Anime Dissidia

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by StardustXtreme, Feb 13, 2011.

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  1. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    I did create the very same thread but sadly, the reboot of the forums deleted in August, why I didn't put it back up again was because I was too busy with other RPs and needed a good hero and villian to choose from

    The OCC Thread will be made and I ask that you post in there for any ideas you wish to do,


    We've all heard about Cosmos and Chaos's War of Discord and Harmony, but what if, within an parallel universe, there was a similar war with different representations but the same exact requirements? I give you...Anime Dissidia.

    Queen Serenity, Goddess of Harmony,
    Beryl, Goddess of Destruction,

    The Two Goddesses summoned warriors from distant worlds to be lead in savage war, it was to be believed that a conflict such as this would last forever, but it was shifting into Chaos's favor with a few warriors on each side, but now, will the light be gone forever or will the darkness obtain it's everlasting victory?

    What will you fight for?

    This is all complete Anime, no video game characters or real life people, however, Tales of the Abyss/Phantasia are exceptional sicne they have their own anime series.
    3 line posting, no less than that.
    Romance is permitted but keep it PG rated
    No godmodding, everyone gets tired eventually, even gods do.
    When creating either a Warrior of Light or Darkness, you must create the opposite so you can do battle with each other.
    2 characters each to a person. That means 2 Light Warriors and Dark at the same time, so it's 4.
    If you wish to OOC, please do so at either yourself and the other persons' conversation or the OOC thread provided.
    EX Mode will be time limited like in Dissidia.
    The stage your characters fight and the hero earns their crystal has to be in the same stage they fought in the anime

    Author's Note: Queen Neo-Serenity and Queen Beryl from Sailor Moon are the personas of Cosmos and Chaos themselves.

    Ichigo Kurosaki
    Son Gohan
    Akiyuki Takehara
    Train Heartnet

    Aizen Sousuke
    Akiyukis Villian (Will be changed for his name)
    Creed Diskenth

    ~Character Sheet~

    Anime Show: Which show does your hero/villain hail from?
    Name: The name of this person
    Age: Their age.
    Appearance: Descriptions or Pictures are satisfactory.
    Weapon: Their weapon used in combat
    Stage: The stage where your hero and villain clash so said hero obtains the crystal.
    Style: This is for like the names such as Jecht's Brutal Blitzer, Terra's Esperkin or Bartz’s Mimic and what it's based around on.
    Crystal: The color the crystal and what it's shaped, take Tidus's Crystal for example, it looked similar to a Sphere that records in Spira while Cloud's represented a Materia, most likely after Aeirth’s white one.
    EX Mode: Your character's most powerful weapon or form.
    EX Attack: The attack your character uses like Tidus’s Blitz Ace, Terra’s Riot Blade, Cloud’s Omnislash
    Biography: A little back story on these characters help as well.


    Here's my characters to help you start off

    Anime Show: Bleach
    Name: Ichigo Kurosaki
    Age: 16
    Appearance: charecters/b001.jpg
    Weapon: Zanpakuto - Zangestu
    Stage: Mountains of Kakakura Town
    Style: Soul Reaper (AN's: English Dub name of Shinigami), Ichigo uses his Shikai and Bankai to switch between the two, one for slow powerful attacks while Bankai focuses on speed.
    Crystal: Shaped like the Hoygoku
    EX Mode: Final Getsuga Tenshou
    EX Attack: Mugetsu (Ichigo fires an blanket of darkness at the opponent, damaging them immensely)
    Biography: A high schooler who became a Shinigami by absorbing Rukia Kuchiki's power and to protect his family, he takes up on the duties in Rukia's stead and decided to use his new power to protect those he can, Rukia's transference of power however, forced her to be executed so Ichigo along with his friends embarked to Soul Society to save her, they did save her in the end but one renegade Shinigami, Aizen escaped with the Houygoku and soon, Arrancars came forward as the Winter War was about to begin, however, Ichigo had to learn to control his inner Hollow and obtain it's power as he came to the Vizards for help as they also went through the same phase as him, Ichigo could only maintain his mask for 11 seconds and went with Chad and Ishida to save Orihime who been kidnapped by the 4th Espada as he fights the Privarion Espada and soon the 6th Espada, Grimmjow and the 4th Espada, themselves only to return to Kakakura Town to stop Aizen as he was the only Captain-Class Level Shinigami not affected by Kyoka Suigetsu’s hypnosis but Aizen managed to enter the Soul Society as Ichigo and his father ventured into the Dangai but stopped by Isshin to train since the Dangai's hours were so much denser than real time so Ichigo trained to learn the 'final' Getsuga Tenshou within 2,000 hours which was roughly 3 months and emerged victorious and fought Aizen again and let the 'final' Getsuga take form then defeated him enough for Urahara's Kido to take effect but at a price, when he used the Final Getsuga Tenshou, he slowly started to lose his Shingami powers and after being in a coma for a month and lost his power to see spiritual beings, a normal life was given to him in turn.

