottle's contents, he put it back into its owner's hand and gave him a pat on the back. "Whew, thanks for that. Walk in Azphel's shadow, Glen." Beuce, having had his fill of drink for the moment, unfroze Glen and took to the skies once more. "Aether's Hold!" Swiping his hand, a wave of crocodiles were hoisted into the air with a Graviga spell. God, he loved high level magic. It was so overpowered. As the heartless crocodiles levitated in the air, utterly helpless, he prepared another barrage of spells for them. Bolts of lightning arcing from his hand, Beuce fired three shots of energy at each one. The blast of power did visible damage, leaving burn marks on their bodies. Raising his hand, a purple and black ball of energy formed into Beuce's hand. This would be the blow to finish them. Thrusting his hand down, a wave of gravity crushed down onto them. Under the massive weight, they crumbled away into clouds of darkness.

    Now, as cool as that little combination was, it drained the absolute hell out of his MP. If he was going to do much more in this fight, he would need to regain it. A small blue light appeared beside him. Grabbing it, he spun in a circle and hurled it at the nearest heartless. During flight, it transformed into an ethereal blade. Stabbing into a nearby tornado step, it accomplished two things. The first being killing the heartless outright. The second being that after the sword connected, it burst into blue particles and traveled back into its caster. It amazed him how similar techniques were on his world to those outside of it. Most things he could do, he knew on his homeworld by a different name. Raising his hand, a glowing rune appeared above his head momentarily. Magnify. On his world, he knew it as Zikel's wisdom. Although, it seemed rather than slightly increasing the power of all his attacks for a short time, he'd managed to compress it all into a single strike. If he'd learned how to do that on Atreia, it would've been incredibly handy. Nevertheless, he launched a Firaga, instantly decimating one of the nearby hippos. His teammates had done their jobs well. There weren't many heartless left at this point, and those that were Beuce took out with little difficulty. As a blizzara shot struck into a tornado step, all the heartless had been cleared out. He would've clapped his hands together but...yeah.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2015
  17. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Calxiyn felt herself shake as they watched the scene unfold in front of them. She hated fire. It made her cringe and she always had afraid of it. She was feeling a sense of anxiety fill her as she was forced to watch the chaos. "Wow, Mickey was really brave." Cailyn said to herself. "He must have nerves of steel. I don't know if I'd be able to do that." She crossed her arms. She turned to D'daer. "I think the memory windows are really cool... but the actual memory are really scary." She moved the hair out of her face. "I'm actually kind of curious to see what else has happened."
  18. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Aden raised an eyebrow at the memory as it played, the general mood seeming altogether too jolly for its subject--Mickey and several others trying to stop a fire. (This must be what D'daear was talking about when he mentioned firefighters earlier,) he mused. It was actually preventing him from getting too worried about what was happening, which he couldn't decide was good or bad.

    By the end, he was a little miffed. "...That's it?" he said. "I... It's great that Mickey saved Minnie, but... What about the other people in the building? The fire is still going, too. Why is he suddenly done now that Minnie is safe?" He felt quite vindicated when D'daear expressed a similar dissatisfaction. "I'm almost agreeing with Pete's description of him as irresponsible or lazy, even if he does care about others..."
  19. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Luna thanked Aden and listened as he introduced himself. After a couple brief moments, Luna realized the battle was over and no skeletons were in sight. "About time!" Luna walked back to the group as another window appeared. She remained silent as she watched. Luna listened as the others gave their opinion. "If it were me in Mickey's shoes, I would save Minnie too but I still wanna save all the other people trapped in there if there are any more people to rescue." Luna grabbed her necklace as memories of her home came flooding back.

