In The Times Of Fairy Tails

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Calxiyn, Oct 24, 2014.

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  1. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Once the door was completely open and all Veilen saw was a green box. That was it, just a single green box was in the room. Nothing more, nothing else. That was certainly was a let down. However that disappointment was soon turned into confusion as a blindly light appeared before him. The light got more intense and Veilen shielded his eyes. "Maybe this box was as disappointing as I -" His words were interrupted once he realized that he was back at the guild.

    "Never mind." The box was still just as disappointing as it was before. More importantly it appeared that he wasn't the only one to be brought back to the guild for as he looked around he could clearly see that others were appearing here. What more was that there seemed to be an injured man here that he didn't recognize at all. What what the man, who introduced himself to be Caleb, had said he was a part of their guild just a late entry. That and he also had a message for the guild master. Veilen couldn't help but to be curious about what this message was.

    Zwei had barely gotten half way to the rack room before he was blinded by the bright light that soon engulfed him. The light had faded and he found himself back at the guild along with what appeared to be an injured man and the other members. Was the message that Caleb had mention so important that they all had to be in attendance for or was there some other reason for them all to be recalled back to the guild.
  2. al215 Kingdom Keeper

    May 29, 2013

    The fire spirit reared itself up again to face the next wave of guild members. He gathered the winds around him and prepared to blast it, but then the light came. This was a rare occurrence, and he immediately felt worried. What could be so concerning that Evanora would just teleport us like this? The process was over quickly. He soon found himself standing in the guild hall. He cut off his magic and observed the situation.
    "Evanora what is the meaning of this exactly?" Caliborn asked, perhaps a little sharply. He wasn't fond of leaving in the middle of a job, let alone removing the curse on the house of a few people with no magic capabilities at all. Afterwards he'd go back alone and deal with the problem. Only when they had dealt with whatever Evanora had called them back for. Looking at the room he did see a new person standing there. Judging by the situation, it looked to him as if it was something to do with this new person. Although his questions were soon answered.
    "Dark Guilds..." Caliborn muttered. Raising his voice, he addressed the black clad man. "Whatever this message is, you can speak it to the guild. This concerns all of us."


    Dale glowered at the room after the teleportation had completed itself. What the hell are we doing back here? There's a job to do! Something's wrong here! What is it? His questions would soon be answered. Undoubtedly this person would answer to Caliborn, even though he was presumptuous enough to demand Evanora first. Which brought him to wonder- What did Evanora know about this? She evidently seemed to know something otherwise they wouldn't have been called back. Was this black jacketed guy part of one of Evanora's plans or something, or could she just read minds? Maybe he missed something before he was brought back. Either way, something wasn't right and Dark Guilds were involved. Hell, this guy could even belong to one, he damn right looked like it, but one couldn't judge off the way one dresses. Or could they? Maybe...


    "Johanna, what about Leon?" Alessia asked immediately as they arrived. "We can't just leave the Pastor and the cathedral to deal with that alone, they'll need our help won't they?" She was conflicted on importances here. She wanted to help Leon and the Pastor, yet there had to be something important going on. The very mention of Dark Guilds sent chills down her spine. She didn't know too much about those, but she had heard stories of them and they were almost always never good ones. What could they possibly be doing to cause such a recall?
  3. Swordsman_John Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 19, 2014
    Amanda Quition banner.png
    Amanda Pov: Was it over, or were they going back to that place?

    Jack Rincewind banner.png
    Jacks pov: How dare Evanora do this send them all back, "Caliborn we need to go back, that firey thing what ever it was is a danger", he was annoyed at Evanora, she must not care about the well being of people who asked them for help, maybe she only cares about the guild. "Caliborn I will gladly go back with you". He could tell he wanted to go back.
  4. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female

    Evanora nodded to the others. "I am sorry to have to pull you from your Jobs, I have another Guild covering them right now as we speak. Please do not worried, the people you were helping will be just fine."

    "Caleb." She pondered the name. "Ah yes I remember. I am he Guild Master Evanora Vermilion. Please, tell us all why you have come here in such haste." She said. She couldn't hide her worry from the others. She was always so calm and collected, keeping the mystery's of magic to herself. But now you could see her worry in her eyes, and how stressed she really was.
  5. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Guild hall:

    Ander baner.png

    Ander's Pov:
    "I guess we will talk later Alessia" He then put a hand on her shoulder. Then took it off with a smile. "I will find a way to help Leon Alessia a child deservers help. All do" He then walked away.
    Alessia seemed busy at the moment so he thought he would have a look around the guild hall.
    He was not to happy about being back to the guild hall.
    What Was Evanora thinking bringing them all back to the guild the pour children.
    Were they not good enough to get the job done they must not be if Evanora was bringing them back.
    Evanora had to bring to a other guild to get the job done that is what Evanora thought for the guilds skills.
    How sad was that.
    Well nothing could be done about that but she was wrong.
    Well still no friends nothing new.
    No one wanted to talk to him nothing new there.
    He walked up to a girl with white hair (Skadi)
    He stood by her. "Something is not right with this" Well he did not know what else to say so just stood there.