    Anime Show: Bleach
    Name: Aizen
    Age: Unknown but certainly past 100 years
    Weapon: Zanpakuto - Kyoka Sugietsu
    Stage: Countryside of Kakakura Town.
    Style: Tactiful Mind
    EX Mode: Houygokuifcation
    EX Attack: Devil’s Cero
    Biography: The Captain of the 5th Division in Soul Society who has an evil scheme in wait, he is an intelligent man who executed the creation of Hollowification in 50 years ago when he was Lieutenant of the 5th Division and his Shikai Kyoka Sugietsu casts illusions upon release and whoever is exposed to it sees what Aizen desires, he used it on every powerful Shinigami within the Seireitei which secured him in not being defeated by any of them, the Captains and Vizards, who were previously Shinigami Captains of 50 years ago only had one hope which was Kurosaki Ichigo. Aizen can use facts to twist them into seemingly the truth but he is not without backup plans as he could adapt to any situation and find a counter move such as Shinji Hirako’s Shikai reversing everything he saw, he could even use a Bakudo level 90 without the full incantation but Aizen’s true plan was to become the King of Soul Society but Ichigo evolved farther than other Shinigami as the Houygoku gave Aizen a similar process but there was simply one flaw, the Houygoku decides by it’s own will while Ichigo accepted his power would certainly be lost, but in the end, Ichigo probably is the only one who realized Aizen’s true motive to his plan was not to become a God but to abandon his own Shinigami powers as if it cursed him.
  2. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Sorry for using these characters again

    Anime Show: Dragon Ball Z
    Name: Son Gohan
    Age: 9
    Appearance: Base, Super Saiyan
    Weapon: Martial arts and Ki
    Stage: Cell Games Arena
    Style: Defender's Legacy
    Crystal: The four star Dragon Ball
    EX Mode: Super Saiyan 2
    EX Attack: Father-Son Kamehameha
    Biography: The son of earth's greatest hero and defender named Son Goku. Upon the age of 4 Gohan learned that his father was actually a member of an alien warrior race known as the Saiyans and that he was actually half Saiyan and Half human. Upon this revelation Gohan, his father and his friends all had to face many difficult battles to save the world. Ever since he was born he has had hidden power deep inside but it took great anger to release and Gohan was one who would not get angry. Eventually the time came where his anger reached its limit and Gohan released his hidden power surpasing even his father. In the final battle which involved his father sacrificing himself, Gohan triumphed and took his fathers role as defender of earth

    Anime Show: Dragon Ball Z
    Name: Cell
    Age: Unknown
    Appearance: Cell
    Weapon: Martial arts and Ki
    Stage: Cell Games Arena
    Style: Perfect Creation
    EX Mode: Perfection!
    EX Attack: Solar Kamehameha
    Biography: A being created by a man known as Dr.Gero, a scientist who wanted revenge against Goku for foiling his plans. Cell was created to be the perfect being that could not be matched, combined with the cells and technique of the most skilled and powerful fighters. Deeming everything imperfect unlike him Cell almost succeeds in destroying the solar system, but was defeated by Gohan in an epic clash
  3. Twilight Knight Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 6, 2009
    Battery City
    Anime Show: Xam'd: Lost Memories
    Name: Akiyuki Takehara
    Age: Unspecified, in highschool.
    Appearance: Base, Xam'd
    Weapon: Martial arts, while a Xam'd arm can turn into a blade.
    Stage: Senten Island
    Style: Hiruko
    EX Mode: Full Power
    EX Attack: High Speed Slash
    Biography: After a suicide bomber from the religious cult of Ruikonism detonates herself on his school bus, releasing the seven beings in a green egg inside her, they fly off as bright pulsing lights one of which lands on Akiyuki's arm, absorbs itself under his skin, and materialises as a blue gem-like object on his right biceps. As the bomber is dying, she touches his forehead, making first a small red gem appear, then a white and green mask. Within moments, Akiyuki's entire body transforms into an exotic white creature and engages in battle with a humanform weapon which attacked the area around the bus shortly after the bombing. Following his successful defeat of the humanform weapon, Akiyuki is subdued by a mysterious woman named Nakiami, who threatens to let him turn to stone if he does not go with her to the airship Zanbani where he must learn to coexist with the being within him. The blue gem-like object on Akiyuki's body, which has now moved to his forearm, is later revealed to be manifested appendage of an endosymbiotic organism referred to within the show as a "hiruko". When a hiruko endosymbiont merges with a human, the resulting combined life form is referred to as a "Xam'd".