    Luna looked toward the other windows. Two windows remained in front of the group. The window with a cannon and the window with a girder were left. "Two windows left guys! Which one next guys?" Luna walked toward the window with the girder on it. "How about this window?"
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2015
  20. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008

    Mickey and company took the carriage safely back to the opera house in time to return Princess Minnie to her affairs. With Goofy on the reigns, and Donald and Mickey at the rear, the rest of the keybladers were made to walk, but to stick together so a repeat of last time would least likely happen.
    "Alright princess, we made it back in time for the show!" Goofy gleefully announced, tipping his hat. Mickey was the first to hop off and open the door for her esteemed royal highness.
    "Here you are princess! We're sorry we got you kidnapped... and caged... and almost locked away forever..." Donald admitted.
    "Well, the important thing is you did your duty. Your country thanks you all very much!" Minnie thanked. "You are all very brave."
    As she exited the carriage being escorted out by Goofy, a skinny, golden yellow dog came running along and barked happily at the sight of Mickey.
    "Pluto! D'aww, did you wait here for us all this time?" Pluto barked back before licking his face. "Aww, thata boy! This is my dog Pluto! I don't think you've all met yet!" Pluto barked and ran around, sniffing to get a better idea of who they were. He stopped when he got to Ananta and growled viciously. "Pluto! They helped us out! So be nice." He stopped growling and nodded, but kept a watchful eye on the girl. "Hehe, maybe you just smell funny to him?" Donald suggested.

    "Well, now that the princess is back, we can get back to our royal duty. Cap'n Pete said we should keep watch when the Opera is goin' on!"
    "Great memory Goofy! Guess that means the eight of us can split up and-"
    "Bark! Bark!"
    "Hehe, right. The NINE of us can split up and take a hall. But first we've got to deliver the Princess to Pete..."
    Minnie stepped close to Mickey and blushed. "I was hoping if maybe... you and I could... walk to him together. Just the two of us..."
    "Ohh.. Umm... As you wish princess!" Mickey replied, saluting her. He tried his best to remain professional, when in reality, he was quite flustered. As per Minnie's request, the two walked into the opera hall with the eight remaining left to decide.

    "Hmmm, well it seems Pluto's really attached to Anant'er over there, so I guess they'll take the South side!" Goofy decided as Pluto growled heavily at her. "Aww, he really likes you! Who will you patrol with Donald?" The Duck looked across the four other musketeers, and locked onto Steel. "Steel looks dangerous- I mean a good partner!" While he was just looking for the person who could keep him most safe, something about Steel seemed familiar to him...

    "Alrighty, Guess I'll go with Kel to the East, and Kross and Raisor can take the North!"
    Everyone had a partner and were free to patrol the grounds for any bad guys whilst Mickey escorted the Princess back to Pete.
    "You sure I don't know you from somwheres?" Goofy asked to Kel.

    North Side > Kross and Raisor
    West Side > Donald and Steel
    East Side > Goofy and Kel
    South Side > Ananta and Pluto



    Base leveled up! (24)
    Karina leveled up! (26)

    A bright light shined as the fifth musical note was received.
    To their surprise, the group was not brought back to the castle, but to a dark mountain that overlooked a small village below.
    "Fellas.. are you there?" Mickey's voice called out. "Where'd ya go? The light was supposed to bring you back, but it looks like a stronger force brought you to a different world!"
    Mickey flipped the pages back at the tower and scratched his head. "I.. don't see anything like it in the book. But be careful everyone. I don't like the looks of this place."
    Surrounding the bald mountains, were dancing and crawling demons of three different varieties; Imp demons, which were the smallest with pitchforks, Horned demons, which were human sized with wings, and Brute demons, which towered over 6 feet, with broad back and heavy fists. Whatever they were doing seemed like a ritual to bring something to life. They were also terrorizing everything and anything that went near them.

    This world was different from the others, and there was something very unsettling about this world... Something... Dark.




    Rain leveled up! (20)

    As Joceline pulled the next string, the six keyblade wielders were transported to a scaffolding building where hammer head heartless were knocking down the structure of the entire building! Luckily no one was actually inside, but the structure was falling with every smash of their hammering heads.
    "Heartless? Here!" Hikaru cried out. The skeletons they fought before seemed like they came from this world, but these were definitely heartless.
    "They're gonna knock the whole thing down! We've gotta stop them before they get the chance!"