    Child's play:

    Sara banner.png

    Sara's pov:
    Sara body was surrounded by light and her body disappeared back to the guild hall.
    In her not awake state she was running.
    What happened to that house who knew. Someone had to but something she may never know.
    Fire, death, heat. Fire will hurt all.
    How much would Sara have suffer all she was trying to do was get by.
    Was that so much to ask.
    She would guess so.
    Nothing was right but everything seemed to have a calming effect.
    Sara never hurt anyone to that one day. Well maybe she did but was she different now or would it always be the same.
    Sara stayed away from people so she would not hurt them.
    Sara was more afraid of herself then the people.
    She did not have a lot of experience with people. This is why she stayed away more then anything.

    Guild hall:

    Sara banner.png

    Sara's pov:
    Sara's body lay on the floor of the guild hall. No injuries were present just she was unconscious.
    She keep running in her mind she saw a light in her dream like state.
    Fire will undo all.
    Fire ruined her life. That house did she burn it down like the girl said or was there something more.
    There was always something more to a story.
    She could not remember what happened.
    What did happen? One day she would find out.
    Fire.... this was the last think she thought
    Then she was in a room still dreaming.
    What was that light was it fire?
    No it was different she was not afraid it called to her not like the calling of fire. It was a different call.
    Unsure were she was she stared looking around...
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2014
  6. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Caleb slowly got up. "Well first, I think this girl here has done more than enough to help, and needs to take a break" Caleb said, gesturing towards Silvia, who had seemed to disregard him telling her to stop. "Shortly, I heard news of a dark guild rising rapidly in strength, and I went to stop it" the man continued. He remained quiet for a moment before looking at the ground, almost in shame, and continuing. "I...was unable to stop them. I tried, but..they use magic unlike anything I've ever seen. I was lucky to escape with my life, and even that wasn't due to my own skill. They gave me the wounds I arrived with, as well as a message. However, I have yet to see the man that they.." Caleb said, before only now noticing the individual known as Ra.

    Moving with surprising speed given his injuries, Caleb raced forward and gripped the cloth at the front of Ra's armour. He was surprised he hadn't noticed him earlier, it was very hard to miss a man standing there in a golden bird suit, but that didn't matter. Caleb had a message to convey. "This guy right here, he's the reason I was sent here" Caleb said rather quietly. "A battle is coming, and no easy one at that. A wizard with unparalleled strength who is no longer mortal, but has become magic itself. He has no physical body, and the power he commands is unstoppable. He is coming to destroy this guild and anyone else who stands in his way, and the reason he has chosen this particular guild over all others" the man explained, before glaring at Ra, "is standing right in front of all of us" he spat. "Now why don't you explain who Ezekiel is, and how the hell we are going to stop him" he finished, delivering the message he had been sent to convey.
  7. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Ra was somewhat surprised when Caleb grabbed the front of his armor. Evanora had said that he came to deliver a message. Right from the moment he'd heard the message had to do with him specifically, he had a fear of what it was. With each word that came out of the boy's mouth, the realization of the fear only grew higher and higher. A man who was no longer mortal, but had become magic itself...There was only one person that could be describing. He knew who it was, but the mention of his name sent Ra into a cold sweat. His breath grew heavy. "Ezekiel..." He repeated. "He is a madman. So obsessed with power that all reason is lost upon him. He sought to obtain power beyond reckoning, and succeeded long ago. Once, he was my brother. Now, there is nothing left of the man i knew. If he truly does seek to wage war with us..." He turned to the S-class wizards, looking between each of them. Finally, his gaze rested on Evanora. "He has set his sights on this guild. If i thought leaving would grant you safety, i wouldn't hesitate. However, there is no reasoning with this man. His mind is clouded. He is drunk with the power he has attained. You've claimed Sapphire Eclipse to be the strongest guild. For everyone's sake, i hope you meant it." Ra finished. No sooner had he finished speaking, an inhuman voice echoed through the guild hall. It was deep and layered. Looking at the source of it, Ra's heart burned with rage.

    "I see the scars i left on your mind have not faded, my brother. Good. I expected nothing less from one of my witnesses." The figure which stood in the doorway was far from human. Unimaginable amounts of arcane energy compressed itself into a humanoid figure. The amount of power that composed this man's very being was awe inspiring. Behind him stood four mages, who stood silent. Thus far, they'd said nothing. Only Ezekiel was speaking. The sound of metal clanging against stone reverberated throughout the room as Ra tore off his helmet, meeting the eyes of this new arrival.