    May I make an app for the villain tomorrow? I haven't exactly finished the series yet and I can't find a sufficient amount of info on the internets. Although if anyone has watched the series please give me as much info on the Hiruken Emperor as possible.
  4. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Both are accepted and I shall wait for your villian TK.
  5. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Anime Show: Chrono Crusade
    Name: Chrono
    Age: Unknown
    Appearance: Clicky here
    Weapon: Sword, claws
    Stage: Inside Pandemonium
    Style: Gentle Demon
    Crystal: Shaped like Rosette's pocket watch (What's chained to the cross on the bottom)
    EX Mode: EX Mode Click
    EX Attack: Demon Blitz
    Biography: Chrono was a demon who killed many of his own kinds with Aion and a few others within the demon soicety, Pandemonium, subbing them 'the Sinners.' The group reached the surface of America in the 1870s, after kidnapping a young maiden who could see the future, they found the head of their leader and settled on Eden. But Chrono loved Mary enough to disobey Aion, they fought, both losing their horns and was forced to make a contract with Mary to save her. However, the contract used Mary's life as its source and she died for the usage for Chrono's demon abilities. Fifty years later, Chrono met Rosette and Joshua Christoper, and Rosette became Chrono's new contractor despite his concern what will happen if she uses the pocket watch too much.

    Anime Show: Chrono Crusade
    Name: Aion
    Age: Unknown
    Appearance: Click here
    Weapon: Sword
    Stage: Inside Pandemoioum
    Style: Demonic Slayer
    EX Mode: Aion's EX Mode
    EX Attack: Sinner's Remorse
    Biography: Aion, along with Chrono and a few other demons, killed many demons within Pandemoioum, dubbing them 'the Sinners'. After a incident on Eden, which all of the memories of Pandemoioum's leader flowed into Mary, a young maiden who could see into the future, Aion ordered his 'sword', Chrono', to kill her. But due to Chrono's deep love for Mary, he refused, which caused Aion to rip off Chrono's horns and vice visa, and the two jumped off of Eden. Aion found them and attacked, which caused Mary to die due her life being used as a contractor for Chrono. Fifty years later, Aion gave Chrono's horns to a sickly boy named Joshua Christoper and took him away, after the boy stopped all time in the orphanage which he and his sister were staying.
  6. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Anime Show: Black Cat
    Name: Train Heartnet
    Age: 23
    Appearance: Train
    Weapon: Hades
    Stage: Creed's castle
    Style: Gunslinger
    Crystal: Shaped like his bell around his neck
    EX Mode: Black Cat Return
    EX Attack: Black Claw
    Biography: During his days as a house Cat for Chronos, he did whatever he was told, killed without emotion. That was until he met Saya and she taught him how to be free. Eversince her death by Creeds hands he gave uphis house cat life and became a sweeper.

    Anime Show: Black Cat
    Name: Creed Diskenth
    Age: 23
    Appearance: Creed
    Weapon: Imagine Blade
    Stage: Creeds Catsle
    Style: Swordsman
    EX Mode: Imagine Blade Lvl 3
    EX Attack: Gods Wrath
    Biography: Enjoys seeing train fight and belived they were meant to be allies.He killed Saya because he thought she was ruining train with her spell. Even if it brings him great sorrow, he'll kill Train ifhe won't join him.
  7. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Both are accepted and master of keyblades, only the hero gets thte crystal, not the villian.
  8. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    sorry didn't know
  9. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Can we start soon?
  10. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    We shall but a note, talk in OOC thread when it isn't RP.

    Ichigo Kurosaki thought back to much earlier.

    He was on a watery suface that was home to the deity that is Queen Serenity but he was above thhe water, using his spiritual energy to walk upon it as his heavy cleaver that is Zangestu remained attached to his back without a special accessory to hold it in place but Ichigo's hair was notably longer reaching down his neck as his face was precrisely showing no fear as if he confronted it countless times and always won.

    He was called to this strange world while living a normal life without his powers after defeating Aizen in Soul Society but Queen Serenity had warned him that Aizen had escaped by a different entity during his sentence and that Ichigo was without a doubt, the only one who could stop him as she offered to restore his powers while remaining in this world until he returned, to be honest, he was pleased to meet old man Zangestu and unpleased with having his Hollow come along as well as Queen Serenity also made sure that Ichigo kept his power even when using the Final Getsuga Tenshou.