    "You are no brother of mine, betrayer!" Ra's deep red eyes were filled with the fires of hate as he glared at Ezekiel. He marched up to him, and met his gaze head on. There was silence between the two for a moment as Ra stood unflinching in the face of Ezekiel.

    "It would seem i was mistaken. Your memory is not as accurate as i had believed. It is not I who is the betrayer, but you."

    "You turned your back on me! You sacrificed your pride, your humanity, your family, everything! When i refused to follow in your footsteps, you threw me away along with it."

    "Have you forgotten why i did it as well? You shared the same dream as I. To become the strongest in the world. I have achieved this, but you let fear stop you. You abandoned the path halfway through the journey, and are lost without a reason."

    "No, Ezekiel...The road split at that moment. You took the shortsighted path to the destination, which will only bring you ruin. I have walked the other path. When i arrive, you will find yourself surpassed by the one you thought to have left behind."

    "It would take only a spark of my magic to end you." Ezekiel spoke as though it should be obvious, yet the man in front of him was not able to comprehend it. Should no one intervene, it was likely he would attack Ra right then and there, before moving onto the rest of the guild.

  8. mindstorm787 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 18, 2013

    (I just hope this is good. Beuce kinda put me in a bit of a position.)
    A lone figure was walking right up to the guild center of Sapphire Eclipse, head lowered in thinking. He carried very little, just a suitcase and what looked to be a strange-looking cyan flail of some kind, shouldered to his back. He had come after searching far and wide for the right guild, and recent rumors and guides led him right here. as he stood at the front door, he heard slight bickering, and what felt a faint but strong magic presence. The magic presence however, can mean just about anything from how many powerful guild wizards or warriors were in there to the fact that someone had cast a teleportation spell. Or something. Not that Leviathan knew, nor did he seem to care.

    After standing at the doorway for about another minute, he pushed open the doors into the guild..........
    Right into Ezekiel. Leviathan stood there, just in time to see Ra arguing to his 'brother'. Just daisy.

    "No, Ezekiel...The road split at that moment. You took the shortsighted path to the destination, which will only bring you ruin. I have walked the other path. When i arrive, you will find yourself surpassed by the one you thought to have left behind."
    "It would take only a spark of my magic to end you."

    He sighed, then cleared his throat to Ra before speaking low, but loud enough, "Yo. I hate to be the rude, but I think that there is a time and a place to settle....whatever it is you're talking about??"
    He bumped right past Ezekiel, and stood in front of the him and Ra. His hand moved to his back, grabbing the hilt of his strange-looking flail.
    "As a matter of fact, I think that you both have plenty of catching up to do. But not in front of me, and not now. I've been fighting all the way here, and I'd like some rest. So if either of you don't mind, I'd suggest you both cool it."
    Leviathan wasn't kidding about fighting all the way to Sapphire Eclipse. He had a run-in with a couple of bandits, and they just didn't want to take naps. Leviathan
    sported a couple of bruises and scratches. All in all? Leviathan may have been ready to get some actual rest, but if there would be a fight, he would make sure that it was settled. He hated to miss one.
  9. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    As Veilen listen to what Caleb was saying, he was experiencing a mix of emotions. On one hand part of him was somewhat excited about there being another guild looking for a fight, but the more cautious side of him was concerned about what this guild was capable of. Judging from the wounds that Caleb had, they had to be quite powerful which only served to further mix up his emotions. The next thing that stuck out to him was when Caleb had approached Ra and questioned him.

    It was then that Ra proceeded to explain things that tied into his past, though it mainly pertain to his brother and how he was the one who was looking to challenge the guild. That was followed by a sight that Veilen has never seen before. It was a being a of pure energy standing at the door. Was this was he did to attain power? Sure having power is good and all, but there's a point where you've pretty much gone off the deep end and this looked to be it if not close enough.

    The verbal back and forth of the two brothers soon came to an end with things taking a tense turn. That was when Veilen brandished his sword and stood in front of Ra. Despite how it would look to others, he was actually being fairly cautious in this situation. If Ezekiel had come alone and was human, then odds were more likely that Veilen would've rushed him. Since he's never punched a being a pure energy and would like to not lose an arm, assuming that would be what happened. "I'm probably not the best judge of this, but barging in and threating out guild seems like more than enough reason for someone else to get involved." He said, just as someone else had just strolled into the guild. Well, least he seemed to be on their side.
  10. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    It was fairly possible that had Leviathan not walked into the room at that very instant, Ra would have been reduced to ashes. However, the nonchalant way he brushed past Ezekiel was not something many would be able to pull off. The man had courage, there was no question about that. Courage, or unimaginable stupidity. Which it was would never be known. However, he'd succeeded in turning Ezekiel's wrath away from Ra for the time being. The arcane being stared at him, unable to comprehend the insolence displayed by the new entry. "You would command me? I would ask your name, but you won't live long enough to be remembered." With that, it seemed Ezekiel had decided to end him then and there. Raising a blue hand, crackling with power. Ra's swift action saved Leviathan's life in turn for saving his. A moment before the energy was released, Ra swung his staff, hitting against the stone plate on his arm which contained his form from destroying everything in the area.

    It only knocked it off course slightly, but it was enough to miss Leviathan. A beam of power emerged from Ezekiel, obliterating everything in its path. Tables were ripped asunder, the floor beneath it was scorched black, and the wall it hit was completely reduced to ashes. The shock wave of the blast may well have blown its target off his feet, but he would live. However, Ra had succeeded in reclaiming the position of his target. "Your bravery is admirable, but has earned you your death. There will be nothing left to bury."
  11. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    All the S-Class Members, though obviously shocked, collectively ran towards the Beast of a Man in front of them while their Guild Master protected the other Members.


    "Requip! Morning Star Armor!" Cass yelled. Suddenly the Purple Haired prophet changed from her skirt and tights into armor, which seems to be mainly composed of a leather-like material, sported many feather-shaped decorations, including a short cape, the pauldrons protruding from under it, and the cloth circling her waist, held up by a simple belt on the front. She doned a one piece suit, and with high-heeled armored greaves with large knee guards covering her calves. Her arms were heavily armored as well. Her hair was now styled in tangled buns on top of her head. "Sword Requip! Photon Slicer!" She was armed with a pair of simple swords with cross-shaped hand-guards, getting larger near the edges, and blades which seem to lack the standard cutting edges. As she rushed towards him, she flung at him an energy blast.


    "Sky Dragon, Troia!" Caliborn shouted as he generated a sphere of energy between his hands and then through it towards the monster.


    Mikasa watched as Caliborn went into the battle and suddenly felt a fiercer sense of loyalty to the Guild. She wouldn't let this man destroy it. "Satan Soul!" She screamed. Mikasa eyes became much darker, and her eyelashes grew larger, with a dark thin marking in a light zigzag-style crossing her right eye; similar markings are presented on her chest and on both of her bare thighs. Her hair became wilder, jutting upwards and getting curlier, and her ears enlarge, extending backwards, and gained pointed edges. She had sharp canine teeth, and her lips became covered in dark lipstick. Her forearms and hands receive noticeable changes, becoming covered in scales and each sprouting a fin-like protrusion on its outer side. Mikasa also grew a large, stocky tail seemingly made of metal plates or scales, getting smaller and smaller near its end. She now wore dark,one-piece suit revealing her arms and legs, which is open on the front and the back, exposing most of her stomach, and upper back too. Such cloth has lighter-colored edges taking on spiky shapes, and a similarly spiky collar is tied around the neck by a cravat tie.
    Her shoulders were tied in thin belts protruding from her one-piece suit, and her feet were covered by matching, high-heeled thigh-high boots, which are decorated by lighter motifs on their upper parts, taking on the shapes of jagged blades pointing downwards on the front of her legs, and on the lower parts, in correspondence to her ankles and feet. She also donned a pair of gauntlets covering the back parts of her transformed arms. She sported wings on her back, and flew towards Ezkeil with her immense strength.


    "Earth Magic! Iron Rock Fist!" Edric
    yelled, late to the party. He sculpted a gigantic fist from the ground and threw it at his target.
  12. sportfreak22 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 20, 2014
    Somewhere on a Basketball Court
    //Guild Hall//

    After that short lived mission full of sassy insults and boob flashing, Scarlett was surprised to be back at the guild. She stood near the center of the clustered group, observing everything with an annoyed look on her face. So apparently this Caleb guy is here to tell us were all doomed? Seems like some stupid prank to me.

    Well, at least it seemed like a prank until that weird demon spirit magic dude showed up. Scarlett slid her bow off her back, silently nocking an arrow as she evaluated this possible threat. This continued for a few moments and all they had accomplished was listening to bird man and spirit dude bicker back and forth. Ugh.
    "So is someone going to explain what the hell is going on? Or are you two pathetic people just going to keep arguing about who stole the others juice box in daycare?" She yelled out, a sassy yet firm tone echoing through each word.

    Well, she got her answer soon enough. Some sort of laser beam thing shot through the room, causing Scarlett to drop to the floor quickly. She balanced on her toes in a squatting position, trying to determine what the heck was happening.
  13. mindstorm787 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 18, 2013
    "You would command me? I would ask your name, but you won't live long enough to be remembered."
    "Oh, you want my name? Sorry, but I don't date anyone from work. Or give my name to any creepy guys with forbidden hocus-pocus. It's not that I'm gay, it's just that--"
    Leviathan was more or less prepared when Ezekiel fired his mumbo-jumbo beam of magic, but it was still enough for him to tilt his body to one side. He had lost count of how many times he had cheated death just by being ignorant, but that was just a part of him. Thankfully, Ra had done part of the work of the blast missing. Leviathan was more or less point-blank.