    Ichigo's eyes looked to the others that stood with them, a child with black spiky hair and wore a gi, Serenity did say the boy had potential within this war and within good reason as the next person was a high schooler like himself but Ichigo had no clue to as what he could do but Serenity chosen him for a reason

    Next came a another young male who looked like he was from a different time period on Earth as he said he was a demon, however, his Hollow did warn him the guy was speaking the truth a sit felt similar to his own and finally, Train was very quiet in his idenity and all as a volcanic eruption occured further north and out emerged their personae as Ichigo clearly regconized one man who just walked briskly and his form returned as Ichigo's eyes narrowed, if the Goddess on their side brought back his power as well, it wouldn't be very surprising if Ichigo's comrades felt pressured by his mere presence as they volcanic lava took shape of a woman while the skies twisted and turned, light emerging as Queen Serenity's took form, the signal had been shone and soon, a battle between them took place but everyone was seperated and that was the current situation, he did know if any others were with him.
  11. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Chrono opened his eyes and looked around to figure out where he was. He tried to remember what happened earlier, he was summoned by a entity much different from Pandemonium, and stood upon a watery surface with a few other people. From the light of the volcanic eruption, he could clearly make out the shape of Aion, a once former companion and friend. However, during the fight, he fought against a strange looking creature and separated from his companions.
  12. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    When the volcano erupted, the first thing Train saw was Creed, the man who killed his best friend. Blinded by his rage he charge at Creed only to be separated from his comrades.
  13. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ichgo stood in a very grassy area as a platform was in the middle, he did feel like he was back at home strangely but the skies were blue so he must be on a place on Earth as his robes blown in the wind. "Okay...where to go from here?" Ichigo said to himself as he rubbed his hair, it was frustating he was alone out here but he was so used to having his allies around him anytime he had to do something but then Ichigo's eyes caught movement as he grasped Zangestu off his back as the wrappings unfolded and shrank to a reasonable size.

    A manikin was approaching Ichigo without much surprise, it was the kid from Cosmos's warriors, Queen Serenity did say these things were imitations of the true warriors and thus, weaker than the originals as a energy blast was fired at him but Ichigo blocked it.

    "..." Ichigo remained quiet and swung Zangestu, firing off an energy crescent attack as it soared quickly at the manikin who tried to fire a ki blast as it but was deflected and soon, the attack connected and spilt it in half, Ichigo didn't even bother calling out the attack as it was only one manikin and this version was reckless as he placed his zanpakuto on his back. "Let's go." He said he started to walk in a direction.
  14. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Gohan walked across a few mountains and look around the area "I wonder if everybody is alright" Gohan said and jumped up in to the air, using his ki control he floated up in the air and gaze across the scenery "now, where could everybody be?" Gohan said crossing his arms as he began to ponder. It wasn't to long ago he was with his allies fighting against the enemy
  15. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Chrono ran around the area he landed, it looked like some kind of arena. "Hey, Ichigo! Gohan! Train! Akiyuki! Where are you guys?!" Chrono shouted, he only felt the wind and heard his echo. Chrono sighed, thinking about if Rosette was here, she would be complaining about no one being around, or how Az would try to calm her down.
  16. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ichigo heard something and turned in the direction as he ran that way, disappearing for a brief moment then reappearing, using shunpo to travel the ditance more quickly and appearing behidn Chrono.

    "Yo." He said in a calm tone.
  17. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Chrono nearly fell as he turned around and smiled. "Ichigo! Where were you? I was so worried!"
  18. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Before he got to Creed, he was surronded by complete darkness. When it cleared he found himself in front of Ichigo and Chronos. "Hey guys" he said
  19. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ichigo took notice of Creed who appeared from nowhere and nodded at him then looked at Chronos. "Walked in a random direction from where I was, surprisingly, it was here, but I could hear you and so, I came back here with shunpo." Ichigo responded and looked around, that left a few others.

    "Met with one of those manikin's though, finished it off of course." He stated.
  20. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Chrono smiled and nodded, waving at Train. His demon ears twitched and he turned when a light appeared and a image of Queen Serenity appeared. "Queen Serenity........"

    "You few warriors are the last hope to this world. I implore you, obtain the light that even in a broken world couldn't fade. The light of the crystals. The crystals have the power to break through despair. When all are gathered, there is hope yet to save the world."

    OOC: I decided to take control of Queen Serenity at the moment and altered the saying, because I do not know if any more people will come to join.
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