    "Your bravery is admirable, but has earned you your death. There will be nothing left to bury."

    As he regained his footing, he first turned a head back on Ezekiel,
    "Oh boy, I'm shaking. Are you gonna put flowers on my grave when you're quite finished, considering we've never had a decent date? Buttmunch.
    He turned his head to Ra,
    "Thanks, bird-brain, really appreciate the saving. Honest." No one could tell whether he was being sarcastic. Just as Leviathan had had finished his sentence, what seemed to be the S-Class wizards started taking battle stances, and Leviathan needed to move again just in time to dodge Mikasa, who seemed a lot friendlier than this Ezekiel dude. He shrugged, then detached his flail from his back, making it click in his hand. The head of the weapon fell to the floor with a metallic 'clang', connected to it's hilt by a chain, charged with electricity.
    "Ok, let's try this again." Leviathan said to Ezekiel, his bored face turning to a glare, "Do you want to try your luck at us?"

  14. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    The S-class members had sprung into action, while the rest of the guild was protected by its master. They all went to attack Ezekiel. Yet none of the four mages standing behind him moved to help him. They simply stood there, watching the situation with varied expressions. They simply let Ezekiel handle it. Each of the S-class members approached him with a different method of attack. Requip, Dragon Slayer, Take-Over, and Earth Magic it seemed were what he was up against.

    "Ascension, Locus of Power."

    The stone pieces which gave him a relatively human shape blew away from him as the words were spoken. They now orbited the arcane being in a large sphere around him, revealing his true arcane form more clearly. It was less humanoid now, and lacking any sort of face. Instead it was merely the vague shape of a human. "You may stare...But your mind may collapse!" The ground beneath him within the sphere created by the stones cracked and broke apart. Bright blue energy spewed forth from the partings of the ground and collected into Ezekiel. "Mage Chains." Spectral chains of energy wrapped around Mikasa, however they did not restrict her movement. "Shocking orb." An orb of what seemed to be electricity emerged from his "palm" and flew toward Caliborn, breaking through his wind and striking him. On contact, it exploded and sent electricity spiraling throughout his nervous system, temporarily disabling his motor functions.

    Next came Cassandra. "Eye of destruction." Magical power gathered overhead and delayed for a moment before condensing into a column and creating a large explosion on the ground, blowing the purple haired woman back. Finally was Edric. He'd been the last to arrive, and the last to fall. A beam of energy, not unlike the one he'd tried to kill Leviathan with charged in his hand. Only this time, it was empowered by his locus of power. Charging it further, it grew in size and power. "Arcanopulse!" Ezekiel yelled. Right as Edric was about to make contact with him, he loosed the beam. This time, it collided head on with Edric's chest. The man went flying back, slamming into the barrier that protected the rest of the guild.

    With Edric down, it was time to finish the fight. Ezekiel loosed his final attack on the wizards. "Rite of the Arcane!" At the wizards, Ezekiel fired three shots which traveled at breakneck speeds toward them. They were small, but the amount of energy condensed into those shots was unfathomable. The first two collided with Cassandra and Caliborn, while the third headed for the demon, Mikasa. Mikasa, who had previously been dealt no apparent harm, suffered the worst of this particular attack. As the energy made contact with the translucent chains around her, both of them ignited into a spiral of power around her.

    Ending his barrage of spells, the stone pieces collected once more around the monstrosity.

    Ra could only watch, helpless behind the protection of Evanora's barrier as Ezekiel defeated all four of the S-class wizards which challenged him. His brother's power had grown unimaginably since last they met. He wasn't even sure the magic council would be able to stop him at this point. Their only hope would be to defeat him with the help of Evanora. However, he wasn't the only one they had to worry about. Those four behind him...There was no doubt they were powerful forces, else he wouldn't keep them in his presence.

    "Hoooohee girl you shoulda been a tank. You got a knack for pissin' off baddies. You'd draw the aggro somethin' fierce." Beucette said in a friendly tone, putting her arm around Scarlett in a playful manner. Apparently she'd forgotten that she hated her five minutes ago. "Well, that there's an ass whoopin' if i ever saw one." She commented in regards to the battle against Ezekiel.

    "The courage of your comrades has presented me with a thought. I will give you a choice. I will leave this guild hall, and destroy it from a distance. That much is assured. However, the delay will give you all a chance to escape. I will allow you to flee, and live on as witnesses to the events of today, but you must leave these four here. Should you choose otherwise...You are welcome to attempt to face me. Should you make it through my generals, you will have earned the right to challenge me for the right to live. The choice is simple. Flee and live on, or stand and fight, and die by my hand." With that, Ezekiel exited the guild hall and proceeded down the street until a veiw of the horizon came into sight. In the distance, a horrific abomination could be seen rising from the ocean Ezekiel created with his ability to **** that area in particular. A writhin mass of bones and sinew carried atop it an enormous fortress. The guild hall of Magus Ascension.

    "Master, what are your orders?" Asked one of the four mages who accompanied him. He had a hood up, so his face was hard to see, but his skin was completely grey, and he carried an orb with him.

    "Send the weakest guild members at them first. They will make certain of their choice, and die along with the guild hall. After that, Orpheus, you can salvage their ashes and transform them into wisps."
  15. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female

    She stopped the barrier, and finally collapsed. onto the ground. "You must all think of a plan." She pleaded. "Johanna, Dale, you must lead these people." She told them. She was obviously weakened, not only by the energy it took for a barrier but also from seeing her children beaten.

    "We won't let you down Evanora." She said. "We can't just give up and leave our friends here like this, we have to fight. If you want to Protect the Guild Hall, come and see me. If you wish to Storm the Enemy Guild Hall, then follow Dale. We have to put aside our differences and get moving."
  16. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Silvia was having trouble concentrating on her healing it began to waver as Caleb had told her again that she had done enough and needed to rest. Silvia almost stumbled as she backed off and soon took a seat on the bench. Silvia tried to relax but still had a nagging feeling that she hadn't done enough, that she needed to do more. All she had the energy to do at this moment was watch as Caleb walked up and started yelling at Ra. Ra had taken it pretty well, until someone else entered that was. It seemed to be his not so nice brother and some of his lackeys. There was talk about destruction. This was not what Silvia expected when joining the guild. "I-I want to go home..." She quietly whimpered.

    Not long after all the talking and small displays of power which only pushed Silvia farther back into her protective shell, some of the S-class members stepped forward to fight while the guild master, Evanora created a protective barrier to protect all the weaker ones like her. Silvia hated having to sit there and watch as the members got beaten down, but there was not much she could do about it even if she could get to them. Silvia was in horror at the beating they where taking and even more so in the words that Ezekiel spoke after. He was going to destroy them? He gave them a choice but it was a horrible choice. Silvia didn't know what to do now.

    As the barrier was let down the group was given two options, one to stay back and protect the guild hall, the other to attack theirs. Silvia thought of her two options then looked at the defeated guild member.
    "I am staying.... Let me heal them." Silvia said running past Johanna and to her fallen comrades. She knelt over Mikasa still not feeling at full strength and prepared herself to heal once more. She was not going to stand back and watch while others where injured, no matter what it took, how much of her limited supply of magic energy it took.
    Thomas had no idea what was actually going on. He was staring at Silvia most of the time. However when the kind of threatening guy walked in Thomas's focus switched, not to him but a pretty black haired lady behind him. A smirk appeared on his face as he began to think of how he could flirt with her, this thought process however was halted when he came to the conclusion that he wouldn't be able to talk to her yet, not when it seemed like a battle was pending. That was alright he was patient.

    Thomas watched his guildmates get defeated without blinking believing them just to be inferior to him. He could have beaten that dude no problem, so when the question was posed where they would go Thomas took no time picking up his gun and rushing to Dales side.
    "YES! I didn't get to finish my last fight. This will be fun... And perhaps the foxy lady will be there too. Lets go!" Thomas shouted ready to head out the door.

    Thea had followed behind Ezekiel silently her hands clasped behind her back swaying slightly. Her long golden hair was half way down her long floor length dress she wore. Out of Ezekiel's four elites she was definitely the most out of place and the youngest at the age of twelve. Before going she had been told to stay quiet and not do anything unless he told her to do something. Thea could manage that one, she was a quiet girl after all. Her eyes wondered the room looking at all the angry, horrified, and uncertain faces, it almost made her uncomfortable. Ezekiel had ensured her what they where doing was going to benefit many in some way or another, but a part of her still thought it seemed wrong. Thea stood in silence as Ezekiel fought, looking at the other members at times to see what they where doing and how they reacted. For the most part they where perfectly still and professional like. Thea attempted to mimic them how ever would quickly begin to fidget once more. Even if silence was a strong suite stillness wasn't.

    After they left the guild hall Thea walked up beside Ezekiel.
    "Are you sure this is the right thing? Those people didn't look that bad, although they where weak. Do they really deserve to be destroyed?" The young girl asked in a slightly worried tone. Thea didn't often doubt Ezekiel but sometimes looking at the faces of those she had to destroy, or any of them really made her question. But then again Ezekiel gave her everything when she had nothing so why should she doubt him. He had become the only family she had.
  17. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female

    "Alright guys listen up." Dale started. "It's time to get down to business, from what I can tell there are enemies at the front of the gates, and probably even inside the Guild Hall. We should split up into groups. One stays and deals with the enemies at the front of the Enemy Guild Hall, and then the others go through the doors and attack from the inside. There are 10 of us all together, I'll be bouncing from either group but if you need me I can be summoned." He explained. "Now let's get out there and do this for our Guild."
  18. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Whether it was luck or not remains in question, but the new did had indeed managed to take attention away from Ra and himself. At first part of him was relived for he still didn't know what to fully expect when he decided to stand between Ezekiel and Ra. He soon found out when the attack that was meant for Leviathan was deflected by Ra and in standard anime fashion, had flew past his head. The blast wasn't close enough to cause anything to him, but it still left him shocked.

    Looking behind him to see all of the damage that the attack had done definitely didn't help ease the shock that he was feeling. In short, everything that the beam had hit had turned to ash. Which also mean that the attack would've gone through Leviathan, himself and quite possibly Ra and then destroyed all of the chairs and tables behind them. One the bright side, Veilen was right about him losing an arm if he was dumb enough to try and punch Ezekiel. The S-class wizards then decided to step in and try to face the mass of energy before them, but despite all of their powers it took little effort on Ezekiel part to take them down.

    Now that the S-class wizard were defeated, the man er being responsible for it left their guild, leaving them a last warning before he did. Leave their guild and live or be destroyed along with it. To him neither of those options were good. Call it reckless if you want, but right now he was up for a fight. His moved his sword back down ot his sword, but his grip on the handle gradually got tighter and tighter, showing his frustrations at what had just happened.


    While Zwei had be quiet after everyone had been transported back to the guild hall, he still shared the interest in Caleb's message. However during the event that had followed, he was silent for a different reason. They'd just witness first hand what might not have been the full power of the one who challenged their guild and he was clearly strong enough to handle the S-class wizards of the guild. Form a sensible standpoint, that didn't say much things good about the odds they hand against him, but if Zwei learn anything from the first few moment that he was here (prior to the fairy tail esquse brawl) is that some of the members of this guild weren't the most sensible. SO maybe they could pull off the impossible.
  19. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Guild hall:

    Ander baner.png

    Ander's pov:

    While waiting on Skadi to Answer him. Caleb Said a dark guild rising rapidly in strength. He wondered if this was the same guild the attacked him years go.
    A battle set out in the guild hall. He was about to help in the battle when Evanora put a barrier around the guild members.
    What was this Evanora's problem she must not think highly of the guild members if she was always going out of her way to stop them.
    First the missions then this. It was starting to look like Evanora may become a problem in the future.
    He would have to go after this Ezekiel knowing Evanora she would stop them.

    Ander Thought about the different options If he wanted to Protect the Guild Hall or Storm the Enemy Guild Hall. Johanna was leading the protect the guild hall.
    Knowing her she would withhold some information and get them killed.
    So he made his choice to storm the Enemy guild hall. After all he wanted to go after Ezekiel.
    Dale was leading the Storm on the enemy guild. He could not be as bad as Johanna.
    Dale seamed like the type to tell it how it is.

    Dale said that they would be split up into groups so he went and stood by the group 2 people.

    Storm The Guild Hall:

    Ander baner.png

    Ander's pov:

    Ander looked at the people going in the guild building and saw cal.
    oh no not her. Cal was the girl the ignored him at the door. si
    How did she end up here. uggh. Maybe the other members in group 2 would be helpful.

    Guild Hall:

    Sara banner.png

    Sara's pov:

    The room she was in was so like she seen it before but was not like she seen it before at the same time.
    There was a light in the room.
    The light got bigger and brighter...

    She opened her eyes and found herself on the floor of the guild hall.
    How did she get here?
    The last thing she remembered was a fire girl hovering over her.
    What had happened? Sara head hurt. uggh.
    Sara did not feel all that well.
    She got up and looked around. The guild hall was in shambles.
    Did she do this was it possible she would be blamed again. Sara did not remember a thing.
    She was afraid she would get blamed oh no...
    She then herd something about protecting the guild. How could she?
    She probably killed that girl that was on fire. Her bow went off and the arrow... what happened to it?
    There was nothing else to do but try and see how she would protect the guild.
    Sara walked and stood by Johanna. She Wated for something anything.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2014
  20. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    "Ezekiel said they were to be destroyed, so if you want to remain a part of this guild, then that's what you have to do. We didn't get where we are today by showing mercy to our opponents, you would be wise to remember that" Alastor Nex, one of the four elite wizards in the dark guild, said in a calm yet serious tone. He was standing nearby the other mages, behind the lower ranked guild members as they would be sent first. He had his hood pulled up over his head, but it covered none of the details of his fac, and he carried a deadly blade at his side. In the battle they had walked away from, Alastor had paid very close attention to the magic each of their opponents had shown.

    Alastor had a deep and powerful obsession with magic, yearning for the ability to use each kind, so whenever he could see new magics used he took the opportunity without hesitation. He hadn't intervened however, as he wanted to keep his own abilities a surprise for whoever tried to get through him. The very thought of someone challenging him brought a slight smile to his lips. A challenge, a way to push him to his limits. He would enjoy that.

    Next to Alastor stood a girl with long dark hair, green eyes, and a birthmark in the shape of a red crescent moon. This was another of the elite four, a witch that went by the name Yana Aegrum. Sadistic as they come, the girl had a reputation for going into fights and being the only one to come out alive, leaving nothing but death and destruction in her wake. "And what happens if we show mercy? They turn 'round and stab you in the back. That's why we gots to burn them, make them scream, and then finally make them go pop" Yana said, giggling a little at the end of her statement.

    The witch thought back to what she had just experienced. So many victims gathered altogether, and yet she couldn't touch any of them. Well, she had gotten one, and she considered herself lucky to get that. While Ezekiel had been giving his show of power, Yana had been fighting the itch to set the place alight, keeping it at bay despite every inch of her body screaming at her to let loose and have some fun. And then she'd seen them. Caleb Stitem and Skadi Wynter.

    Yana hadn't been present when Caleb was captured, she'd been off having some fun with a small village, but she had quickly regretted that when she heard she had missed the opportunity to harm Caleb. Yana had grown up in the same area as Caleb, Skadi, and Gaius, and amongst her destructive habits had set Skadi's home on fire. Unfortunately, Skadi hadn't been inside, but her parents had. A mother and father, once young and vibrant, reduced to nothing but smouldering piles of ashes beneath a cackling Yana Aegrum's feet, and another little girl and her friend had been there to watch the whole thing, unable to help in any way due to Yana beating them back with her magic.

    So, naturally, the moment that she saw Caleb and Skadi together in the guild, she decided to give a little reminder of who had taken Skadi's family away from her. Releasing a fire spell and darkness spell simultaneously, they merged together in a brilliant combination of extreme heat and malice, and rocketed straight towards Skadi. Being the hero he was, Caleb had leaped into the path of it and taken the hit for the ice mage, knocking him unconscious once more instantly and causing both Skadi and Gaius to yell out of worry for their friend. Yana would have loved to stay, would have continued fighting, but Ezekiel had decided the fight was over, so with a short wave and a quick "buh-bye" she, too, had left.

    A sinister grin appeared on the girl's face as she thought back on that particular fight. They would come to try and take their revenge, she was sure of it. The fight had only just begun, and already she had goosebumps. This was going to be a good day indeed.

    Standing there, Caleb's body in her arms, Skadi's face was one of nothing but worry and sorrow, fearing the worst for her friend. Gaius had come running over, as she had expected him to, and she had immediately checked for a pulse. Breathing a huge sigh of relief, she relayed the news that he still had a pulse. Yana hadn't taken another away from her. "Yana Aegrum...I had hoped I'd never see you again. And yet here you are, causing me pain once more" Skadi said quietly. She looked up at the others who seemed to be preparing for both an assault and a defence. "I know one of them, too. A witch, Yana Aegrum. She was the one who took my parents away from me, and I'm not going to let her take any more. If we're attacking them, then I'm-" she started.

    "Staying" Gaius interrupted, now standing up next to the ice mage. As Skadi opened her mouth to protest, Gaius cut her off once again. He no longer had the cheery, friendly grin he had on his face. His face gave off an expression of complete seriousness; something uncommon for Gaius. "You stay here and keep Caleb and the others safe. I'll go and stop this Ezekiel guy and show him what real power looks like" he said.

    Skadi simply sat there, not sure what to say. After a minute, she found her voice again. "Gaius, I...okay, I'll stay here. I won't let them touch Caleb again, go and show her what happens to people that try to kill our friends" Skadi said, her voice ice cold as she spoke.

    Gaius gave a nod, and with that nod came the familiar smile he so often wore. "Not just her, Skadi. I'm going to kick the ass of everybody up there. The S-class guys couldn't do it, so I guess I'll just have to do it for 'em. But hey, that's what I'm good at right? Relax, that energy guy doesn't stand a chance with me 'round" Gaius said with a cocky tone to his voice. Heading over to Thomas, he stopped nearby him before punching him playfully on the shoulder. "Five jewels say I take out more bad guys than ya" he said, before hurrying past him and out the door.
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